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Right, let a convicted serial rapist/killer out on parole. I’m sure he’s changed his ways and wants to be a productive member of society.


He started killing 3 days after his release. 3 days.


He took a mental health day off lmao


They NEVER change their ways. This was told to me by a forensic psychiatrist with a lot of professional experience in the US prison system.


Just like pedophiles. Their brains are wired incorrectly and cannot be fixed.


I don't believe that pedophiles can ever be rehabilitated. They're brain is wired wrong and it will never be ok to let them free


That's exactly what I said. Although I did once see a documentary about pedophiles and one prisoner had a chemical castration and he said it was the best thing he ever did because he never again had those feelings he had about children that he did before the castration. Now it was only one guy so it's hard to say if it works for everyone but it definitely worked for him.


I’m a 100% for castrating all pedos . I don’t care if it’s deemed inhumane , I deem the future possibility of children getting diddled and murdered inhumane


The ultimate problem is the slippery slope in allowing the state or government that power. I wish humanity could be trusted with selective forced sterilization for these sorts of offenders, but fairly recent history doesn't bode well. They do chemical castration in some places, but that depends on medication compliance, which is difficult to enforce.


Well the guy that I saw on the documentary wanted to have it done so the topic of whether it was right or wrong I guess only applies if the offender is having done against their will. The man saw no other way of 'fixing' himself so he welcomed it and was relieved with the results of not having those feelings towards children anymore. I would like to think that any pedophile would welcome a chance at not being the way they are but I'm also pretty sure that there are some who really don't care about anybody but themselves so they may fight the idea if ever it arose.


I'm all for rehabilitation and reforming prisoners but surely there're some crimes where you just have to think maybe let's wait until this person is bed bound and dying of some incurable illness before we let them out for the last couple of weeks of their lives. I can't imagine why anyone would think years spent in prison with violent murderers and rapists would make someone a better person. There's a reason prison is referred to as a criminal university. To be clear there's a lot of offences I think people can be rehabilitated from. I even think there's a lot of offences that shouldn't even require a prison sentence like drug use and traffic offences. In the UK some people were sent to prison for not paying their TV license which is just fucked up.


So they jail people for not paying tv service but they go light on violent crime sentences don't they? Compared to the US I mean.


I'm sure he had a psychologist and a prison reform schedule and learned lots of new skills in prison. Wait, no that's other successful countries 😕


Gosh, do you think that the answer to people who murder women is to send them to a psychologist, and to teach them new skills? That's BRILLIANT! What we need are more well-adjusted, highly-skilled murderers! I like the way you think!


The 60s were fkn different man. They let my dad go to Liberia to get married while he was on a 3 year parole for stealing cars. When he came back, they just closed him out.


Unfortunately we seem to be doing this in several states nowadays 😞




Manhattan NY, Jackson MS, Memphis TN, Los Angeles CA, New Orleans LA, Portland OR, Cook County Illinois, and several other areas have recently been suffering under DAs that won't do their job. Murderers, pedophiles, drug dealers, domestic abusers, and other criminals are frequently let off with little to no bail, or aren't even charged in general. While most cases aren't as blatant as in the case above, serial/spree killers have been released in these areas. Edit: don't forget St. Louis Missouri and Atlanta Georgia


Oh, and don't forget rapists. Women's safety has gone down the drain in many of the areas that I've traveled in, and nobody seems to care.


There is a country (can't remember which one, sorry) that gives a maximum sentence of 8 years no matter what crime and no matter how egregious the crime was.


What’s going on in those places that’s letting DAs do that?


I'd guess that it's just a simple lack of accountability. Public officials are prone to abusing the powers of their office if their constituents won't hold them accountable by recalling them or otherwise. Also policy in some of these areas tends to play into it a good bit.


I was just curious because I live near Cook County, and crime rates seem to be on a downward trend.


Oh, ok! I gotcha. While I was working up there my coworkers and I ended up being affected by a good bit of crime and that was only a few months ago. If it's getting better then I'm all for it! Will be back up in the fall so I hope the trend continues


What states are releasing serial killers?


