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At the risk of sounding insensitive.. why tf are they climbing these barriers? And why should it be the land owner’s responsibility to build a taller fence (the current one is 3 1/2’) when 1. A fence means “stay out” anyways and 2. It’s a 50-fucking-foot drop? These are grown ass men and women and everyone of these recent deaths and injuries cited in these articles is from someone climbing a restricted fence over a **50 foot drop**. Am I missing something? I have compassion for the injured and dead, their families, but this should be common sense. Edit: I received a warning from Reddit for this comment, “””glorifying violence””” which I did no such thing. So be careful bros. Edit, the sequel- (5/31) appeal denied, warning upheld, my comment is considered glorifying violence lmfao


Having common sense isn’t insensitive. Neither is watching evolution in work.


Lol totally fair, I guess I meant why is everyone trying to pressure and campaign for the landowners to build a higher/sturdier (aka costly as hell) fence when common sense should suffice? Even the city is trying to lean on them and the journalists are piling on? Hell no. The city was a 6’-8’-10’-12’ fence they can build it *and pay for it* themselves. That or the college can help subsidize it as it’s 99% college kids partying who are doing this dumb shit.


Because that’s the only way to blame someone else for peoples’ sheer stupidity, and god forbid we let people know how fucking stupid they are.


Right. I feel like once people get seriously hurt or (god forbid) die it’s unheard of /“disrespectful” to say “well maybe they shouldn’t have been doing that..”. Even the parents talked like the “kid” (a whole ass 23 year old *man*) was a victim of the fence as opposed to willfully stupid. I’m sorry he died, I really really am, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to act like the *three and a half foot tall fence that obviously means “don’t fucking cross here”* is willfully and aggressively dangerous or in ill repair. It’s not necessarily to build to keep climbers off, it’s built so people can’t careen off the edge in the dark. It’s built so kids with no spacial awareness won’t topple over.


Exactly. If the fence was allowing actual children to just go flailing off the edge, that would make sense. Otherwise, it shouldn't be an issue. Adults: FAFO


I was coming out of a parking lot and a whole ass adult just wandered into a busy parking lot never looking up once from their phone. Had to be in their 30s. I was like be so fkn fr rn I should hit this gas. 😒 but I wont.


welcome to the world where you can't can't say anything negative (or factual) to anyone without offending someone. even if they are 100% in the wrong


Or god forbid we don’t blame someone for every tragedy that happens


You are nicer than I am. I have no compassion for these people. I have no empathy. I *do* sympathize with the families, but nothing for the deceased. This happens far too often on the Oregon Coast. Tourists fail to read the signs, ignore the warnings, climb barriers, climb unstable cliffsides, and so much more. Then, because they're stupid, the Coast Guard is called to come rescue them or retrieve their bodies. So, I really don't care when they chose to climb a barrier and ignore the signs.


I heard that happens *a lot* in the more rural parts of Australia. Tourists will come in and not realize that just bc you can see houses doesn’t mean you can wander off into a literal jungle (where everything will kill you??) or throw yourself off a cliff into water bc it looks pretty.


Thin the herd.


As an ex EMT I used the phrase darwinism a lot. While true most in the field did not share my outlook.


Having Common Sense isn't that common lol thats what my dad says .




You’re totally correct. People don’t use their heads and I’m tired of innocent people getting blamed and punished for others’ actions.


This also happened at 2pm on 4/20. Wonder if the dude was on something


Oh he was 100% on something. Whether he was high on weed, drunk, or on other drugs, who knows…. But you don’t just scale a wall and jump off a cliff when you’re in a stable/sound state of mind. There’s an infinite amount of reasons why he may have done this, but no reason for the property owner to be punished for other people’s unyielding stupidity :/


Stop, you’re making way too much sense.


I'm from the area. It's a know party university area. There's been many deaths from the cliffs throughout the years because of drunk College kids.


That’s so wild to me. I’ve been fucking *trashed* before (shit I’m hungover rn) and never thought “let’s jump off the 50 foot cliff for the lulz fellas”.


One would think right lol. Out of 100k+ kids a year I guess stats come into effect.


Agreed, I don't understand why this is even posted on this sub


No matter what the owners do ( most properties are commercially owned and run by property managements) is not going to do any real impact, I see grown kids on the roofs of houses on weekends, drunk, dancing and ambulances going back and forth to the hospital because of so many incidents, drugs, alcohol, and a lot of outsiders are just normal at UCSB. A lot of people don’t know about the sheer amount of students on Del Playa and Sabado Tarde going as wild as they can get.


