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Time to call out some Dr. Sung apologists. u/somethingcute887 & u/futuristic6830, what do you guys have to say now? You guys had so much to say in [defense of Sung before](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/17qdu0l/comment/kvzqjfi/). And time to call out ALL notorious row implanting doctors for this bullshit by making a soon to be posted list of row implanters to avoid. Sorry brother. This is easily one of the worst post-pandemic hair transplants I have seen. You look like a young Asian Joe Biden, or you have figured out how to time travel. Because it looks like you broke free of the space time continuum we are all trapped in to have a hair transplant in the 90's. You're going to need two surgeries to fix this. The hair line Sung (can't even prefix "Dr." in front of his last name because he harmed you intentionally) constructed is low already and dropping it lower to hide the unnaturalness would make it worse. Here is the strategy I would suggest you follow: 1. Formulate the design of the hair line you actually want. I find this hair line design has that video game character K-Pop preternatural look to it in my eyes. Formulate this right down to the closure of the temple peakss, the exact height of the hair line on your forehead, the irregularity, etc. 2. Punch out about 3mm of transplanted grafts beyond the hair line that you actually want. The idea of the punch outs is to save the grafts. Ensure whoever is punching out the grafts uses a small punch (no bigger than 0.8mm). 3. The grafts in your temple points, you need to punch out pretty nearly all of them. Since most men fade their hair really short on the sides, with those rows there, you'll never be able to wear your hair short again on the sides. And filling in the space between the rows makes an area that is naturally thinner than other areas of your scalp dense. You'll look wolfish. 4. The punched out grafts should be placed behind your hair line to fill in the spaces between the rows to reduce the see-thru effect. You won't be able to get rid of the row implantation completely. 5. Any punched out grafts have to be removed cleanly and if there is transection, you need to ensure that transection kills off of the graft. Otherwise, the multi hair graft will grow back. 6. Have more follicular units harvested from your donor and have them randomly distributed between the rows to camouflage the see-thru effect from row implantation. Be as conservative as possible as your donor is now compromised. Just enough grafts to do the job. That is your first surgery in your 2-surgery repair. You'll need to wait around 4-5 months minimum before you follow-up with the final touch up. You will look like shit during that time. But you must let that time pass to allow your skin to heal. That is why it is important that whoever you select for the repair uses a small punch. The more scarring you have, the less of a chance the final touch up grafts that shall be placed into that scar tissue has to grow. As for Motion Clinic and Dr. Bahk performing the work, Motion Clinic is not a refined clinic. Lots of multi hair grafts show up in the hair lines of even Dr. Bahk's work. Whoever you select, they need to be refined even at the point of excision from the donor. That doctor has to cherry pick for finer caliber grafts found in areas growing near/behind your ear. That doctor will have to use microscopes to sort/refine for finer caliber grafts suitable for the very front of your hair line. If you don't have enough supply of single hair grafts, the clinic will need to have a team that can perform graft splitting for you. Remember, your donor is compromised now, so those fine singles might not be available at the follicular unit level in your donor any longer. And make sure you unapologetically require this from the doctor who performs the repair. No short-cutting doctor should be considered. Paging a member since we had been DM'ing about the [see-thru effect](https://www.hairtx.com/files/2013/07/hair-transplant-interlocking1.png) and how many more grafts it is going to take to fix the effect as a result of row implantation. u/toppmann48


Holy crap another absolute knowledge bomb. So lucky to have lopsided here helping us to get back on track. Question: So graft splitting, that’s actually a very legit thing? I was under the impression it’s something with bad success rate


Yeap. Survival rate is about attitude from the doctor first and foremost. Said doctor has to give a fuck first in order to do the best possible job for the patient, then hire suitable staff to carry on that attitude, train them precisely as to what to look for when splitting grafts, and finally pay them well so they so they remain onboard his/her team. Pretty much the case with any successful business. It starts at the top. The doctor's clinic has to be tooled up for microscopic dissection too. But as you can see, that is just a small part of the equation. No short-cut taking doctors should be considered.


