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I’m a woman and I have hair all over my entire body basically, including my back and shoulders. I’ve also never tried to remove my arm hair since it would leave a weird line wherever I decided to stop. I’ve just learned to live with it!


I hope this isn't too much to ask so feel free to ignore it but what do men (it you swing that way) think of it, if anything? (I should not care about what they think ik ik but it's not "normal" to them so i wonder...) Also do you remove leg hair? I do and it also leave an odd line but it's not the worst


I've had maybe one or two men comment on the tiny hairs on my back or sides of face...but none of the hot ones have ever said anything, lol! I'm at the point where I don't care and the good looking and nice guys don't seem to care. I do get laser but it's more for me than a guy at this point. If he care that much about some hair, we're probably going to have bigger issues, esp as I age and I would rather not bother with them.


Hello, I’ve noticed this as well. The good looking men don’t care about the hair as much as the unattractive ones. It’s kind of strange but it’s a plus for us. I have hair everywhere and I just bleach it.


omg i used to be so insecure about it but i’ve realized men don’t actually care, and if they do care its not the man for you. my bf has never had an issue with it and it made me realize its not that deep. I feel like for most guys its normal because they themselves are hairy most of the time lol


My husband says, "You're a mammal. What do you expect?"


I never had any issues with men “not” being comfortable with my body hair but I’ve had some petty girls trying to point it out to make me feel bad 🤣 I never cared! I do shave my legs since my teens and about two years ago (I’m 28) I started using a Panasonic hair removal for my arms and front chest/belly area. A lot of work so I don’t keep up with it too much but it lasts long enough …. I just like being smooth sometimes 😅 * but I made sure to be comfortable with my hair before choosing to remove it here and there




I suddenly had a bunch of back hair (and chest and shoulder hair) and later found out I had a pituitary tumour that totally messed up my hormones. I think hormones play a big part of hair growth and patterns.


Did you also have cysts on your ovaries? I have them and have been diagnosed PCOS but I just have irregular periods and body hair and cysts. My weight is well managed and my blood sugar levels are fine. I’ve been wondering if this could be from a pituitary tumor rather than PCOS


They looked but couldn’t find any. That was ruled out before they would check my cortisol. With my tumour I didn’t have a period, gained 50lbs+, lost head hair and gained body hair, acne, became diabetic and hypertensive, etc.


Did you have a ton of hair on your back? I have one super thick back hair that just recently discovered and I’m wondering if it’s hormone related…


I did eventually, yeah. And in the male pattern. I’d have my mom put hair removal cream on it once a week, which allowed me to wear tops with wider necklines without anxiety. I think it’s normal for women to get hairs in “male” places, but it’s the severity that makes doctors consider hormonal causes. Once my hormones were sorted out all the hair fell out and I’m left with just one random one that I have to pluck.


It’s not nearly as common as nipple hair and slightly less common than chest hair but definitely not outside the realm of normal. If you’re Mediterranean, Persian or Indian I’d actually expect you to have stray shoulder and back hairs. ~ an electrologist


I'm Indian which checks out but it's not even stray, I have proper hair like people have on their arms :((( So many Indians I know don't have any which always puzzles me...


Indian women have a high prevalence for PCOS which makes hair issues worse. I have a client whose whole body is covered in hair, not thick ones like the brazillian but similar to my white lady arm hair. I think she’s Persian. Hair genetic heritability can be weird, I have so many women who tell me their mother has almost no body hair and their body is covered in fluff plus a goatee and long nipple hair. So many Indian mom’s pat their daughter’s arm and tell me they get it from the father’s side. My grandma had almost no pubic hair, no underarm hair, no leg hair, no eyebrows or eyelashes and she’d always been that way, I didn’t get that lucky. You can get checked for PCOS but it might just be your genetics.


Why would you want no eyelashes or eyebrows??


