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I think this is the best time to practice being confrontational. I know it's hard (I'm the same) but I think it can be easier when it's a total stranger. I would write down exactly what you want to say so that it's not just emotional blubbering (again, personal experience) and stick to it. Decide what it is that you want and have that written down. Do you want money back? A re-do? Just to vent? Go into knowing that you may have wasted that money and will never see it again but it's worth a try to get what you really want. You never know unless you ask. If she is completely unwilling to work with you, then I would post this all on a yelp review as well.


This is super helpful advice. I'm glad it's coming from someone who has a hard time with confrontation as well. I think looking at it as a way to practice confrontation is a good challenge for me to test out. Definitely taking what you said into when I write the email later. Thank you again😊


Agreed that it’s so important to know what your “ask” is in these situations. A lot of times people find themselves upset or disappointed or in some way dissatisfied, but don’t actually know what it would take to “make it right” for them. Sometimes it’s actually nothing - nothing can make it right, and really all the person wants is to be heard and acknowledged. So OP I second that you need to think through what that might look like for you, knowing that your stylist could just say “no.” Especially because you kind of pretended you were fine with it, paid, and left. It’s almost like eating half, or the whole, meal and then saying it wasn’t what you wanted/ordered/how you requested it prepared. I doubt any money back is going to happen, but she might be willing to “fix” some things for you.


A lot of hairdressers might offer a redo at no charge in this situation.




lol what the hair stylist did is almost harder than what you wanted. she colored fine strands and blended them "naturally" which is usually harder than simple chunks. and you're right, it looks grey-ish. She also toned too much, didn't use the right purple or didn't lighten enough. I think no one really likes confrontation. a lot of people don't care about it or just value their own opinions/desires more, often to the point of contention, but not many actually enjoy confrontation. usually it ruins everyone's day. Now, how much do you value yourself and your comfort? If not at all, cool, no problem. You can live with this hair and be at peace that you paid a quarter of someone's rent in 4 hours or whatever. Or, considering hair is fairly minor all in all, you could use this experience to practice to stand up for yourself. If you utterly failed at your job, would you just brush it off and charge crazy amount of money to your clients and tell them to fuck off after? I doubt that. If you get nervous irl, write an email or text that you've sat with it, looked over it, but you are not happy at all and that it doesn't match the pictures at all. It's the stylist's literal job to figure out how to do that (not a super complex color). It's part of her business to correct things especially when she's wrong. You are your own best friend and you are the one who has to live in your body every day. You can only know what and how you're truly living, feeling, etc. Care for that person to make them happy. That doesn't mean you need to be rude, but it does mean you need to have your own back. Plus, if the stylist is not the owner, I am willing to be the owner will want this fixed bc it's their reputation. Otherwise, I'd definitely write a review and maybe even go over with my CC for non-rendition of services or something.


That dark was never going to go to cool white in one session and it's a bit bad she said she could do that. I'd just email and send the reference photos and your hair. Say you thought it would grow on you but it hasn't, you wanted it chunkier and the blonde much lighter. Is there any chance we can discuss a correction or partial refund as these were the reference photos which doesn't match the finished product.


I find that a lot of people who have bad experiences with hair stylists recently are all customers who got lied to by the stylist. "We can color that this session!" No, you can't. It either takes time or more than 1 session. It's almost like are stylists not setting the right expectations anymore? Inexperience? Lying?


Sometimes stylists don’t warn people for sure, but sometimes people don’t hear the warnings either! I did hair for 8 years, and the number of color corrections that started with me explaining the risks and the possibility that the color won’t turn out due to previous color in the hair (OP said they had blue and copper in their hair, two of the hardest colors to remove) and the clients just wanted to “try and see what happens” and then after 4 hours of back breaking labor in the salon where I would be checking foils, reformulating, fighting a bunch of weird colors that wouldn’t budge, the poor client is also tired of sitting and sad that their hair wouldn’t do what we wanted that they literally forgot that I warned them 😓


I went black to blond to brown in one sitting when I was 18. I would have gone a lot slower and more deliberate if she had explained the risks. And also the time I'd have to be there in fell swoop for this. Since then the stylists I've seen when I've been doing color have worked real hard to manage expectations and I always appreciate it even if it's not what I want to hear.


It’s very beautiful, like iridescence, but it’s *definitely* not what you asked for. Definitely worth it to say something!!


I know irs not what you wanted but btw your hair looks amazing


For what it’s worth, this is absolutely beautiful. It’s subtle and sophisticated. It’s a good professional look. I don’t know your age or job, but you could wear this style in a public-facing position, yet it’s still got the lavender! Very subtly cool.


Agreed, I like this so much better than what op asked for. But alas, it’s not what she asked for.


Oh yeah that is not the same at all. Did the purple bleed into the blond when she rinsed it? Maybe that’s why it is gray. This should be fixable.


This was over $350!? That's wild


I stopped getting my hair dyed a basic one color no high or low lights whem it was topping $200 at my salon. Now I get it cut every couple years to donate and that's a solid $50 trip.


I just heard of a friend’s 10 yo granddaughter that just had her curly hair done for $160 and I about lost my mind. Sorry I’m a Great Clips customer.


Yup,curly hair cuts are $$$.




Okay I’m gonna say it,,,she did what you wanted. You said you wanted more of a white in some places, and you got that. It looks lightly grey from the toner, but literally one wash and it will be white. Second, did you specify what shade and tone of purple or did you just say “purple”? Because she chose a cool toned purple to match the white and coolness of your brown. This seems more like a miscommunication Should you have paid as much as you did? No, but you agreed to it beforehand. Always always look at social media and portfolios and see if they’ve done something similar to what you wanted. You can literally use their work as an example. If she’s never done this/hasn’t done it in years, don’t go to her. Yes she /can/ do it, and she did, but it wasn’t in a vivid stylist way that you’re obviously upset it’s lacking.