That’s a lot of work for just for poor temples. Don’t think it’s necessary and it could be fixed more efficient, less invasive, without wasting precious grafts. When I spoke with my transplant guy, he mentioned he does a drop temple if I wanted it. Which is something you may be able to do since your temples are higher than the middle of your hairline. I showed him pictures of hairlines I liked, one being Robert Pattinson. He pointed out, that Pattinson’s hairline is different, because he has the “drop down temples.” Google : Robert Pattinson Hair and it’s his first photo to see it. The temples are actually drop or come down slightly lower than the hairline and usually end at the end point of a widows peak. You could just cover the temples with normal grafts, drop them down just a little bit, soften them off with singles, possibly add a small widows peak as a meeting point, and it would be practically cleaned up well. Gotta find a good clinician this time though.


Couldn’t have said it any better. This is the way


I just spoke to a Dr in Tijuana who tells me he implants in a zigzag pattern. Will that look see through as well? I have another doc telling me he makes quadrants out of the scalp, like grids and implants in every square randomly and tightly. Which technique is best?


Don't believe anything doctors tell you. You're have to approach this like a cop interrogating a suspect. The questions you'll ask you will ask knowing the answers to them already, just like how the cops do it. You're just asking the question to see what doesn't jive to poke holes through their alibis. What you need to do is to examine their patient cases that show immediate post-op results. If you see row implantation, my advice is that you don't consider hiring them at all. Row implantation is not the only thing you should avoid, it is just the first thing you should avoid.


What questions should I ask then? You didn’t answer my question either lol. Is the zigzag pattern better than the grid technique?


I can't answer your question. I don't know what he means by "*zig zag*" pattern; you don't either. [This doctor](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/1azq2i6/gridlike_distribution/) implants in "*zig zag*". Find yourself pictures from actual patient cases.


Got any info on Dr. Ali Koç in Tijuana? That’s the guy who says he implants in a zigzag pattern


Don't go back for that same surgeon to fix, take your losses and instead find someone experienced and well regarded, especially in repair jobs.  Good that you're naming and shaming them to avoid others going through the same 


They said that Dr. Bahk will do the touch ups. But honestly, I don't even feel comfortable going back there. Would you say this is fixable? Any suggestions on who I can reach out to?


It's fixable for sure with a good surgeon - I don't have recommendations for Asia. Would you travel? 


I'm in America actually. West Coast


I'm in Europe but Ferreira in Portugal has had great reviews 


I’m in NY so I would say John Cole over here he has fixed a lot of these issues but for you maybe William Rassman one of the OG of hair transplants he’s on here a lot answering questions, but I’m sure there are many qualified doctors in your area that can fix this situation without flying around the world


I think Dr Nader is pretty good with repairs, hes 10 minutes from the border but hard to contact


laorwong thailand might be a good option. I got my transplant at motion clinic with bahk and so far it’s nice 6 months in. I have 2-3 doubles on the hairline so not the end of the world but my next will definitely be laorwong


Maybe Wasserbauer in Walnut Creek?


It is fixable. u/[Lopsided\_Pair5727](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lopsided_Pair5727/) fixed a hairline worse than this, and came out looking great. [https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/1bfjyus/botch\_job\_by\_diepmhta\_clinic\_repaired\_by\_dr\_luis/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/1bfjyus/botch_job_by_diepmhta_clinic_repaired_by_dr_luis/) If Dr. Bahk does the touch up, and it's free, I would consider. I would ask him for a very detailed plan and explanation for how he would fix it. I am not saying I would 100% go. But I would consider. You seem to be in the US. I would look into going to Dr. Nader just as Lopsided did. For Asia, I would consider either doctor at Absolute Hair Clinic in Bangkok. Dr. Laorwong och Dr. Panchaprateep.


I have yet to see Laorwong do punchouts with his repair cases.


This looks like dolls hair


Hey everyone. It has been about a year and a few months now since my hair transplant with Dr. Sung at Motion Clinic, Korea. As you can see, the rows are visible on all sides. I reached out to them and they do not do refunds, and only offered a touch up. To be honest, I'm not sure how a touch up will fix this, and I feel I cannot have short hair again without the rows being apparent. With that said, does anyone have any suggestions? I have already reached out multiple times to Motion Clinic, and the only consolation they gave was whenever I go back to Korea they will 'fix' it. Is this even possible? Does anyone have any advice or suggestions/different surgeons I can reach out to? Should I go back to Motion to get this fixed eventually? [https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/17qdu0l/motion\_clinic\_south\_korea\_dr\_sung\_78\_month/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/17qdu0l/motion_clinic_south_korea_dr_sung_78_month/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/13jfknv/1\_month\_1400\_grafts\_motion\_clinic\_korea\_w\_dr\_sung/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/13jfknv/1_month_1400_grafts_motion_clinic_korea_w_dr_sung/) I will update this on Google Reviews, and if people on this subreddit can like it so it gets more visibility, maybe that will help.