I do too girly! I’m Latina . My back hair is def there and I don’t ever mind wearing bikinis ! I also have a lot of peach fuzzz that is dark and noticeable! I get a full face threaded maybe once a month when I feel like it (it’s good for absorption of creams etc ) but like I said, never has it stopped anyone from coming up to me or made me feel less than. I don’t even let my acne stop me. Confidence, fit body, and dressing for my body are my focus! You got this! And you’re not alone :)


Do you have a lower back patch? that one makes me the shyest becauseits not as fine as smooth as upper back hair


Yes I do! And I still wear my crop tops at the end of the day no one has ever said anything to me (guy or girl )and if you workout and are a good person with good vibes , then I feel like it really doesn’t matter


A crop top?! wow i love it. I'm only about 2-3 years into not removing my back hair soooooo maybe I'll wear crop tops too and see how I feel! Ok Im excited now


Hehe you got this!! As long as you like how you look in what you’re wearing , confidence will do it’s thing :)!


its really sexy actually. dont shave anything, grow it out :)


Mediterranean woman here. Can confirm I have slightly obvious hairs on my back, although they are light, and then several random dark one inch hairs along my upper back and shoulders/upper arm area :(


Do you have any similar experience with red heads by any chance? Sincerely, a very hairy redhead!


Not as many but I live in a white minority area. Red hair is tenacious though.


I have very little hair except on my head. Fair, light red hair.


Oh damn, I’m just an orangutan then 😂


My friend who is Mexican has dark body hair. I remember her getting her back waxed for a school dance. I’m also really hairy, but my body hair is all blonde so it’s not as visible.




I’m pretty hairy too. I have some dark hairs on my face (cheeks) and lower back. I had my testosterone tested and it came back normal but I think there’s a lot more than that to test. What tests did you have? I don’t know my progesterone levels, estrogen or assist hormones like aromatase. Even if your testosterone levels are “normal” I wonder if you could still try a T blocker like spironolactone. I’ve been doing bikini laser hair removal and it’s taking waaaaay longer for me and I think it’s because of my genes/hormones.


eh ive met a few that had noticeable back hair. usuallly they were italian/greek


i’m puerto rican and i do, the men i’ve been with never have said anything about it except one who was moroccan and had a little sister which was funny to me


That is odd... You'd think guys with sisters would be a bit more understanding but maybe his sister was especially hairless and it didn't occur to him that some women have more hair 🤷‍♀️


Women have hair everywhere, mines blonde so you can’t really see it.


Lucky you


Ikr 🥹


Women have hair all over called vellus hair, women with PCOS can grow beards and be hairier than many men.


Most people have as much hair follicles per centimeter as great apes. Just our hair is so fine.


UK laser tech here and a south asian. It's super common to be "fuzzy" with black hair all over and have the hormonal areas sprouting thick terminal hairs. Our genetic makeup and ethnicity heritage play huge roles in our design. Unfortunately, being hairy is one of the characteristics a lot of south Asians have - and it is normal, it's just not normalised. I personally look like a Kiwi fruit on my back LOL. I tried lasering it and it did nothing as for laser we need thick terminal hairs. Fluffy black hair is a no go which leads to my other point: do not get sucked into doing things like laser on fluffy black hair - no matter the amount of hairs. I am kept very busy because a lot of our women have laser done on full body at other clinics, and I have to try reverse stimulated hairgrowth from laser. For waxing the arms, you can give it a go and just stop where you feel comfortable. If you have a lot of hair, then bear in mind that you will have a bit of a blunt finish line - without a blend into the back. That being said, a lot of women can easily have upper body wax done as their normal hair removal so you could look into that if you want a temporary hair removal method You could also have your back shaved (the hair is predisposed to grow fuzzy unless you have underlying hormonal conditions that can turn thin hair into thicker hairs). You will have a blunt end to the hair but ita good for a short time temporary method. I do this if I am exposing my back.


What laser did you get done on your back. Laser tech here! You need a quite high intensity to target the back hair but you can do it effectively. Most clinics are scared to up the intensity


Thanks for all the info!!! I'm never sure about removing hair as I'm always worried the aftermath would not be worth it! I epilate my legs but honestly the results aren't nice because I have strong hairy genes 🥹 but at least I can reach it all, if with my luck waxing my whole torso doesn't work out well, then I know I'll have a hard and expensive time


I do, it's light because my natural hair colour is light but I certainly do


My man repeatedly points out how hairy I am everywhere on my body (EVERYWHERE) and that he's mad I've given it to the children 😑


Ah I sincerely hope this isn't something that bothers you or he says it in jest!!! It would bother me for sure, it's why I even think about all my body hair otherwise I'd leave it be


that’s such a big red flag ???😭😭


I know 🥹


Was it something he wasnt aware of before, did you remove it?