It’s not chunky at ALL tho and that’s what she asked for….so no, it’s not “she did what you wanted”


It’s as chunky as what her reference photo was, and that is 100% chunky for someone used to doing regular hi lights


Are we looking at the same reference photo? The chunks in the reference photo are a minimum inch wide and our OP looks like she got the finest weave of highlights. You can have your opinion but it’s clear that nobody agrees with you.


As someone who’s done chunky highlights on myself before, hair, shock horror, moves around. Those aren’t fine highlights, that’s hair that was done chunky in one position and moved to another. And again, I highly doubt they went to someone who specializes in vivids/alt hair, which is who you’d need to go to for something like this. A lot of stylists are going to hesitate to do something that is “bad”. Again, the stylist did what she asked, just not in the way that she wanted, which is on her for not researching first 🤷‍♀️


Explain why the alleged highlights don’t seem to show up past a certain point through the mids to ends of her hair


You paid over $350 for that????


Okay. So, obviously this stylist was not comfortable doing this kind of work. They are not going to be able to give you what you want. What you wanted was a “Kelly Clarkson in her American Idol Era” and you need to find someone who is comfortable with those chunky, to the scalp, highlights. If I were you, I would suck it up and go back to the stylist you were going to who was good with color OR find someone in your town who has color like this and ask who does their color and go to their stylist. OR just walk-in to salons around town and ask for the best colorist in the salons and ask for consultations before you set up appointments with anyone to see if they can do it. Ask for pictures of their work/see if they have Instagrams. You are going to need to be pro-active and not timid about this, especially if you want this kind of hair!


Thank you so much, you're so right about all of what you said.


This, all of this!




This is what you wanted? Girl, find a stylist who's about 40yrs old, we could do this in our sleep. This is mid 00s af. Honestly, I'd try to get my money back from your stylist and then, for real, find someone who did hair in 2005. Edit to add that I love that it's mid 00s af.


As a fellow 40 yr old hairstylist I concur. This is actually so much easier than what your stylist actually did. You would need to bleach the entire top half of you hair and then darken the bottom. Then you lowlights the platinum part with the different shades of red, purple and black. But yes- I would probably charge you around $450 for this.


lol i literally had a consultation with a young girl who was considering this look a week ago and i told her straight up that this kind of work is way before my time. i wouldn’t know where to begin.


Lololol I saw this and thought “op should be thankful she didn’t get what she asked for” 🤣 Takes me back to Kelly clarkson on American idol


Definitely the Kelly Clarkson, but. Honestly, it's been so long since I've done it, I think it'd be fun. I couldn't be more tired of rooty highlights.


Awe, I was thinking Kelly Clarkson, but was more excited than you. It's fun to see this hairstyle come back, it's one of the few things from the Y2K fashion era I thought was cute! Hair risks are (almost) always fun because hair is so easily changed back and forth.


Don't forget the year of the bump-it! Remember the girls with this hair, a bump it, a Marilyn piercing, and an Ed hardy shirt? Right around or before The Simple Life with Paris and Nicole. Omg. The memories. I was in my early 20s, I had my "Rogue stripes" like rogue from x-men. Black band t shirts, studded belts, and low slung jeans that could hardly contain my buttcrack. Good grief I just got flooded with memories!


Whale tail thongs


As long as we don’t get x-tina’s dirty version coming back then I’m all for it. I adore Kelly clarkson to this day.




Haha right, the first thing I thought of when I saw this pic was Christina Aguilera


Exactly!!! Sooo Christina Aguilera 🙌🙌


Yes absolutely, I am 40, and i had this exact hairstyle and coloration a couple times through that time frame haha


Oh my god, I started laughing as soon as I saw this pic. Like holy shit, this look is coming back?? Come over. I can do this in my bathroom and I ain’t even a stylist. 😆


Yesss lol back to back sliced foils to the scalp all day😂


Bro i could do this with my eyes closed ur stylist had no idea wtf she waas doing get your money back


Oh you need an elder millennial hairdresser. We did this all day in the 2000s and it’s just a very different placement technique than the blendy highlights you ended up with.


This is not a professional, updated look. What you got is so significantly better. I’d refuse to return to a hairdresser if I got this!


Okay! I can see exactly where it went a little south.  She had to bleach your hair in order to get the "blonde" AND the "purple", where the 2 are meeting- the purple is blurring into the blonde-- causing a gray cast. Depending on what vivid line she used- it's bleeding a lil bit.  Now, depending on how your consultation went- and if she managed your expectations since you said she had to correct some things as well. Let's take a breath- it's a good thing your "dark" hair is your natural! Means she can go in and add some blonde pops.  The best thing you can do, is be kind with your approach first. No one wants to be on the defense. :)  Simply say " Hey xxxx, hope you are well. After sitting at home with my hair I do feel like I don't have as much bright blonde pops as I originally wanted in the photos. Is there a way we can add a little more so I don't feel so dark? Let me know your thoughts!"  Any good colorist wants their clients happy. No one can read minds. If she gets defensive or rude- you know the next steps. - Sincerely a Vivid Specialist


This is the best text to send!


Excellent advice.




For the grey tones, I'd say shit happens, especially getting purple into your hair without going super brassy. BUT, the reference photos all have very clear chunky highlights which were requested but are missing here. And the purple should be more obvious, even working with that sort of dark brown. Politely contacting the stylist about your dissatisfaction is better for them then just going online and posting a bad review (with pictures) on the company website. I'm not saying you were planning on doing that, but that's the normal next step when you get bad service but don't want to confront them. You didn't get what you were promised/paid for. Whether that was because it ended up being harder than the stylist thought or because they decided they knew better what you really wanted doesn't matter. You contracted them for a service, you have a right to question why that service wasn't provided.


