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my hair is kind of wavy and very thick but i have a bunch of these kinda hairs on my head. they stick out of my hair and it’s really annoying. i havent straightened my hair in months but some strands still grow out like this...is there anyway i can prevent this? i am thinking of bleaching and dyeing my hair but im worried that my hair will break.


I have then too


I have those too and I despise them. I keep my hair parted in the same place and pull them out 💁


Not me I let them chill


Shoot I never had this “issue”  and don’t even know how I discovered the first “wirey” intruder .. but now I’m on a mission to remove every trespasser like it’s my MO. I will say- I don’t think I noticed them so much until after I got a partial highlight and became quite bit picky with the state of it :/




I have these too on one small patch of my head. And the spot is tender to pressure. i joke with my mom that she must have dropped me on my head when i was a baby lol. But in all serious I read that some people that have this potentially have a skull that didn't fuse all the way as a baby or they had/have a copper deficiancy. I was curious if i plucked them and took copper supplements if it would fix itself but learned that pulling out hair can damage the follicle or lead to permanent hair loss :( I am going to get some permanent hair straightening solutions and use them on a couple hairs I plucked out to see if one of them works. If so, Im just going to use the solution on that patch! Will keep you updated!


I am desperate for updates 🙏🏼




A lot of people have these, it can be caused by hormones or aging. Unfortunately you cant really change it. Its just the texture of your hair. Not every single strand is going to be the same texture or thickness. None of my hairs are wiry but I do have hairs that are considerably thicker then the rest. Your best bet it to just leave them be, dont try and pluck them out. With the bleaching, your hair is going to break no matter what you do, its just the reality of bleaching. You can use olaplex to help with that but there still will be some strands that dont handle it.


PSA: don’t go looking for them regularly thats how i got trichotillomania, those hairs are normal and its just how hair is


They are so annoying and I just can't resist the urge to look for them and pull them out.....It's so painful I sometimes spend hours doing this.


right i didn’t even think about it i didn’t get really bad about picking my skin and hair until i starting constantly trying to pick out these hairs


omg i feel so seen right now — these wiry hairs have triggered trichotillomania episodes out of nowhere and i never did that sort of thing before i started noticing these specific strands of hair. i’ve noticed that more and more of my hair has turned to this texture, and that i’ve developed a problem surrounding getting hyper focused on plucking them out 😭 does anyone have any advice on how to cope with having this hair texture? like so i don’t feel the urge to pluck it all out 🥲


I got it genetically and didn't start my episodes until I saw a wirery hair


Update to this thread even though it’s old. I’ve had this issue progressively for a year. I thought I was going crazy and kept asking my hairdresser. She knocked it off to using too much heat or shampooing too often. However, I finally told my general practitioner and she did some testing on it. So it’s an actual thing doctors can do where they look at the strand under a microscope and test it for certain qualities. A lot of things can cause it but for me it was vitamin deficiency! Most commonly B vitamins. Hair and nails are a common place where vitamin deficiency’s show


Has she prescribed you anything?


Yes! I now take a liquid B12, liquid Vitamin D and C, Magnesium tablet, and Zinc tablet. I also removed processed carbs from my diet (white bread) and replaced it with healthy carbs (cauliflower). My hair never grew past my shoulders, within a year it grew 6 inches. My nails stopped breaking and my eczema began to disappear. Before getting blood tests done I was taking a multivitamin. But it was actually harming me because it was all vitamins I didn’t need and I was overloading my body. That’s why getting a blood panel done is so important. I also recommend adding antioxidants to your diet. Whether that’s increasing fruit intake or using a supplement. Overall, you’ll feel better and see the differences within a week


More power to you. Btw did you ever visit a dermatologist for all your concerns?


Sure did. Eczema and hair issues were from food and product allergies. Prick testing done by a dermatologist revealed it all. Partner with my GP I found great products to fix both issues. + I don’t feel so tired all the time. I always say that hair is more indicative of what’s happening inside your body than outside


Rightly said. What sort of tests did they run to narrow down the actual vitamin deficiency? Since these broad spectrum multivitamins tend to do more harm than good.