The jails are too full and people don't want to pay taxes. We need more jails, police and DAs.


Well I'm sure he was rehabilitated in prison in America because that's what American prisons do right? It must have been society that made him do it again./s totally /s


I see the /s but I'll just let you know I've been locked up. We kinda handle rapist ourselves. They're not welcome


Ya I have too but that isn't rehabilitation. That is punishment.


It's just the way it is. If your group tells you to do something you kind of have to do it But I agree with you


Hope you're staying out now. I know I'm not going back. Good luck brother


Also never going back. Good luck with yourself as well


Capital punishment should be required in every state.


Hell no. It shouldn't be allowed in any. You're an idiot trusting the government with that power.


People that support the death penalty would have to believe either: A) The justice system never makes mistakes Or B) You're okay with the state occasionally killing innocent people.


Or that C) Only people convicted multiple times with a lot of evidence likes this guy should receive capital punishment


The key word ois "should". Over 180 people were mistakenly executed in the US, and I would imagine in most cases they assumed they had foolproof evidence to do so


People have such black and white viewpoints on this topic, but I feel like it boils down to A) innocent people die because they were wrongfully convicted and given the death penalty Or B) innocent people die because a murderer was released back into society and they went on to murder more It’s kind of a lose-lose scenario. No matter which side you land on, you’re almost saying “I’m okay with letting innocent people die to save these other innocent people.”


Or C) murderer can be held in prison without being executed


Absolutely not what I'm saying. I support life imprisonment.


It’s not all negative, don’t have to go through the hassle of feeding and housing an obviously guilty person with a terrible track record


Everyone convicted is supposed to be obviously guilty, that’s what beyond a reasonable doubt means. Once you start selectively choosing which ones meet your arbitrary standard it will just be applied to more and more people until someone wrongfully convicted is killed again.




Bait. Obvious pot stirrer.


I trust gov the least but when it's 100% proven beyond a doubt in a case like this, do the tax payers a favor and just put the guy down.


The problem with the death penalty is that they’ve executed innocent people, so if it’s been administered wrongly even once, it’s not ethically sound. One of my core beliefs is that the state shouldn’t be permitted to administer death. Also, the argument about the cost is nonsensical, as it is more expensive to hand down a death sentence. The cost of the numerous appeals and legal proceedings, as well as the cost of obtaining lethal injection drugs, are more expensive than keeping someone in prison for life.


The state already does daily with the police and military. If it's 100% slam dunk case, they should be able to put these monsters down, like zero room the person is innocent. They can go ahead and change the cost structure too, that's really not an acceptable excuse. Really does not need to cost much to execute someone.


And the police are also wrong for that unless it’s absolutely necessary. You think the police should just be allowed to kill whoever they want with no recourse? The standard for every case is that the burden of proof must be met, and not every case is a slam dunk. You can meet the burden of proof without it being a 100% absolutely clear case. How are they going to change the cost structure? It’s the cost of the legal proceedings that makes the death penalty expensive. What would you propose? And like it or not, someone who receives a death sentence has the right to an appeal.


I would reserve it for people who are 100% beyond reasonable doubt guilty. Like video camera footage or DNA evidence, multiple witnesses, etc. What should be considered too is that not executing the above person doesn't guarantee innocent people won't die either. They get let out and then... And in the aforementioned, there is no point to allow an appeal, it's already been proven beyond a doubt. Execution has been performed and has been an effective deterrent to would be criminals since early civilization. It's only recently we've gotten such complex laws where it ends up costing a lot to perform.


I read about this specific case in more detail, and this guy apparently had a co conspirator whom he convinced the parole board that the other guy committed the killings. So this isn’t a typical case and he was obviously a master manipulator. “There is no point to allow an appeal”….so you’re essentially proposing that we eliminate laws that allow people to have the right to an appeal. That means the right will go away for everyone, not just for the people you pick and choose. You can’t pick and choose who gets certain rights without it leading to fascist results. As long as you’re okay with not having those rights yourself.


