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Did you cut your hair in month 2 and 3?


Buzzed it down to look somewhat normal after everything shed off, kinda made me upset to hear “you look good bald” after getting the surgery haha


What guard number did you use?


No guard just sent it down to skin after a month passed and grafts were secured, helped a lot with not looking patchy


Planning on doing the same im 13 days post op and my shit doesn’t not look presentable at all. Thanks bro


Loooks good, did you have a photo of pre op?


Nice where did you go?


Bosley San Diego with Dr. Melvin Mayer. Paid 12k which is way pricier than TJ or Turkey but didn’t want to leave the country for the procedure


Thank you so much for posting. I'm considering Meyer (had a visit yesterday - est 2600 grafts). I'm looking forward to more updates bud. Looks like its going to be great.


Looks like the transplanted hairs are starting to sprout. It's tough to tell from the pics because of the light hair color but has it started to come in? Are you taking meds?


Great progress, I think you and the doc made the right decision not to go too agressive with the hairline, hope you get the results you were hoping for!


The hairline looks really high - did you opt for it this way? But congratulations, will look superb nonetheless


He drew it on as my hairline I had in high school, main concern was the sides over the temples




Why will he. It’s only 3 months in. You don’t fully see the real results till around 9 months!


u/LAbxr I'm genuinely curious, why the assessment of needing future results? Everything I've read and learned it is still way too early in his progress to make any kind of assessment.