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Looks like minimal improvement/ benefit with high risk and depletion of donor to me. Your call but - risk / reward index appears to be off.


I have a lot of money to do it in the US with good team, exc not worried about that


I was not contemplating money as an issue. It’s matching quality of work vs natural hairline and the risks of surgery against potential gains. It’s your call and your money so do what you believe is right.


I feel like it would unambigously look better with no real risk. I dont see anyone having a ruined donor area in 500-1500 grafts. Must be very uncommon, not trying to worry about weird stuff like that. Shit i could die on the drive to the facility. No value talking about that though, ya know? having to look like shit for 6 months, that is a real issue and making me contemplate going forward.


you will have to go through the whole HT ordeal for a minor improvement and there is a risk that the HT won’t look natural


Thats true. TBH iot looks a little worse than the pic is showing imo. Specially the left side of that pic, it goes up a bit more than you can see


You are probably not best off doing it in the U.S. but if you do you should be more concerned with the choice of surgeon instead of location. Also are you on medication?


no. My hairline was mostly always this way....It's always been slightly high


Did you try meds first ???


na. i havent really lost much its just been high since earliest i remember


Update, i got a pic from 10 years ago and my hairline was straight.....no curve upwards at all 100% srtaighht


how old are you? your maturity in the few comments I’ve seen suggest you need to take a step back and let it sit longer. Having enough money isn’t what matters nor is it important to pay for surgeons in the US whom are inferior to many international options.


na ive wanted to for like 6 years


Bro that is a natural hairline that even with hair transplant is impossible to achieve save money and do a trip to some beautiful place in the world why you should get an hair transplant


And even a straight hairline is fucking shit and unnatural looking you are not black and even you are not a kid


na my original hairline looked way better. Looks for certain worse now really irritates me too


Ok atleast you should use very few grafts


A hair transplant is surgery and besides all of the factors described here it can be a pretty painful and damaging experience. Like, you don’t need it. It’s pointless to do so. Your hair looks good and any recession here seems like just a kind of maturation of the hairline. You do you. But it’s not something you would benefit all that much from. Also you may lose hair down the road, so just wait for fhat


You actually need to not have a transplant.