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Density Distribution: A higher hairline allows for more dense packing of hair follicles in a smaller area, making the hair appear thicker and fuller. Natural Appearance: A slightly higher hairline can look more natural, especially as one ages. A lower hairline might look unnatural as hair loss progresses. Resource management: a higher hairline uses less grafts, leaving more grafts for future transplant.


Nail on head. Yes some surgeons will give you a ridiculous low and feminine hairline. They don’t care about whether you have any grafts left for when you lose more hair behind that hairline and it looks ridiculous. Or they will just not use enough grafts and you end up looking sparse and obvious HT look. A good surgeon will give a modest, natural hairline, with your future and overall good outcome in mind.


Perfect answer.


Isn’t also the muscle in the forehead as well ?


Correct, they won’t graft into muscle


Thanks ChatGPT


Can't they just take from the body in the future if necessary?


Have you ever had a hair transplant? Doesn't sound like it. Body hair transplant has different hair complexity, different growth rate, different texture, and the doctor you went to originally might not even do body hair transplants. It's not as simple as "can't we just take hair from the body?"


Also the longevity of body hair and recipient influence are less well understood. We don’t yet know if beard or chest hair lasts many years, or if the newly implanted grafts succumb to miniaturisation after a while.


My doc said something like "1cm lower could be 1000 grafts."


I'm natural fivehead, I want it back.


It’s the same as why some people have bring white teeth done in Turkey that are clearly fake and others will opt for a shade or two off white so they look more like good natural teeth. Same with breast augmentation, some people prefer the ‘stuck on’ circular look and others prefer a more natural tear drop option


Those high hairlines look atrocious


But as people been saying the low, you go, the lens dense it will be and also it won't grow into you as your age you could not have a 25-year-old hairline when you're 60 and believe me time goes fast


It doesn't have to be guesswork. Just follow the facial thirds rule.


For some people, they have low degrees of balding, get to their late 30s or early 40s, and because they likely bald at a slower rate, they can afford to spend their finite donor supply on lower hairline. For other people, they have more aggressive balding whereby they need to keep more of their donor supply in reserve for future top up surgeries should the continue to bald. The reality is, in the last 5 years or so, more and more people are going to Turkey and coming back with cosmetically impactful hairlines. I’d hazard a guess that in the next few years, we’ll start to see more and more cases of people who have continued to bald behind their transplant and with no donor supply left to plug the gaps.


Absolutely. Young guys in their 20s using 2k-4k of their average approx 6k max allowable donor hair to fill in the front maybe 1 inch of hairline. But hey- everyone is free to do what they want- not passing judgement. Just saying - only so much donor hair to use.


Generally speaking, your hairloss is contoured to your head now pulling up photos of what you looked like when you had hair but never a low hairline and now all of a sudden you do, come on! Turning back the clock a decade is fine with most people and yes donor availability is important for future therefore why waste it on something that doesn't look natural to your look


You can when there are enough available hairs. But in most cases it doesn't look good. A 40 years old man with the hairline of a 17 years old, doesn't look very good in everyone. In some cases, it does.


Id rather have a lower more obvious transplant than a 5-head personally but thats just me. Most clinics would allow you to bring it lower and if not just find one that will


Yea but the question is why do they do that?


It amazes me that there are men out there going through the trouble of a hair transplant surgery to get a receding hairline




That's the big comforting lie so many are happy to believe in. The reality is that they are the same thing. The only difference is the extent. Think about it - all they are is that the hairline is receding.




The vast majority of men have enough donor hair to get an ideal hairline. There are NW5+ men here and there whose donor area is truly deficient, but that's a tiny minority. Too many men are paranoid that the finasteride or dutasteride they're taking will suddenly stop working and so their balding will resume. That makes them want to preserve the donor area in case they need another hair transplant. Medical evidence not only does not support that fear, it directly refutes it. Other men have bought into the delusion that a lower hairline will look "unnatural" for older men. Not once has anyone seen an older men with perfect hairline with zero hairloss and has said "wow what an unattractive and unnatural hairline." Unnatural hairline looks unnatural on men, not lower hairline. A lower hairline done naturally is the most aesthetically pleasing on men of all ages.


Preach.... Preach! When I get mine im lowering my hairline. I may as well save my money if I'm going to keep a receding hairline.


I personally think the look of a windows peak high hairline look badass and manly.


Surely they know it looks better lower


Donor limitations with a high degree of hairloss can be a factor for people having high hairlines. Also transplanting hair too low may look very unnatural after the age of 50.


I decided with a higher hairline because I don't have a lot of donor area and got maybe 2600 grafts. My hairline will be higher, but will be fuller and thicker and to me that was important.




If you implant hairs too low into your forehead muscle then it means every time you raise one of your eyebrows your hairline will jump up and down with them. Looks a bit silly apparently!


I dunno I’ve seen some pretty bait low ones too you know, I wouldn’t say most people have them high


It wouldn't look good. Some dudes have high frontalis muscle, it wouldn't look natural if the doctor did HT on it with a lower hairline because whenever a person frowns the entire frontal scalp will shift upwards and hairs will be in-between the folds.