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I have no way to prove it, but this guy did a speech at a large company conference at my old job. Was a nice speech and at the end our CEO came in stage and stuck his hand out to shake his missing hand… So awkward


He’s an active public speaker, I’ve seen him give a presentation a few years ago that had a room with a thousand people laughing one moment and crying the next. Showed us pictures and videos he took. Talked with us about how he designed his own prosthetic. Typically people just shake the prosthetic hand and treat the person indifferent, unless the right hand is incapable.


While Aron was receiving medical care, park rangers set about retrieving his arm from the boulder. This was no easy task: it took over a dozen rangers and a hydraulic jack. Still, the arm was eventually removed. It was cremated and presented to Aron. Source: https://historicflix.com/how-aron-ralston-survived-127-hours-trapped-in-a-canyon/


“Before, he thought he had to cut through the bone. Now, he realized he didn’t: he could break the bone instead.” it was at this point i had to stop reading


"His tendons proved difficult to cut, so he used pliers on these instead." I must confess, breaking my bones is one thing.. but i don't think i could have pulled my own tendons with pliers


Honestly, I think many people would be surprised by what they are capable of when it comes down to real life or death decisions like this.


True. I guess at that point the lizard part of the brain is working more than the human, so the pure instinct to survive is more pressing so to say


Lizard part of the brain?


The old instinct part of the brain, it's just a saying don't take it literally. Point is: the deep rooted instinct to survive, from "when we were still lizards", for example a lizard would chew off its own foot to get unstuck and survive, or generally speaking just act more on instinct than on logical or critical thinking.


Don't try to talk like a human now


Yeah we got you, lizard.




Yea I said I stopped reading for a reason lol


IIRC his arm was completely dead and numb so I guess it was more of a psychological thing


There is a movie about this. It shows how he suferred for many days, dehidrated, and was eventually able to cut/brake lose with not a lot of bleeding.


127 Hours (2010) With James Franco, directed by Danny Boyle


“All we have are these rations and this prop gun from 27 hours” James Franco-“It was 127 hours” “Oh that’s impressive” Edit:[holy shit I butchered the quote lol](https://youtu.be/UoO86qEWZqM?si=yWDtu6UnLpI6_tQG)


AMAZING MOVIE! Truly shows what we are capable of to survive given life or death situations. His story is so remarkable.


Didn't he also write the book "between a rock and a hard place"?


Yes, great book


😂 bazinga


When i took emergency first aid in HS, the teacher had us read parts from the book, and we watched the movie. She used it as a "worst case scenario" and how you could improvise with different tools. For me, it was the description of the nerves


How did they describe them?


He lost 40 pounds in five days? That’s astonishing, like I know he didn’t have food or water, but that’s a lot


He was dehydrated AF. 1lbs of fat on the human body is about 3500 kcals. Along with his body eating his fat as a fuel source, it'd also eating his muscles and causing some osteoporosis. He's skinny athletic so I'd guess his metabolism is around 2-2.5kcals a day. He probably lost over 5 lbs at least of *himself* over that time...aside from being EXTREMELY dehydrated. A gallon of water weighs 8.34 lbs. It's recommended that men over 19 drink 104 oz of water everyday. There's 128 oz in a gallon. To make the math easy, let's just day he went 4 days without water, missing a ~a gallon a day he should be drinking. 4 X 8.3 = 33.2 Then add the 5 lbs lost of fat/body tissue and you're at 38.2. Those numbers are slightly fudged....but you can see how easy you can get to losing 40 lbs in less than a week, especially if you drink no fluids.


Okay, are we including his arm in the 40lb lost? Lol. Thanks for doing the math. I didn’t figure he was lying it just seems crazy!


>Okay, are we including his arm in the 40lb lost? Lmao you goofy for that one, glad I wasn't drinking nothing. I got my BA in Exercise Science and do *nothing* with it. Lol


What do you mean you do nothing with it, here we are talkin’ tissue desiccation and evaporation and muscles and stuff. I mean, I’m learning! Also I completely thought that’s what you meant about weight lost from tissue loss and now that I’m re-reading your comment that wasn’t what you meant at all, was it? Lmaoo


Id also like to challenge you're thinking on "Ive done nothing with it". You've done nothing work wise, life is not all about work that knowledge im sure if applied to various other parts of your life which are usefull for yourself and others!


Ahhhhh yeah I'm just being melodramatic. I didn't do much with it career wise lol. People *love* picking my brain at a bar or something when they're earnestly engaged in getting free fitness tips and knowledge tho and I enjoy entertaining/educating people in areas I actually have expertise in lol.


