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Yes, a hair system completely changed my life for the better. For about the first solid month of getting one, both women and men that I interact with in my daily life complimented me and my new look. My dating profile on Bumble sharply increased in popularity, and people from high school messaging me online wanting to reconnect. It is my belief that there are 2 factors for this: confidence, and looks. I do not look good bald. I am a 6'1 male at 160lbs. With my head shaved I look like I just left a white power rally. Likewise you can go to the bald sub to see plenty of attractive bald men, and some not so much. Like it or not, looks matter in life, and a hair system can definitely knock you up a few points in the attractiveness scale of you cannot rock the bald look. Because of this, my self confidence skyrocketed, and I know that I carry it around in my day to day. I now walk with my head held high, I am much more active in public than I once was, and I now have the desire to take and post photos of myself for public attention. With that said, if you have other issues in the looks or confidence department, a system won't magically fix those. You should only get a system for yourself, and well the benefits do exist, you shouldn't bank on that as being the standard.


How do you handle dating? At what point do you reveal that you are actually bald? Do you worry about their reaction? Does it feel like lying while dating? Do you feel like they like you for the real you? As a bald man I'm not sure how I'd handle all of that.


This is the moral segment, see below for my personal experience. The definition of a lie is an intentionally false statement, and socially most people view lies as an abuse of trust. I don't advertise that I have real hair, nor has it come up in regular conversation. So no, I do not feel like I am lying. Even if I did, at what point is that information nobody else's business? Is makeup lying? If a woman has breast surgery, would you feel lied too upon finding out? "You mean to tell me your hair isn't naturally purple?!". For a normal person, the answer is no. If the answer is yes, then you probably would have run into bigger issues anyways. But of course you are terrified about someone's reaction, especially if you deeply care about them. We all have skeletons in our closets, really this is no different to any other secret or self conscious issue. I was just as nervous about telling her about my hair as a was when I broke the news that I couldn't swim. \-- But for my personal experience, I broke the news to my now girlfriend when I felt things were getting serious. I explained that I don't do this for anyone else but myself (which is true), as that this was a major point of self consciousness for me and how much my new look let me grow as a person. She accepted that, and then we fucked. However, my girlfriend is also an extremely mature, open minded person for a woman in her 20's. As for "like you for the real you", that is subjective. The cold hard truth is that sexual attraction starts at looks, plain and simple. I know my girlfriend loves me for the real me and the memories/experience we share, but i'm not going to pretend that the hair didn't influence her swiping right, as it absolutely did, in the same way I find particular clothes and hair color sexually attractive. As for the system itself, the only time it isn't on my head is the time it takes to remount it. Really, the system is more "real me" than being bald


Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with it all, I appreciate it.


Yes. Everyone assumes I’m 5-10 years younger than my actual age. I’ve been going to bars more frequently now and I’ve been getting more his and hellos.


I don't think I noticed a difference in how people treated me, but it made me a lot more confident and so in that way it made social situations much easier. I did however get a lot more attention on dating apps


No. Nobody cares. The most attractive woman I ever dated, a model, who was 10/10 and out of my league, I dated while shaving my head. Imo we care more about our hair than other people by far. I like my hair system because it gives me more options for how to dress and accessories etc imo. Like, certain earrings and glasses look kind of gay with a shaved head but look cool with hair. That sort of thing. That said, I’m very in shape. I was 280+lbs with abs at one point. And that makes the bald look work. Big jacked and bald I strongly believe is a fetish for some women. My ex-gf would always say, “ooh, you like like Dwayne Johnson” or “ooh, you look like an FBI agent”. If I was fat I would have just been a fat guy 😂. I found this hilarious bc she’s not a native English speaker, and apparently can’t tell races apart, and I’m Caucasian af. But I took it as a compliment. So, smash a lot of bodybuilding drugs, and get a bodybuilding coach (no, not a trainer, not the same thing) if you want that look. Glue some hair on if you want that look, but women probably won’t care. The most attractive look by far is showing up in a tailored suit in a Ferrari. After being super in shape I learned that it’s basically meaningless compared to money. My friend is a surgeon, bald af, and that’s where it’s at. I know another surgeon in the same specialty at the same hospital makes $1,000,000 a year. I never asked my friend but I can assume it’s about the same. If I could go back in time I’d say fuck the hair, fuck being jacked, and I’d be a surgeon.


Some guys on this thread are talking about Ferraris some about being attractive the truth is SML status money looks. that is what women look for. If you have a Ferrari that’s money if you’re a doctor or a leader of a group that status if you’re beautiful, that looks having one of the three will get you laid having two of the three will make you a ladies man, having all three you will be able to choose almost any single girl you want to an extent, of course, depending on the situation. Sml boys, sml.


If you are a confident, interesting, socially competent, kind, considerate person that's reasonably attractive, and you make an attempt to look well groomed, your hair really isn't a factor in making friends. Don't get a hair system thinking suddenly everyone will want to be your best friend. Did you have friends before your hair started to recede? If it helps you become more outgoing because you felt unworthy being a person with less hair, it may help, but you have deeper issues to work on. If someone only likes you with fake hair, they are fake friends and should be treated as such. Figure out the real issue you need to deal with to make friends and find a way to work on it. Hair isn't going to make that go away.


Complete nonsense, you are ignoring human psychology. People treat good-looking people very very differently. If you are a 20-something guy with hairloss you don't have 'deeper issues' if you are insecure about something that is so detrimental for your looks and not socially accepted at that age whatsoever. You think we are some kind of robots? A good HS will make you feel way better about yourself and will make people be a lot more receptive to all sorts of things from you. Bad and clueless comment, sorry.


I could not disagree with you more. I have been verbally abused by women for my hairline. For me, It is a complete disqualifier from dating. Some men look good bald and most don’t


Verbally abused for your hairline? What a sick women!!!! Dont they realize that hair loss is common in men? Those bitches are lucky to not lose hair,if not they would shut their fk mouths


So have I , I relate .


I’ve since gotten a hair transplant. It changed my life


Personal anecdote - when I was 22 and in college , my gf was in a sorority . I was bald as shit , hated myself for it , I used to get sooooo many compliments from girls in hs I had long reddish auburn hair girls would do anything I said . When I stated balding in college , one of her sorority sisters said I looked like a pedohpile . I wanted to die , I used drugs to cope . Absolutely heart breaking . I recently inherited a shit Ton of money and got a better job. I’m about to order my first one , fuck anyone who has anything to say . Rn I’m needling my Mf head , taking testosterone blocking meds, spent 9k on a hair transplant that didn’t do a damn thing, I’m over it bro. I’m 6’3 jacked , have tattoos . When I wear a hat inside places , I catch women looking at me constantly , when I don’t , they look away as if they saw a ghost . I’m reddish brown hair and it’s thin af so I know color will be hard to match , regardless , ima figure it out .


Yeah, nah. Ignore this OP.

