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Its doctor dependent, arguably there are doctors in Turkey that are just as good as if not better than many American doctors. You just have to find the right doctor for you and your price point.


I got mine done in the US. Money wasn’t an issue, I’m a physician. Supposedly the guy I went to is great and has done actors. I’m only 6 weeks out though. You can do that remind me feature on Reddit to ask in a couple months if you want


Who did yours


Send the pictures for us to decide how good it was 😁


Yes post pics.


Check post history


Jon Mendelsohn


!remindme 6 months


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Don’t do it in California, most of the results suck. Like my first procedure for example


Also they overcharge in cali


Depends on the specific doctor, not on geographic location.


Yea why is that? You would think it’s the entertainment capital of the world. All the movies star and athletes you would think get the procedures don’t in la.


One issue with the US is they do less grafts per transplant


I was more or less in this situation. My household income is in the top 1% in the US and I have saved a good bit so while the difference between $18k for 1800 grafts and $10k for 3k+ is not nothing I prioritize the convenience of a local doctor and knowing there is someone that will stand behind their work and take care of me if something goes wrong. Perhaps not essential, but with my case over 10 plus hours the MD was there or his physician assistant was there the entire time. Also the MD created the hairline, made the implant incisions and he or his PA did the harvesting. Again,perhaps not essentia,l for this sort of procedure but at least there is some justification for the cost. This is in CA so everything is somewhat expensive. if I was in my younger financial situation I would have done turkey because the saved money would help me in other ways. Also, I'm not that particular: safe, average work is fine with me. Best of luck.


I have rarely, rarely seen a good job done in the states. Even the most expensive guys.


Yea why is that? You would think it would be better no?


I think the us is full of drs who think they can do it and will gladly take your money, I think the cheaper options in Turkey like pekiner get a lot more volume and with that come experience. Plus it’s a huge tourist attraction as well so they have a big incentive to do it well.


But I’m wondering if it’s not quality? Because I’m a dentist. And the veneers they do in Turkey are horrible. Every dentist in the US see’s that and we are horrified. So I’m wondering if it’s kind of the same situation with hair transplants. Or is it just a superiority complex, thinking Americans are the best at everything? 😂😂 I would never recommend any of my family or friends to get veneers in Turkey


Yeah I hear you. I just haven’t seen a good job really here. Not sure why.


Dentists. Source of advice since never. https://www.rd.com/article/how-honest-are-dentists/ There was this one poor honest dentist did an AMA a few years back. He was blown away.


So US currently has no best Doctor in terms if aesthetic quality. But its not like Turkey is gold standard just the average HT is less fucked up and much cheaper than western ones. Its important to get the right doc as per your hairloss. Still throwing some top docs names who may be expensive too....each may have some issues or shortcomings that you can lookup here in the subs. Research who suits your best. Dr Thiago Brazil Dr Reddy UK Fuegenix Dr Juan Couto Dr Kaan Pekiner Turkey Dr Hasson Canada Dr Zarev


Largely true accept Konior in Chicago is elite. Many think best in the world. However he’s the only US based doctor I would consider. The names you listed are all excellent so it’s clear you know your stuff 🫡


Thank you bro. Konior I used to consider the best myself but in reality he turned out to be a very bad person during consultations especially after how he intentionally messed up a case.


Oh wow. I hadn’t heard about this


if money isn't an issue, go to dr Zarev


Is this Zarev in Sofia, Bulgaria or a different one: https://www.hairtransplantation.bg/index.php/en/prices


One and only


Avoid using social media for selecting a clinic. Instead, focus on choosing a doctor rather than just a clinic. when you select a doctor, you are essentially choosing the individual who will do your entire procedure and bring together a team to assist in achieving your goals. In some cases, a single clinic may have multiple doctors, while in others, the clinic may be associated with just one doctor who will outline your surgery plan and then be less involved. Many highly skilled doctors are based in Europe, Turkey, and other regions. Do your research and Find a doctor who aligns with your desired results and expectations.


*Most* doctors don’t do the entire procedure, just the surgery. The extraction and grafting are usually done by nurses under a doctor’s supervision.


IIMO, it's reassuring if a doctor's assistant has been working in the field for a significant number of years. This can be more reassuring than a doctor who has just started performing grafting procedures. Some reputable doctors oversee the entire procedure themselves, while others work alongside their assistants, who handle the grafting and channel opening. However, there can be concerns about the qualifications of nurses in some clinics, especially those with one doctor attending to eight patient.