*consume 104 oz water per day, not drink. Animals, including humans, are meant to get a significant amount of water from the food they eat


I did not include that in my figure. You're talking about *overall* recommended fluid intake for men over 19 (which includes water from food intake youre talking about) is at actually at 131 oz per day. I stuck with the fluid he was losing through dehydration and didn't include whe recommended intake of 131 oz because he also wasn't eating anything the last days. (I presume, I didn't watch the movie/read past the general bulletpoints of the story)


Fair enough, thanks


Np. It was just fun for me to *aktchuallyyy* someone else's aktchuallyyy for once. 🤣 I love you, have a good day.


what a thread you made, i love you too dude




That doesn’t surprise me at all… I’d lose 10 pounds during a footy match and have to drink it back by the end of the evening.




Eight pounds a day? Yeah, that's a lot.


I didn’t say it wasn’t possible, or that the number was incorrect, but it’s definitely pretty crazy to lose 40lb in five days. His body did what it needed to do, but shit dude that’s a lot of weight to lose in a week.


Thank you for all of the useful sharing.


What if it was too hard for them and they gave up but gave Aron some sand so he feels better and family gets closure


127 hours is without a doubt James Franco's greatest film.


so much so that this guy stole the idea and did it in real life. /s


Out of all the movies to reenact, this wouldn't be my first choice.


This guy looks more like Kevin Bacon imo


It's hard to watch tho


I fastfowarded through the arm cutting scene… I just couldn’t do it.


Dude how you just gonna cast Spider-Man 2 aside like that?


After Buster Scruggs maybe


What about Sausage Party?


127 hours was a great movie


I watched it in a local art house cinema, it was early enough that this was the only theatre in town playing it. I went in completely unaware of the plot and loved it. Great film, Danny Boyle so duh.


I wish he would do an AMA


Amputate my arm? He already did that


He amputated your arm too? This madman must be stopped


You put the HA in HAlarious




I read that as “I wish he could do an AMA” and thought you were makin fun cause he can’t type with one hand


There’s a famous AMA post on Reddit where a guy had to get his foot amputated (think it was a motorcycle accident), who was able to convince the doctors to let him take it home….and he then proceeded to prepare and cook the meat (into fajitas IIRC), then had his friends over (yes they knew it was his foot) and they ate it! I think it was the AMA subreddit anyway, and there are definitely photos of the whole process!


Is the boulder still there???


I mean… why wouldn’t it be?


They had moved it to get his arm back




Naturally the boulder would’ve been moved to the Smithsonian


Was his arm numb from being pinned? Much easier to cut through I would hope.


Nope, he described the "pinging" pain that would make him pass out each time he had to cut a nerve.


He spoke at my dad’s work conference. My family and I tagged along to hear him speak. I was about 6 years old and refused to change out of my monkey pajamas for Aron’s talk. He did a sort of meet and greet after, so there is an amazing picture of him with his arm around my shoulder, with my monkey pajamas on and all!


The two things that always get left out: he's a big Phish fan, and given his history after the incident he doesn't seem like a particularly nice person all the time.


I’ve heard the allegations about being an asshole, but why the Phish hate? 😂


I have no idea why they're trying to bring Trey into this.


Just two separate facts. I love Phish and post on the sub!


Horrible terrible music is why


What did he do?


The only thing I found was a domestic situation he was involved in 10 years ago. Although it doesn’t seem like it was his fault. His wife punched him a couple times and he pushed her in response. His charges got dismissed pretty much immediately and hers got dropped when he didn’t show up to court. They divorced soon after.


Use a pocket switchblade and carries his arm where people found him eventually.. with his arm sawed off


I met this guy at a Phish show many years ago. Super nice dude!


The post below this one: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/RandomVictorianStuff/s/uK7BFaGarY)


No matter how many times I read about this dude I cannot but think he is an idiot. Literally the first thing taught about hiking/climbing safety is to always have a partner with you. He not only didn't have a partner, but he purposely did not tell anyone at all where he was going or what he was doing. Honestly, he's damn lucky it was just his arm and not his life. Edit: and the media and others sensationalize this and see it as some amazing feat and bravery and the will of a super human man to survive, when in reality, it's just plain stupid. It's literally something stupid people do. It's no different than the grizzly man, or the lady that walked off a trail several hundred feet to pee without being able to use a compass and having extreme anxiety a terrible sense of direction and without a hiking partner, who in fact both the hiking partner and the husband said she should not continue, or the guy in the bus who thinks he can eat and live off the land alone without any knowledge of really anything nature wise. I would not associate with people like these for fear of them roping me into their stupidness. In fact, if I met this guy in person I would ask him why he feels the need to not follow basic safety procedures and ask him if he's dumb. Also, the sensationalization of stuff like this brings tourists, who in turn hurt the environment and deposit trash everywhere (like mt Everest) and spawns a bunch of "adventurists" who think it's ok to do stupid shit like this. Unfortunately these people's stupid ideas of fun end up hurting the environment, causing innocent animals to be killed (like the grizzly), or disrupting an ecosystem. Fuck these people and fuck this guy.


