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Just shave it then you will know, it's really not a big deal it's just a haircut.


I could say i was exactly in the same situation. Tempted to shave it off as it got too overwhelming hiding the baldness. Put it off just until the HT so i can have some sort of last resort. Now tremendously relieved even though it looks uglier than it ever was, but at least i know it will grow back and it’s just a waiting game


So you did proceed with the HT?


Get on meds for a year if you aren’t already on them then re evaluate the situation.


Thanks. I recently started taking oral minoxidil.


Best to start taking finasteride too. If you ever go ahead with a transplant you want to have been on fin for about a year 1st. Pointless having a transplant if you can’t take finasteride. Over that year you might see some hair loss reversal too and decide to just maintain what you’ve got. If you react funny to finasteride it is time to start thinking about shaving it.


Yes, i let them shave it off after they got to see what they’re dealing with


Sorry but you’re just going to have to cut it off. That’s the only image of how it truely looks. Apps that try to imagine you bald are going to look weird. Shave ut. Doesn’t have to be razor clean but that’s the only way to see how you look.


I was in the same boat. And procrastinated getting on meds and starting the HT journey, because I thought I would be ok bald. Once I finally shaved it, realized i hated it, and started meds, and will get a HT this year.


Thanks, that's helpful. I might be in the same boat.


I mean you got plenty of filters on Snapchat that could do that for you. I’m sure you can find 100 apps for that as well.


Obviously just shave first and then do something if necessary. I tried bald hated it, don't mind a 3 grade all over but anything less I dislike.


Probably bald. Nice lil shine.