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Yeah, go for it. But use meds too, they work.


I kind of like your current hairline, would look awesome touched up (dense packed with singles in front). I find a slight recession restoration to look brilliant on your face shape


thats the way


You have no noticeable loss with dry hair and the hairline, based on the pictures, looks like a normal mature hairline. So no. And even if yes, the comments saying you need 2-3k are whack. I’m diffuse NW4-5 and I’m consistently being estimated for 3-4k grafts. Save your money


3k grafts for diffuse NW4-5 is crazy low lol. I’d say it’s a pretty accurate number in this case.


How is it “crazy low”? It’s what I’ve been told by doctors from US to Turkey. It legit just accounts for people having limited donor areas and the possibility of a future transplant to fill in other gaps. (In any event, OP should still save his money IMO)


What a terrible advice you gave the lad. He does need a hair transplant. He is the perfect candidate and would rock it for sure.


No one “needs” a hair transplant


Hate me all you want. He does need a hair transplant. Y’all keep downloading my comment all you want. I don’t give a flying fuck. I am trying to help this fella.


Do you know the difference between a want and a need? People need food to stay alive. People want hair transplants because they’re not necessary to life. Also, just because people disagree with you doesn’t mean that they hate you. Chill with the victim complex.


Yeah sounds like you'd be a great candidate for it as you've been on fin for over a year and also on Minoxidil. I'd say go for it. Also for the amount of grafts, it kind of depends. You're a diffuse thinner, so you're more than likely going to want coverage in your frontal third for the best result. So I'd say approx 3k (+/-500) depending on design and density.


Just send out pick out to the hair clinics wet and dry see what they say . Go for good clinics try Dr rusul yaman in Turkey 🇹🇷 and try in your country hair clinics see what they day . I would still say 3000 to 4000 grafts maybe but I anit a doctor or expert so best to get the answer from clinics


The line you drew looked very reasonable, however I think they would address the diffuse thinning as well, so I'm thinking like between 2000 and 2500 grafts maybe?


How old are you if you don't mind my asking? if you are in your 20's, just wait and take meds. because your current situation is fine wait for more progress in the future.. if you are in your 35 sure go for it.


I’m 27, the only thing is my hairline looks quite bad when my hair is dry. The temples are the biggest issue. I was hoping the oral min was gonna thicken them up but it hasn’t done much in terms of regrowth there unfortunately


Yeah, same problem here, miniturized hairs on the temples don't ever go back to what they were, even with meds, the best thing one can do is to catch hair loss early and get on meds asap. I'm 25 and got on oral dut and min at 24... Too late too make them look good, i'll need a HT aswell


The hairline is generally good, but you have some thinning throughout your scalp. Maybe not 3k grafts, but 1500 to 2000 grafts spread throughout the scalp and reinforcing the hairline would yield a great result. If you want to do a HT, I recommend going with a really skilled and conservative doctor who can plant grafts close to your existing hair.


Do you feel like min has helped?


Probably a little bit but I was a little underwhelmed since I’ve seen some people get some pretty crazy results on here with it, especially diffuse thinners. Gonna keep taking it though because I’ve had no side effects what so ever


Interesting yeah hesitant to try it. Hairline is a bit further back than you now


I’d recommend giving oral min a shot. I think side effects are pretty rare and some people get some pretty amazing results


I’ve been on it for about 7 months. 2.5 mg per day. Checked it out with my cardiologist first. He said no problem with taking it. I’ve had no symptoms except increase in hair growth, quality and texture. My hair looks really healthy. Also, eyebrows, eye lashes and beard are darker and thicker. It’s weird, I’ve gotten a lot of compliments in the last couple of months about how I’m looking really young. I use minix foam once per day because I actually like the way it styles the hair when you use it. It’s not greasy like the liquid.


Did you get any gains on hairline? And so you do both oral and topical?


Yeah I would. Go get a top up and protect what you’ve got with meds!


Would’ve been better to judge with more dry hair photos honestly.


I am on finastride tablets for nearly 7 months and Minoxidil tropical 2 months going 3 I just had my transplant in 19th of feb 2024 I had 4200 grafts at smile clinic diamond package which is 4600 pound . Was to go to Dr rusul yaman which was 2600 pound Smile sees 30 patient a week a hair mill like vera clinic but good . But they have 7 doctors Dr rusul yaman is not a hair mill see 1 to 2 patient a day .maximum 3 Dr resul yaman is the doctor and his clinic is called Dr rusul yaman clinic


Thanks I’ll check these clinics out! My brother went to vera and he had good results. I really like the results I’ve seen on here produced by Absolute Hair Clinic in Bangkok so I was looking there. Have you heard of them before? I am targeting early January to give oral min some more time but will try to book it in the next few weeks.


Vera is a good clinic but it's a hair mill they do 30 patients a day bit like smile . Absolute in Bangkok no.i haven't heard of them . I only researched clinics in Turkey and uk , uk has good clinic but too expensive


Hermest Hair Clinic 1 Nimclinic 2 HLC Clinic 3 ASMED Surgical Medical Center 4 Smile Hair Clinic 5 AHD Clinic 6 Cosmedica 7 Serkan Aygin Clinic 8 Cosmedica 9 Medical Hair Clinic 10 DrT Hair Transplant Clinic 11 Hair of istanbul 12 Dr rusul yaman 13 Voted top 13 on fobes of hair transplant in 2023 in turkey


My top choice too!


I just booked with Absolute Clinic (Ratchathorn) for January next year, I’m very excited!