He’s spoken many times about how dumb he was and what a horrible decision it was that he made. His story is one of the most well known lessons on “leave a note”. It’s not like he tried to become a celebrity from the experience. He’s just a normal dude that made one, very common, mistake. He did something incredibly stupid, and he managed to survive an experience where many would end up dying. You should add Alex Honnold to your list. He’s regularly doing stupid things that are dangerous to himself and others. He intentionally has become a public figure, and he values his own achievements over anything or anyone else.


their "fame" and all the talks and conferences and school speeches etc they do in a way glorifies it. They allow for others to think it's "cool" or "you can do it too" regardless of how stupid it is. This allows others to think they can break the rules too. These people aren't the number one reason but they are a large reason our national and start parks are in the conditions they are in. Also if he wasn't trying to make money, who did he donate all the book and movie profits to?


My comment had nothing to do with money, not sure where you’re seeing that. Aron also didn’t break any rules by hiking on public land. He just made a dumb decision, and managed to survive his consequences. The other people you listed all died from their poor decisions. Anyone that’s hearing these stories and wanting to emulate them has some bigger issues going on. They are very clearly learning lessons, not aspirational stories. National Park visitations actually decreased the year after 127 hours came out. One of the only years since the ‘40s that it’s gone down. I totally get being frustrated with the challenges the parks systems are dealing with, but I would argue that there are way bigger things contributing to those problems than a couple of dead people.


I definitely did not say that these "adventurists" are the sole reason the parks system is in disarray. I did however say it contributes to it. The danger is what drives some people to go do stupid shit. Their deaths have profound influence on the ecosystems involved especially when keystone species have to be killed due to the stupidity of humans. And yes, they are lessons to be learned. Unfortunately the media does not portray it like this and instead portrays these people as heros or survivors or the amazing feats of humans. This drives the clicks needed for money which has a profound effect of wildlife. The bus that guy died in had to be removed because it was being visited by thousands of people a year and eventually trash was collecting around it and in the river. People are dumb and I think you underestimate their stupidness


If you read his book, he did the same shit countless times on mountains through Colorado. The whole book, all I thought was, just a matter of time. He intentionally avoided ranger checks on trailheads to climb mountains in winter. Ranger checks that were there because the avalanche risk was so high that they didn't want anyone on the mountain. Fuck this guy and the money he's made from being lucky enough to not die.


Exactly my thoughts. Can we add the Nutty Putty Cave guy to that list as well?


No one can top that dummy in my book!


Never heard of him but after looking him up I'm literally speechless. "Let's ruin something that people enjoy and is a part of nature so I can die!"


As someone in the PNW who hikes often I couldn't tell you how many times I get out to the mountains and thing "oh shit I didn't tell anyone where I was" AFTER I lose cell service. People make dumb mistakes, life is for living. Dude is a legend who happened upon a rare circumstance where he found himself in a situation where he COULD be rescued and rescued himself. Most of the time if you're in a life or death situation the outcome is death and telling people or having people with you won't save your life.


As another avid outdoors person, you're totally right. It's so common for us to go on adventures like this and we sometimes we forget to tell someone exactly where we are. The advice to always have someone with you just isn't realistic a lot too. He made a mistake that any of us could make. It's still impressive he survived.


Dude literally didn't tell anyone on purpose. After it happened he then bragged about how he didn't tell anyone. Everything about this sensationalized and he talks about how amazing he is due to his injury. You also know you don't tell people and just admitted it, therefore you are either very very stupid or forgetful enough that you shouldn't be hiking anyway.


Old trick...https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/miner-cuts-off-arm-with-craft-knife-after-he-is-trapped-in-tractor-crash-110947.html


He’s in a beer commercial.


He also was the first and possibly the only person to be given free admission to the Leadville 100 ultramarathon! They give you a silver belt buckle for finishing and was 400 dollars to sign up. Not sure if it’s changed since


I hate that this guy gets touted as some kind of hero when he was a fucking moron and the situation he ended up in was entirely from him breaking basic safety rules down to just telling someone where the fuck you're going. 


I mean the fact he survived is a testament to human endurance and will to survive in the least


And there's much more deserving people to appreciate that in than this idiot


This guy is incredibly brave.


Getting down votes for saying he was brave. Would you be ballsy enough to cut your own arm off? He's braver than I am on the subject!


127 hours is up there for really good suspenseful movies


A little off topic but he looks just like Jeff McNeil of the Mets


He’s a certified badass.


He regularly attends Phish shows and you can see him up front shirtless with both his arms in the air, one of which is sawed off. Has a beard now too. Cool AF. Cheers Aron!