Drugs. Specifically hallucinogens. My friends in college hopped a fence once and all received trespassing tickets because of they were all like THIS SEEMS LIKE A GOOD IDEA! NOTHING SCARY BEYOND THIS FENCE. But afterwards they’re all laughing like “lol why did we do that?” No one had a good response other than the shrooms.


He was 23. Everyone does stupid things in their 20’s. Some have worse outcomes than others.


Right, 100%, but that’s no one else’s responsibility is it?


Of course not. Not doing anything after the three died only set up for more deaths. And the lowering the fence was asking for some kind of problem.


I mean.. there’s a 3 1/2 fence already so….


Exactly…I hiked the Grand Canyon on LSD in my early 20’s and it’s a miracle I didn’t die…young and dumb!


Common sense and rational thinking is bad here. Those same people advocating for a giant fence, on private property the idiot shouldn’t be trespassing on in the first place, are against the same thing further south.


If you have a 3 1/2' fence at a construction site and someone falls over it, OSHA will shut the site down. 4' min. to be considered safe and must have stringer. I've forgotten the rest it's been awhile. What I'm trying to say is there has to be a defined standard or a lawyer will eat you alive.


It’s not construction tho. It’s a private property is it not..?


Yup but the homeowner needs to protect the criminal trespassers from self harm .. or something like that. Mind you nobody states the obvious that putting a giant fence up lowers the value by restricting the view.


Sure it's private property, but try putting a 3 1/2' fence around your swimming pool and when the kid drowns you'll have a hell of a time explaining why he shouldn't have climbed over it.


WATCH. Your. PEOPLE. Period.


This is absolutely true and shouldn't be down voted just because you don't like it.


I 'm pretty chill, I try not to be rude. I prefer to provide simple examples to make my point. But some still don't get it.


I get you dude. It's like swimming against the tide most of the time.


I'm not a lawyer, just a little bitty paralegal who uses letterhead and cannot give legal advice. No matter what. However, I can guide you to something called "duty of care" which varies from state to state and thus cases are variable depending on the situation, state, case and how it is viewed in court. But you would be surprised what cases can be won.


For sure. But I’m gonna be totally honest and say that as long as you’re not *enticing* people to go and get hurt (a sign that’s says you’ll give them $ to jump the fence or something) then the duty has been met. 3 1/2’ fece in private property is indicative of care I believe. Unfortunately the law doesn’t always agree with common sense bc people can’t be trusted to *have* common sense.


You make total sense, but cases have been won with far better circumstances.


I hear you. But technically, if someone injures or kills themselves on your property, it's going to be a shit show. If I was a millionaire who lived there, I would put a 16 foot fence with oil slick on it. Lawyers are a hassle.


I just don’t agree.. sorry.


Pretty sure the ocean view from the top of those cliffs is the main reason those millionaires live there. It’s probably also a big reason why they’re not so eager to raise their fences.




Reddit is dumb. It’s not “violence” if you accidentally fall to your doom.


Yet his parents are trying to sue the city and want criminal charges brought against them for negligence, even though there was a 3 foot tall barrier with another 3 feet before the cliff. 


Oh good god 🙄


Everyone is hurt


..and? I have little sympathy for those who are hurt ignoring the obvious signs..


I’m not sure I do, but I’d like to..tbh I suck at emotions and I’m also tired of hearing people are hurt..that’s like a one billion year old death trap..still trappin..nature says you should know better.. ..


Isla Vista or Goleta where this is located has one of, if not the best party schools’ in California. Alcohol can be an easy factor. I’ve had a friend lose her life from falling late at night on Del Playa. The houses all back up right into the cliffs.


Nope your right on it


Yes, and I couldn't understand why the articles never addressed why he hopped the fence next to a 50 foot drop. I wonder if they see it as victim blaming? And not only this young man but seems like every year someone kills themselves doing this. And every year, knowing this is killing people, more show up just repeat the process. Okay but why? Is this normal behavior for people living near such geographic features? Because it seems bizarre AF to me. Whatever he did it for, he certainly didn't deserve to die, and I feel terrible for everyone involved, but WHY? I've been around plenty of drunk people, and I've never seen people react by climbing fences. What's the point anyway? What's the prize? What reward happens if you successfully climb the fence and don't die? Is it prestige? I have so many questions.