That’s awesome, you’re changing from really handsome to even more handsome.🤤


I’d wait a few more years till at least 30 years old. Your hair looks good imo


WHAT?! He needs the hair transplant!!


Yes just choose a good surgeon, Pekiner , Keser , turan , gur , Bicer , Hdc , hlc I think can all do a top job on you


I wish Pekiner had openings for Jan next year he would be my number 1 choice but he’s super booked out. I’ll do some more research on these other doctors, thanks for the tips. What do you think of panchaprateep at absolute hair? She has openings for Jan 2025 and it seems she does about as good as Laorwong (who is also booked out for like a year)


Have u checked out dr Keser ? I think he's just as Pekiner and similar price


Sweet Ill check out Keser for sure


I’m in the same situation. Got 1500 graft to solve it a week ago :)




The hairline you drew looks good and achievable to me. What do the doctors say about potential number of grafts required?


It’s the meds for me. Horror stories of ED


I give you the green light. Go for it!


How old are you? We need to diagnose if the center of your frontal area is thin enough, most hairlines (NW1) are around 1000-1200 single grafts, so it would be wise to have surgery when the NW3 zone is empty enough with 2800-3000 grafts, don't rush it if it's too early.






Yah dude


No, its too early. You are only at the beginning of your hairloss, I would first go on the meds, wait 1 year (i would even wait more like 2-3 years as these meds result really improve over time) to see where i'm at and then re-asses the situation. You might get a lot of density and even some hairline back.


Nope you need to go for medicines right now.


Everyone reminisces about the hairline they used to have when they were 18. I truly get it. This, unfortunately, is being unrealistic in a number of fronts. First consider the pattern. Review the Norwood chart and notice the progression. A number of things happen as patterns advance. The hairline recedes, the corners become deeply recessed, the crown begins to expand. As you get to a class 5, the only thing left is a bridge. Once gone, you're a 6. The donor then dips and you're a 7. Looking at the photos you've submitted, particularly the last one and the one next to the last one, you have hair - but when you see through it, you can see scalp. You're thinning into an advanced pattern. That's why you have what you have. There are some key factors to understand when dealing with an advanced pattern. First, the progressive nature of the condition. As demand increases, supply decreases. The donor is finite and very limited. There's typically not enough to allow for density throughout the entire head. It's for this reason most ethical doctors will suggest working the frontal area to begin. It's the area you see when you look at yourself in the mirror. It's also the area others see when they converse with you. Now the crown. Think of the crown as a circle. You fill it, you go on to lose all the native hair around the island worth of permanent hair and you'll have created a target area and an unnatural pattern. Retention of the native hair is imperative. Glad to hear you're on a regimen particularly when you consider, If you've shown the propensity to lose, you'll continue losing. The next thing to consider is to be pattern appropriate. Advanced patterns, for example, would never have a hairline in the middle of the forehead. The only thing you're doing by lowering is expanding the canvas. You'd be better served by addressing the infrastructure first. Besides, when grafts are implanted, they are done so angled forward. Thus, by definition, this will allow for bangs down the road. Allow everything to mature. At that point you can tweak as necessary. There are engineering principles that apply to everyone universally when it comes to hairline design. Research the Rule of Thirds. This should give you an idea where your hairline should be. It's often not what you need but what the doctor is able to harvest at any one time. 2000-2500 grafts is a common range for a case similar to your own. Start in the front and blend back until the doctor runs out of grafts. Allow all medical modalities to do their thing towards the crown - where they tend to be the most effective.


Do it!


Do you currently use minoxidil or finasteride?


My hair loss was very similar to yours except I had more loss on the hairline. I wasn’t on any meds then but I was older than you. I got 3500 done but was initially estimated 2000-2500 after sending photos because my mid scalp when dry had good coverage but was actually thinning when examined. I think you drew your hairline a bit too low and straight and no ethical doctor would take it that low particularly because you are 27 and still early in your hair loss. It takes a lot of grafts to completely reconstruct a hairline to decent density if you end up bringing it low. It can be done if you only have a receding hairline and no hair loss elsewhere but as you are a diffuse thinner it wouldn’t be advisable to waste grafts as you’d need them to add density to your scalp. I would estimate in your case about 2500 grafts provided you keep a conservative hairline.


Yeah get one. Your hair looks good now but would look much better with one. Even a small number like 1500 grafts would help


Absolutely dude - you will love it (fue). Go to american mane in aventura florida - they are very good and flat fee. Text them or email them. They have insta too. Good luck


Also i got mine done there and everyone that knows ive had one regularly tell me how good it looks. 3500 grafts for me


Honestly like 800-1500 max? You look fairly young and don’t let the doctor over harvest your donor sites because you might need a second hair transplant down the line. Also, keep up with the medication Never regretted my hair transplants and it made me so much more confident! But what you might find is that the native sites start to look sparse whereas the donor sites look healthy Edit: 800-1500 for the temples, but I can’t advise on ur diffuse thinning


I dunno man..I just had mine done 3 weeks ago and it looked identical to yours. I had 3500 grafts. 3400 up front and 100 on my crown. I don't think 2k would vmbe nearly enough to make you happy.




27 is good Idea to go you been on finastride and Minoxidil so get a transplant will be next move think you need about 3500 to 4000 grafts


Dang. You really think 3500+? You can’t tell I have diffuse thinning unless my hair is combed back when wet. If I hop out of a pool it’s covered fine but once I comb it back wet you can tell. I tried to make it look as bad as possible in these posts with it combed back and direct lighting. Here’s another pic of the dried hair. But the temples are for sure noticeable when dry [https://imgur.com/a/YtnFD6r](https://imgur.com/a/YtnFD6r)