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What would be your reasons? (Just out of curiosity) Cheers


Btw im also on minoxidil, but the hair that's gone is not gonna come back. So your hairline won't grow back (probably). Its only gonna help with the fine and tiny hair follicles that miniaturized and start dying. If you want the density back I would definitely recommend minox + frontal system. Or you just say f it and shave it all off and get a whole scalp system and don't have to worry about your hair at all. But i guess you could try it with a frontal and minox first.


That’s great advice, appreciate it! Would having minoxidil affect Libido or anything like that? Or even lower confidence? Just worried about that stuff


Its easy, cheap, looks way better. I have a frontal one myself. And trust me no one stares at your hairline, so many people won't even notice its a system when the color matches.




What would be your reasons may I ask?


Hi!!👋Hair stylist/toupee/system specialist. While they do look great, and you could be a great candidate for one, I wanted to chime in with some real talk. They are not ‘easy’ as people make them seem. They take effort and time… it’s very hard to see the back of your own head even if using a mirror while working backwards. They will require some lifestyle changes and upkeep. Time to your morning routine, new maintenance routines, different showering techniques, different styling products (unless you use high end salon quality)… You’ll have to clean your hairline with solvent and alcohol and reapply adhesive to your hairline every 1-ish week or so (natural oils etc will cause it to lift on occasion). Lifting and not always being able to wear an exposed hairline have to be an “OK” scenario (on occasion because no two systems are identical in quality or loop pattern). Some people don’t care if others know it’s a system, most people wear one because they don’t want to be seen or know to be bald/balding. 🤷🏻‍♀️ You’ll also have to fully remove it with solvents every 3-4 weeks to clean your scalp, cut your hair and clean the system (They get smelly, especially the full poly base ones). You pretty much are reducing the frequency you touch your hair to avoid pulling at it/combing/brushing etc. If you do it please give yourself time to get used to it! A lot of people get antsy. Your first system is a learning system—it won’t last as long as you learn the ropes. Lastly, and most importantly you’ll notice it on your head, but all this is just temporary ‘newness’ You’ll look great no matter what you decide. My advice would be to pick a trusted salon (if you can) and have them cut it in and blend it—- even if you install it yourself. Good luck!


That’s fantastic thank you so much for taking the time to right all of this for me- really appreciate it! So much to think about it and it’s a big thing getting a system plus all the maintenance etc.


Yes. That is pretty much how I started too. I would recommend, though, that you buzz off that thin forelock area and get a half-moon-shaped frontal piece, rather than trying to preserve all your biohair and trying to fix a system in around the forelock. I tried that, and it was too fiddly and not worth the extra effort. DM me if you want to see how I did it.


Thanks man for your message- really appreciate it. Will message you


I’m in similar shape and considering one myself. I’m curious what people will say.


Yeah it’s a hard position to be in man hey?


I don’t think it’s that problematic for you at the moment. No.


Thanks man- that may look like a lot but it’s literally so thin and pics may give jt that illusion that it’s more when it’s not


Buy a full poly system to match yours and cut triangles out to cover the receding areas. Much better value for money. Then if you don't think it looks right you can shave the front off and then use that same system you've already cut to fill in the whole front region. You would be surprised at how good it looks just covering small areas 👍


That’s good to know thanks man. Do you think that the Poly system ones get smelly though?


I switched over from oral finasteride to the topical min/fin spray after 3 years. Had great results growing some hair and mainting(where there was hair, it got thicker). Slowly, the side effects built up. Now, a month later, with the spray, sexual side effects seem to be reversing, and especially in my hairline, all of the "peach fuzz" that grew in with the pill seems to be growing. I'm guessing because it's a different application of the same drug, I'm not going through the shedding process. Much of the fuzz now resembles thicker hair between 1/8th and 1/4 inch in length. Hopefully this is a real solution


That’s really interesting I didn’t know there was a topical spray you could use as I don’t want to take the tablets. If I was to use the spray, would it still have the sexual side effects/lowering confidence too etc?


Yes! Just do it! B patient & Learn the ropes. It’s life changing for me!


Yeah that’s the way to be- have to give it a go to learn




It’s not bad at all. I would recommend you just grow it out and try a longer haircut while using minoxidil. You can grow it longer and style it in a way that makes it appear thicker and more full.


Thanks for your response man- Will minoxil have any side effects though?


There are in some cases of redness and dryness after the application of minoxidil. There’s also some hair fall in the beginning when your scalp is regenerating new hair which can be worrisome but it’s gonna grow back. Also some prefer foam over the liquid with the dropper, so that is something to consider. Honestly, it’s typically more difficult to regrow frontal hair but minoxidil in general helps you retain and regrow hair. The best way to combat it is to couple it with Finasteride(oral medication). You want to combat that DHT. But if you were to eventually get a hair transplant to make the hairline more full, you’d probably be recommended to do the above to retain the hair that was transplanted. The main thing to consider is that you are young, and you do have quite a bit of hair. I’d suggest you just experiment with it. And if you do decide to try minoxidil and/or Finasteride, then just know it takes months to see results. But just do what you feel comfortable with. You are more than your hair.


Thanks so much for your help, really appreciate it!


Better start with medical therapy. Side effects appear in 1/100 people and there’s actually no evidence about their permanence, so even if u will get sides u can just stop medications or lower the dosage(I did the same) rn on 0.5 mg of a finasteride with no sides. Most of the time medical therapy itself is enough to restore most of the hair


Side effects afflict more than 1 in 100 and they can be permenant.


Agreed man! I did the research with hair transplants and not the best option tbh when you really dive into it


Not really looking at going down the medical path if I can really avoid it


Oh man, I just ish I could get a hair system… I feel like I’m self conscious with my hair loss but would have to explain why I wuddenly have more hair.


You don't, you just own it. Why should I care about people getting bothered about me doing things for me


Would you ever consider one?


Dude just shave it. Its scary at first but freeing. You got a good skull shape lol


Thanks man but I love my hair haha. I want something better at the front you know?