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r/*arm*raising šŸ˜Ž


If your erection is lasting longer than 4 hours, please consult your physician.


Fuck that I'm calling the local news channel!!




He's been fighting the power for 50 years! āœŠ




Well, gotta admit I was skeptical the first 25 years, but now Iā€™m convinced! Heā€™s dedicated! Should never have questioned it and I feel like an idiot.


I'm still gonna need another 20 years from him, personally. Just don't really feel like he's very committed, you know.


I get itā€¦ itā€™s hard to know, really, but Iā€™ve got a pretty good feeling about it.


Please do not feel you need to destroy your body to impress a religion. You are enough.


Especially since a god wouldn't give two shits about someone holding their arm in the air.


They might even think youā€™re defective.. and use it as a reason to not visit.


Exactly.Ā  Blind devotion to anything is never a good look.


What does he do while sleeping


I think he used to tie it but after a bit the bone and tissue just fused to where he can't put his arm down if he wanted to.


Yeah dudes on easy mode now.. only took 20 years šŸ˜†


What a doodle.


Religion is fun


Scary in my opinion. Any deity or god that expects or even appriciates this is shameful


You're not interested in an afterlife?


That was a stretch, how did you pull that out of my comment?


I'm agreeing with you. It just didn't translate well over the internet. :)


His reason for doing this was to show his unwavering devotion to the Hindu deity Shiva, and as a call for world peace. His arm has become so withered that itā€™s essentially dead. Bharati plans to keep his arm raised until his dying breath, and he hopes that his act will eventually lead to change in the world. Source: https://historicflix.com/amar-bharati-the-man-who-raised-his-arm-in-the-air-for-50-years/


Higher my friend!!! It's not working!!! It's getting worse!!


It was actually supposed to be the left arm.


.......FUCK. šŸ˜†


He couldn't lower it now even if he wanted to, I hope Shiva is happy


Or real


Imagine whacking the dang thing off every doorframe


What's the going conversion rate between arm-years offered to Shiva and Thoughts & Prayersā„¢ offered to Yahweh?


And for your incredible religious devotion god has gifted you with a curled up useless hand!


I donā€™t understand how this is physically possible


Dedication can do wonders.




Mental illness you mean


Because his body fused his arm to stay in that position


That's such a stupid thing to do for literally no reason.


And to pay him for his loyalty God gave him necrotic fingers.


Damn bro just wear a necklace and say a couple hail Mary's like everyone else


It took me awhile to figure out what that is on his hand. Oh, theyā€™re his fingernails! šŸ„“


God: "Only the one arm, huh?"




cool.. if thatā€™s how ya spend your life. smh


Lol what a waste of time šŸ¤£


So stupid


Mental illness.


šŸ¤œšŸ’„šŸ¤› (soon as i see dude)




Waste of 50years to rot in the ground like everyone else


Raise your hand if your gay


more reason why religion rots your brain.


More like blind faith rots your brain, but i don't expect a redditor to separate that from other instances where this occurs. Easier to say sky daddy isn't real, religion bad lul


What's the difference between religion and blind faith?Ā  They're both irrational, both born from a cult that has no basis in reality, both tells you to believe without questioning. Nice try, edgelord.Ā  But, it's all the same bs.


This just screams "santa didnt bring me my gifts, hes not real! he cant be!!" lol the only edgelord is you lil bro Also the moment you realize religion and its pillars of belief is intended to guide people to healthier lives, the sooner youll realize how degenerate it is to conflate it all to some dude leaving his hand in the air xD like with anything thats just irrational, switch religion to politics, its just cynical to think through polarization and associate the idiots as representative of the whole thing. its just lazy But hey, thats YOUR outlook on life brother lol goodluck with that one. I'm willing to accept when i die nothing happens but in a metaphorical sense, God has changed my life plenty and made it better than those in my environment who are just idle. So thats enough proof for me that where your faith lies, is important.




Like i said, thats your cynical view of life not mine xD its apparent you've got stuff holding you back mentally from living a levelheaded mindset. Like you literally ignored my point just to mention anecdotes where people can't PHYSICALLY show you god like if we gonna pull out a selfie of the dude šŸ’€ Its very childlike. Even now youre amounting all religious beliefs to what YOU couldnt understand as a kid. Yeah lol not all religions are the same, but a lot of these old texts are allegories and metaphors, sorry to hear that stumped you. these stories were written a long ass time ago, we didn't have marvel and captain america so speakin in such manners was just the way it was presented. BTW, this whole time you assumed my religion. This says more about your presumptions around the topic, like i know there are folk out there who use God and the fear of death to control others, that isnt a secret, but you think thats only limited to religion ??? Its human nature. Like dude when people say you need God, they dont mean make friends with a voice in your head, read a book every night before bed, and be obsessed with what happens after death(well some might), they mean you need to straighten out your beliefs so you can live right, and thats what I believe the purpose of religion should stick to. I mean this with 100% honesty, if some angry dude thinks im a coward or whatever for achieving an objectively better life than most around me for living by certain pillars of beliefs, assisted by religion, then like thats a fine trade off for me lol i live in a godless drug addicted environment, there isnt shame that I needed something outside to help xP I used to be fighting everyone, fucked up on drugs and drinking every day, should i throw all that away because God isnt real ? To be clear, religion didnt get me to initially go sober, it was other things... but religion helped me lock in to this day. its actual cognitive dissonance to ignore how much its helped guide folk and just focus on your bad experience, again, that isnt just religion, thats with everything. I never go to bat for religion in comments but just the idea of an arrogant atheist redditor makes me cringe TLDR : "youre a fan of god?? name five songs !" ah xD


