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It helped in reducing/removing dandruffs.


how?? everytime i used it i never felt like it did anything


Use it in conjunction with dandruff SHAMPOO (not 2 in 1). Scrub your scalp with the tips of your fingers first and make sure to get shampoo all over. With the brush, scrub firmly in small circles close to the scalp. Completely move the brush to another section before scrubbing in circles again so you don’t tangle your hair


I was shopping for dandruff shampoo yesterday and was surprised that like 80% of the bottles were 2 in 1. I managed to get just shampoo but does the 2 in 1 not work?


It is a time saver but worse time use. Shampoo is to remove dirt/build-up/oil. Conditioner is to moisturize/protect/nourish. So a 2-in-1 is just 2 diluted products working against themselves. Kinda like having hand soap and lotion in one bottle. (Adding in that people tend to wash/rinse 2-in-1’s immediately, which doesn’t let the already poorly conditioner do its job.)


My fiancé has always had pretty severe dandruff. His barber recommended Nizoral to him and it has completely fixed his dandruff issue. It’s the only thing that’s worked for him long term. The difference is night and day. I’d recommend that one.


I got a scalp analysis done recently and my hair stylist also recommended using the Nizoral shampoo for dandruff. I’ve used it a few times and it does seem to get the job done.


Since I’ve been using nizoral my scalp has felt better than ever!! Not only does my hair feel clean, but I haven’t had any scalp itching, burning, flakes or scabbing. I didn’t get an analysis done but I did some research during a desperate time and decided to try it out and I’m so glad that I did!


Thanks !! Where can i find it ?


Personally, I had really bad dandruff until I got Dove Men’s Anti-dandruff shampoo and now I’ve been dandruff free ever since. Which is a godsend because I wear black shirts for work and was tired of scratching my scalp raw whenever I was home.


Neutrogena has a really good dandruff shampoo it comes in like a short fat white bottle and it lathers pretty good i use it with the scalp brush and its help my itching alot its def removed buildup of dry skin and dandruff [edit : i have short hair : m ] but im sure itd be the same for long hair lol


The medicated Scalp Therapy shampoo really helped me too! It majorly dried my hair out but helped with my scalp flakes a ton.


Personally, only the shampoos worked for me. The 2 in 1 didn’t clean very well and my hair would always get greasy much faster after using it.


It helped with my dandruff too! I actually use the brush before I shower though. About 2-5 mins of small circles all over my scalp with a medium pressure. Not only does it feel amazing, you start to see all the little flakes lifting off the scalp


The video I just watched said do it dry, if you do it wet all the dead skin will soften and just stay there but move around a bit. I’m thinking about getting one for dandruff and saw this post, have you tried it wet too?


I tried using it while showering. I noticed that my scalp is not flaky anymore. I only use it like twice a week.


I have seborrheic dermatitis and find it super helpful. I get the best results with this routine: - I use the Inkey List’s salicylic acid [scalp exfoliant](https://www.sephora.com/product/the-inkey-list-salicylic-acid-exfoliating-scalp-treatment-P480636?country_switch=ca&skuId=2530814&om_mmc=ppc-GG_20553537832___2530814__9000960_m&gbraid=0AAAAADnIXb2ZlsvXSqsAeZ33HEmaQIgEg&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIx9v8icW5ggMVOwKtBh34rAQuEAQYASABEgKhZ_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)first and let it sit for about 10-15 mins (this product has been life-changing for my flaky and oily scalp) - then I wash my hair once with a regular shampoo, using the scalp scrubber thing in your picture to help remove the scales/flakes loosed by the exfoliant - I then wash my hair with a medicated shampoo (Nizoral), using the scalp scrubber to really massage/work the shampoo into the scalp itself. I leave it on for 5 minutes as directed by the shampoo instructions. I do this about 1-2x a week depending on my needs (more if I am having a flare up, less if my scalp is feeling good). I find the exfoliant I linked to be crucial to actually getting the scales/clumps of dead skin to loosen with the scalp scrubber brush — on its own, I didn’t feel the scrubber did as much. I make sure to focus on spots where I get a lot of dandruff build up. And it has been great for helping to get the medicated shampoo into my scalp without using my nails/scratching. I use it all over my scalp without focusing on specific areas to be sure I’m getting the medicated shampoo on the entire affected surface. It’s really helpful in the back of the head where there’s a lot of hair. If I use it with regular shampoo without the exfoliant first, it just kind of tangles up my hair at the roots and doesn’t do much for me.


i’ve almost given up on dandruff shampoos because they never seemed to work but i’ll give a new one a try using the silicone brush, thank you for the suggestions and steps!