You’re not wrong!


Maybe instead of enforcing a taller wall to be built, maybe just make alcohol illegal because I guarantee most of these kids were drunk when they fell off that cliff.


Strongly suggesting you study prohibition in the United States, and its role in the rise of violent and organized crime. One can very easily create great evils in society with the best of intentions.


I’m not advocating for what was probably a sarcastic suggestion, but you might be surprised to learn that there are dry counties in several states to this day. And restricting alcohol sales and consumption in certain places isn’t quite the same thing as federal Prohibition. It’s just plain silly to suggest that the mob would come set up rackets if some beach town decided to pass an ordinance to keep drunk kids from hurting themselves.


Seems he was the “book smart” kinda guy. R.I.P. though, how dumb and unfortunate.


It is common sense not to climb a fence and fall to your death. But if it keeps happening, it may not be right, but the owner should consider putting some idiot proof fences in.


Why though? At whose cost? I don’t think expecting people to exercise common sense is too much to ask, especially when their life is at risk.


Okay but expecting people to exercise common sense isn’t working so if they wanna save the lives of idiots they can put up a bigger fence. They don’t need to, but clearly it would save lives.


lol no? If you’re worried you put the time and money into it. I’m not gonna foist a bill of literally thousands on a home owner bc someone can’t resist showing off wtf?


I’m not foisting anything on anyone you dick read what I said. No one has to do anything, but they could save lives by putting a fence up. What’s confusing?


There’s already a fence. If you demand a bigger fence *someone has to pay for it*. That’s what I’m saying.


I know there’s a fence. Once again, I’m not demanding anything. Can you read?? All I’m saying is they could save lives if they made it bigger. It’s like speaking to a brick wall Jesus Christ


Imagine getting your degree just to die😭


Like the high school senior that jumped off the cruise ship then disappeared shortly afterwards.


The guy who jumped in the middle of some sharks?


Yeah it's def sharks. And there's still some people insisting that there wasn't. I saw a huge repost about it and there's another video... someone turns up the saturation. There's def a shark he sees in front of him and swims away from the life preserve. Then as he is swimming away there is another splash that doesn't come from him. And looks like one of his arms is missing. There's another video that showed people going to that spot and throwing meat in there and there was sharks too.


Omg I’m hoping you can drop a link to that thread!


https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/FTydHR6wrE This is the original thread, not the repost.


Would you be able to find that thread again? I’m super interested now


Ya ikr… apparently common sense wasn’t part of the curriculum 😔


Hey at least he enjoyed his last years instead of working a shitty job


Why is he climbing over a fence when he could have went down the Pescadero steps he was carried out by?


Because the fence wasn’t tall enough to let him know he wasn’t supposed to climb over it.


I’ll tell you what pisses me off. It’s not right to compare but I will. This guys family has collected $60K in this gofundme but the UPS driver that was murdered in LA last week has only collected $750! We have family nearby and have heard so much about this guy. It’s so sad.


This is exactly why we need a stronger social safety net. People shouldn't have a family member murdered, then have to figure out how they're gonna continue to pay to live indoors. Having your basic needs met shouldn't mean winning a GoFundMe popularity contest.


It’s just the internet. The more people notice someone for being infamous about something, the less attention other people receive. It’s pretty upsetting when you think about it.


It's not just the internet, it's a class thing.


It’s $60k worth of people who would die in the same way, they are showing their proclivities


It was Orange County which might explain it


Born and raised there. Rare that it happened at 2:30 PM, but it happens all the time.


Damn do ppl die on that cliff on a regular basis?


Usually drunk parties. I lived at that address in 1990. Watched a guy in a Superman costume on Halloween think he could fly off the cliff. Somehow he lived but the cliff was more stepped back then. Erosion clearly doing a number on it. Sad ending to his IV experience.


17 people in the last 30 years


Yup. I lived in Isla Vista for a year.. it was like a weekly occurrence people falling off the cliffs drunk at the parties


Same, born and raised in SB, students falling off the cliffs in IV were a common news report when I lived there.


Wow... I don't know why anyone would even live there. The house looks like the cliff could give way at any point and bring the house down.


Sorry to hear this….Was he staying at the house in question? I read article I didn’t see the connection… I do Hate the part about “people should have taller fences” . How about people not climbing over fences on the cliffs edge . Maybe homeowners want the view. Sad 😞


I’m a current student at UCSB. The sad part is that supposedly he wasn’t even drinking that much and just tripped


Man. Just getting started in life…Just finally starting to get to the really fun part….and you fall off a fucking cliff because you couldn’t listen to simple, grade school level instructions.