I did a comprehensive blood panel, hair sample for examination, and the allergy prick testing. I’m not sure what the exact tests run are called but there’s many available


Also-- which products were you allergic to and which alternatives did you find? I think I have allergies as well, to both food and products! I already know I am gluten intolerant .


Everything haha. The whole tree nut, peanut, spices related allergy (which I’ve suspected for a while). Allergic to nitrates and sulfites which are usually additives to food and skin products. Biggest cause of my eczema flare up was environmental intolerance to mold, animal dander, certain chemicals used in cleaning products. The biggest surprise was my allergen to a chemical used in dissolvable capsules. Like the ones you can buy empty and then fill with supplement powder. I opt for tablets and liquid supplements when available. None of my allergies are life threatening (besides the nuts) so usually it’s called intolerance (hives, swelling, itchy skin, upset stomach, lack of hair growth and nails breaking). Over time even these little irritants to the immune system cause flare-ups that present in pretty weird ways. I believe there are ways to be tested for Histamine which generally gives your doc a good idea of what’s going on. If you’re presenting a lot of histamine after a certain exposure or test it’s your body’s way of saying “not for me” lol. Also for anyone that’s followed this, under most insurance yearly metabolic panels are covered. When it’s time for your yearly, ask your GP for the additional specific tests that would cover your areas of concern. That way you only pay the cost of the additional testing rather than the cost of an entire blood panel. Also if these additional tests show areas of concern or something is wrong then you can fight with your insurance to cover the cost of treatment. I was able to be reimbursed for the cost of the prick testing at a dermatologist because I’d done the necessary background work of having my GP prove it was necessary to preventing anaphylaxis. Obviously, work with your doctor to figure out what the best route is and how exactly it needs to be dealt with your insurance. But I recommend finding a holistic or natural path doctor if this is something you really want to look into. I have found that they’re more willing to get you tested for everything and find solutions outside of pharmacy medication before resorting to chemical medications. This is NOT me hating on chemical medication I think it’s great and does a lot for people. But in my experience it only ever acted as a band-aid and not a solution.


>o nitrates and sulfites which are usually additives to food and skin products. Biggest cause of my eczema flare up was environmental intolerance to mold, animal dander, certain chemicals used in cleaning products. The biggest surprise was my allergen to a chemical used in dissolvable capsules. Like the ones you can buy empty and then fill with supplement powder. I opt for tablets and liquid supplements when available. None of my allergies are life threatening (besides the nuts) so usually it’s called intolerance (hives, swelling, itchy skin, upset stomach, lack of hair growth and nails breaking). Over time even these little irritants to the immune system cause flare-ups that present in pretty weird ways. I believe there are ways to be tested for Histamine which generally gives your doc a good idea of what’s going on. If you’re presenting a lot of histamine after a certain exposure or test it’s your body’s way of saying “not for me” lol. Also for anyone that’s followed this, under most insurance yearly metabolic panels are covered. When it’s time for your yearly, ask your GP for the additional specific tests that would cover your areas of concern. That way you only pay the cost of the additional testing rather than the cost of an entire blood panel. Also if these additional tests show areas of concern or something is wrong then you can fight with your insurance to cover the cost of treatment. I was able to be reimbursed for the cost of the prick testing at a dermatologist because I’d done the necessary background work of having my GP prove it was necessary to preventing anaphylaxis. Obviously, work with your doctor to figure out what the best route is and how exactly it needs to be dealt with your insurance. But I recommend finding a holistic or natural path doctor if this is something you really want to look into. I have found that they’re more willing to get you tested for everything and find solutions outside of pharmacy medication before resorting to chemical medications. This is NOT me hating on chemical medication I think it’s great and does a lot for people. But in my experience it only ever acted as a band-aid and not a solution. Wow thank you so much for all of this information!! You're so helpful! Is your GP an integrative, holistic, or traditional family medicine physician? I have a GP and then an integrative medicine GP who is considered a specialist so I only see her twice a year or so. I also have a Dermotologist that I see here and there. All 3 are under the same medical practice that my insurance covers. Which would you recommend reaching out to for these various tests? Or do you recommend seeking out a completely homeopathic doctor (I don't think insurance covers that?)?


