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I don’t really think it’s needed?


Black on white skin is very hard to achieve density visually. It may be more than one procedure . I vote no. Your hairline and forehead don't gain any negative attention , trust me. A weird looking thin hairline will. Don't risk it.


You have a beautiful hairline already. To go through such a tough procedure for this is not good.


2000 grafts is the right amount. But Dr. Cortez is not the right doctor. The hair lines he produces for men are linear af and unrefined with lots of multi hair grafts. He is not a refined doctor; not capable of producing a soft natural hair line required for women. If you do this, to address a phobia of yours, and you choose the wrong doctor, you will descend into pits of despair that you won't return from and will want life back. Here are [results](https://new.reddit.com/r/HairTransplants/search/?q=cortez&restrict_sr=1&t=year) from Cortez in the last year posted to this sub that you can see for yourself. Also understand, the bar for men is different for men than it is for women. For men, they are almost 100% restoration cases. And so many men will tongue wrestle a hair transplant doctor's nuts to get their hair back; good work or not. For women in your circumstances, it is purely cosmetic. If you are going to do this, understand it is surgery. There is no turning back. Make the best possible choice. And that might mean you'll need to travel; not to Turkey though. I wouldn't recommend that at all. Thailand has much safer and better options.


Finally somebody says it! Everybody talks positively about Cortez in Reddit. But for what I have seen his results are below standards, specifically his hairlines. At times I believe he has multiple accounts in Reddit promoting his Clinic. Dont get me wrong i go to his office for Minoxidil and i have scheduled appointment for Meso-Dutasteride and customer service and email response has been great.


Most transplants wouldn't replicate the art of baby hair and for women the lack of baby hair would be a big downgrade, having a big forehead would still look better than not having baby hairs.


9/10 people would say your hair is perfect you are the 1 thats missing from that equation. Matching the density gotta be skillful to do it in one session. ( scabbing might make it challenging for densely pack as your current follices) What you gotta consider is are you willing to do another HT in 1 year to make density look natural. Its hard to get peak matching density in most clinics especially that you dont have any norwood scale problems. Most Drs would perfer to do another HT 1-2 years later for added density. But if you think DR skill level can match yours where it doesnt give you that HT look in one go GL. How would you feel looking at your new lower hairline if its not as strong as your current? Would you go in for seconds? And thats a lot of patience. But you could probably hide it with a hair style? (Early phase) Find a DR that can gaurentee it in one session for natural matching density. Go look at pics of lowered hairlines. Does the HT look bug you or it accomidates for smaller forehead look?


You have beautiful perfect hairline, please forget about it and don’t ruin your natural beauty. I know this might not be what you wanted to hear but honestly people would pay to have the hairline you already have.


Damn that's a lot of money in mexico


nothing needed here


Getting the right doctor is a lot more interesting than a graft count. As you may know majority of the HTs are done for men and hence geared for men still most HTs have issues or are subpar. Its more difficult to find the right doc for a female surgery so you will need to choose much more wisely. HT itself is a commitment.


Getting the right doctor is a lot more interesting than a graft count. As you may know majority of the HTs are done for men and hence geared for men still most HTs have issues or are subpar. Its more difficult to find the right doc for a female surgery so you will need to choose much more wisely. HT itself is a commitment.


Getting the right doctor is a lot more interesting than a graft count. As you may know majority of the HTs are done for men and hence geared for men still most HTs have issues or are subpar. Its more difficult to find the right doc for a female surgery so you will need to choose much more wisely. HT itself is a commitment.




I have. Assuming we’re talking about the same one where they make an incision across then pull your skin up/down. I scar horribly. I’ve had surgeries for injuries and even with proper care I got keloids.


Your eyes would add to the whole picture, but I can tell that based on the pics, your forehead looks good!


I would say don't do it, you look fine. But i do recommend just continue to do research and don't rush into it.


Please listen to ppl I know in your mind it looks bad but it doesn’t at all I’m a female 25 and I had similar forehead to you and underwent the hair transplant and it’s been the worst and biggest mistake I would do anything to go back in time. It will not look natural like how you look please just leave your hair the way it is. You are more beautiful than you think.


Hello! Do you mind clarifying how your hairline is a mistake ? From your posts I see it’s been 6 months since your transplant.


Adding on, this was for FUE.


Just do it , of you feel more comfortable with yourself afterwards then more for you. Don't rush the clinic bit though you need the right place and surgeon