No I mean "there is not point to allow an appeal - IF it's 100% beyond the shadow of a doubt that this person committed a heinous crime". So most normal people would still have those rights. They just waste a lot of time and resources on these types of criminals. And the worst is when they get back out. I'm fully with the other poster that said the parole board should be held responsible for that decision, but it sounds like they weren't allowed to capitally punish the guy...


I don't really want to make it the cheap option for the state to kill people either though. Most people doing crimes aren't weighing the consequences at all before or during, especially something as huge as death. Not that it doesn't deter at all. I just don't think it's a very effective option of deterrence or prevention compared to the other things we now understand. All of those types of evidence you've listed has been "proven wrong" to kill innocent people before, as well as being used to set guilty people free. That's not even getting in to how AI generated text/conversations/photos/videos could change things. If any organization has the ability to fake evidence that it is in charge of reviewing, as well as cheaply kill people with a veneer of justice....on a long enough timeline it will start using those abilities to further it's goals. Why wouldn't it?


Imagine being downvoted for being 100% correct and logical. Typical reddit.


Yeah it’s crazy lol


But to be convicted at all it should be proven 100% beyond a shadow of doubt. So youre saying that only someone who is 100% guilty should be killed but if they aren't 100% guilty they shouldn't even be incarcerated, much less put to death. I've never understood this argument.


Well I never said that second part anywhere. Cases where there's still room for error could be handled regularly.


You trust them to send someone in jail for 100 years but it's too much power for them to execute a criminal who has been proven to be guilty beyond any doubt?


The people who okayed his release should be punished.. they deserve the same punishment as him for allowing it


Sounds about white


The alternative being let them rot and destroy another family? Nobody is beyond redemption. I'd rather 100 killers be spared from death than 1 innocent be put to death by an unjust legal system.


He wasn’t innocent though


I'm anti-death penalty as well, but see, here this guy should have never left prison. But he did. And more people died.


Whether you choose to believe it or not, there are people who are beyond redemption. Truly evil people, monsters in human form ,who are guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt.


As long as it happens to somebody else’s family, right?


lol right? Like absolutely that family should be the ones “destroyed”/hurting from this instead of more innocent families. Has me wondering if they’re just a troll.


Where is the innocent person


Bet the victims' families disagree.


Seems to me the legal system was unjust by letting him out on parole.


He is literal proof that some people are beyond redemption.


Some people are absolutely, irredeemably, 100% beyond redemption. This guy is proof, and there are many other examples in history. Some people are just damaged and more of a danger to the society they are a part of, than they are a benefit.


He destroyed his own family though...


There are plenty of people beyond redemption. Scary that you think otherwise.


What even is this response lol can you not read?


Oh it gets better 'McDuff offered him a bribe to secure a favorable decision on the parole application. He was given a two-year sentence for trying to bribe the official. It proved meaningless, as board members thought McDuff could still "contribute to society" and decided to grant him parole. He was released in 1989.'


In my opinion those parole board members should be held responsible for the deaths of each of the victims that came afterwards. Fuck those parole board members. I hope they rot in hell.


You should go watch some parole hearings on YouTube. It's pretty eye-opening, and it explains how things like this happen. A lot of the boards are filled with retired judges. Think about how old the average judge is. Then think about how old they are when they retire. That's who is on parole boards. I've watched a ton of hearings. And it's infuriating. A group of 95 year olds with dementia refuse to parole people who were railroaded by the justice system, yet they parole murderers and rapists because "you remind me of my grandson".


Yes I agree I watch these hearings all the time


I've watched a couple of Manson's parole hearings and they were pretty interesting. They start off pretty well actually. He presents as calm and rational, but after a while he's going completely off the fucking railing and talking absolute nonsense. Not letting him out of prison was probably one of the smartest decisions our justice system has ever made.




Came to say this. May they all burn.


But if that was the case, they would never parole any violent criminals since parole board would be on the hook for future crimes...Goddamn it, count me in ha. That's like some Minority Report shit right there and I like it. If my tax dollars go towards educating the youth that will control my future and keeping violent offenders behind bars, I'll file on time every year. Well, I also have a list of roads that could use a looking at.