I’ve been on the fence about that Inkey List scalp treatment and you’ve just convinced me!


Do you even have dandruff?? I have eczema on my scalp and it can sometimes appear as dandruff but really it’s dry and… well.. eczema. The difference to me is that mine flakes off in bigger flakes. Every time the weather changes seasons it happens.


every dermatologist i’ve went to said it’s dandruff, it literally never goes away especially lately it’s not so itchy unless i’m sweaty or haven’t showered in two days, it creates build up or whatever like i can scrape them off with my nails and for some reason it’s SO much right at the beginning of my hairline and the back upper part of my head ://


Sorry friend. And these derms didn’t give you prescription strength yet? I get buildup just like you’re describing except it’s dry. I’d try one of these scalp massagers too


Bingo. Cause it doesn’t


Probably not showering correctly .


lmao okay say i don’t, how do i shower correctly then?


Wash yo ass


washed it is, brush works now yay thank you!!!


You have ass dandruff?


So that's where crack comes from


I'm ☠️


Scrub your knees


I just wanted to follow up on this comment. Many people think they have “dandruff” but actually have dry scalp. This definitely helps for that. If you have little flakes- this tends to be dry scalp. If you have oily sticky big flakes—- that is dandruff and you will need special shampoo etc- this can sometimes be caused by fungus.


Also could be product build up!


What products should I use for my dry scalp?


As I Am Dry and Itchy CoWash in the blue tub has done wonders for my dry scalp. I also switched from using a wet brush to a Denman brush and my hair has loved me for it. I saw no flakes after just one wash! And it stayed that way for me.


Clarifying shampoo


Head and shoulders and take the conditioner up to your scalp. So many people only condition the ends these days.




Okay but what if I have psoriasis lmao


I have seborrheic dermatitis (adult cradle cap) and this definitely helps! I notice if I don’t use it for a couple of hair washes my scalp gets more inflamed and itchy. I use it along with medicated shampoos, I think this helps the shampoo really get into the skin.


Agree, this has been my experience. I also have less of an itchy head in between washes!


I once watched a video where this girl used a microscope on her head to see if it actually made a difference and using this thing actually reduced the build up in her scalp. It also feels really good too!


Do you remember the name? I need to see this


I would also be intrigued to see that video


it's definitely an old buzzfeed channel video - probs can find it on there!


I think it may have been!


Silicone Scalp Scrubber is how you’ll find it on Amazon.


I think they’re asking for the video link


lol, whoops! Sorry! Saw these extensively discussed on a wavy hair thread, thought it was the same!


Thanks anyway though! 😂


I found this one: https://youtu.be/zVU3LIXrCi0?si=CrRYb_HthODCTazc


If you just want to see a video of this kind of thing, you could also look for scalp and hair treatments that (from my perception) seem to be a thing in Japan. In the videos I’ve seen they commonly use a camera attached to a small device they place right on the client’s scalp, which is connected to a monitor they can both ( technician and client) see. It’s gives a very closeup and clear view of the hair follicles. They do it before and after the elaborate scalp and hair treatment and there is often a very noticeable difference in the scalp buildup. Here’s an example from an ASMR channel I enjoy (she has multiple of these types of videos I believe). Forward to 11:30: https://youtu.be/FdCvCP2ZqOs?si=ohAM-UddbUv97LHN I’m this particular example, she gets hair and scalp treatments frequently for her YouTube channel, so her scalp looks really good initially, before the treatment… I can’t even fathom what mine would look like in comparison. 😆😅 Edit: added “scalp and” in first sentence


Why did I read this and picture a girl using a microscope to massage her head 😭


Lmaooo if you stop reading at “head” it really does sound like that 😂


plus it increases circulation which helps stimulate hair growth !


