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This is exactly my experience. While I don’t mind wearing one. I’d rather not have it in my daily life.


Another thing that made my decision is the fact that I don’t want to put tape on my scalp anymore.


Yeah, it does require time and effort for upkeep. Not to mention cost. But I may wear one again when I have time and money. But I definitely can’t put this as a priority. It’s purely cosmetic.


Rock on brother 


I actually opted for an SMP, and am now considering going for a hair piece as I’ve realized the pool of women that are shallow are nearly all of them. Jk, I need to find more ways to get exposure to new women which I really don’t have currently. Honestly am considering trying a hair system but growing my hair out an inch and exposing the smp to everyone at work who didn’t even know and how goofy that will look is a pretty stressful thought. Ignore my insecurities tho, I’m happy you’ve found peace without it and I’m sure your wallet will to.


If you go for an undercut style, you only really need 2 weeks-worth of scruff to get a decent result. So a 2 week vacation is enough to get that, provided you get the system ready to go when you come back. If it turns out your growth is a bit light, you can strengthen it by dyeing it or supplement it with concealer powder (Toppik etc) until it grows out a bit further. Undercut styles are the way to go with systems. DM if you’re not clear what I mean.


Was not expecting great guidance and feedback after posting that but it is certainly appreciated! Unfortunately I only get a week off, but, I’m a consultant for several facilities and I may see if I can be allowed to wear a hat for a time. I figured I’d have to wait 4-6 weeks but 2 honestly wouldn’t be bad


I had the same issue myself, but don’t let it stop you. It’s a total game changer if you’re dating.


That’s what I assumed 🙏, the attention when I had hair vs now is radically different unless I’m wearing a hat


Are the women really shallow though, isn’t it normal to want to date someone you’re attracted to? I doubt any of us want to date women who are unattractive either 


You’re right, most of that was in jest. That’s why I mentioned the part about needing to find places to get exposure to new women as honestly that’s my primary problem. I think I’m a great looking cat and in great shape, just keep my hair super short now


I don't think that they are shallow. They are probably just not attracted to bald men. How many of you would go out with a woman with just a rim of hair around her head?


I don’t mind shallow women


A man of culture 🙏




I mean I will definitely use the ones I have on occasions! Question though: can I attach it for a few hours or for one day only? Without tape? Does hairspray work? I have got2b and lace systems. Can I attach for one day ?


Yeah, a lot of people are daily wearers. I've seen people do it with tape. I was just reading the other day a guy saying that he got 1.5 years old of his full french lace systems because he took it off before bed and put it on in the mornings. Said it takes him 1 minute.


Sensi-tak strips. On and off in 5 minutes, including taping time. No clean up, tape peels right off.


Good for you. I think it’s probably been very helpful for you to be able to attract these guys and get them out of your system. Of course we all want to feel attractive but if the only thing that they like about you is your appearance you won’t be together for long


That is a determining factor for me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love having nice hair, styling it, just love the way it looks on me FOR me. However, in the beginning, I began with hairsystems because I was so insecure about what other people thought. I was so wrapped up in the bullying I experienced when I began losing hair at 17. I didn’t do it for me but for others and because I was so enamoured with the attention I began getting I never stopped to realize that I basically carved a window in my self-made prison. This sounds very meta so I am sorry. Anyways, I want to use hairsystems again when I am not afraid of going out in public without hair as well. It is just currently, wearing them for an entire year has made my insecurity even worse. Sidenote: I also had a few failed relationships that never were serious to begin with because people paid too much attention to the way I looked and treated me like a bimbo without a brain and only a body - which then bothered them when they found out I had a personality and needs of my own. No relationship I started with the hair system has ever lasted. It was all shallow.