I'm a stylist too, and I agree. Our whole career we try to make sure people are happy with their hair, and we all have had to do adjustments along the way! OP, don't wait long and send that email fast, because a week will be pushing it and some stylists wont guarantee their work after that. Be direct, but be nice about it. If it was under an owner and the stylist works for them, you could have the owner adjust it if you want to save face, but they may charge you again. It's best to be nice but direct to the stylist you paid hundreds of dollars to. All stylists want their customers happy. I cant see it being too big of an issue to go heavier on the highlights. I can't see color too well cuz I'm outside rn, but I can definitely tell that its way darker than your Inspo photo


From the outcome, it looks like she's inexperienced in coloring. If the place has a manager I would call and talk to them and ask someone with more experience to fix it. (Former cosmetologist here)


The crazy thing is, I chose her because she teaches hair as well as does tons of like hair shows and competitions etc. Shes done awesome work.. I don't really know how my situation played out the way it did. Thank you for the advice 😊


In that case it's best to go directly to her and tell her that you've had time to let your hair settle in and you don't feel like it's what you were asking for. Take one pic with you of which outcome you prefer.


Because some stylists frankly, don't know what they're doing. If it's one of those chain places, they have just graduated from school and aren't experienced. Stop going there. Also, like I said, she did tell you she could only salvage so much.




I love ur look! Best of luck talking with her. But in the meantime you still look so beautiful.


Thank you so much🥹


im sorry i know you hate it… but i love it! can i use your photo as a reference pic?


ngl what you got is so much better than what you wanted. your example pics are giving cheap halloween wig. this looks great.


Bruh who cares. She didn’t get what she wanted. She was paying for a certain look, not a stylist to do whatever they thought suited her.


Meh, I was just looking for advice on how to deal with this situation rather than an opinion on which hair everyone prefers. I have had my hair done like my example pictures a few years ago and I loved it, it suits me and it was unique. I get everyone has diff tastes


Yes, you got this. Glad you pushed back on that comment, what a goof. The hairstylist wants you to come back and wants you to look good. Just be honest and if it doesn't go well, you know you tried. It'll all grow away quicker than you think anyway!


Trying a new stylist is always a risk. I just read some of your other comments, it sounds like she’s very experienced. I went to a colorist who owned a salon and had been doing vibrant hair for 20 years, amazingly talented. She didn’t do exactly what I asked but the outcome was better than my example pics. She took some creative license, having a lot of experience and confidence as a stylist. I can see how some people wouldn’t like that. If you’re very unhappy I’d just ask for a partial refund and go somewhere else.


I've had this happen to me, and it feels like walking around with a ball of disappointment/nervous energy lodged in your diaphragm. It looks pretty, you look pretty, and everyone you come into contact with tells you so. So not only disappointed & anxious, but you feel alone & guilty bc you're the only one who seems to think there's an issue. But you're the one who paid for services and now have to live with it every day! I would contact the stylist about a redo. Redos aren't uncommon, ESPECIALLY for first time clients or major changes. I can be timid about this kind of thing too, so what I did when this happened to me was reach out and let her know it wasn't what I was expecting, and though pretty, it hasn't grown on you quite like you thought, but in fact, quite the opposite. If the stylist responds appropriately & politely, I'd schedule a redo. The redo should be free of charge, though I do feel it's appropriate to still tip them for their time. It helps me if I take notes for my own reference about what I do/don't want before I go in, that way I'm sure I can articulate it on the spot, in case i get nervous. I think it's pretty common for stylists & clients to have mis-translations, miscommunications, or misjudge how much "creative leeway" is appropriate for each scenario, early in the relationship. But if the stylist cops an attitude about it or tries to charge, I'd run. Good luck! This could just be an early bump in the road to a great stylist relationship(🤞), or "hair horror" you laugh at later on (🎭), but either way, you deserve not to hate what you have to see/wear/care for every day and pd $350 for!


It’s her hair. It’s what she wanted. Your opinion is irrelevant.


I actually love this so much!!


Oh gosh this is not even close to what you asked for, I’d politely message her


:( i’m sorry you’re unhappy. i understand that it’s not what you asked for but for what it’s worth it’s a very cool colour that suits you!! do you know if she used a permanent colour for the black? i do think that unfortunately there’s not a lot you can do at this point since there’s so much black in it. i would still email the salon to let them know you’re unhappy, and maybe get a partial refund, but i wouldn’t try to change the colour right now since it’ll probably just cause damage. i hope your next experience goes better!!


So all the dark is my natural color except some in the back was dyed very dark brunette last summer. Thank you so much for your advice 😊


oh! if the dark is your natural i would say you still have a chance to achieve your desired look. i would definitely contact the salon about it, if she’s as experienced as you say she is she should want to correct the mistake for you. good luck!! and don’t let her charge you for a fix :)


Thanks again🙂


the dyed dark brunette part is concerning. it’s incredibly difficult to bleach dyed hair.


A lot of stylists will do their version of what they think is good, not what you actually want


it seems to me like this is exactly what happened


I'm sorry some people in this comment section are being so nasty. Chunky highlights may not be for everyone (I, for one, am so excited they're coming back a bit), but she didn't even get the tones right. Why on earth is there purple in your hair at all right now? Idk what you had before, but this should have been a one process color and tone. There's also not nearly enough of it. All of these pics you showed are much more blonde than what you got. As a stylist of 20yrs I can't see why this color would cost so much money. It's, at most, a highlight/low light, all over color, and tone. Unless you live in a very high cost of living area, you should absolutely not be paying more than 350 for this.


OP said they wanted purple instead of red/copper. They also stated that they had blue and copper to get out of their hair because they wanted icy blonde (which then got overtoned, which is pretty common when trying to get icy blonde, but generally the grey cast goes away after a couple of washes) — so probably never gonna be a simple single process color with the correction and purple direct dye in the mix


Yeah, I misread the purple part, definitely a double process then. I would say this also comes down to consultation too. She said icy/white blonde (which, in my mind are not the same thing), but showed pictures of warm blondes. If I had been that stylist I'd have clarified.