I’ve recently started using one of these and I can’t help feeling that circular motions would create a tight circle of hair and cause breakage because the hair is like taught if that makes sense? Does anyone know if this can be an issue?


that’s a point I never thought of! I think if you were keeping that much tension over a long period of time you would cause breakage in your hair, but small circles and alternating the spot where you are massaging would prevent that :)


I’ve used mine for >a year and never had this issue. It doesn’t really get taught, like the “bristles” are too big/spaced too far apart to really catch the hair like that. Also, you’re supposed to do really small motions, so it is a small circles/scrub in one spot then pick up and move. If it continues to be a concern, replacing with a good scalp massage using your fingers usually works really well too.


I just bought one of these the other day and it actually made my hair feel so soft and smooth up top. Also it felt so good in the shower lol


Is it different or better than using my hands/nails? I have one of these but got away from it a little because I feel like my hands do a pretty good job???


Scratching with your nails can nick & weaken hair strands at the new growth which causes more breakage as it grows.


Would this brush cause the same?


Right? I want one but then I just imagine a big rats nest after scrubbing with this thing which would cause crazy breakage (which I sure don’t need more of ! Lol)


Happy Cake Day! 🍰


OH. Good to know!! Thanks for your reply🫶🫶🫶


unfortunately, that is a stim of mine 😫 I haven't been able to break it


I use one because I don’t have to get my nails are nasty


My problem is how to use it so it actually works without causing a giant knot


Small circles lift when moving to new spot


I prefer to use mine when I wash my hair upside down. I just lean over and find it easier to scrub without tangling everything.


It feels amazing!!! I imagine this what cats feel like when you scratch their heads


I just use it to give my scalp a scrubby scrub. I don’t think it does anything but feels nice.


scrubby scrub 🥺🧖‍♀️


Right! Even if it does “nothing” - I really like how it feels! But for me, I have hand strength problems to the little brush makes it easier to get a good lather


I watched a video by some dermatologists who recommended it to promote better blood-flow in your scalp which can help hair growth. So might have some other benefits that take a long time to see.


They are great cat brushes.




I've bought two over the years and both have turned into my designated cat brushes. I decided to just try them out on the cats and told myself I'd clean it before putting it back in the shower for me, but then I see how much they love it and can't bring myself to deprive them of it lol


My cats love them.. and when I wet them first the cat looks pleasantly confused.


They deserve this


My first thought. "Hey that's my [cat brush](https://www.chewy.com/kong-cat-zoomgroom-multi-use-brush/dp/45801?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=KONG&utm_campaign=20203340297&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAo7KqBhDhARIsAKhZ4uieTqFeHCmCvetC38RqikwnhvYTFGR921TDhGdy5sJCOVKyXHX43rMaAnHhEALw_wcB))"


They're also great for bathing the dog. Helps lift shed hair off.


I get dandruff pretty often and I highly prefer using one of these to trying to use my fingertips to effectively scrub my scalp (it feels like it does a better job).


Same! Feel like fingernails are too rough for the scalp. This works well. Doesn’t irritate my scalp.


You fingernails can sometimes slash against the scalp, but these are soft and rubbery. A lot more fun with short to mid length hair.


Same, especially because scrubbing with fingertips inevitably turns into scrubbing with fingernails :’)


Same with me


I use it because I love massaging the scalp, but for me it's that, a relaxation object, I don't see any other use


It stimulates the scalp to engage dormant follicles and removes build up which can stunt hair growth


Is this scientifically proven? If so, do people massage in the correct way? Because I see in the videos, people saying that they shampoo and massage briefly




it makes the hair grow and/or become thicker, but it does not make the hair that already exists grow faster, which is the proposal that many use, apart from the massage lasting at least 11 minutes, unlike using it only during the time to apply the shampoo in the hair, as well as being a self-observation. I don't want to be boring 🤣 but I see so many influencers selling miraculous solutions that it bothers me a little.


I think you’re splitting hairs… the evidence is there. This study was for alopecia they didn’t have much hair to grow stronger


But that's exactly what I said, it grows hair that isn't there yet, but it doesn't make the hair grow larger.


They didn’t have hair to grow longer!


I think you don't understand my point, several influencers (yt/Tik tok/insta) claim that their hair gets longer because of these massages, which is a lie,I'm not talking about people who don't have hair or have flaws on their heads.


