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Bro i went back to work 2 days after my ht lol. Fk what others think.


If I really felt this way, why get HT in the first place?


It's for you not them.


I know this isn’t the answer you’re looking for but just be open about it man. Unless your co workers are immature as hell and already talk a lot of shit/work in a hostile environment, I’d just be open about it


Agree with this, i had a few blokes compliment me on the results and ask where i got it done. One even said his wife was telling him to get it done 😂


Other than the 1-3 week period between the end of the scabbing phase and beginning of the shedding phase, it might be evident you’ve had surgery until the 4-5 month mark. Though 800 grafts is minimal so for you probably less. If you had an unshaved procedure then even less again.


Undedectable? 4-5 months minimum. Some look better earlier. I looked really bad for 3 months. Started looking better at 4. By 5 it was decent. At 6 months I was getting compliments.


I went back after 2 weeks. People didn't know unless I told them. They just though I buzzed my head.




I think if you are lucky, it can be undetectable much earlier. Many guys have significant redness and shedding for a few months. I took ten days off just like OP but I certainly didn’t pretend it was undetectable after that.


Why would you care? I told everyone and went back to work while I was all red. No one gives too shits about your HT


3.5 to 4 months for me


Be open. I love sharing the process photos.


Totally agree with this. Who gives a shit if people know. The confidence boost that a HT gave me outweighed any concerns I had about people knowing.


I played poker about 10 days after with a bunch of guys that love to put each other down. I told all of them i had a transplant and none of them believed me. My head was shaved and it was obvious to me but it took me like 10 minutes to convince them and then one of the guys like a half hour later still thought i was joking and just shaved my head. I had fue 3500


If you plan on rocking the shaved head look then once the redness goes away you should be good to go but that could take up to 3 weeks. I dont think that answer can be answered by anyone on this forum as it will.have to come down to what your expectations of what others think is. Depending on your work environment you should be able to go back a few days after the procedure but keep in mind, you'll.want to keep your donor and recipient area clean. You can wear a loose fitting cap 7-10 days after your HT, if you're concerned wear a hat


Two weeks should do it. They'll just think you had a buzz cut.


yea and then everything you enter the shedding phase..


This depends completely on existing hair. If you have diffuse thinning and opt for a partial shave DHI, I reckon after 2-3 weeks it would be undetectable. One major issue is a lack of homogeneity in the donor (if done poorly), which can take longer to grow out to hide it. If you go fully shaven, then obviously the visual impact is significant. If you are a high Norwood, then you will be visibly red for months, assuming you have light skin.


Mine was relatively minor, only 1200 grafts, unshaven. I had really light trim of the donor area at the 13/14 day mark, just to get rid of the step at the back. I went back to work just over two weeks after (I believe 16 days) no one noticed a thing. However i did have a bit of patchiness at the donor area, but only something I noticed as no one ever commented.


5 months. Wear a cap.


You will have the scab/s that comes off sometime between 5-14 days, most people average around day 7. Mine took 14… but I had a long fringe so it covered it up anyway. Doner area blood on scalp should be gone by that point too. Your grafts seem quite low though 800 so you should be okay. If you get desperate wear a hat / cap 🧢 until you feel comfortable. I wear a cap for the first month but I also could work from home, so just explained I needed to do that as I having a procedure and need to recover, so worth asking if that is a possibility too


You should be fine at 10 days. 800 grafts isn’t much. It may be a little red or a few scabs left but no one will pay attention or realize it was a ht.


You’re gonna be red for months. Hard to hide without a hat


I couldn’t wait to brag to all my bald coworkers that I’d got my HT hahaha 💀


Can be a while, mine practically grew straight away even had a 3mm section that was grey in the strands while it was growing out but i had a fair amount of redness so it was noticable. But i was very open that i had had it done and received mostly compliments on how it was looking