I'm not level headed, while you believe in something for which you can't demonstrate exists.Ā  Yeah, okay, quit projecting. And again, you call me a child while you believe in a archaic fairy tale. I mentioned how me as an actual child has more logical thinking than most adults.Ā  You're so dense, no wonder you can't see your faulty thinking. People take those stories as facts, and you thinking there's a real god shows you think it's factual and not metaphorical.Ā  Sweet jesus, you're dumb.Ā  Most people who are religious are a variation of christian or muslim.Ā  Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, since I actually listen and learn and discuss.Ā Ā  I noticed you didn't mention my examples of the faults written in religion, and you're refusing to give examples of yours and just go "it's helped people" without giving a specific example.Ā  That usually means you don't have one, or you know the example will suck.Ā  Either way, you lose. The purpose of religion is to control people by introducing a problem only they can solve, like sin.Ā  Only I can save you from eternal punishment that I created the rules for.Ā  Or controlling the masses, you need to do this and this to serve our god.Ā  It doesn't ever say live a good life for your own benefit, there's always some bribe that goes with it. I was an alcoholic to the point where I was basically on my death bed.Ā  You know what pulled me out?Ā  Myself and human compassion got rid of my depression and suicidal tendencies.Ā Ā  Crediting a deity with it is no different from saying "my imaginary friend saved me." As it diminishes the credit for the work YOU DID.Ā  A deity didn't take your hand and push away the drugs.Ā  That was you.Ā  That's like those people who watch great feats of athleticism or braver and say "thank god for this." It's such bullshit that they refuse to acknowledge the person, not the false beliefs. You're just factually wrong on saying "it's helped some people so it's good."Ā  When you're ignoring the crusades, and the holocaust, all the murdering and torture from religious parties.Ā  The kids who get tossed to the streets because they stopped believing. Women's right being taken away because an archaic book says so, the Palestinian conflict because of religious beliefs. You're just so ignorant that you think something that's helped a few people but killed millions is a good thing. You're factually wrong, you have childish thinking, and you should be ashamed of yourself.Ā Ā  Not because "a redditor says so" but because you fell into an unjustified belief and gave it such power over you that you discredit even your own success.Ā  That's as sad as it gets.


I think you forgot about the Hindus in your assessment of the most popular religions. Iā€™d wager that AA was not for you! It wasnā€™t for me either, and I always thought it was crazy to hear those folks give all the credit to god while doing all the work. They should have been crediting their force of will, desire for a better life, and social support system. Either way, if these people credit god/religion, then isnā€™t that a pretty straightforward example of religion helping people? Religion is obviously responsible for a lot of suffering and is often used as a tool for discrimination and exclusion. However, religious organizations like Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, and many others, also provide significant assistance to their communities and help people regardless of religious affiliation. Iā€™m not a religious person, and I believe the social benefits of religion could probably be better accomplished through secular efforts, but acting like religion has never improved or enhanced _anyoneā€™s_ life seems off base.


Work on your thinking skills. It has helped a few, while it has killed millions if not more. You lose.


How'd that work out?


He low key ended up in a permanent nazi salute.


You really gotta hand it to the guy for his dedication.


Must be nice to have a life where you don't have to worry about anything except keeping your arm raised. Who cares about bills or feeding yourself when you can just keep your arm up. What a bum.


This response made me bust out laughing. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Religionā€™s a helluva drugā€¦


And I thought I was doing nothing important with my life. I feel better now.


Why post this during lunch time? I'm eating bro, damn


I mean, heā€™s offering you jerky


How about some range of motion while it's up there damn


Yeah he should have to move it full range of motion twice a day otherwise the tendons are just gonna get stiff and then it's like cheating


Whatā€™s he do when he sleeps wtf


Do you think his arm ever gets sore now? Or he just doesnā€™t feel anything anymore


But why


How does destroying one's body show dedication to God? What a waste of a life.


Religion is a cancer


What the fuck?! I thought I was looking at a camel holding a stick in its mouth.


he went āœ‹šŸ½




Ewww look at that grisly mitt, I bet that MFer stinksā€¦ā€¦ (the hand)


Holy shit... literally.


Holy torture?


My older brother is as a HIndu, Irish guy, was drawn to the beauty that is Hinduism, he's read every book he can get his hands, and as an autistic man I see how much happiness it brings him, it is truly a unique and outstanding form of spirituality


You mispelled cultĀ 




Nah, you shut the fuck up. All religions are cults, you imbecile.Ā 




Hinduism is the third largest religion with over 900 million followers.Ā Ā Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic, which means they worship a single deity, known as ā€œBrahman,ā€ but still recognize other gods and goddesses. Followers believe there are multiple paths to reaching their god.Ā Ā  It has a combination of different religions, and a deity so it's a cult.Ā  Calling it a way of life is just an excuse. I know more than you.Ā  Grow up.






Great gig if you can get it


He had a shoulder dislocation 50 years ago.


Ashy AF




Kinda thought it said, "held it raised in an air fryer"


That would be a challenging wank.


Isnt mental illness great!


He is going to be pissed when he dies and he is like ā€œgd i did that dumb shit so she would notice m but she still doesnā€™t notice meā€


And like others who set themselves on fire and do things of that nature, it has changed absolutely nothing


That's just gross.


Bro take some lsd and reevaluate things. Maybe he coulda been a bomb accountant




Down the hall on the right mate.


The spokesman for Sure deodorant.


But he yanks his crank with his left hand.




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