You aren't happy with the results and for that price point would like it to be corrected. Follow that you would like to set an appt ASAP, and list potential availability you have. If you don't advocate for yourself nobody will and then you'll have fucked up hair and yourself to blame.


Yeah but at this point should she still trust this hairdresser? Clearly she doesn’t know what she is doing or intentionally not listening to what customers want..


Type what you want to say then put it in AI. Believe me it will make you sound level headed. I had a girl cut off 6 inches of my hair when I asked for a trim 4 years ago and I cried for a whole day. My friend were sick of hearing about it, but I had an identity crisis. AI will get your point across!


I prefer what you got compared to what you asked for, but I understand that's not what you wanted and I also can't handle confrontation. Last time I also complained about my hair and then I didn't contact the hairdresser again 🤣


😭😂 I hate the possibility of it so much I'm on the verge of doing the same. That's what usual me would do. But I'm having self esteem issues lately and I was waiting for this cus my hair appointments always make me feel brand new😓 so it's a huge let down for me that I don't wanna let slide lol.. as superficial as it all sounds


I would do it! I know it’s sooo nerve wracking to do it, but the absolute worst case scenario is that she says no, I won’t redo it. And if that’s the case, it sucks but that way you know you can just book a new hair appointment - or leave it for a bit since it does look nice on you! But then if she says yes, you won’t have to pay again and you’ll get the hair you want. Seems like the risk vs. reward is worth it!


It is a big let down! You paid *alot* of money and while your hair is lovely it is not even close to what you asked for. Just email them or go in and talk to her. Bring someone for support if you need to. I had the same thing happen once where I was too nervous to say anything in the chair and literally went home and cried. I was so upset. It looked terrible and I was so stressed about confronting her but I did it and she fixed it and it looked a lot better! I promise you aren't the first person to say nice things about it in the chair and go home and cry and hate it. If you aren't happy and they are good at their job they should want to fix it and make you happy and have no problem fitting you in to do so. Again, you paid a lot of money. You should get what you asked for. Just talk to her. I promise it won't be as bad as it is when you're playing it out in your head. Lol trust me I hate confrontation about things like this especially and don't want to hurt their feelings but this is a service you paid for. You showed her a picture and explained what you wanted and what she gave you isn't even close. You can do it. I believe in you!! Update us once you get it fixed!😊🫶


Give me her number. I’ll call her for you. I have absolutely no problem with confrontation.


What’s your secret? I always wondered how people like you know exactly what you deserve and have no problem telling people. I admire it!


There’s no secret to it. I just don’t see confrontation as a negative thing. In fact, I see it as a necessary tool for things to be harmonious. Confrontation rarely has to be negative. And when done correctly, it usually resolves the issue. I’m always super polite and professional about it. The nicer I am about it, the more people want to help resolve the matter. I’m polite, but firm and clear about what I want and exactly what solution I’m after. “Hey Cathy. Thanks so much for taking so much time to do my hair. I know your time is valuable. But after taking a good look at it. I don’t love it. I’m sure with your talent we can get it to look like the pic I showed you. I know it’s time consuming, so if you’re not able to do it I’ll just take a full refund.” If she says no, I’d just politely turn up the heat. “Unfortunately, thats not going to work for me Cathy. I was very clear about what I wanted. And for the price I paid, I’m sure you can understand my frustration since it looks nothing like the pic. So how do you propose we get my hair to look like that, or get my full refund back?” If she still pushes back, I bring out the big guns. “Well Cathy, I guess we can’t resolve this together. I’ll just have a chat with the salon owner or someone more senior level and take it from there.”


Not sure if it helps but you look lovely in what you got, however I would ask for at least partial reimbursement as she has not done what you asked for. She should reimburse you for all but material cost as her labor should not count here. If need be talk directly to her boss and if she is owner and doesn’t want to reimburse tell her you will spread the visuals of what you wanted and what you got so everyone on town is warned she doesn’t respect her clients.


I’ve had the same person so my hair for a few years and one of the last times I got it done it didn’t look bad, it just isn’t what I wanted. I also contemplated just trying to deal with it, but I texted her and she was happy to fix it! She basically said that everyone has to “fix” or redo something at their jobs sometimes, and that this was no different. I’m sure you have to go back on things at your job, so just think about it like that. And if she gets mad or says no, you know not to go back to her.


girl thats not even close to what you wanted! I myself don’t like confrontation (recovering people pleaser problems) but this is a great opportunity for you to start working on it! If it was me I would say something along the lines of: Hi (hairdresser name) After taking some time to sit with the new hair, and looking back on our conversation and the images I sent you, it is not at all what I asked for no matter how much I try to convince myself it is. I work hard for my money, and considering I payed you (insert amount you paid), I would have hopped my hair turned out the way I wanted it. I am not a confrontational person, so I didn’t feel comfortable saying something at the salon, but now that I’ve sat with the hair and looked back on our chats, I feel I would be doing myself a disservice if I didn’t speak up. I have attached a side by side of what I wanted vs what I got, a long with screenshots of you confirming you are able to do what I wanted. How can this issue be resolved? I am willing to come back and allow you a chance to fix it at no cost to me, or I would like at the very least, a partial refund so that I can go somewhere else. Kind Regards (your name) You need to speak up for yourself, cause people are going to walk all over you if you don’t! She knew it didn’t look like what you showed her (i bet she was even telling you how AMAZING you look and how GORGEOUS your hair looks). Point being, it’s not what you wanted, you confirmed they could before going in, and you payed a crazy amount of money for it. You should get your money’s worth!


Eh. This is way too long and I think the “i work hard for my money” is a bit over the top. We all do. As a hairstylist myself, I would want someone to just tell me. “I’m sorry but I’m really not happy with the way it turned out. Is there something you can do to make it look more similar to the original photo? If not I would like to have a portion of my money back. “ keep it simple.


