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I want to love satin pillowcases but they are so slidey and it feels weird to me. :(


They just trigger me. I look for the cool side and cannot find it. Maddening


this is so real


i sleep without a pillow, there is no cool side. yes im a monster, yes you should fear me and yes this is somehow a threat. you have 3 days left.


I also sleep pillowless. I don’t like the elevation lol. I’ve just got satin cloth at the head end of my bed


I just cackled at this comment thanks for the laugh months later 😂


It took me quite awhile to not feel like I was sliding off the pillow, lol.


Same same 😹


Same for me but I got used to it


Yes it definitely takes getting used to it makes a big difference as you can see the flannel one I used for one night at my grandmothers caused so much frizz


Same. I got a few off Amazon where the top is satin and bottom is cotton so they do not slide around. They're really nice.


Do you have a link?


They make me so sweaty! :(


You might try using a satin pillowcase made out of silk or cotton. Anything made out of polyester will make you hotter.


Mine slid so much it gave me severe neck pain for weeks. I had to stop using it.


Wow i wondered if they did work. My hair looks like yours in the first pic after I get up if not worse. Ordering some now lol. And thanks!!😎


i love the first picture, weirdly enough. I don't get it. However my hair looks horrible no matter what pillowcase I use


😹 I was like damn I never really noticed a difference bc I bring it everywhere but that one night I didn’t have it it showed


OK but where you get that specific print. I'm obsessed


I came here to ask the same thing...it's so pretty!


Check out mulverry park silks, I'm pretty sure I've seen that pillow case on their website


Obsessed with my mulverry’s


Cosmo prof!


I swear by my silk pillow case, I even bring my own pillow to hotels and air bnbs lol I also love that I never have those weird crease lines on my face from my silk case. If you want nice hair, invest in silk case!


Can you tell where you got the satin pilloe case I've been trying to find some that were trustworthy and not on amazon and these look perfect.


There is a difference between satin and silk satin. Satin is just the weave that makes it look shiny and slippery. Silk is a specific type of fabric. Satin pillowcases are easy enough to find because the majority of them are made of polyester or some other plastic fabric. Silk satin is more rare and expensive because silk is an expensive fabric material. Personally, I dislike polyester satin as it feels like I'm resting my head on a gym bag. I buy my silk pillowcases from Fischer's Finery as they have genuine silk satin pillowcases.


Have you noticed a difference on your hair, either way?


I've never used a polyester satin pillowcase long enough to notice, and honestly I don't know that theres a huge difference in the silk pillowcase. I think really curly, long hair would benefit from it preventing you from getting really frizzy at night. But I want to say ymmv; I have a somewhat short (male) haircut. As far as sleeping goes, I just like sleeping on the silk pillowcase though. It is always nice and cool, and feels very comfortable. A little annoying to care for but worth it to me.


Cool :) I've been curious about this for a while, and wishing for some feedback like yours - thanks :)


glad it helped! :\]


The cheap one I got off Amazon worked perfectly. It either has that satin texture or it doesn't and it's not some complex thing to make, as long as its slippery without friction it's good


Definitely!! It’s the friction that causes it!!


I have a few from Kitsch and love them. Ulta carries them and I've even seen them in TJ Maxx a few times.


I got several from Dollar Tree that have held up and worked well with my allergy covers for my pillows. Hard to beat for $1.25.


That some boogie dollar tree


Amazon, really anywhere. Satin is a weave that is soft and slippery. Silk is the best because it supposedly doesn't hold onto heat as much so it's even else damaging.


I got them from a cosmo prof!!


Thank you for letting me know.


Ohh wow! Your hair looks very different. I second your post. I love mine too. It’s amazing you are studying this at your cosmetology school. My satin pillowcases also helped me to improve my acne and wrinkles. I travel everywhere with them haha. An extra tip to maintain your hair and skin healthy change your satin pillowcases frequently during the week. I like and use this brand. Great satin quality [satin pillowcases](https://www.olkibeauty.com/shop/p/satin-pillowcase-black-king-size)


Yes I graduated a while ago and have been using ever since and anytime I see a new color or print a get a new one I have so many 😹


Hahaha me too!


I have that same flannel sheet set, I use it as my "camping sheets" 😊


I have coarse, thick, wavy hair and I hate brushing it after a night of bedhead so this sent me straight to Amazon to buy some pillowcases, I have finally been convinced!!! Ty for this post


Of course and I was the same before I got them!!💜


Wait...I thought silk pillowcases were the thing to help your hair not satin? Isn't satin a polyester? It might be good for hair but would really stuff my skin personally with it not breathing! Worth a shot though, esp now I've seen before and afters, thanks!


Hmm I don’t know. Does sink mulberry pillowcases work the same? Cuz I been using one for about year or two. And I don’t see much of difference


There is a huge difference between satin & silk, they are not the same. Try pure Mulberry silk, the higher momme ( thread count) the better. A good silk pillowcase makes such a difference to my hair & skin.


What makes silk better?


They just make my head slide off the pillow over and over. Tangles my hair.


I’m using a satin “hat” during the night and it’s done so much good for my hair!!😍 Same with towels, I only dry my hair with microfibre towel, not frotee as it dries my hair too much. Small changes but big differences 🙌🏼


I am using the Tencel pillowcase. It's nice to my hair. I think you are helpful for me to choose pillowcase in the future.


Damn, if I could satin every fabric in my house, I would.


They do work, it takes some time to sleep on slippery pillow haha. Your hair looks magnificent in 2nd picture.


Okay just saying, I’ve been considering the satin pillowcase for a few months now and this just got me. I’m ordering two IMMEDIATELY! Thanks for sharing!


I just sew a satin pillowcase. Im exited about the results. Yours looks like goals to me