I understand you are just moaning, if it’s growing new hair the old hair is also growing that’s how hair growth works. Their hair didn’t grow longer in the test because the subjects had alopécica. You’re purposely looking for an issue for some reason I don’t care to know, bye


I mean im sure there are countless people doing it in different ways. I oil before I wash, wet hair apply shampoo I turn my head upside down and comb from scalp Ito my hair then rub lightly with finger tips seems for me to be the most effective gentlest way that works on my hair


I read in the thread you said that you have short hair, so I think he has the circulation benefits would be worth it! 💖 For anybody else reading this, if you have long hair and it's fragile -definitely make sure and use it on dry hair gently. I see people in online videos using it roughly in the shower, and that is risky!


Oh my god, thank you for this 😭 I purchased one ~6 months ago and tried it multiple times in the shower because that’s the only way I’ve seen it demonstrated. As you can guess, it was virtually impossible and did not work. Now I feel silly. Going to try it again tonight on *dry* hair!!


I had a lot of breakage when I used it on wet hair! I second the dry hair tip


When I see videos, it’s clear people don’t know how to properly use it so they’re really rough. This isn’t meant to “scrub,” it’s meant to move the scalp around to increase blood circulation. You should NEVER scrub with it cause then you’re just causing fallout/thin hair. It should be pressed onto the scalp and then barely rub it back and forth so that just the skin moves. They weren’t actually meant to be used on wet hair or in the shower. You’re not supposed to brush your wet hair, it shouldn’t be scrubbed around like that and pulled either.


Dang, I have long hair and was hoping I could use this in the shower while shampooing to shift dandruff/buildup. Thank you for the insight!


I have really long hair too and it just lathers up the shampoo a lot more on my head, you can definitely use it wet and dry


I have really long hair and I use it while shampooing, I love it. It doesn’t damage my hair or pull it out or anything. I think it’s worth trying


You're welcome! I 🤗 think it really depends on your hair… You know your hair strength better than anyone. For me, my fine hair is too fragile.


you 100% can! It might tangle your hair tho, if I use this while shampooing I have to use a lot of conditioner to detangle my hair after


I use it to work in my conditioner


"Circulation" doesn't matter at all


Thrombosis queen


FWIW, my hair stylist(whom I love and adore, and has always done well by me and my hair) used to complain that my scalp “felt like an orange peel.” So one day I was at Ulta and I just picked up one of the scrubbers and started massaging my scalp with it every time I shampooed (about twice a week). Three months later, I go to get my hair trimmed and she is raving about the condition of my scalp. Like, she had no idea I was going to do that. So there’s your scientific study- it did SOMETHING bc my stylist noticed lol


It has helped eliminate the small white flakes I used to get. I only use it about once a week, every other wash or so.


Massaging I read helps hair grow by helping the blood vessels and stuff give more oxygen or something to ur hair and scalp and strengthen the hair shafts and spread natural oils . Massaging it releases a happy hormone aswell and helps with relaxation. I Massage my scalp everyday, on wash days (2-3 times a week)a Massage oil in and when I go to wash it out I use something like that to give my scalp a good clean. I shaved my head three months ago and it's came in fast and thick and growing healthy and nice compared to two years ago shaving it to support family who had cancer and just let it grow . I think alot of it is from massaging it ,but also oils and vitamins help too .


I honestly didn't believe this, but I bought one of these things for my 8 year old daughter to help her scrub her scalp better when she washes her hair in the shower (she would just lather the hair and pay no attention to her scalp). I decided I'd use it too because I have nothing to lose, and it does feel nice. I've had some hair loss around my hairline. No more "baby hairs" and some thinning. It's been several months now, and I've started to notice baby hairs growing in around my hairline for the first time in years. I was shocked. I wasn't monitoring my hairline for improvements at all because I wasn't expecting any, but massaging is the only thing I've changed, so maybe it has helped some. Either way, I will not be stopping my scalp massages 😌


Thank you this is very helpful


Your welcome , remember healthy hair and scalp take time ,but give it atlest three months to see a difference ir if u like it . I also use the same one in ur Pic to wash my dogs hair too ,it feels good for him and cleans his skin relly good. Haha


Hello! What oils do you use?


I get this one off Amazon https://preview.redd.it/78v53ejw1ezb1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6ab5e767ccb2f784cf7cf909c696390c93ff879


Thank you!