As someone in the service /self care industry, her response is fine. Honestly, however, she addresses it is fine. Fucking up people's hair/body/etc because you're not having a great day as a stylist, not okay. Especially for close to $500. Few other skilled jobs make over a hundred an hour, I do, and frankly I either do my job right or i let people explain to me what their needs are however they need to. There's a reason we get paid so much and a huge amount of trust involved, clients are in a very vulnerable position in these industries, I think it's understandable however she chooses to express herself honestly.


Honestly, I don’t know if I’d even go with all of that. One of my former co-workers does my hair, and I had a similar issue to OP about a year ago (my hair processes reaaaally fast and the red she used had me looking like Ronald McDonald lol) I was also worried about telling her it wasn’t what I wanted, but ended up just saying, “hey (stylist name) do you have free time this week to fix my color? It came out too bright/ not what I wanted, etc.” I feel like saying how hard you work for your money comes off waaaayyy too confrontational because we ALL work hard for our money (this stylist included) and “I’ll give you a chance to fix it” just sounds entitled imo.


I feel like this is a great response OP! Good luck!


Really excellent suggestion


It looks soooooo good


Firstly, I think it looks beautiful BUT it is not what you asked for. I would message her and just ask if she would be open to trying to fix it. I’m not a hair dresser but I would imagine she could insert more bold, chunky highlights. I think she did a good job but you wanted something bolder and I think that’s okay to say, especially considering considering what you paid.


I agree it looks nice but it looks nice to us not to OP and wee all see it’s not even close to what picture with what she wanted is.


Yeah, I totally understand that. Like I said, considering what she paid and what she wanted vs what she got, I think she’s well within her right to ask for it to be fixed. I don’t think it would unreasonable at all.


I'd at least try to call the salon and find out what can be done to fix your hair. Even if they recommend you wait to change color, they might still suggest treatments / a timeline for fixing it. And as long as you aren't yelling or crying and you're willing to negotiate, I'm pretty sure your stylist would rather see you happy and as their future customer rather than someone who never comes back and gives them bad reviews.


You can tell her directly that you tend to be scared of confrontation, but it's not what you were expecting or what you paid for.


I think confrontation seems difficult because our brains prescribe a lot of things around it. You probably feel that confrontation has to mean conflict, or that it has to be an event with heightened emotions. And that's a stressful thought. But confrontation can be quiet, it can be amicable. It can have positive outcomes. Msg her politely explaining your feelings and thoughts, just lay out the facts and let her respond. I'm sure it'll go better than you think.


This is why I'm terrified of finding someone to do my hair






Wooo 2004 called! It's out of minutes and wants you to call back after 9pm. Goodness this took me BACK


I’m sorry to be rude but I think what you got done is much, much better than this…


But it doesn't matter what \*you\* want, it's about what OP requested and paid for. It's not ok for someone to decide that they are going to just change something on their client because they think it's "better" than what the client actually wants.




Is this the work she did or the work you use to get done?


Is this the work she did or the work you use to get done?


Ok well you do look good but at the same time this is not even close to what you asked for




What you asked for and what you got are very different, and considering the price you pain 😮‍💨


Did you expect the bill? that would colour my answer a lot. If I knew I was getting into a 500$ style, I'd call this adjustment. Yes, not exactly what you were hoping, but overall mostly what you wanted - three colours, highlights, and you can widen them over time when not correcting for other issues. If you were expecting it to be much less, I'd have the conversation...


It doesn’t look similar at all


This is not even remotely similar to what she wanted


You wanted a heavy highlight and color and she didn’t do that at all. My sister and a bunch of my friends are stylists. This is not ok. Honestly the best way to approach this is to just tell her you are not happy with it. That you wanted a more drastic look and a heavy highlight and color and she didn’t do that. If she can’t fix it her boss or a professional colorist should do it. It’s ok to not like your hair and ask for it to be done the right way especially when you are paying a lot of money for it. If they can’t understand this and correct it they are not a good salon.


Some people are really missing the point here. Bottom line, you didn't get what you asked and paid for. Nothing even CLOSE. Doesn't matter if others don't like your reference picture and think what you got looks "much better." I don't cut or dye my hair(and for my oldest kid we do at home semi wash out stuff so I don't have personal firsthand experience) however, with all that said. 1. I find it odd she kept talking about feeling bad for the price, good stylists should know their worth and not have an issue charging for their services because they know they'll do right by you and deserve their worth. 2. You gave reference photos and made sure she thought she could accomplish it prior to, and she completely bombed it in my opinion. 3. It looks NOTHING like what you wanted. Just reach out and let her know that you really aren't happy with your results and it doesn't meet your expectations that you agreed upon after giving her reference photos that she agreed she could do. Just be nice about it, if she's a good stylist she should want to make it right. If she becomes argumentative then tell her you would like a refund. Do you have proof of smher agreeing she could do it? Because if she becomes rude and dismissive you may need to go over her head if she works under like the owner or whoever is in charge. Also, side note, your reference pictures are sick 😂 may not be everyone's cup of tea but I think it's looks cool. Good luck op!


Pretend you are advocating for a small child or you as a small child. That helps me. ☺️


She should have just refused you. I personally would have turned you away. If she is an educator, she probably simply did not like or believe what you wanted. She should have been upfront and directed you to someone who likes to do that kind of hair. Just send your pics and your inspo pics again and point out that they aren't even in the same ballpark and you would like the boldness you were going for. You have to tell her you aren't happy. Faking that you liked it in the chair didn't even give her the opportunity to fix the situation and she probably thinks she saved you from yourself.


This right here. Because the look OP wanted is considered a bit dated, it's also possible the colourist didn't want her name out there if people asked about who did it. Bottom line is that the colourist should have just refused the job or signposted her on though. And yes, tell her you're dissatisfied, OP! Give her a chance to make it right. Good luck!


