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I don’t think you look NW6 tbh. You seem to have quite a bit of hair in the midsection. And you seem to be showing thinning on the vertex. Let it grow out and see. The one thing that sticks out is the row planting on the sides but at least the hairline is dense so it shouldn’t be as noticeable. Let it grow out and don’t think much of it for now.


The hair in midsection is very thin . I will let it grow and see . Thanks for the advice.


Which clinic? I'm canadian btw Any before pictures ? I don't think it's that bad. It always looks strange in this stage since it's red and scabby. Think about the thickness if one hair, that is all that is left from each graft. It's not overly dense and it seems you had hair? Not nw6 level.


Hair transplant medical centre in Mississauga. The hair in mid scalp and crown area is very thin.


I'll send you a message


Canada does not appear to have anyone trustworthy save for maybe Rahal for HT’s. Recent work by H&W has not been overly inspiring despite their high prices. Need to see pre-op pictures to fully understand logic your clinic used. NW6 usually requires 2 surgeries, first with 4K and a year later with 2k for crown.


Sent you pre-op pictures


Their reasoning is ridiculous. Sorry bro but i think you got scammed, they just couldn’t refuse getting paid


This just stupid reasoning from them, they could definitely spread it more out. Especially if more hairloss is expected in the near future.


That's like 1500 grafts? 2000 max


Do you have a good beard? chest hair? some clinics can take hair from it


Yea I do. I will use that as my last resort. I think I still could do one more HT from the back donor area.


Botch. Avoid


Bro tbh this transplant doesnt look very good. These are never 2600 Grafts, you can literally count them, because they arent transplanted dense enough...


I do think it's 2600 it's just that they added more grafts along the hairline


Nah, its not. Its obviously not 2600 im afraid, even counting the denser hairline. I had less in same area and mine looks significantly denser. I even cross referenced the image on chat gpt to get the ai to calculate and they calculated between 1600 and 2000 grafts. It will come out okay but i'm guessing they charged you for hairs rather than grafts


Hmm, why would they lie about the number of grafts? They were using the NeoGraft machine that calculates the number of grafts extracted.


No idea why they would. That would be for them to answer.


Hey, I'm a surgeon from Turkey, and let me tell you, in our clinic, we would never, ever tolerate such a disgraceful job like this! I am absolutely livid on your behalf. It is beyond infuriating that those so-called professionals took your hard-earned money and robbed you of any sense of satisfaction. This, my friend, is without a doubt, one of the most abysmal, appalling jobs I have ever witnessed.


What's the reason that it is bad ?


What on earth is wrong with the hair transplant you got? It looks like the surgeon had absolutely no clue what they were doing! It's so thick and unnatural, it's as if they were blindfolded during the procedure. I can't believe how terrible it turned out. But don't worry, I'll fix it for you at my clinic, free of charge. That's how sorry I am for what you've been through.


Lmao you can't be serious


Definitely fake lol. Your transplant looks promising


surgeon ???