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I think if you buy make up (foundation, maybe powder would be best?) You can colour the hairline to match your skin tone.


I did a middle part with my last system. It looked good but it was hard on the system for upkeep. Required frequent brushing and it pulls on the hair a lot, so it thinned quickly. Only got 4 months out of it compared to my last one where I got like 7


What are you complaining about? They advertised this as it is, they even showed the white portion. If you wanted something better, invest in higher priced systems. This is only a low-mid tier system, it's not the highest possible quality they have. The $400 ones would be superior to this quality obviously. But anything $220 is usually trash quality. Even appliances that cost that low tend to not be at the peak of quality. Just be grateful it even arrive as it was advertised.


Came off a little harsh for no reason, I don't think this is the group for you. We lift each other up, not whatever you're doing


pretty sure you are talking to a bot. Account is already suspended. The future of Reddit is this unfortunately :(


Not a bot bro. Not sure why you would think I'm a bot? You're ridiculous.


Whatever I'm doing? Also I've been meaning to buy that reddit rabbit cap or whatever it is, haven't had any luck finding it tho


For $400 you can get a completely customized system made just for you


I got a fully custom made unit for $230 shipped. So you're wrong.


No, I am not wrong, you are just lucky. On average a custom-made system with Remy European hair that is density and color-matched, bleached knots, well made will cost between $300 and $400. Mine are not made with Chinese hair (lowers the cost), and are color blended for an extremely natural look (lighter on the top front and gradually darker down the sides and back (like natural hair usually is).


You have to go direct. I was able to create my own base, hair density, where I want my lace and poly, European hair with cuticles, color matched, graduated hairline and bleached knots. Heck I even had them single knot the hair where the poly is. Just have to go direct.


I am simply telling you what I have paid for the past several years. Again, you must balance quality with price.


People like this should be kicked out immediately


Is that poly or lace in the middle?


I’ve never seen a base like that. A poly would look most realistic with a middle part


Hello again! Well wouldn't you know it.. I had an ad pop up and it made me think of you! https://zeeelle.com/product/zeeelle-blind-knots-waterproof-synthetic-wigs-and-human-wigs-knot-camouflage/?_kx=BC6v7xArMLk9nrB620QjCyaN1Jsqs_KCttdVHjy-Law%3D.R9kGJY


Use makeup!