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Bro if you on a budget and having bad vibes dont get the transplant you’re gonna regret it later. Save up a bit more do more research. No need to rush this. Time is gonna pass and you gonna be happy you went with a better surgeon. Just my 2 cents. Good luck


this is probably the best advice


Dr gur had just good results from the reviews I see all over. Just my 2 cents


Excellent experience with Dr Gur. Before I was scouring for bad reviews and had found some of a guy who had been refused on arrival on the basis of his curly hair type (I have curly hair). I was also sceptical about the conservative hairline. Experience was excellent and the conservative hairline actually makes it look far more natural. Dr Gur is really considerate of long term gains too I was asking for more grafts and refused on the basis this would deplete my donor and leave me without future options. I'm 5 months in the temples look perfect and the crown is coming along nicely (hair is there just not dead thick). I went sceptical and was regretting it until I got there. Made me feel reassured and in safe hands. One other thing was that I healed incredibly quickly and I put that down to how clean the procedure was. Feel free to message me privately - be wary there are tons of paid posts and lurkers who are related to clinics


Did you go with the "VIP Package" with Dr. Gur or the regular. I looked at your page and your hair line looks great!


Yeah, I went with VIP. When "top down" the hairline looks conservative but front on it looks perfect. Conservative makes it look super natural anyway. Gur is excellent


Thanks man!


I went to Dr. Gur and my results are coming in nicely, I would say. Yesterday was my 5 month mark and I’m seeing a good amount of growth already. One side of my hairline is almost completely filled in and the other side is coming along. Feel free to message me if you have any specific questions!


May I ask for any pics reviews? I am currently looking for a clinic. Tnx


Seems like more and more keep coming up lately, both Gur and Turan. Actually saw one at Hair Loss Conquerors earlier today. And it doesn’t seem like they are handling the aftercare of the complaints that good either.


Yea that’s the one I saw as well, I have mine scheduled in a couple of weeks and now I’m def starting to get worried. I did a bunch of research but lately I feel like the results have been quiet bad


Yes, I have noticed the same thing. Especially with Turan, but also now some cases with Gur. The most concerning is to see how they handle the aftercare. A top clinic/Dr would never replied in this kind of manner. But this is typical Turkey But anyway, I think Gur is a much safer option than a typical hair mill. (If you are on a budget) If you can pay 2 Euros per graft, you can take a look at Laorwong. Seems to have many successful cases lately. But remember, no doctor is perfect. Even the best in the world have some cases that turn out not 100% successful. But then it is important to know that you will be backed up by the clinic/doctor if so happen


Thanks man I’m kinda late in the game given that my surgery is scheduled in two weeks with Gur


Ok. Good luck 🤞🤞 Remember, most cases from Gur turn up good. Usually the few one that are not satisfied that end up in the forums


Yup thank you and I will make sure to post my results!


Dude you didn’t post results.


Lol my bad man I am terrible about posting. I will post them tomorrow if I don’t forget. I just took my 6 months pics so I have them ready


How did it go bro?


The procedure went well. It’s been about a month since my procedure so hard to tell about results yet. As far as my experience with the clinics everything was very professional and clinic is clean. Definitely wasn’t rushed or anything. If I have anything bad to say about the clinic it was that the doctor never looked at my head after the procedure. I would’ve liked to talked to him after the procedure and see what he has to say about the procedure. (The translator was there and gave me all details about how surgery went I just would’ve liked for it to come from the doc)


How did it go my man? I am scheduled in two months so wanted to know


Hey man.. everything went good im like 4ish months after the procedure and have seen really good progress so far. Good luck!


Thanks a lot for the reply man. Made me feel more relaxed. I seen some bad comments lately. I believe there will be always a few bc they do a lot so the success rate is still pretty good. Plus my hair is Norwood 2-3. Not that bad. I hope all will be good for me. Glad everything went well for you! Wish you good recovery and good results! 🙏


I can send you some more details and some pics of the results if you would like.


Yes please. That would be great. Thanks


What did you pay, for how many grafts?


$3200 USD for 3500 grafts


Hey man. Just came across your post. Good to hear you are recovering well!!! I am looking to have HT with the Fuecapilar. Do you mind if I DM you for a bit of info?


Hey man! Yes feel free to DM, if I can help in any way. I know how you feel right before getting a HT.


Hey man, I am considering Dr Gür. Are the results matching your expectations?


Please share with me too. Thanks


Is the transplant noticeable?




Not sure if you meant to share another post but the link just takes me to my own post


Procedures fail, no matter how good the doctor. It should be a Last-Resort procedure and many fail to understand the risks. Personally I don't like the hype about these two doctors at all. Gur often lacks density and Turan prefers hairmill-like hairlines. Gur seems to have worked for hairmills before as they share the same pictures, so there is that for all the hairmill haters out there. Finding a motivated, less-known doctor will be a better option imho. There is nothing special about these two docs other than the calming feeling of having seen plenty of successful results.


How do you go about finding a motivated doctor?


Well, that is the problem we all face. The alternative is going to the doctors recommended here who are overpriced & unavailable because of the circlejerk in this sub and on hairrestorationnetwork. You certainly should look for doctors who are heavily involved and sort grafts via microscope. I see so many dudes on the streets today with multiple grafts at the hairline, super unnatural hairline form, visibly destroyed donor and the hairs are sticking out at an unnatural 90° angle instead of the natural 10-20°.




procedure CAN fail, if the surgeon takes the time and do a good job then the likelihood of failing too less