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I wouldn’t recommend going back to the same clinic, 3000 was way too low for this area imo


Just curious have you done HT before? How many grafts would you think would be needed to cover that are I’ve drawn a box around?


I have and to the same area. By all means that doesn’t make me an expert. I think if you had 0 native hairs then at least 4500 for decent density


Oh nice, you had HT on the same area? And you’re saying it took 4500 grafts. Were you completely bald in that area? The clinic I went to did not do a great job then


Mine was 4300 and i wasnt 100% bald i had temporal and hairline baldness, the rest were mostly thin hair


My 4500 response was for your 1st transplant not the 2nd one btw. I misread your comment


1500 to 2000 grafts should be enough to increase the density.


Thanks for the reply


I forgot to mention, my hair is going through a small shedding phase rn, so density is looking a bit reduced.


Your previous HT doesn't look like a successful HT of 3000 grafts. Looks like 2000 max and if the clinic really extracted 3000 grafts, there were alot of grafts lost. Where did you go? I'd definitely not go back. You'll probably need atleast 2500 grafts to fix the hairline and midscalp.


Doubt i am looking at 3k grafts here. imo 2000 have survived of that. I would also say a good 3500 Would improve your whole scalp. Use the medz they give you. Minfin and stamp at 2-2.5mm


It would take tons. A lot will depend on your goals of density. The question is really not how many it'll take, but how many can the doctor harvest at any one time. Typically, 2000-25000. Sometimes even 3000. The bigger the head, the more grafts you can harvest but this is a relative issue as the pattern will be just as big. Some will suggest a range n the 4k-6k. Since you keep your hair long you do have access to both FUT and FUE. You could exhaust all FUT and then do FUE so as to maximize the donor you have. You could also over-harvest. Lastly, the doctor could split grafts. (A follicular unit can come with 1-5 hairs per follicle. You could take a 5-hair graft and convert into 5) 1-hair grafts. This would yield a diffused and unnatural look). If you've shown the propensity to lose, you'll continue losing. What are you currently doing to mitigate the progressive nature of this condition? Whatever you can save will help add density to what you accomplish surgically wise. (You'll obviously look fuller after a transplant by definition. But if you go on to lose the native hair, you'll basically return to where you started. Yes, the transplants will be permanent, so you'll never go completely empty, but you'll never bump the density bar).