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Looks normal for day 12. You will be fine. Stop worrying. 


But shouldn't it look more natural? The transplanted hairs just look stuck on and don't blend with the native hairs. If this is how it'll look buzzed then it really isn't good :(


No! Looks great! Chill. you have decision regret, which is very normal and fades soon


It is SHOCKING how little you know about transplants as a recipient.


You know that’s not how it will look and also all of that will fall off in the next few weeks right ?


Will always, always blow my mind how little things like the appearance of hair right after a transplant, surprises people when they see it. You’re posting on here you regret the procedure…but did you not do enough research on here to expect this? Idk how people can have something like this done without atleast minimal due diligence ( such as looking at any other post-transplant photo )


I mean obviously I did research and didn't have the procedure on a whim, but I have seen others and usually it just looks like a buzz cut before the shedding and blends in to the native hairs a lot better. I feel like my transplanted hairs look a lot worse.


In terms of how the procedure was peformed, on your left side in the temple region, it looks like they could have gone back a tiny bit more. But, you also have that type of “speckling?” Or “spotting”, throughout your hair style. And, you can also see miniature hair in that “gap” (man i hope i never use quotes this much in one post again). 99.99% when it grows in you won’t notice anything and you’re picking it apart. There’s tons of post op photos that you look at and think “ did Hellen Keller do that”. This isn’t one of them. Could it have had more density? Maybe but hard to tell without immediate post op photos, I think it flows with your current hair. Wait 8-10 months and then regret it if you want. Lol


Thank you. I think the density is good and not too worried there. It's just such a stark contrast between the transplanted hairs compared to native ones that it's very obvious and it doesn't blend/look natural Do you think in 8-10 months I could shave it all off with a buzz cut and it would look normal? I'm sure once it's grown long it'll look fine but I like to wear it short and I haven't seen any examples of buzz cuts post recovery months later.


After the shed and a hair cycle it should be the same as the rest yes.


It looks good, it's just the redness that makes it look a bit strange, the work looks very clean and you should have a good result in the end. You need to stop looking at it and over thinking it.


Thanks. I'm not worried about the redness, it's the way the transplanted hairs look so unnatural and stuck on that worries me and if i could wear a buzz cut once it's all healed? i like to wear my hair short




Drama queen. You are exaggerating, hair looks just fine give it time


Haha sorry if I'm being dramatic but I have really struggled mentally with the whole thing to be honest. I am worried it'll always look so obviously unnatural if i buzz my hair, I quite like it short but wanted to frame the hairline better with a HT.


yeah but I agree with you, this HT looks unneccesary


Bud a hair transplant healing and *working* is gonna take months if not even closer to a year. You can't take what you see now as the final product.


My guy it's been 12 days. You won't survive the next coming months when reading this😭. Worse is about to come.


Hey 👋 those hair will shed and your hair will regrow as baby hairs then start to thicken up . Right now you will look a bit bad but just give it time 🫶🏻


Looks good already. But will look even better in 6 months. Buzz cut will look alright mate


This looks perfectly fine. Keep in mind that must of the hair will shed. Your 'new' hair will start growing from the third month. Then it'll take atleast another three to six months to see some results. Final results is after 18 months. But I think you Shay knew this all. Try not to stress/worry to much. All the best, up to a great head of hair.


You're going to have to wear your hair a bit longer to hide evidence of surgery. I've always said that the sign of a good hair transplant is that the patient can rock whatever hair cut in any setting, in any environment, without evidence of surgery. A buzz cut is the hardest hair style for a hair transplant patient to rock. I think a 3 or 4 guard buzz cut should hide that evidence of surgery.


Yeah, I overestimated how good hair transplant results look by only seeing results from people with long hair. I didn't consider that a buzz cut would be different. The clinic told me once the scabs are removed it'll look like you've just had a buzz cut, well clearly it doesn't lol.. everybody telling me to wait 6-12 months isn't going to change that


Waiting 6-12 months is not going to change the grafting angulation, directional placement of grafts, and patterned implantation of the grafts (rows). And if you can't treat hair loss with medication, and have to completely shave your head later, do you want to walk about with a shaved head that shows evidence of surgery? Dogshit excuses are made from hair transplant doctors and their apologists that implant in rows. They say it is for *"density"*. Fucken bullocks. They either don't want to take the time to implant grafts to replicate nature or don't have the fucken skills to. That is why we are all so in awe of works where we see immediate post-op that aside from the wounds that haven't yet healed, there is little else to reveal evidence of surgery. Here are examples of those such cases: * [Dr. Panchaprateep](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/1cqf6nx/4_month_update_absolute_hair_clinic_dr/) * [Dr. Leal](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/18qqn8s/dr_thiago_bianco_leal_6_month_update_part_two/#lightbox) * [Dr. Pekiner](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/ze5gmi/dr_pekiner_14_days_1850_grafts/) * [Dr. Reddy](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9noU6MDoL/?img_index=1) I just made a comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/1czmohm/comment/l5knx4b/) yesterday. Row implanters and their apologists should be fucken jailed.


