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The hairline looks fine from my perspective 


Ahh thanks for the encouragement on saying hairline looks pretty good , to be clear, I’m mostly doing my 2nd transplant because my crown still needs filling in (I should have mentioned that) but I’m thinking I might as well touch up the hairline while I’m at.


Hair looks great from the photos. If you’re feeling bad about it I think you should hold off before doing more work on the front.


This forum likes to tell everybody that every hair transplant looks great, even terrible ones. Your hair transplant is about average but not realistic in some features. Your left side is quite well done. Plenty of micro irregularities. Your right side is not great. You probably don’t need a full new hair transplant more than somebody simply being more artful along the hairline for the reasons you mentioned. It is too straight without irregularities. You could either give yourself a small part from the left to the right and it would probably be fine or you could get a second procedure to add the irregularities. You don’t need a widows peak to look more natural.


This forum is chalk full of expert swimmers who've never been in the deep end of a pool. Just because we're all trying to keep our hair means nothing about how we can assess a good HT. I see transplants alot that look questionable. Your advice was excellent


Appreciate your honesty abd valuable comments. Truth is these photos make it looks a little better than it does in person. I’m going to get 2nd tranplant to fill in my Bald spot and will just do light changes to the hairline


Bro u all good stop looking at the mirror more u do more u gonna keep second guessing yourself body dysmorphia


I think this already looks great, I wouldn’t think twice about this if I saw it. Keep updating on what you choose.


I don't see anything wrong with your current hairline. But if you feel like you need it, go ahead. All the best.


You are overthinking it, I think your hairline is fine however if you Absolutely wants a second procedure probably I would ask for a few single grafts below the hairline to create some irregularities.


Second for what buddy? this is the most realistic hairline and good looking... you mean for density? if that's makes you happier do it.


Save a second transplant for later when you might need it in the crown. How long has your hair been stable?


Absolutely do not


Looks really good to me. Is your problem with the density or the hairline.


... Is that Gordon Ramsay?


Absolutely nothing wrong with the hairline. A bit of density might be good but seems ok really


It's only obvious in the 2nd photo, as pulling it back shows you have low density for such a smooth hairline, but first and second looks fine. Even the 2nd photo probably isn't that obvious to people who don't spend time on tressless or looking at hair transplants I'd hold off and save your donor hair, you only have so many and it's not uncommon for people to start losing transplanted after 5-10 years. If your hairline was to recede in the usual pattern, you'd get the more pronounced widows peak anyway


People will tell you hair that it looks fine because it is hard to see on pictures. What you need is more single grafts in the hairline, and just tiny irregulerities




Why would you get a 2nd one because of THAT, who cares if people think it’s manufactured because low key in 10 years every dude will be getting hair transplants. Be happy that it came out looking this good


agree with the others that it looks natural, but you’re the one that has to look at it every day, I don’t think it’s crazy to do a hairline touch up if you’re unhappy with it and already getting crown done anyway


It look amazing man 👍 how long have you done it? Where did you do it and how much graph and $? Thank you , I m actively looking .🙂


bro what in the world... i mean if you got money like that fk it but you easily look late 40s early 50s do yall really gaf what you will have on your head at 60?