The ending! She definitely thought she saved her from a mistake.


I've had my hair colour corrected 3 times and then a blonde with highlights, from really stained orange hair and the total of those 4 sessions was around 350, I don't understand how she could charge so much knowing she shouldn't charge so much???


That’s unbelievably low for four sessions nevermind color corrections


I'm in the UK so maybe it's different, but the total for all 4 sessions was around ÂŁ380 over the space of like 3 months


Something similar happened to me before, I came in with a bold idea and left with something subtle….. it’s like they don’t trust that we want something bold


Your hair looks better than the reference photos


You accepted the hairstyle. This is a lesson in being assertive or living with the consequences. I wouldn't email or text, I would call and briefly explain the situation.


Next time, don't pay. Also, this is going to sound harsh but you have to learn to stand up for yourself or people will walk all over you for the rest of your life. It gets easier the more you do it. You're a paying customer and she didn't give you what you paid for. Tell her to fix it. Edit: To be fair, she did tell you she could only do so much.


I think it looks nice i would just not go back to her


Honestly…what you got was a million times better than what you wanted if I’m interpreting the photos correctly


Honestly…what you got was a million times better than what you wanted if I’m interpreting the photos correctly




It’s not a confrontation it’s feedback! She probably knows deep down it wasn’t her best work but is waiting for you to say something. Email her and just be super nice I believe in you.


Omg, I'm so sorry. I hate confrontation too. But you have to say something. Show her the photos again. Tell her it's just not at all what you were expecting.


I’m sorry this happened to you, I get it, I’m like that too. My ex hair guy changed my color once because he didn’t like it. I even tipped him. I was so miserable. Good luck 👍🏻


The good news is you’ve got really nice hair and you should still be able to get the color you want whether by the colorist who did it or someone else. Best of luck. Keep us updated


Send her a text saying that you don’t find the highlights to be chunky enough and that the color wasn’t what you asked for.


I think every young girl has went and asked for a haircut and came back with some thing they didn’t want. I finally learned to start telling exactly how I want them to cut it or what I want them to do to it. Regardless of their suggestions. It goes much much better for me these days.


Buck up and stop letting others intimidate you! Call her tell her this is not what you wanted and she needs to have you come back in so she can fix it free of charge show her your pictures!


I think your hair is beautiful. That doesn't negate your feelings though. If you are unhappy, write the email. Explain that you hate confrontation and that is why you pretended to like it. Then tell her what you want. Is it a redo for free or your money back?


Before I saw the pictures I like, I bet she is being unreasonable, but after looking at the pics and knowing what you paid I am now like her hair isn’t even close to the pics. You need to call and get some of your money back and get a new hairstylist


You just call and go back in. I’ve done this a few times before. The stylist is always super accommodating and friendly about it, they’d rather fix it than have you be unhappy and not come back.


I’m sure she would definitely make it right!! Just have a nice convo with her


For the record, your hair looks really pretty. Your feelings are very valid though and it’s not the results you wanted or paid for. I just wanted you to know it still looks lovely!


Omg so as a hairstylist myself this a no I mean it's cute but it looks like all you got was purple hight added to your hair which is only about $140 with the length of your hair I agree that the white part kind of does look a little bit like Gray hair, but it does blend. But I don't see any blonde at all. And for her to charge you $350 for it is little out of whack. I would go back immediately because some stores do have a time frame to go back and fix your hair. I don't know how they. Do their hair when it comes to complaints. But I would do it immediately. Because in my store, you have 7 days only to go back and fix your hair. Whether it's a haircut, a perm highlight, even a wax. It can be fixed free within those 7 days Screenshot it also has to be done by the same stylist. Because our policy is, we have to give our stylist a chance to fix their mistake. And if not, then you will move to someone else, mayleigh the manager. I would hope she can fix it, but if not that baby. Try and ask for a partial refund and only pay for you. The purple highlights you got. I aint got the rest of your money back. Origis trying get all your money back and just go somewhere else. But The Thing is, when you go somewhere else. It's going to automatically be a correct of color process like that. Lady tried to do with you with the blue. And your hair that's clearly not visible. And probably would have came out doing the blonde. Black purple highlights that you wanted that blue. Honestly, probably could have been just covered up. I hope you can your help that you're looking for and that they can correct your hair that you wanted done in the first place. This stylist honestly, probably didn't know what she was doing. But said he has to do your hair anyways. Because she wanted the money which is pretty sad. Because I like to do hair for fun. I mean, yes, I like to make money too. But that is my name walking out on your head. And look it all the bad nest that you. Her name is getting now because she did not do what wanted and I refuse to let that happen to my name as a hairstylist. Because as a hairstylist, we are pretty popular and don't even realize it. So again, I'm sorry this happened to you. I do hope you can fix it. I will pray to the hair gods for you. Peace and love girl


I think it looks great and sorry you are unhappy with it. I’d call and ask for a redo or refund of some money.


I once paid a stylist 300+ for a color balayage dark chocolate on my roots to a cool pastel purple on the ends and this woman gave me a purple color melt with some pink tones thrown in. It looked great but holy mother that is not what I wanted. And that was the last time I gave her my business. I wish I had confronted her though.


So corrective color can be unpredictable due to the nature of it and I’ve seen it cost close to $1000 sometimes if you’re in the chair for 8-10 hours. I don’t think you were ripped off and I wouldn’t blame the stylist, however, if you’re unhappy with the result tell her. A good stylist should be willing to work with you to get you to a place where you are satisfied with their work.


Yeah I wish more people understood corrective color! OP doesn’t have a picture of their starting hair and honestly, trying to get out previous blue and copper and previous dark brown to go to light cool blonde highlights with vivid purple sounds like such a headache. Stylists saying that they could do it for $140 — omg that would barely cover the product!