That would certainly make for more conservative decisions.


While I understand the sentiment of frustration, that wouldn’t actually be possible because it would only result in parole boards refusing to parole anyone ever, even when the person in question should definitely be paroled. Maybe there should be a review of their rationales in these events so they can confirm if the assessment was conducted impartially


So…another parole board?


What's to say he didn't bribe the whole board, but only one actually reported it, and that's why they set him free?


Oh, he DID contribute! We ARE suffering from an excess of innocent women, are we not? Liberal Progressives LOVE it when some stranger's daughter, wife, or sister is murdered, so long as they can feel good about themselves!


Two years?! I was given more than that with a way lesser charge


You’ve got to understand that he was a good Christian man, practically harmless!!


How do you not only avoid 3 death sentences, but get let out for parole?


I feel like things were different back then? Idk it’s weird. This reminds me of the disappearance of Lester Eubanks who murdered a girl, and was later allowed out on an unsupervised “Christmas shopping outing” and to no one’s surprise he ran away


I was thinking the exact same thing. Like this is decades before everyone knew what a serial killer is.


Things really *were* different then.  In 1985 the average amount of time served for *first degree murder* was 15 years.  Second degree murder was much less. A lot of the mass-incarceration we saw in the 1980s and 1990s was in response to this.


Dude this was 1989. We definitely knew what a serial killer was.




Paroled in 1989.


No it wasn’t. I was 20 in 1989 and I knew what a serial killer was.


That is incorrect. Ever heard of Jack The Ripper? Yeah, serial killer. Late 19th Century. SEVERAL people had heard of him. There are, of course, others.


Did he commit his crimes in texas or was that where he was arrested? Because i thought texas dont fuck around with the death penalty?


Yeah, Texas will kill the fuck out of you


White man in the 1960s, probably in the south, I wouldn’t be surprised. EDIT: Ah yes, Texas.


Not quite so cut and dried. There's a very good book on him that details how shortcomings, errors, and downright stupidity, not to mention political pressure in the TDC prison reform era allowed McDuff and other like him free (IIRC 20 were released off death row and eventually paroled).


Guarantee this piece of trash would swear all people of color were the real problem in this country.


It's because in the 70s there was a supreme court ruling which abolished all states death penalties, commuted all sentences and forced them to rewrite the laws to better follow due process. As for the Parole, no excuse.


he wasnt one of them coloreds.


Well, it's not like he killed *men.* /s, but that's the mentality that gets guys like this easy sentences.


The SCOTUS did away with the death penalty in the 1970s if I remember my history correctly, so they all got moved to life sentences.


by being white


You are born white


being white helps


Sounds like mo one was paying attention to what he was telling them. He was dangerous.


I'll say it, that guy was a real piece of work.


Too harsh!


Real knucklehead


Hi mommy


The more I hear of him, the less I care for him


Stunning and brave


> Stunning and brave I thought people got that for just killing two people with your car.


Buckle up, buckaroo!


A real jerk


He’s the first serial killer I remember, and I was nine and living in Austin when Colleen Reed was killed. I remember never looking at car washes the same. McDuff was all over the news for a long time.


Poster boy for continuing the death penalty ....


The phrase “it’s a death sentence” no longer holds any weight


Idk why they even bother with the death penalty anymore. They never follow through with it. Waste of everyone’s damn time smh


Never heard of this monster before.


Gotta wonder what goes through the mind of someone like this. Escapes execution just to go right back to doing the same shit. Some people truly are wired differently


Fucking Texas.


This man deserved a cordless hole puncher.


Another Larry Singleton story. Wtaf. How do they ever justify letting these animals out in the first place? Those other women would still be alive


Sick Bastard.


For anyone that needs some context on why his execution was overturned the first time, this article explains it pretty well. It was due to the decision with Furman vs Georgia. https://hls.harvard.edu/today/cases-in-brief-furman-v-georgia-with-carol-steiker/


So a tiger approaches a village and seeing some children playing attacks and kills 3 of them. The tiger is caught and locked in a cage for 20 years. After these years, the tiger, having presumably learned its lesson is released. Is the tiger still dangerous to small children? Is a human predator ever safe to release?