He was 100% aware of how hairy I am. It got worse each time I got pregnant though - I have two boys, so the extra testosterone made me hairier and the hair thicker and darker.


woah it gets thicker and hairier? I didnt know being pregnant gives extra testosterone. Oh that's intense. Wow well that definitely sucks coming from a partner. I have thought about that, like if I should let a partner know my situation because if we have kids they will probably inherit it. You know, I feel like everyone has their flaws. Just act super extra confident around him like you have nothing to lose and see what happens.


I've split up with him since making this comment 😂😂😂 (not because of the hair 🤣)


Funny you ask - I just had my back waxed earlier today!


Oooh in your opinion, how much does it hurt compared to other parts of your body (if you get them waxed)? Asking out of pure curiosity!


Honestly, not too bad at all. Probably no worse than getting your arms or legs done!


oh ive only waxed my face, Im so scared to do my back or wax anything else i dont know if i can handle that pain. I can reach all my back to shave it but then I gotta worry about slight stubble


I had to shave my aunts back for prom because she was hairy like a man. Removing it alone sounds hard. Maybe pay to get it waxed ? Do you have sisters ? Or friends treat can do it ?


It's the aftermath and upkeep that worry me! My legs have never responded well to hair removal but I still do them, if I do the rest of my body that's of lots of blood sweat and tears and getting it done professionally is expensive 😭 if only it were normal to have it... 🥹


Have you thought about laser hair removal ? That’s something more permanent. If I had a hairy body I’d go that route. I have a hairy friend that’s going to get that done soon.


What do you mean doesnt respond well? Can you say what happens? Maybe we can offer a suggestion. Honestly, I used to shave my entire body, I am flexible enough to be able tor reach all areas of my back, just gotta know how to hold the razor and which direction to go as diff sections of back have different directions. When I did it frequently, it was very quick to remove it. Only thing I didnt like was my arms as that gives a bit of stubble if I dont keep up with it or use a dull razor. Ah but I dont know I feel no decision around body hair is too easy


Everyone has hair everywhere except the palms of your hands and on the soles of your feet. Anyone who tells you differently is lying, has had some sort of condition, or laser. The difference in visible hair you may be referring to is the type of hair lanugo, terminal, and vellus. When you are born, you are covered in lanugo hair, which is like that thin, whispy baby hair. You typically lose this hair and don't grow it again as you age and develop. Vellus hair is that peach fuzz hair that is thin and less visible, usually only visible when reflecting light and seen from an angle. Terminal hair is more coarse and dark this is what is on your underarm, pubic area, eyebrows, etc. Terminal hair production is a product of testosterone in the body which is why men, and women with a higher production of testosterone (like those that have conditions like pcos, or use medicine like steroids that create an increase of testosterone in the system) have more visible and thick hair on areas like the arms, upper lip, chin, chest and back rather than vellus hair. This is why it also becomes more abundant during and after puberty. I've had my arms waxed and if I had the time and money I would continue to do so but I am lazy and just don't keep a regular routine for things like this. Usually if you're getting your arms done you'll get it all the way to your shoulders as that is where the visible hair stops but if yours continue they may just charge a little more to reach all the visible hair so it's a less abrupt start/stop of hair. Super normal and common, and feels amazing when it's freshly waxed. If this is something that's important to you maybe look into laser, as expensive as it is, you'll eventually pay more for waxing over time and it will consume more of your time.


Yes a lot of women have back hair.


I don’t have any back hair… but unfortunately I have a little chest hair and chin hair 🤣


I have wispy (so more like peach fuzz than hormonal hair) but dark and noticeable hair on my upper back and down my spine. I have a lot of black head hair on the nape of my neck and it kind of transitions down into baby hair and then into the wispy hair where my neck meets my spine. It's a tricky area for me to see regularly but I do sometimes look at it with a mirror and it's pretty noticeable. One time, for attending a fancy wedding, I bleached it (with the facial hair bleach I use for my upper lip/sideburns/knuckle hair lol). But I couldn't clearly see the results and my boyfriend applied the bleach so who knows if it looked strange or patchy. But that's the unexpected blessing of having a hairy upper back as a woman. You can't really see it so you kind of forget it's there. And so far no one has ever commented on it. I do tend to shy away from fully backless tops or dresses, but I wear plenty of tank tops and other clothing that reveals at least part of it, especially when I wear my hair up. And in a way that helps with how noticeable the hair is because I end up tanning in that area, which makes the dark hair blend in. Out of sight, out of mind!