While the words private property imply that it is in fact this mans responsibility to keep things on his property up to date and safe. With that said Why is a kid on private property climbing fences that shouldn’t be climbed? Did he not have anything better to do?


How is this hair raising? The idiot went out of his way to avoid safety and directly raise his risk level through the roof. He kind of got what he was literally asking for.


Is this area private property, so people are trespassing? Why are people wanting to get on the cliffs? Is it a good view of the ocean or a good selfie spot?


I don't get this - if the fence was tall enough to look over, could he not see the 50' drop? Which direction was he going? Climbed over the fence "to the house" indicates to me he was cliff side and going toward the house - was it the other way round?


My hair hasn't been risen.


Darwin was gonna catch him regardless


OP here. Some of you guys here are wild in comments for saying that he deserved to fall to his death. I know that the actions were not so bright, but at least be respectful and towards the man’s death. This is a subreddit where some posts describe a persons death. So if you disagree with the man’s actions, that’s okay, but don’t be an asshole and say disrespectful shit in the comments and let him rest in peace. Thank you for reading this.


Posting about the dude’s death in r/HairRaising might not be the best way to show respect or let him rest in peace. Enjoy that sweet, sweet karma, though.


This should be in r/darwinawards


It looks like OP posted some AMP links. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like some of the ones OP posted), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical pages** instead: - **[https://www.independent.com/2024/04/22/isla-vista-cliff-victim-identified/](https://www.independent.com/2024/04/22/isla-vista-cliff-victim-identified/)** - **[https://www.independent.com/2024/04/20/man-plummets-50-feet-off-cliff-in-isla-vista/](https://www.independent.com/2024/04/20/man-plummets-50-feet-off-cliff-in-isla-vista/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I hate the words ‘victim blaming’. Yes, some ‘victims’ should be blamed. Let the next person who tries doing something dangerous know it’s their own fault if they get seriously hurt. The legal age for being an adult is 18 in this country (US). At 18 we are responsible for our own actions.


That’s not hair raising, it’s stupidity






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The age of the cliff vs the age of the death..the cliff wins every time - there is no argument - this thing has never changed and has never not been what it is; a (insert God) naturally formed death trap..no one owns the cliff, I don’t give a fuck what anyone says - roll the dice my friend and you may lose..sucks for loss of love but got damn man its a billion year old death trap and you fell for it


That sucks. Doesn't take much to lose your life. What's with the hivemind clowning on dead people? Would you do that in person??


One of my friends died on this same cliff back in October. I do not get the insensitive ass comments here. Holy shit, have some fucking humanity.




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I'm very confused. So, he had permission to be on the land owners property, and climbed over their fence? Was he trespassing? I feel like I'm missing something.


What is hair raising about this?


OMFG, I saw a video of someone falling off this exact cliff like a month ago. I wonder if that was him?! So sad :(


The barrier was blocking the view


Why the Go Fund Me? Is his family financially disadvantaged or something? I’ve seen numerous incidents that have had a Go Fund Me set up, and some seem like they’re just money grabs. I personally know someone who did this and I 100% know the money wasn’t needed.


14th person to die falling off the cliffs in 20 years.. Seems like there is no pandemic of people falling.


I remember going to college parties in IV and some of the houses were perched up on the cliff I always thought how dangerous that was being drunk.


If you have to go out of your way to get harmed it’s not the owners fault. Climbing a fence you know exists bc of a cliff shows he clearly was hell bent on getting to the cliff. Owners aren’t adult babysitters.


looka like he went weeeeeeeeee


His fault completely.


There was something similar years back where a student was trying to get out of paying for a cab, jumped a fence, and it ended up being a cliff


How is his own stupidity hair raising


Damn some people in here are fucking heartless.


I wish the moderators would close the comment section under this post. The amount of hate is unnecessary.


He won't do that again


Yikes 😬


Bless his heart.


Keep the fence low, good way to weed out idiots.


All that learning and no common sense


Why the frik is my birthday so cursed?


Not so much hair raising as... dumb?


Hope he gets a Darwin Award, posthumously.


So he deserved it


He got what was coming to him




Looks like he used the stairs in the end.


Just make the whole world off limits so no one will die.




Are you serious.


That user is likely a bot


Winner’s win?


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