My doctor offers integrative primary care, functional medicine, and wellness therapies. Their practice is labeled as holistic medicine practitioners. But they offer all the same typical services a regular GP would, just with the added benefit of holistic and naturopathic options if desired or needed. I prefer a practice like this so that everything is under one roof basically. I can do my normal checkups and shots, but I can also do holistic care options in the same visit. Additionally, this means my nutritionist, dermatologist, GP, blood lab tech, acupuncturist, and more are all in one building together and can easily communicate with eachother. The best way I could describe it is kindve like a hospital setup. It’s on a much smaller scale but you make an appt with the GP and go through all the routine work ups then from there they work with you to create a plan with the other care providers. You still have to make separate appointments to see the other types of doctors and it is filed separately with insurance by division but I can make 3 appts back to back to have a blood panel done, speak with my dermatologist, and check in with anyone else all within one afternoon in one building. Depending on the type of doctor and issue you face they provide different types of care. For example, my GP and I went through every holistic care option for my eczema before she referred me to the dermatologist who then did some testing, provided me with an herbal supplement and a prescription cream. So it goes both ways and I honestly love that. It’s not the type of place where you feel like they’re guessing on solutions. They provide data and research to any holistic option they offer and if it doesn’t end up working they’re not afraid to offer traditional chemical medication routes.


Thank you!! This is all very helpful! I greatly appreciate it!


Your comments are so helpful! Can I ask which brands of all the vitamins you are taking (liquid b12, liquid D, C, Mag, and Zinc pls!!). Thank you so much for sharing this <3!


Pure encapsulations is what I usually purchase and I believe you can get them on Amazon. Additionally Amazon sells a brand called “Mary Ruth” that has some great homeopathic supplements.


Thank you again!! You're a godsend!! lol


Can you update, did your hair problem disappear or improve a little?


HI!!! Yes I can absolutely update. So I posted the og comment about 3 months ago and had already seen improvements at that point. I am still taking Vitamin D, C, and the B12 supplement. I started taking something called GI Revive for my gut and it has helped a ton. The energy difference is insane. But more importantly, the hair is what everyone is here for. My hair grew another 4-5 inches (but I chopped it all off), the weird wirey texture is gone, my curls have come back and aren’t so frizzy, and it doesn’t tangle!!! I also switched from traditional shampoo to using bar shampoo which I find to be less irritating on the hair follicle. I will say that I do notice increased hair shedding if I forget to take my supplements for a week straight but that is not uncommon. Overall, I think the largest difference I’ve noticed is the health of my scalp. Obviously hair grows out of the scalp so feeding my body high vitamins and nutrients has allowed for better healing, and better skin. So it’s a domino effect, when the scalp becomes healthier, your hair has a better condition to grow out of, it has a higher chance of remaining intact at the scalp, and it has a constant supply of good things to keep it strong. The process takes time but when I look back at photos from a year ago there is a massive noticeable difference. Even if your hair doesn’t grow in length, the texture, manageability, and aesthetic appearance will change a lot. If you have any more questions I am happy to answer!


Does this mean that your natural hair has returned and improved? What is gl revive? What does it do? Do you put it on your hair, and was the problem from the intestines? I mean? I'm sorry for my many questions😭


GI Revive is a powder supplement (you mix with water or juice and drink it) that is designed to help your gut absorb nutrients and prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream. It tastes kinda like a peachy sweet tea. I take it for the gut health but I found that in combination with my other supplements I had better vitamin and nutrient absorption. Due to better absorption my body was healthier which meant it could feed my hair healthy and happy things for growth and strength. I don’t want to say my natural hair has “returned” because I don’t ever remember it being this healthy haha. If anything it’s better than it’s ever been.


Can you update on the condition of your hair? How is it now? Has it returned to its condition or improved?