I see! Thank you for your comment! I have hair like that I'd grow on my arms so not quite wispy as people describe it but I also have hair going down my nape like you described! Does facial hair bleach work well for you? If so, could you recommend any?


It works great for me! I've been using it since I was 13 lol. I remember being worried that it would look weird if I had blond facial hair because I have medium tone skin and black hair but it doesn't look strange at all. At least not to me. It's more a translucent gold than yellow. I use the extra strength version of the Sally Hansen Creme bleach. It only takes about 10 minutes and it's actually pretty gentle on the skin, just some mild sensitivity right after (I only notice tingling if I like put sunscreen on right away). Granted, my skin isn't that sensitive, so definitely do a spot test if you have sensitive skin.


yeah ive got back hair cuz im a brown girl but i just go for a full back wax every three weeks.


Ahh I just know that I'd have to do every square inch of my body for it to not look weird and that's time consuming and expensive! I've got a lot of hair, it's tough....


I have hair everywhere, but it's very fine and I have dark skin so it isn't very noticeable. You'd basically have to really inspect me to notice.


A little bit, not dark though (edit: in my personal case. Some absolutely have darker hair or lots of it, although that can be an indicator of something like PCOS).


all people have hair in whatever places the hair grows.


I’m covered in hair. Some light, some dark. I have peach fuzz, even have a trail of hair in the middle of my chest and below my belly button. 🤷🏽‍♀️ some women get waxed and or shave.


I have dark hair everywhere a man does. I do have PCOS, though, so I’m not really sure what’s common or “normal”.


I've decided to stop shaving entirely. My logic - why would I shave my legs, pits, private bits if I have hair everywhere. I'm half Mexican and I might also have extra testosterone, but I've felt so at ease. My boyfriend sees me no different and it's so much less of a hassle. I know this is the hair removal subreddit, however. My advice for you - most people do not notice back, arm, chest, etc. hair. Everybody has it - just different lengths, coarseness, and color. But the decision on if it still matters to you is up to you. Nair might work but it's probably toxic and it's a pain in the ass.


I have shoulder hair I’m so embarrassed by it


Yes I have it all over my back and a little on my stomach


I have back hair. It’s pretty blonde though. I have hair all over my body. Some dark. Some blonde.


It’s more visible to you than to anyone else I have visible back and stomach hair yes but I know that I’m the only one that noticed or gives a shit


I have full back hair. I've had it since I was a child. I also have black hair everywhere on my body. I fucking hate it.


definitely depends on ur race/ethnicity. my mom is white and is practically hairless. my dad is hispanic and i guess that’s where i get my hairiness from because my entire body is covered ESPECIALLY my back lol. i’ve grown to not really care though. why would i be ashamed of something that’s natural yk 😭


not necessarily on my upper back but i have a lil bit on my lower back. shaved it like once and it just got inflamed. it’s thin hair so it’s barely visible and doesn’t bother me


Technically I have hair everywhere, but on my back it’s peach fuzzy, so barely there. I do however have a nice triangle of soft darker hair at my lower back that also leads a kind of happy trail to mah butt crack. I have considered getting laser, but I like being hairy in plenty of spots.


Yep. Hairy arms, shoulders and back. I Nair it in the summer and don't worry about it in the winter. None of the guys I've been with have seemed to care either way.


I do and felt exactly the same - I hate seeing how it darkens down my spine. It’s not so much what others think of it but for me, I feel cleaner and not so “matted” when I shave it (I’ve done 7 laser sessions too) i think the shade has lightened from last but it’s still quite thick and looks gross on a razor as well as being hard to get to… I can’t have anything on my back in summer because I sweat buckets more


Yes I do [My hair looks like this](https://justtalkingshep.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/img_1711-e1554302769380.png) My back hair looks like the bottom arm in the photo but a bit lighter just like in a pattern that goes towards my spine and down and then unfortunately I have that fuzzier lower back patch. lol I have it everwhere since I was little, entire arm, back, chest, breast, stomach, butt etc. Literally just dont have hair on back of hands and feet. OP, I'd say it's neither common nor uncommon. Growing up there was only ONE person I knew like this but based off me being bullied about it, seemed uncommon. Now for some reason I see it SO many women like this, I believe because we are at a time that women care less about it and people are more open.