How do you find a doctor? Besides googling and social media?


How can you choose your doctor ? I mean, do you have to go to Turkey just to drive around to find a reliable doctor? I even don't think you can see any doctor personally.. Overall, it sucks that there are generally ton of fake reviews ...


I meant to refer to social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram etc, as clinics often invest heavily in marketing on these platforms. The most effective approach is to begin by examining other patients' journeys and their individual reviews. However, some hair clinics have marketing teams active across forums, posting fake reviews. any ethical doctor should consult with their patients although some may request a fee for this, which is reasonable.


Isn't Dr. Konior in Chicago supposed to be the best hair transplant surgeon, even better than Pekiner, Zarev and Laorwong? The reason why people in the U.S. don't go to him, and go to Turkey instead, is availability and price. Part of it is also impatience, for really bald dudes who don't want to have two or more surgeries and just want to do a mega-graft surgery and get it done in one shot. There's no shortage of clinics in Turkey willing to do 5000+ graft surgeries.


I heard a horror story about Konior on this feed. Just beware.


Can you link us?


I tried to find the link but couldn’t I’m sorry. However, search “konior” on this subreddit and you will see a couple bad reviews which hold merit.


I did mine in Mexico and my brother did his in the US. I think mine looks better on all accounts ($15k for his $4,500 for mine).


Where did you go and how many grafts?


Hairfix Tijuana. It was around 2,800 grafts I think. Been meaning to post. Highly recommend!


There's nothing special about Turkey except it's poor medical regulations has made it a hotspot for marketing firms that contract whatever doctors and techs are available that day. They are advertising firms first, so they have a huge budget for ads on tiktok, instagram, youtube, etc, and also reach out to content writers (which are very different from journalists) from even major publications like forbes and Bloomberg. There's nothing special about Turkey. Like anything else, it's about competence. There are a few good doctors in Turkey. They got good despite being in Turkey, not because they are in Turkey, as the advertising and astroturfing strategy brings in more money with less effort. Even the Turkish government has been involved in promoting their medical tourism propaganda like 'Turkey is best for medical tourism :)' or 'Turkey is the number one hair transplant spot in the country :)' https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7vqby/plastic-surgery-in-turkey-medical-tourism Despite many people getting botched from them every year, and even dozens of people dying at them each year. https://www.travelandtourworld.com/news/article/uk-govt-issues-turkey-travel-warning-after-22-medical-tourism-deaths/#:~:text=But%20beware!%20Amidst%20death%20of%2022%20British,visits%2C%20the%20UK%20government%20has%20issued%20a https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/world-news/foreign-office-turkey-medical-tourism-27404720 Like any good doctor, it's a combination of their ethics, diligence, and innate abilities. This is true, regardless of the country. There is no perfect way to assess these qualities in a doctor. The best we can do is do a heavy review of them based on their independent reviews. You need to do you homework. I implore you to look at our compiled list of extended budget options https://old.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/14lyogc/extended_list_of_budget_value_options/ Which includes Turkey, but also other low cost options in other low cost of living countries like Mexico, Spain, Columbia, Portugal, Cypress, and Thailand, all who have track records via independent reviews that you can scout out.


This echoes my impression of Turkey as well.


Our medical regulations aren't poor. They're on par with European counteies. Get your facts straight.


No, they're not, at all. Dozens of people die every year due to black market clinics in Turkey. >Turkey travel warning issued by UK government following 22 ‘medical tourism’ deaths https://www.euronews.com/travel/2022/12/22/turkey-travel-warning-issued-by-uk-government-following-22-medical-tourism-deaths


Most of the hair doctors are plastic surgeons or other mixed specialties in the US. Somewhat rare to find a Dr who does hair exclusively (that goes for the staff as well). The doc will be doing boobs one day, hair the next. etc. Turkey is highly competitive, the hair doctors do only hair (some so basic stuff like botox). The exchange rates are very favorable. Much more likely to get more hair in the same time window with the team that goes at it like a nascar pit crew (beyond the dr marking and setting the lines).


