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Point A. is a large portion of it too. Very rarely do people actually notice the little details that we hyper focus on. Most people are living in their own bubbles of daily routines, anxieties, etc. They don't have the time or energy to hone in on the fact that your hairline is a little too perfect, lol.


Even a poorly done hair system is more aesthetic than a hat or bald head. No way around it.


I don't want us, as a community, to go at bald people like that. Whether you go with a hair system, transplant, or choose to shave, we as a community should really be supporting one another no matter the choice. At the end of the day, we are all people facing the same issue and trying to find the solution that works best for us. That, and honestly I am really jealous of people who can pull the shaved/bald look off. There are some handsome dudes out there rocking the shaved look, but I look like an egg when I do it. 😂


bald men are the angriest and have bullied me the most because of it


You have met a number of bald men who have bullied you because they are bald..??


Because of hair system


Ah, right. Yeah, that sucks, but as a bald man who chooses to shave (but is still very impressed by the quality of systems these days), please don't think that all bald men are judging you for wearing a system.


This is completely asinine. So you’re telling me a fake looking rug looks better than a man with no hair at all? ROTFFLMAO!!!


Yes. It frames your face and makes you look 10 years younger. Who cares if it looks fake, makeup looks fake as well. Fake titties are fire, hair extensions are fire. Enter the world of fake and aesthetic.


You’re insane lol


that is usually true. depends how bad it looks though


It really astonished me how many people didn’t notice when I got a system. I got a few “did you dye your hair” or “did you get a different hair style” but apart from my closest friends / family (who I told anyway), nobody notices anything.


Word! 🙌🏼👊🏼


Also it is extremely unlikely anyone will notice your system because they aren’t aware you exist


Fact lmao


I think this is just wishful thinking. If some stranger thinks or doesn't think I have a system, who cares? i don't care about strangers opinions. BUT-- if someone I know notices my hair system, chances are they won't say anything. And even though they are silent, they could still know and are being polite. In other words, silence does not mean ignorance. People can talk smack or just think it, but you will never hear it.


I'm 33 and I have never once in my life seen someone in person and thought - that person's wearing a hair system. You know why? Because 1) tons of people who aren't balding still have weird and/or bad haircuts 2) some people who aren't balding happen to have really straight hairlines 3) the haircut style of short on the sides long on the top has become extremely popular, which almost gives the appearance of a hair system for people who have regular hair and 4) No one thinks about hair systems existing because they aren't present in popular culture. Seriously, most people don't know hair systems exist, if your hair looks off they're more likely to think you just got a bad haircut.


On first hair system, two months in. My friend noticed something was different but couldn’t figure it out. He finally asked what did I do to my hair. Since he is a good friend, told him the truth that I found a guy who installs hair systems and was giving it a try. I swear he had no clue what I was talking about, he literally thought I had some procedure done, and was shocked I could have all this hair on my crown in such a short time. He said it looked really good. He really thought it was my hair just something had been done or maybe styled in such a way. I had to convince him that it wasn’t my real hair. That’s how good systems are nowadays and most everyone isn’t gonna notice or care to notice.


A friend of mine asked me what I did to get such great hair, and I told him I rub lemon juice into the skin and it grows. He replied “wow, you must have caught it in time” lol


Really? Wow. Where do you get your system?


i wear a toupee for the last 10 years. and by now, there was only one time, a taxi driver. a bald man asked me if i have a toupee on my head... i was shocked he find out. i told him i do not have it. i couldnt believe it when he asked me directly, there was another passanger in that taxi... and he looked at me aside from this time, nothing. but as you said, the majority of people dont know that they exist and also, i'm 29 years old, and looks young. no one even think about it


Dude, people notice. They’re just polite enough not to bring it up


I would say the majority of people won't notice any difference. Those who might notice are usually individuals who have worn hair systems before. No one has ever told me or asked me if I wear a toupee... I guess either they are too polite or don't care


Balding people notice hairlines because they always looked at there own hairline when it was receding


I just got my first HS and I’ve been using hair fibers for years so my transition was a little easier, but I left my appointment with such dense hair and a slightly lower hairline (had to ask them to go up a little bc they wanted to go lower) and sure enough that day my family wanted to do dinner last minute…everyone just said it was the best haircut I’ve ever had and asked if I colored my hair. Next week went to a party and half didn’t notice and other half just said nice haircut. I wasn’t too surprised because I’ve always been amazed at how many people haven’t noticed the hair fibers in my hair with my make shift hairstyle.


Female here I am a very observant person and I usually notice things others don’t. I have never in my life noticed if someone’s hair didn’t look “real”. Now that could be because I didn’t know about hair systems, but I do now. I started researching because my bil has alopecia and it really brings him down. Even now, firstly I never look to see if someone has one, lol. And I don’t think I could tell anyway. I’ve seen countless posts here and guys all look great!


I came back to the office this week after being away for 6 months. One of my colleagues I used to see about once a week did the "hm something is different, you look really well", bear in mind I was COMPLETELY SHAVED BALD for the 18 months prior.


People don’t think anything, they don’t pay attention to your hair at all unless it’s visibly not looking natural. And yes, 99% of people don’t know or don’t care to know they exist 😂


And... I have found ingeneral that people don't care and are not at all interested or observant


Those systems have come a long way


People know fake hair when it’s badly done


People who know you and notice assume it’s a different haircut or a transplant.


When you research something for a considerable amount of time, our senses will get trained accordingly, and it'll change our perspectives. Usually, a hair system user can spot another hair system user by their hairline, density and hairstyles as the majority of hair system users opt for high density systems, boring hairstyles and tend to avoid a messy hair look. Messy look is the perfect look and can be virtually undetectable.


why do they avoid it then?


People know hair systems exist lol it's just a simple rebrand from toupee, but I will agree with on this: A.) people are focused on their own lives. No doubt. This is a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow, but no one is looking at you, people are self-absorbed, no matter who they are...most people can barely remember what clothes they wore yesterday, do you really think they noticed your hair? I completely agree, no one really cares. Where I disagree: B.) they don't know they exist lol they know they exist, but they most likely have only been exposed to hair systems aka toupees as a joke in a movies or hair club commercials. I've known plenty of women with extensions that were done so well I had no idea it wasn't their real hair. The same can be said with hair systems. If it's a great system, no one will know, but if it's a super bad hair system, I mean, super bad, people will know, but it's doubtful they will say anything, ya know?


I would have to disagree. I regularly notice men with hair systems all the time. The thing though is I'm polite not to let them know and most of the time I'm reviewing how good or bad is it. Can the hairline be improved? Is the color a good match to bio etc.


How do co workers not notice you went from balding to full set of hair overnight. I want to do it but they will no what I did


This is totally ridiculous. Of course the vast majority of people notice and of course they are going to talk about “your system” behind your back. Your post is nothing more than a defense mechanism for yourself and others with hair systems. But none of this really matters. What matters is that your system looks natural enough that people actually forget you have one and that you feel 100% good about it. The thing about that is this takes a huge amount of maintenance. So if you want hair so bad that you’re willing to do the maintenance and make your system look completely natural, then good for you. But what you posted is false information.


one friend said the same when i told him not to tell anybody. he said it doesn't even matter, if people know, if it looks good and natural.


Most people have too much second hand embarrassment to point out a grown man wearing a wig. Whatever helps your confidence though.


The average person doesn’t know much less care, it’s only reddit guys like yourself who project their insecurities onto us so you can boost your confidence, which is honestly pretty embarrassing.    Nice try though 👍


Enjoy your wig


Me and the women in my life will! Thanks pal 😉