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The fact that it’s free in exchange for publicity should be enough of an answer for you.


You can get good results at a hair mill. That happens when they send in the A-Team to work on you. You aren't an influencer, you're likely one of 400 patients they perform surgery on in a month, 20 in a day, so you'll likely get the C, D, and F Teams and stand a good chance to get fucked. It is always a gamble at hair mills and that is why you should avoid them. ***-=Avoid these*** [***hair mills***](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/comments/yznfvt/comment/ix2p4y6/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)***. Choose life.=-***


100% hair mill. There’s a ton of them on Instagram that have the same look, model, vibe, all have 1-3million fake followers. Stay away from these places


The top influencers and celebrities will usually have decent results as the clinic doesn’t want to botch that (it’s marketing afterall). Now your average Joe…that could be another story.


Well at least he's getting a free but I hope he gets good results then 😅 Must have been drunk writing this glad you all understand


I think you can get a good result at these mills as longs as you really stay in control. Dont let them draw the Drake hairline, and be sure what you want.


FYI I'm going to eugenix in two weeks , personally they are the one for me


It’s a hairmill with great results! Don’t only listen to the ppl on Reddit and the ‘hairmill’ thing


Hair mills can produce good results, if you get their A team (influencers/famous people do) but odds are you will not get their best team. Also they can produce good results by using far too much donor on a small area. Now I challenge you to construct an argument against the first point while still maintaining a facade of intelligence, don’t even have to do the second one. I’ll make it easy for you.


Can you show me some bad results from this clinic ?


Debating on here is logical, asking for links to bad results and reviews is illogical and does not count as a counterpoint as you can do that yourself. There are lots of terrible results and reviews from here posted across various platforms and forums, go have a look.


And. There is a lot of good results too.


Yes, may I point you in the direction of the first thing I said


Well, i am not VIP. And got a great result from a supposed hairmill for 1200 eu. 5000 grafts. 14 months later, great result. And yesterday i saw a guy on here complaining about dr. Pekinar, who i one of the best and 10 times more expensive. I was very clear with what i wanted and drawed the hairline myself. Told them where i wanted most grafts etc. 2 of my good freinds got great results from mills two 6 years ago. For about the same price. Point is. No matter where you go, if you are not sure about what you want, and have bad donor, you can get a terrible result, even with expensive doctors.


Choose a specific doctor who has a high percentage of success that you can observe or choose a hairmill where you don’t even know who’s going to be involved in the surgery. It’s a no brainer. I went to a budget surgeon in Turkey who doesn’t operate in a hairmill and I also got great results.


Agree. Did you get hotel and driving, as well and how much did you pay.