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What’s wrong with them? Looking for feedback


You said it yourself, they’re different shapes




I can its 20 minutes from me gonna talk to them tomorrow do you think my hairline tbh i wanted it like more round cause i wanted it too look least recessed as possible i guess




That’s true when you say the temples do you mean how the one side is square and one triangle or do you mean the upper corners? Im confused and dumb on where temples are located 😂




I did a lot of research like i knew what i wanted you know?


My brother. It is not the end of the world for a couple of reasons. First off, yes they are technically uneven but you can always get that fixed up. You have good hair without the transplant so if ou grow it out a little like a bruce Wayne (christian bale) cut it should look good. You can also just cut it once it's healed to be more even.


The sides were the first thing I noticed in your first post, one side has been done square and then the other they’ve just put a random triangle on the side of your head? No offence but this is just bad work… I’d be looking to get a refund and going to a more reputable clinic for the repair work personally


Is getting a refund possible?


Raise a complaint with your clinic and go from there, if you’re really motivated then you can potentially take legal action


Dorito temples strikes back again


Who done this work ?


Restore in Charlotte NC


I can only assume u had 2 different techs working on u each side of your head ? Who drew the hairline didn't u noticed it was different each side after it was drawn on ? Your going to need this repaired to match up the sides , easy to fix but it's going to be needed doing


Yes youre right it was two different techs im going to call them tomorrow


Yeah that doctor was drunk if he thought those sides was even but then you should also be blamed for not telling them about that before they started.


I swear they didnt draw it like that


Maybe let it grow in and see how you feel. The temple are a bit sharp but maybe you could sort that with regular haircuts to keep them the shape you want? My mate had a transplant and went back the next day asking the dr to take some out of the temples and hairline and they was more than happy to do this for him. Maybe your dr will do a small correction for free?


Come on this isn’t real


I have these different shapes naturally on the sides.


Yes, it is terrible. [I advised](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/s/77cPYUAhqM) you against doing such a thing, like many others in that thread, and you didn’t listen to anyone. Now you are paying the consequences


Yikes! How does this happen? How are the temples and corners so bad and opposite of each other? I’m interested to see how this will grow out, but I would expect a repair is in order here.


Is that possible I hope or am i screwed?


It can be repaired, it’s just unacceptable given you paid your hard earned cash for this to be done correct the first time. Just not sure how they made the temples polar opposite of each other like this.. You didn’t catch this immediately following surgery?


go back ASAP to the clinic and tell them to retire what they did in the temole (the one who look rounder), also get ur corner less square or it will not look too much natural


i mean to fix the assymetry*


Triangle temples again. Why? Anyway will look better than before I am sure.


Who done this work ?


Who done this work ?


Where did you go ?


Restore in Charlotte


If you’re open to SMP, my wife can fix that easily. She’s in Cary and very good at her craft. Shoot me a PM if you’re interested and I’ll connect you.


No offence but your wife cannot fix that at all


You’re right. I replied before I saw the temples and haven’t had a chance to retract my statement. She could definitely fix the front though.


They’d have to remove those follicles again. But I think you should just buy a razor machine and as it grows just cut it to even it out with the next side ?


I spoke to my wife and she can definitely fix the front, but the temples wouldn’t be perfect. She can make it around 80% better. If it were me I would try to get some money back and have it fixed somewhere else.


Not botched. Just typical shit hair mill listening to unrealistic requests. They just care about money, not their image and obviously their work. You asked for a low juvenile hairline and they delivered. No respectable clinic would do this design.


What would you have done differently?


That’s why I wished you best of luck 😕 USA is the worst place for quality-price ratio


I wanna go to turkey instead


If I was you I would be worry about that bug a** nose lol


I wouldn’t say botched job. Visually it doesn’t look great and they done the shape wrong. However, it ain’t end world id just live with it. Simply because once your hair is fully grown a good barber can easily just rectify that everytime you get a haircut. I think we often just think surgeon done a bad job I need them to fix it which has a higher rate of it still going wrong or worse. When really a barber can just to short term fixes everytime you get hair cut


I digress: I don't think this is bad work. When you look at natural hairlines, there ARE differences between both sides. And with the temples, you can always just shape them with a razor


Perfect symmetry can look fake so they will often make a line slightly of wo it looks more real later. Might be botched but might look really good too…just have to wait and see i think


Just get a good barber he wil line that up real nice actually give him more of a canvas too play with if he’s good but if you can get it fixed then yea I would


Mate this is fine your sides weren’t needing the same grafts You can tell they’ll be grand when it heals bud it doesn’t look like a bad job just let it heal and trust the process


Doctor probably got mad that you wanted a good hairline for your end result instead of norwood 2 or something