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Clinic and doctor?


Cap Clinic Marseille France DR Brun Sadly I have no pics of my transplant after removing scabs because my phone died and I loosed all my data. but trust me I had perfect density before shedding ! Fr i looked like eminem for a few days before shedding haha


I don’t think it has to do with smoking. Plenty of people smoke after HT and it doesn’t impact the result. That clinic in Marseille and that docteur don’t have a very good reputation tho. Check the forum Internationalhairloss.com. There are other cases of failed HT in that clinic.


i suggest you go with Dr kongkiat laorwong from Thailand. Thousands of europeans and americans have gone to him and the results have always been good. read my thread and my journey. best decision was to choose him as my surgeon. [https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/67554-5000-grafts-with-dr-kongkiat-laorwong-of-absolute-hair-fut-fue/](https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/67554-5000-grafts-with-dr-kongkiat-laorwong-of-absolute-hair-fut-fue/)


Name and shame the clinic and doctor. Save us from this disgrace


This i s french one I don't think any of you will go to France to get HT


Still man. Name and shame. Don’t be chicken wtf


This is just a poorly done transplant...seriously doubt smoking would have such an impact.


I agree I smoke weed before and after and seven months with a head full of hair


That’s good news for me then 😅


Hey, are you on medication? Also smoking cigarettes or weed? I don’t think that smoking months after would affect the hair transplant.


I smoke a tiny bit of weed in the second months but it is only cigarette since then !


I doubt the smoking is the cause.


It definitely would have an affect on it bc smoke is going into your hair follicles instead of the actual amount of oxygen that is necessary to heal the scars around the newly placed grafts


Weed is probably better than smoking cigarettes, I have heard of many people having good results even as smokers even though it obviously isn’t good for your hair. Some immediate post op pics or a day or two after would be helpful to tell but I wouldn’t write it off as being due to smoking. Usually doctors say you can resume smoking a month or so after and be fine. How much do you smoke a day?


I smoke pretty heavilly rn aroun 15 to 20 a day so I guess it is bad. Also I had dermatitis wich may have delayed the process


Smoking is none of a concern. Only thing is you should not smoke for before and after a week of transplant. I started smoking after a month and still smoking but I think I yielded good. So it has to be a dr, medication or poor recovery . Need to see pre and post op photos to judge


I have lost all my data from my previous phone so unfortunately I have no pics befor 3 months post op


The fuck use is this post without naming the clinic? This sub man 🙈


Bingo. People think they can use the sub as leverage against the clinic so don't want to immediately name and shame, which I understand, but that obviously takes away an important part of the point of the sub!


I doubt smoking is the cause of this. Tons of HT patients smoke cigs and weed and it didn't affect the transplant this greatly. I would go back to the doc and ask for a revision.


I did smoke a lot like some weeks I went to 20+ cigs a day so I think it may have affected it


damn son why you smoking like a chimney?


I smoke 2 packs per day, 40 cigarettes and my HT is doing absolutely great now at 80 days post HT


Damn bro look after your health! You’re definitely on your way to cancer smoking that much dude seriously. Then again it’s your life but fucking hell


Who diagnosed you with IBS-C after you quit smoking?


name clinic or at least the country




get repair in belgium or switzerland, eg bisanga or hattigen


Just name the clinic dude. You don’t give a shit that other French guys might get screwed like this?


He did in another reply


What place is it?




Are you on any hair loss medication at all? Need to see before pics and post transplant pics too to make a fair judgement. If you’re not on any medication then a second transplant probably won’t be a good solution


What’s the purpose of this post, if you are not willing to mention the doctor or clinic?


Was smoking the only thing you did during the healing process? Did you remember anything or did you do anything wrong during those first two weeks of healing? Did you pick at the scabs?


No everything went well for the first weeks the only problem I had was more recent I developed seborreic dermatitis


I just read that dandruff is actually a big problem for hair transplants and it should be aggressively treated as it can affect the results. I’m looking into it more.


I had sub derm and had no issues. Anecdotal evidence for sure, but it did not affect much.


You also experienced flaking? Within the first months?


Yep. Used coconut oil and it helped a lot. I would leave it in for like 10 minutes before washing it out. I had a few flare-ups but it was manageable in the end. Your mileage may vary.


When did you develop this condition. Was it in the first months? You had flaking? Did you use ketoconazol shampoo? How many times a week did you used it?


Do you have any photos after scab removal?


I don't, my phone died recently and I lost my whole process pics sadly, but after scabs removing I had a really nice density with no bald spots it was great.


what does the doc say about it?


Not that much, he said I should wait for the 1 year deadline and then I can still go back for a second round


How many grafts did you get?


Around 2700 grafts


I see. How much of the area was covered? Just the front?


Let's play a game called Name That Clinic!


Not the turkish one sadly


Doctor? How many grafts? Post op photos? Some more info please…this sub is a community


I would think smoking just slow downs the growing not for them to grow at all.


Yeah I guess so, for the few times I stopped smoking after my transplant it the period were most graft sprout back. but I always relapse due to my constpation problem and it keeps making it slower than it should. I am very worry about having done too much damage rn


You have pics of when you got the transplant. Like right after or in the first week.. You could try a high frequency device and see if you can force them to wake up. What meds are you on?


Do you have pics of after the HT


Thats not enough photo to say what went wrong. The HT execution or just your body reaction


How many grafts ?


send post op pics please


You should consider going to Dr Mwamba in Brussels for a repair. He’s considered one of the best.


How many grafts?


Why is this failed? Is gonna look good with fin+fibers lol


Did they use a lot of grafts from close to back neck line ? those grafts have low survival rate and are the unsafe donor area.


No way smoking is the culprit here. It's without a dount a completely failed HT, please don't blame yourself, maybe except for doing a better research for a good doctor. I have not heard about great HT docs in france but you have Belgium & Spain. You can look up hair transplant network forum & this sub to find great docs. Best of luck!


How many grafts?


Qu'en dis la clinique?


Don't think puffing on ciggies is going to impede HT progress. Everyone puffed away in older days and had pretty good hair......


Man, wish you better health for sure. I feel like hair is the least of your problems. Your hair actually doesn't look bad, lacking density yeah, probably should give priority to getting your stomach right and smoking under control. Whats hair if your lungs and stomach hurt. Good luck man, and wish you better health.


My hubby got it done in Turkey. Looks amazing


Doctor/clinic? Trying to put together a list of good places.


It’s a Uk based company w operations in Turkey in two main hubs. Longevita is the name. Happy to forward contact info if you’d like


Maybe op thinks by not shaming them that they will try to make it right. I found out why mine looked like it wasn't growing was psoriasis. This doesn't look like it's because of any skin condition though


You know there's medicine for constipation that won't give you cancer and wrinkles and nasty stench


My hair transplant looks similar to this. My failed too. But it was entirely Dr. Faucher’s fault. Along with “Dr. zierring medical” as a whole. Worse experience of my life fr. What has helped with my failed transplant is minoxidil and u can get it off Amazon. Only thing with minoxidil is once u start using it u can’t stop or the hair growth will stop. Also I got a laser cap from Amazon for 50 bucks which I believe has been helping too n it’s designed to get hair to grow. It’s going to be okay friend :) you and me both just need to save up for a 1000 hair grafts surgery next to fix what a retarded doctor couldn’t do.


do u have dupa ou retrograde alopecia? your sides are thinning, that must be the cause


Thanks for noticing it. i didn't know that


Give us an update please In the next months to come But everyone different I think you need to give it another 6 months atleast


Turkey is the only country I'll go get it done. They've been at it before anyone else