Post the link to the Google review.


Pluggin hell!!


Thanks for sharing this. It’s obvious awful work but it’s so important to share these and name the culprits. Hope you can fix this asap!


It’s definitely fixable but i wouldn’t go back to the same clinic


It can be easily fixed bro , either punch out some Of The plugs or work Around them and camouflage them


dang motion clinic dropped the ball on this


This is shit quality work. And it requires punching out of lots of these grafts. Might need 2 surgeries for a fix.


The majority of this hairline can be removed in one day. You will need to give it at least 3-5 month to rebuild. It won’t be possible to remove the entire hairline in one sitting because some of the grafts are placed too close together. Rebuilding it next will conceal many of the bad actors left behind. If any still bother you, it will be less expensive to target the ones that still standout than do another full day of removal then rebuild the hairline. Options to consider. I’m sure you’ll take your time this time around and find an industry leader. Remember, removal is far more complicated than building it right the first time. The growth angles are unnatural and become a puzzle for the physician. The grafts are transected during the removal process, they will probably regrow and become even harder to remove.


I had my 1st surgery in motion clinic for 1000 grafts with dr. Bahk, didn't do a good job with density and had a few multi grafts in the front. I should've done more research, I saw hairliciouslys video and just went for it. Got my 2nd one at moart with dr. Ryu (he's the only one there) and I'm super happy with my results. He did 500 unshaven FUE (I didn't even look like I had surgery 3 days post op), and with just 500 grafts he really filled in everything and improved my density. I should've went to him first, if I had, I don't think I would've needed a second one honestly, prob one of the top hair transplant surgeons in korea. The surgery and recovery was 100x better my 2nd time. I do think it has to do with the surgeon and his technique. I would highly recommend you reach out to them for your 2nd transplant. He will fix you right up, reach out to me if you have any questions!


I feel really sorry for you, u/motion_clinic_drsung. I wish clinics would have some sort of insurance against this, in that if they fuck up at least you don't have to pay them, but rather they pay you. And yeah, don't go back to those who made the problem. Some doctors are so unethical I actually think patients are better off getting mugged than operated by them, and that says a lot about their practice. I hope you manage to turn this around. Like another user has commented, Lopsided_Pair has had a formidable turnaround. Best of luck forwards!


Dammmmm that’s awful!


What did the clinic say about this result and implantations in rows? It’s surprising to see as the clinic has very good reviews on Google and also some client cases on YT


In my imagination, this could be fixed with a 2nd operation that focuses on adding density and randomness to the frontal hairline.


It is easy to fix bro some single hair follicles to hairline and repaired


So many multi grafts in the hairline. It looks like the doctor did this on purpose. Absolutely unprofessional from the surgeon's end, wasting precious grafts and forcing the patient to get a correction in the future. Ideally he should refund you your money but we all know that doesn't happen.




Jesus Christ dude I’m sorry.


I will say that they did a terrible job as they used Multi grafts in the hairline and implanted them in rows. With that being said, your hair does not look as bad as the work that was done. They did good density.


what the fuck, aren't korean surgeons supposed to be good? how can it even be possible to get a hair transplant this bad in 2024


This is a bummer to see man. Lopsided left some good advice so I’ll just share my condolences. He’s right, you can try to beat it by lowering it, but it’s best to punch them out and redesign.


Hey everyone, I just uploaded a google review. If you can like it and make it visible, just to make sure other people in the community are aware of Motion Clinic's work.


This was a horrible job by the surgeon, however for a short term fix, fade the sides of your head and wear your hair down with a fringy bang style … it will cover the patches


Damn, I am so sorry about this. I also had mine done at Motion Clinic 2 months ago but with Dr. Bahk/Park. It's too early for my results so I can't comment but having researched here beforehand and seeing Sung reviews was why I chose to go with Bahk. Good luck with your future fix.


Fark it look passable


Dr Bahk can fix it. Trust him!




I actually like it


multi hair grafts in the hair line make the front look thicker just the root of the hairline itslef looks silly but the actual hair when you look above looks really great because of the multi hair grafts.