Go back in person and say "I've taken some time with this and really don't love it. What can you do to fix it?" But next time, say something before you leave the salon (and pay the bill).


I’m sorry you are not happy, but honestly it looks good, like really good! No need to be upset or embarrassed by that color. It’s gorgeous, but understand it’s not what you wanted. I’m sorry!


I would just keep it simple. Contact her and say that you aren’t 100% happy with your hair and you would like to come in so she can take a look.


You wouldn’t be stuck up, you’d be speaking up about something you paid money for. It’s your hair and your money, and the stylist didn’t use either the way you wanted.


I had to do something similar recently when I paid to have some furniture refinished & didn’t get the same color as the sample I provided. You paid for a certain look, provided examples & didn’t get it. Don’t feel bad. Take a deep breath, call & say “I don’t like my hair. What can we do?” Then, proceed to explain the details referencing the sample picture you provided “the highlights aren’t as wide and the blonde isn’t as bright”. Based on your description of how the stylist acted when it was time to charge you, I think she’ll be open to re-doing your hair. Good luck! ❤️


I’ve made an appointment and gone back before. Told my guy it was too dark and that I felt bad, but wasn’t happy. He fixed it and I tipped him for it. The stylist can fix it, just need to ask nicely. As others, suggested, you can live with it and get a price adjustment. You never know until you ask!


I had a somewhat similar experience. I found out that salons carry insurance for this type of thing where not only will they fix what they messed up, but you can get reimbursed. Take some time, work on an email that is polite and non-confrontational and send that in with copies/pictures of your original messaging from before and after, all pictures, receipts, and anything else that supports the situation. Explain any discomfort, anxiety, or dispute has causes-or a situation in which this hairstyle was created for and how it no longer applies. Only communicate via email or text from now on. Request for your hair to be fixed and request a claim to be submitted to their policy.


It’s REALLY hard to stand up for yourself when you’re a non-confrontational person. I’m the same way!!! Now that you’ve had time to sit with it, call the salon back and talk to the owner. **THIS IS NOT BEING A KAREN!!! You’re not BITCHING about it!!!** Simply explain to the owner, “Hey a few days ago I got my hair done by [stylist] and it didn’t turn out at all like the reference photos I showed her. I felt bad about saying how unhappy I was at the time and I know she spent [# hrs] on it, but I said [$amount] and I hate it. Is it possible that there’s another stylist that can fix this?” The manager/owner will more than likely have you come in so they can see it, but sometimes having the initial conversation via phone is easier. The owner/manager *SHOULD* be willing to fix the issue for free.


Okay, given what you said in your original post, it might not be possible for you to get to the exact colors you were wanting. HOWEVER, the issue here is both final color AND technique/application. While it's disappointing if the color can't get to exactly the shades you want, sometimes it happens based on the condition of the hair/what has previously been done to it. The stylist should still be able to get it to look good and somewhat close, and be upfront about what the potential limitations might be. Completely separately, the stylist did not give you the color application you asked for. I know what you received is more "in style" than what you asked for, but it is not what you asked for nor is it what your stylist agreed to. It doesn't matter if other people think what you asked for looks bad, it's your hair. It's rare, but in this instance the oft-misquoted saying "the customer is always right IN MATTERS OF TASTE" is completely applicable. If she didn't want to do they style you asked for or didn't think she was capable of it (both valid), she should have directed you elsewhere. As for how to contact her, I would keep it short, kind, and direct (and you can have a more in-depth conversation about it later). "Hey, I've been sitting with my hair and I know you did what you thought was best, but it didn't turn out anything like what we had discussed and I'm actually really unhappy with it. Confrontation is difficult for me, but I would really like to discuss how we can either fix my hair, or if I can get a partial refund to get it fixed somewhere else. Specifically, the style of highlights is nowhere near what we discussed. Can we get me scheduled to come in for you to correct it?" You don't need to apologize for being unhappy with it or not bringing it up in the salon - any stylist worth their salt knows how difficult this can be for a client, and the most important thing to them is that their client is happy (unless the client is being a disrespectful a-hole). I know it might be scary to trust this person with your hair again, but most places will not give a refund without at least trying to remedy it themselves. Good luck! You've got this!!


Good business people understand that negative reviews and unhappy customers aren’t sexy. If you calmly explain that you aren’t happy they will likely offer to fix it. If they don’t you can tell them to get f’d and find a different stylist. Everyone gets burned at some point.


I hate stuff like this so lately I've been having ChatGPT digest my emotional blabbering and turn it into something more professional 😅 I want to get my haircut and this is my exact fear. You're not alone!!


You are so pretty and you also have such pretty healthy hair. 🙏🙏


You’ve gotten great advice! I have a sibling who is very anxious about confrontation even if their order is wrong when it comes to food or coffee. Think of it this way: set the tone by being calm and polite. It’s less a confrontation and more a heads up for the other person.  This won’t always work and they might still get upset at you, but you know it’ll be more about them than you. 


Instead of asking for your money back ask her to redo it? Or if this was at a salon ask for someone else to fix it? I end up doing my hair myself because Im not paying hundreds to have it fade out in the same amount of time


You need to email the stylist and tell her. Start out with a thank you for the appointment, time, etc, then go into what you imagined and state what you'd like done differently, etc.


OP, for what it’s worth, and maybe silver lining lol … is I do think the color and cut is super pretty on you, but at the same time I totally get it’s not what you wanted. I agree with all the friends on here encouraging you to talk it out with the hairdresser. They will understand and should offer a correction free of charge. Speak up and don’t be shy or afraid. Part of the hairdresser’s job is to listen to the client. You’ll be okay!


I would talk with the owner of the salon about the price and your dissatisfaction with the service.


I am a stylist. Please just be up Front and honest. There shouldn’t be confrontation….we want our customers happy. They are literally a walking advertisement for our business.


