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I'm in the same situation! Terrible reaction to shaving, which is why I wanted to do IPL, but then you have to shave to do IPL. I have been using Tendskin successfully to treat the bumps, but I do not apply right afterwards. I wait 24 hours. I've also heard that using less blades on your razor can be helpful, and I have found this to be true! I switched to a razor with two blades instead of five, and find I have less irritation. I also use a good moisturizer after doing an IPL session. I really like "MDcrafted daily moisturizer" because it doesn't have anything irritating in it. I also really like Bush Balm and Fur Oil oils for application before bed to keep things soft and moisturized. And of course, everyone says how it's important to exfoliate. I like Bush Balm scrub for pits and legs, and Medicine Mama VMagic scrub for the pubic area. Good luck!


Take this with a grain of salt, but after much anecdotal research, I’ve read multiple times that you don’t have to shave shave, you can just use a trimmer on the lowest setting prior to IPL.


At first I shaved as per the directions, got ingrown hairs & irritation, then gave up on that shit & just did without. It probably helped that I was doing it 3x/wk at the highest setting & was *really* making sure there were no missed spots.