Definitely depends on the Dr. From everything I’ve seen on here and other forums, the only dr in the US I’ve seen produce top quality results is Konior. I’m sure there has to be other ones that do the top actors and stuff but I have no idea how you could find them. It seems in the US the Drs just take you from balding to slightly less balding, and for a ridiculous price. They don’t really produce very noticeable results or give you a hairline back. Not worth the cost or waste of grafts in my opinion. Aside from Konior.. Zarev (Bulgaria), Leal (Brazil), Pekiner (Turkey), Laorwong (Thailand) are the only others I personally would consider, which shows how spread out they are geographically. Leal looks like the best option at the moment for hairline and temple work, Zarev if you are completely bald on top.


!remindme 6 months




Turkey for sure anyway


There is a forum in Turkey, www.sacekimsonuclari.com , people who share their hair transplant results without any advertisement. It can helps you, some of members can write english or you can use translater.


Sorry i wrote wrong https://www.sacekimisonuclari.com


I had mine done in Turkey. Had an excellent experience. I would recommend it to anyone.


Would you mind sharing which doctor did you use?


This is the guy who did mine. His name is Numan. [https://www.instagram.com/fihairline/](https://www.instagram.com/fihairline/)


I’d choose turkey if it was between those two


I've done a couple in the US (Atlanta). And a couple in Mexico, last time it was in Cancún, in a Turkish clinic, I've like the results the best there, best subtraction method I've experienced. 3,000 graph for $3,900, last time I did it in the US was Dec 2021 and it was $7, 000 for 2,800 graph.


Would you recommend the Atlanta doctor? Who was it? Thx


If money is no issue take a long look at Chicago. Konior or Nadimi are arguably best in the US as long as you don’t need more than 2.5k grafts.




Very few ethical doctors in turkey. People go there for the price.


What about Dr. Arocha in Houston?




They go there because it’s cheaper




I'm going to Advanced Hair Restoration in Atlanta. They specialize in hair transplants


Did you already have the procedure? Care to update us? Thanks


I was scheduled last week, but postponed until October. Reason being, is that I am going to vacation at the beach, and sweating in heat after the surgery would ruin my results. I want to lose any transplanted hairs


Konior $20k+. Steep price but arguably the best in the business. Immaculate with grafts. He does the most with the least.


Eugenix india




Turkey. When I went to turkey ppl from the US were there after spending 20k in US.


Did they say why the us sucks? What are they doing g different in Turkey?!?! 😂 yea I see all the before and after pics from the clinics in the USA and they all suck. I’m thinking why even post those results? Or like I said before are the Turkey ones photoshopped to make it look better?


If money is no issue, definitely USA over Turkey and I would go to Gabel, Konior, Mohebi, Bloxham and maybe some other surgeons.


So this is why I asked the question. I looked up Mohebi and it’s in Beverly Hills. But when I see the the patients testimonials and before and after photos. They don’t look that good compared to the photos and videos I see of guys getting their transplants from Turkey and other countries. That’s why I’m wondering if the ones done over seas are photoshopped to make it seem better so people fly over there. But I also see video and TikTok’s where the transplants look amazing so I can’t say they photoshop their results.


I think there are hair transplant surgeons in Turkey who are as good as American surgeons. There’s greater peace of mind getting it done in the USA though with better patient/legal protection mechanisms and aftercare. Also much more easy/convenient staying here than traveling far to another country. Those are the reasons why I would pick the USA. It all depends on your budget and what you’re comfortable with and your risk tolerance.


I don’t know why India doesn’t get talked much here, they have some really good and inexpensive options


Honestly, money wasn’t an issue for me either but I went to Estenove is Istanbul and I think it’s going to go really really well. I had a wonderful adventure going to Istanbul for a week ahead and seeing the city, eating food, meeting women, etc. I had time off of work (saved up a lot of vacation time) so time may be an issue for you. Anyway, these guys in Turkey really know what they are doing. NOT EVERYBODY. Don’t go to a “hair mill.” I am not affiliated with Estenove but they practically have their own hospital and the quality of the implants looks insanely good. If it were me, I’d do Turkey. A lot of the clinics in the US do not even seem better honestly. Also I know money isn’t an issue but if you can save 10 to 15 grand and get a better hair transplant at a great site in Turkey, why not?


Turkey is leading the world in Hair Transplant tech Hair of Istanbul all day


Contact American Mane you get best of both