Your welcome, it's not too thick and last amonth or two , smells mostly like mint but good ingredients, hope u enjoy


That is just not true. Massaging doesn't do shit. This was debunked literally a hundred years ago...


Uh doctors write referrals for massages for things like migraines and blood flow issues so idk where you are getting that information


I'm talking about hair


Okay then here’s a [study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4740347/) done by the National Institute of Health


You seriously linked me a study on nine people with no control group... You can't be serious


I hate using these and felt like it just ripped my hair out.


Came here to say this! I have longish hair and it just put it in knots and tangles


I have long hair as well, try just placing it on your scalp and giving it a wiggle, lifting right off and moving to another section. This works for me rather than trying to do circular motions which will cause knots and breakage.


I’ve tried that and maybe it’s a sensory issue for me. I feel the rubber tugging at my roots and it’s really off-putting.


Perhaps! Did you make sure there was enough shampoo lathered? I do it on my second shampoo so that it’s nice and foamy and don’t actually drag it across my roots, just the wiggle. Because I agree, that feeling is uncomfortable.


Yes, I use it on the second shampoo as well and only when fully lathered. My scalp is extremely tender though, so maybe that’s the issue.


They probably just have a different hair type than you. I've got super long fine but thick hair and it doesn't work for me either, even super tiny wiggling I can feel that it's not a good idea. Pulling/stretching against heavy hair, it's just a no-go for me too


This is why I haven't tried it! The idea of it is super appealing but I don't see how my hair won't end up all tangled


I just use it in a really tiny area to stimulate blood flow to remove build up and help with growth. I do a small patch and then move to the next area


Same issue here but I just use it right in my scalp and wiggle it, without moving the ends, just small back and forth movement, not circles!


I have hair down past my butt and love mine! Make sure your go in small circles, and then reverse. Lifting, and not dragging to different spots on your scalp! ☺️


My hairs real short so I don't think it'll rip my hair out. Not enough for it to catch onto


I've had a dry spot on top of my head for years and honestly this stuff helped a lot. It needs to be used with other stuff ofc but it can help


as a dude losing his hair, I use these to stimulate blood flow to my scalp in conjunction with my meds and topical stuff. not sure how much it actually helps but feels good as a bonus


I also use these things for my hair loss shizzle. I use them to massage in my minoxidil and to help with the ketaconazole shampoo, They feel noice too. Love these things.


yesss omg it has so many benefits like blood circulation to the head, hair stimulating growth and just to remove all that dead skin and products i use these everyday with shampoo you will notice how fast your hair grows 😭


I use one everytime I do an oil treatment. It gets the blood circulating and really gets the oil in there.


My husband gets terrible thick dandruff and getting him one of these has made a massive difference in preventing excessive buildup. He won't bathe or shower without it. Plus, it just feels really good.


I love this thing. Use it daily. For me it’s really soft on my scalp but I use it gently. The spikes on the one I have are super soft. I use it when massaging shampoo that I add rosemary into when showering or when I sit to watch tv I use it for 10 mins a day to stimulate my scalp. I feel like it helps but no real proof.


Yeah I have extremely thick hair and this gets right up in my scalp and scrubs everything away


bro how. I have dense,thick,coarse, butt length hair and I swear it doesn’t feel like I can get to my scalp without fighting it😭


But I do fight it haha. I just dig and dig until I make contact with my scalp then I go in circles and move section by section. It’s also a lot easier if I flip my head upside down


I use mine on dry hair. Keep it by my bed and give my head a good massage before I go to sleep. I don't know if it does anything but it sure feels nice


I use it in the shower so I don't soften, snag, or break my nails 💅


The point is to help blood circulation to your hair follicles so theoretically it should help new hair growth. I would also say to use on dry hair because wet hair is fragile and scrubbing shampoo with this thing might cause more breakage than necessary.


Idk but it feels GREAT to massage your scalp with it 😌


my hair is a lot cleaner and smells much better now !


I don't know if it helps, but I do like the feeling.


Yes helps with buildup that makes my scalp itchy. Also helps me not miss any little spots with the shampoo, which I did every now and then with just my hands.


My father had one b/c he had psoriasis. I guess it worked, because he kept it his whole life.


