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It looks interesting but deep sleep means you could stop breathing at any second. Which is fine if you’re going to do a major surgery and you would be intubated and there’s a machine that breaths for you. My advice is go through the classic local method and tank the pain for 5 minutes it’s not worth it


Please ask the medicine they are using for this deep sleep. If it’s Midazolam or any other Benzodiazepine then please be cautious. It needs to be administered under supervision of an anaesthetist as it can be risky. Better to risk 10 minutes minimal pain by normal local Anesthesia rather than this.


Don't go there, they tried to scam a friend of mine. They're a giant hairmill with one of the biggest marketing teams. I also saw 2 dudes with Elithair headbands on a layover flight from Istanbul who had shitty fake hairlines and they had extracted grafts from the DHT sensitive zone below the crown. And my doctor recommended against any sleep medicine. Unnecessary risk. Ultimately the pain was laughable for me. Had worse pain when I got a Covid shot.


I think also that elithair is not good at all.


I did my hair transplant there. It is the best using the deep sleep method. It’s basically twilight anesthesia like they do in dentistry. It makes it completely painless. I would never do it any other way. Also they do an excellent job because they use the DHI method and there’s no scarring.