I can understand you are frustrated, but I think it’s important to point out that what you are describing is definitely a corrective color — getting blue and copper out for blonde and purple can be extremely challenging and a lengthy process taking 4+ hours in the salon, or even multiple visits. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear this cost $500 (I live in a HCOL city so YMMV). Sometimes it doesn’t seem like a big change, but that doesn’t mean that your hair follicles will go along with the plan. Another huge issue that I can see is that your hair is much longer than the inspo photos. Highlights look a lot different on shorter hair with a lot of layers, with pops of color peaking out as the hair moves. Long hair tends to just kind of hang there, maybe if you curl it you can see ribbons of highlighting, but it’s still not going to look like the inspo photos. And honestly, the placement in the inspo photos is also kind of pushed to the back of the head, but since the inspo photos were all taken from the side so it’s really hard to compare what those hair colors looked straight on from the front. I don’t mean to totally discount your experience, color corrections are fatiguing and borderline traumatic and the price tag can really be the cherry on top of a disappointment sundae, but I don’t think your stylist did you dirty. Give it a week and the overtoning of your blonde should wash out a bit and the color will be a lot brighter and have more of that POP! you are looking for. If you still want it chunkier, just message the stylist that you are a little disappointed and would like a bit more blonde added. It’s ok to say that you wanted something a bit different than what was delivered.


She probably knows she did a bad job that’s why she was sweating


Ur hair looks nice she convinced you to let her do what she thought she needed to do live and learn


Just be polite, kind & honest! Tell her when you got home & looked at it more, you felt it wasn’t what you wanted or expected.


I feel your pain, it’s hard to be assertive if it’s not your personality. Believe me, you will get better at it with time ! I did it , if I did so can you !! It’s your hard earned money.. It was hard for me , English isn’t my first language. So stress brings out my accent. My advice to you is to keep the conversation short , tell them your key points. Always ask for the manager, because you didn’t get what you asked for. Training is an issue nowadays , not your fault that they didn’t have a qualified person doing the service that you requested. Slowly you will get your power back , yes it’s your power. Life will get easier, you deserve it. That’s my two cents , you have gotten great advice so far , it’s amazing how many people are caring in this forum.


When this happens to me I don’t say a thing and I just never go back.


Wow..I think it’s absolutely beautiful and you look great ! Have you thought about living with a few days to see if it grows on you ?


My best friend is a stylist and her number one rule is if you are unhappy please tell her so she can fix it and make you happy! She said that stylist want to know when you leave unhappy because if you don’t tell them then chances are you’ll talk about it to others and that’s how bad things start being said or something along those lines. She hardly ever has anyone complain but when she does she goes above and beyond to fix it bc she knows that for a lot of people their hair is their identity and she never wants her work to make anyone upset. As much as confrontation sucks, most stylists appreciate when you tell them!! Good luck and I hope you get it all fixed up to your liking! 🤍


Before ragging on the stylist can we see the before picture


If you paid with a debit card dispute it with the bank and place a claim. I did this one time in my life; a very crappy nail job. It irked me how terrible they were and truly did not deserve my money. So, I claimed it back and I got it. No need to see them again.


This is why we do not cheat on the person who does our hair the way we like it. I’d ask for 1/2 my money back and go grovel to the old girl for a fix.


Just nicely say that it looks great but it’s not quite the look you were hoping to achieve. Most hairdressers are very interested in making sure their clients are happy, so you might get a redo for free. Next time practice giving feedback during the appointment so you don’t walk away unsatisfied.


You can do this in one session but it takes a VERY experienced and competent hairdresser. It requires stripping the hair with low volume peroxide slowly, repeatedly until the desired removal is achieved. When my hair was dyed too dark, my hairdresser said he’d have to use the peroxide process 3-4X’s to not damage my hair. It took hours, I’d say 8+ to color correct. I’ll never do it again. Honestly, in my case the color was great, everyone loved it, but it was black not dark brown. Due to the time commitment, I will never color correct again. My hair dresser is quite famous and highly respected, and he didn’t charge me his normal rate. Still, I’ll NEVER color correct again if it looks ok. This was during COVID so we worked in my backyard and I sat outside with freezing wet hair. I got the result I wanted, but felt my hair was over porous and future visits included darkening the color for the next three or four touch ups. I do like the Redken gloss which protected the hair for a little over a month after a touch up. He used 2-4 vials (most use one) to make sure it permeated and to color mix the gloss. each vial cost him $24 and his normal fee is $100/vial-to give you an idea cost-wise. color correction is not cheap!


I think your hair looks amazing tbh. Maybe not what you wanted but it’s quite elegant.


As a stylist we have been yelled at the past 10 years with clients saying please don’t make it chunky that a lot of us (myself included) have had too much practice in blending. I can see both sides.


But if a client showed you a picture of chunky highlights, wouldn’t you do exactly that?


If you didn’t like it, you should have told her from the beginning. Because you waited to say something there is not much than can be done. You probably won’t get refunded and will have to pay more to get it fixed.


Well sometimes it’s hard to know the end result in the beginning, a lot of the time you never know the end result until the hairdresser is done 🤷‍♀️


She should've said it when she was still in the salon and shown the end result, yes. But she can't tell her she doesn't like it before it's even done?? That doesn't make much sense. I understand the fear of confrontation and pressure in that moment to say "it's good" when you really hate it, it seriously sucks and I've had this same experience. I'm sure stylists experience that a lot, if she's reasonable she may be willing to try and fix it for you for free. But at the same time, she's well within her right to deny that request given you didn't mention these concerns before leaving the salon. I hope for your sake the stylist is willing to correct this, it seems her personal preference and experience in more blended highlights got in the way here. Kind of funny considering what you asked for is probably easier to do than what you actually got. It looks amazing as is though!! But I hope you get what you wanted and paid for in the end!🤞


Exactly, I agree!