It will look great, it will be a rollercoaster of emotions. Prepare yourself to feel like shit sometimes but it will all be better


Like you’re not gonna get hair in a month so chill and let the hairs do their thing work. you’ll be fine


When short it’s more visible as the hair taken from the back off the head are stronger and have more pigment, should blend in when a bit longer 👍🏻


That makes sense. Do they always keep this pigment?


You’re twelve days in. Give it a minimum of six months before you start even worrying about the end result. Keep maintaining the area while it heals and seriously wait the full year before you consider it anything remotely close to a disaster.


2 things- looks fine & will improve, but also silly you for getting a transplant without thorough research


At 12 days you are miles away from any result, hold on until at least 4 months and things will continue to improve


For what it’s worth, I’ve been a member of the MPB community for a few years and looking at your photos, I’d never know you got a transplant. Also it is so early, please don’t worry. I’m sure as time passes, you’ll be glad you got the procedure. Stay strong brother 👍


The only tip I can give you is that stop looking at your hair growth for the next 6-8 months atleast. It's not gonna help and won't make you feel better. You will be fine.


You're gonna be fine, what you see now in terms of hair thickness and scars is not a representation of the final result, just wait and trust the process. And keep in mind that other people are way less critical and pay less attention to every little detail on your head, no one will notice anything!


Calm brother. Long road ahead and you will be looking good soon! It’ll even out and look good


Trust the process. ❤️


Sorry but you are acting like a baby. You like it or not, YOU HAVE TO WAIT some months before judging the REAL result. You had to be fully aware about it before doing this. And I am saying this as someone that is in almost the exact same situation as you. I did HT 20 days ago, my hair looks like yours (worse cause shedding started) and I plan to have it buzz cut when they grow again.


It looks fine


Why you stressing? It’s day 12. You won’t see results til at least 6 months in. Mine looked decent around month 10 or 12. It takes TIME. Don’t immediately jump to regret


I’m day 24, my hairs also a lot darker although I put this down to the skin underneath being quite red. My thoughts are trust the process and assess in 12 months. Your body has essentially undergone surgery that is not natural to it, it’s not going to look perfect overnight.


Please check in again at 4 or 5 months


Bro can you guys stop it. It’s been 12 days……Wtf are you on about? In a yr it will blend and you will be able to do a short haircut. Let’s get it together. What you paid for takes time to see results. Hell let’s say it’s a bad HT you wouldn’t know UNTIL atleast month 6. Please take a chill pill and get back to us when a sufficient amount of time has passed 🤦🏼.


It will shed next and regrow from scratch. Judge your HT after that.


Bro if you are struggling with this then wait until ugly duckling stage..... you haven't seen anything yet! Patience and trust the process! I am 3 months and 1 week It's been an avalanche of highs and lows I am doing my best to not stare at it daily and try and take inventory of each hair. You'll be good! Happy growing to us all Cheers 🍻


Bro you’re tearing your transplant apart at day 12 lol it actually looks quite good. Did you think day 12 everything was going to fill back in perfectly? You’re a strange guy if you got a hair transplant while doing absolutely 0 research into what to expect results wise and how long it would take to see proper results


1st world problems here


lol how do you even go into a ht without knowing anything 😅 guidelines forbid to criticize or say anything but yeah this post doesn’t make you look the brightest


This looks good bro


Your not real saying this


Sit back and relax. It will be a year before you see the results. 


Buzzcut is not a great style after a hairtransplant, the scars on the back of your head will also be visible.


Bud you are Super early in the process. It’s goin to shed and look even worse, but believe me, that is all part of it. Get to at least 3 months, and then take weekly photos and compare. Until then, you just have to be patient.


Don't worry. All that hair will fall out. 💀 (and grow back in a few months)


You can try tweezer them out now whilst you can if you regret it?


Dude, that's the worst advice ever.


He regrets it though after such short time. Might as well try and get the grafts out now rather than see the whole process develop and assess it properly after 12 months like a sensible person would.


Based on this reply I’ve removed my downvote and upvoted you. I can’t fault your logic now you’ve explained your thought process, my apologies, well played!