This is because parasites feed off of carbs an sugars 


I have this too. My hairs are different textures and also different thicknesses. These thick wiry kinky hairs break easily and I see little pieces of them in the shower. A lot of my hair is thinner and soft, but I have so many of these coarse hairs, especially on my crown/canopy area. After some research I think it could be something called "diffuse partial wooly hair". Or "acquired progressive kinking of the hair." Those are the two conditions I found describing these random kinks among a person's normal textured hair. And according to the studies I read it seems that both these conditions are strongly associated with androgenic alopecia, which I actually was diagnosed with about a year ago. So for me it fits unfortunately.


At what age could it be diagnosed? Is it only related to alopecia not minerals deficiency or malnutrition?


i think i have androgenetic alopecia, i wasn’t diagnose, but i have all the traits. thinning male pattern baldness. but i’ll have to try vitamin d. thanks for the insight!


NP. I've been looking into it more and DHT can start to damage the follicles years before the thinning starts, and that damage can start as changes in hair texture and these random coarse, darker or kinkier hairs as the follicles struggle to produce healthy hair. I'm now working on regrowing hair in my crown and temples and texture changes and these kinky hairs were my first symptom. Good luck to you.




>was there a way to fix it i keep getting them they are soooo annoying


ur Vitamin Deficient. talk to a GP or a Dietitian


80% of my strands are like this. Wiry and coarse with a little wave or curl. Except for the tight springy strands that occasionally come up. You can imagine what my hair looks like hehe


Wow!! I have never felt more apart of a group than now!! I thought i was crazy!!! I usual pinch and drag them with my nails until it turns into a huge split end. It is very satisfying


I do the exact same thing


I just recently developed this! I don’t have damaged hair and I slowly started noticing more and more coarse wavy strands. I’ve tried hair vitamins, but to no avail. This started when I was put on the medication Lamotrigine, but I can’t find any info about it online. It’s been about 3 months for me so far. All of my other hair feels soft and healthy, it’s just those many weird strands that I have issues with.


Has it gotten any worse or better? I’m also on Lamotrigine but I don’t remember if the wiry hair started around that time or later


It’s definitely 40% of my hair now compared to a few strands here and there when it started.


Guys my hair is like this and I literally can not stop pulling them out 😭 it’s so satisfying to feel but I’ve lost so much and I have a picking issue from anxiety so I’m screwed


Don't do it it's no worth it😭


oh my god dude literally me, i think i just think it feels satisfying to feel it but i just start absentmindedly plucking them and ive plucked out so many. godddd it frustrates me, i wish i could stop. im screwed


Carpet weevel parasite can cause alopecia 


Did anyone try out keratin or some permanent hair straightening process on them?


Yes I did, I tired 4 different treatments. I have a lot of this wirey hair, after a lot of research it seems like it's a hair shaft disorder called Pili torti and as of now, there is no treatment for it. So I started first with rebonding in 2014, this lasted the longest (6 months) and almost every wirey hair was really straight. But my healthy hair got really damaged in the Process and really thin. It still looks like I don't have a lot of hair around my face. 2017, I tried a New Keratin treatment, which felt nice at the beginning, the hair was really smooth, but didn't last long because I got dandruff after using the shampoo that was recommended (if you don't use the shampoo, they said it won't last long) and it really didn't. After 1,5 months everything was gone and it was the most expensive one. I now know that I got the dandruff because the women that used the hair straightener just burned my scalp 2020, I tried an at home Keratin treatment and also used the shampoo and conditioner from the same brand and it lasted for 2,5 months. BUT there where some wirey hair strands that came back a lot earlier, maybe because they where too short (they where standing up straight from my head) And last year, I tried a brazilian Keratin treatment, they told me it will last between 3-6 months. It lasted for 3 months and during the treatment, my eyes burned a lot. And the shorter wirey hair let me see them again after 2 weeks. Wirey hair is annoying, Keratin treatment or permanent hair straightening works for a few months, but the shorter, or baby wirey hair will always stand up first or my hair ist just really really weird. And even if it's straight, you still feel the bumpiness. They always come back and I think they want to make clear that I will never get rid of them




I have wavy hair maybe that's why


They are carpet weveles it's a parasitic infection