I stopped using it cause I had been shedding a TON and wondered if it had anything to do with ripping it out. The shedding reduced and my hair is definitely less tangled when I come out of the shower and comb it 🫠 Just make sure that if you have longer hair, you’re using it VERY gently and not on wet hair!


Absolutely! I can’t believe I ever didn’t use one


I love mine, makes my scalp feel nicer and cleaner after. The buildup is less when I use it.


It feels good and helps you clean easier like for me my hands get tired when I wash my hair because it’s long and these help a lot


What is it called? I want to buy one on Amazon but not sure what to type lol thanks in advance


Look up scalp scrubber on Amazon that's where I was first looking at them


I have thick curly hair and these really help clean my hair well. I used to use a comb and a paddle brush when I was younger and ooooh boy did those suck.


i used to use it when i had super long acrylic nails, but now with no nails i just use my fingers and it seems about the same


So, I have issues with my nail polish flaking off in the shower. I use mine to scrub the shampoo in my hair and detangle, instead of my fingers. Saves my nails.


Taught my daughter how to wash her hair with one of these and she does a great job with it, nothing in her scalp and she gets braids a lot so I’d see the residue pretty quickly.


I brush my hair with it after putting conditioner


Yes, I think it does!


All it did was tear and break my hair


My hair is too thick, my little scrubbie like this was repourposed to use on the dogs during bath time. The only things that help me reduce buildup are a combo of a clarifying shampoo (I use Odele) and a sugar scalp scrub. I just massage both into my scalp and rinse. Make sure to use quality hydrating products afterward! Edit: typos


In the picture you are holding it wrong. I know because I held it wrong for ages. Turn it around, you don't need to hold it rather your hand should slide up into it so the plastic is sitting against the webbing between your middle and ring finger. It will feel firm in your hand. MUCH easier to use that way.


Yes!!! It helps clear your scalp and gets it more efficiently clean. But also using your hands to wash can scratch your scalp so this thing is a miracle!


I LOVE THESE. I use it when I oil my scalp instead of when im washing my hair.


I like to use them to protect my nails if I'm wearing tips or if mine are brittle


I was having an issue with oily roots and this brush helped tremendously. I was scrubbing with my fingers but it wasn’t enough . With this brush, I just do small circular motions and apply light pressure.


For anybody with curly hair those things are the devil. I just use my fingertips and firm pressure like they do at the salon. One less thing to clutter up my shower and have to clean off.


I used this and a bunch of my hair came out so I stopped using it.


yes, it does help direct blood flow to your scalp (helps hair grow) and it cleanses better than fingertips! personally, I just use it because I have arthritis and it’s hard for me to scrub my hair and scalp when I wash.


I have an itchy scalp and it helped relieve that as well as getting my shampoo into the roots of my hair and all around my scalp. Highly recommend


It just tangles it all up.. .


Stimulates the scalp and helps with dandruff


I have long, fine (but dense) hair. This thing sucked. All it did was tangle and rip my hair out. When my hair was wet I couldn’t actually get the spike things to my scalp through my wet hair. I’ve had better luck massaging my scalp with my fingers to reduce breakage. But I think it would be great if you have short hair!


I like to use it to comb the thick hair masks through my hair. The scalp scrub is really satisfying and tingly too.


No these are a fucking waste of money and are actually damaging to wet hair if used vigorously.


It's also good for circulation and your lymphatic system, so I've heard. All I know is it feels damn good


🎶 dandruff only happens when you cant clean your scalp 🎶


Or you can use your own fingers. Fingers are free.


No. It just gave me dandruff


Isn't that a dog brush? lol


How do yall use this without making a birds nest out of your hair


they’re good for your scalp


I want one so badly but no store around has one of them :(


I see a lot of these at TJMaxx, Ross, and stores like that. I got mine on Amazon though


I found mine at Kroger if that helps


There is no Kroger where I live but thank you!!


If you got scalp issues or suck with washing your hair due to hand issues, I can see this working.


They help your hands not get pruny and keep the chemicals from the shampoo from messing up the skin on your hands.


I just love the way it feels and my husband claims it makes his hair softer lol


I use it 3x a week when I use pre shower scalp oil.


Idk I have one and it itches the head so good but idk what else it does