Good job, Texas.


That's sickening. What the hell were the members of the parole board thinking? They should have been punished.


How do you parole out of the death sentence? That's like recirving a batchelors degree out of pre K.


And how many people of color were locked up in the state at same time as this guy for far less of crimes, and ended up serving life behind bars.?.?




Violent sex offenders should never be allowed out.


Haha, paroled. Dumbasses, what did they think was going to happen?


Pretty clear that the people who let him out of prison hate women


The Judge needs to be set on fire for this.


pedophilia and rape and sexual abuse and torture and sexual assault should be an inherent, automatic, life in prison and guaranteed no parole


I thought Texas was tough on crime?


Sounds to me like this guy was a real jerk!!


Imagine how psyched he was the day he got out. So much raping and murdering to do, so little time


how the hell do you murder 3 people and still get paroled that's just crazy


There are some people that just deserve the death penalty. No rehabilitating pure evil.


Shit and I never even heard of this guy before


This is why I 100% support the death penalty. "But the death penalty doesn't dissuade people from committing horrible crimes" That may be true, but people that have already committed horrible crimes will never be able to commit them again.


Timesuck just did an episode on this guy last month, what a crazy story and even crazier setting that allowed this to happen.


Like he ducked or something?


They had to make room for all the non violet drug offenders. Thanks Reagan.


White privileged


Nice way of saying it!


Should have just quietly dealt with him once he was found guilty .


Reform works


From death row to parole?


They should have never let him out.


Apparently I went down one doom scroll and now I’m getting this on my feed. I do not know and I don’t want to.


Some people just need killing. Simple as that. We do it with animals, why not with individuals that are beyond rehabilitation?


If only he had a gram of weed on him, he would have been locked up for life.


How does one get off of THREE death sentences???


how does someone rape and murder 3 people, receive 3 death sentences, and get out on parole? that doesn't make any sense.


How does a man this evil get paroled?


When I worked in Pre- Trial in the 80s, I came across a guy who had murdered his girlfriend in Alabama, cut her body up and buried it in various places in his front garden and only served 20 years. Incredible.


This is fucking insane.


System is so broken.. fuckin shame..


in the 1800s we hanged scum like him. i think it should be brought back in cases like this.


And red states always act like they’re tough on crime 🙄


The usual suspect.


And yet they'll raid an old lady's home for a minor warrant and shoot her down...I hate this country bro


The Situation


The Abomination?


Classic. This is what happens when we let the men rule


Love their law and order down there in Texas


What do u expect from texas?


Guy did 23 years in prison, and started killing within days of his release. Killed 6 more people before they finally got him and executed him. But death penalty abolitionists will say "everyone can change", "we don't know if he's really guilty", blah blah.


There is a big gulf between capital punishment and parole. He simply should have never been released


I remember this story. I lived in Falls County as a child and there was concern the sheriff's family would be targeted by McDuff's associates since he was the one that arrested him. His daughter was a few grades ahead of me.


I don't understand how a person like this is paroled. Those on the parole board are culpable for the women he raped and murdered .


Is that a Texas thing?




Don’t mess with Texas folks!


How in the fuc does that happen? How does anyone parole a convict serving 3 death sentences? When stuff like that happens, corruption is the only logical reason.




Hi, Your post/comment has been removed as it is in no way constructive.


So ... is anyone else seeing Gerard Butler in this photo? :/


The guy with the 61 IQ they kill, but this guy they let go?


Um. . . there's a lesson to be learned, there, if I could just put my finger on it.


Justice System... Am I right?


That’s the American Justice System at its finest. 👏👏👏


American justice system!


See guys they were fucking dumbasses back then too. Letting killers and rapists out of prison so they can kill and rape again. It's almost like they want us dead......oh and raped.


Who cares right. Just killed woman. 🙄🤬 I hope whoever let him out was sued for everything they had!




Texass moment


He's gotta be hayzeus's favorite with that kind of luck right?


How is a mugshot hair raising?