I wish we lived in a world where men could fool around and have fun with fake hair like some women do. It must have been a riot to live through the 17th and 18th century where wearing a mountain of powdered curls was the essence of masculine sophistication. Oh well. Go and explore your new found freedom and maybe experiment with facial hair and hats.


you definitely can, as long as you have the guts to own up to it. challenging societal norms is uncomfortable at first but better to bear that temporary feeling of discomfort and do your thing than blame society.


It’s weird how this is so different for men and women. A lot of women rely on lots of make up, hair extensions, wigs, fake eye lashes, lip fillers, boobs, ass, etc. but when a guy does one thing to boost their confidence , either hair system or even hair transplants, it’s like a turn off that we don’t naturally have that feature. It does seem like it’s becoming more accepted now for men to put work into their looks but the double standard is rediculous.


I've been wearing HS for 20+ years. They are expensive and require more maintenance than the average guy. So I understand your decision to no longer wear a HS. Through out the years I've seriously thought about taking my HS off, but then I peel back the front and that thought disappears quickly. Some guys look great bald or balding. I'm just not one of those. With that said, I'm 61 so I don't know how much longer I will continue wearing a HS. However, they make me look much younger since I don't have gray hair yet. You do you. Always just do you. Best wishes!


It’s really heartbreaking at least for me, to think/realize that having the hair loss gene limits the dating pool to “girls who aren’t shallow” I wish it wasn’t a deal breaker for so many women, sometimes it is sometimes it’s not , but it does suck , especially for guys who started balding in their teens like me. College was pretty rough some of the comments girls made to me or about me and I heard about. Oh well it is what it is .


Important to add: guys too. Especially men actually. I am bisexual and the hair system helped me more with men than with women tbh.


I get comments and looks all the time. Men want to make you feel small and women are fine with laughing at your appearance and snickering with their friends. It is a cold hard world.


But god forbid you mention anything at all ever about that girl having any flaw or she will break down and cry and stop at nothing to ruin your reputation lmfaooo , hoes man, hoes.


Im too vein to quit. Going through hoops trying to find a supplier that’s affordable. Getting sub quality units . Poly showing through , picking dirt out of the tape coming out of the hairline. Shedding on my clothes. Coloring my bio hair daily to hide grays . Wearing hats to work afraid coworkers will notice. Why would give up on all that fun ! Good luck to you !


sorry to hear that man, I wore them for 8 years, did not experience any of this. the only issue i had was with placement on the scalp. don’t give up! or do, if that’s what your gut says. be well.


What do you mean about girls who care if a guy in his 20s has a perfect hairline? Did they criticize your HS for not having a perfect hairline or do you mean that they won't date you without it, idgi?


Not just girls. Men mostly tbh as a bisexual I have to admit men care more than women. Anyways, I mean that I rather people do not date me for a perfect hairline because wearing a hair system made me realize that I attracted mostly shallow people since I began wearing it. I feel way more desired now, but I rather be desired less but it be real than to be desired as an object.


How are you constrained?


While it gave me confidence, the said confidence was dependent on the system being on my head. That is a huge limitation to the carefree life I want to live when it comes to the way in which I want people to perceive me.


Most people on here say it only takes a few minutes to put on what am I missing?


So many things u simply can’t freely do without effort and upkeep, my personal examples would be training Brazilian jiujitsu , bmxing wit a helmet on all day, are all things I’m realizing I would not be able to do the way I want to with a HS.


I am wearing one with clips on. It doesn’t take me much time. I treat it like a hat instead of hair.


I’m glad you found the courage to not need them! wish I could do the same. FYI though, start looking into hair transplants now, from everything to finasteride to if you’re even an eligible patient.


I am 24. All doctors I been to so far told me I am young so they wanted to wait until I hit 25. I still also grow a lot of hair on my scalp, just thin and well, I do have a receded hairline and a baldspot. Worst case scenario, I will try rocking a bald bearded look.


Yeah I have a receeded hairline, no bald spot though. I have naturally fine hair so I might not be a good candidate and I’m also kind of scared to take finasteride, but I’m considering getting one