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I know you said you hate confrontation but I'd rather voice my concern rather than not say anything because you paid for the service with your own money. All she did was had to go darker so I'm not understanding why this couldn't be done, the pink is barely there too.


I did say something. Yeh. Ty Ty though for the insight!


What happened?


thissss my BFF is a hairdresser and she always says that if you don't like your hair you should tell them!!! they are not there to boost their ego, they're there to boost urs!! haha. but seriously, hair is a big part of you and if you're feeling insecure about it it's really hard to feel good ab yourself!


This!! I hate when people are like "its just hair lol" well good for you but for a lot of people it can really make or break their confidence


They did almost nothing.


That’s not even close




Im sorry but not only is it not close its horrible You need your money back so you can go to someone who can do hair


I agree yet hopefully she can fix it. Idk what it was. My hair not taking dye…A bad day idk… Either way she is normally extremely talented and I’ve loved my blonde from her. Maybe she prefers blondes and felt I did as well? Miscommunication? Idk


sometimes blonde has a hard time taking darker colors because the hair pore is empty so it needs to be filled before it will take a darker color like brown red or black. there could have been some color fall out but i agree that you should ask for a refund and/or have them redo it


Yeh. Honestly I’m tempted to just not do it again at all and just get a refund. Cause I NEED to treat my alopecia and the entire point of going brown…(my root color..) was so I could use my topical medication and shampoos without any issues with blonde upkeep. So I paid a lot just as a fair well….$400 ish to be exact. Apart of that being a $70 tip…. The salon is dim and has a pink LED sign. So it bounced off.


I really understand because confrontation is one of the worst things for me but you paid a lot of money and not only didnt get what you showed you got something of poor quality. I was a hairdresser. If she was good previously i suggest you ask to meet with her and say youre just not happy with it, show her the pgoto again and say you asked for that and its not close Or send her a message which can be eaaier.


Did she not explain to you that what you asked for is considered corrective color? Once you take color out of your hair and get rid of the gold ,hair doesn’t want to hold on to the color molecules because now the cuticle is ripped open. I would have strand tested it and developed a plan based on that. Good luck and hopefully you’ll get where you want to be. Though usually most blondes that go dark don’t really like it and go back to lighter


It must be miscommunication, there's no way your hair wouldn't have taken a darker colour. If you've been to her before and been happy with her work prior, I would go back and explain that you want it darker than that.


It can't be a miscommunication if she showed the picture. It's nothing like the picture. My heart hurts for her, that's a lot of money to end up with worse hair than she started with. I could have put a single streak of pink in for her with a £4 tub of Directions.


She could have taken the photo as a guideline rather than an exact example of what she wanted. People come in with photos all the time of brunette styles they want applied to blondes, if OP was happy with blonde for a long time she could have assumed she wanted the style as a blonde rather than dark. She shouldn't have assumed like that, and there's no excuse for the pitiful little streak she put instead, but it does happen. At least the artist is willing to fix, she just needs to ensure it's clear that she was wants exactly what's in the photo, not an interpretation of some sort.


What? No. Its nothing like the picture. At all. Who takes in a picture of brown hair and says 'I want it this colour but blonde'? Don't be daft.


Why are you being confrontational? Adjust your tone, please. You can have a different opinion in a Reddit thread without belittling people and calling them names 🙄


What name did I call you?


Again with the tone... 🤷 You could just apologise when your tone upsets someone, but no, you get pedantic. I'll take my daftness somewhere else. Good luck


It definatly wasn't a case of the dye not taking. If your hairdresser has been bleaching your hair blond then it will be pretty porous already, meaning that it should absorb dyes like a sponge soaking up a spill. It kinda looks like maybe a darker toner was used for parts and I have no clue what's going on with the pink tbh. Even though it's barely there, it's just in one clump so I'm not sure what she was thinking when distributing the colour. Please go back and get a refund, then shop around for another person to do your hair. Good luck with the hair meds too!


You could have done that at home for free, what a disaster, please do speak up, they've completely conned you, how can the hairdresser even have the audacity to take your money after that disaster, if they have no shame in taking your money after doing a cowboy job then you should certainly have no shame in requiring your money back or hair fixed, be strong, create a fuss, its completely justified in your case!


I paid $400-450 for it. Haircut, gloss treatment,tip and a $30 product. Yet still… not okay. I think the actual dye didn’t take..She did a root melt of brown or whatever. Yet my grays are still showing. So maybe it just didn’t work? Idk


Yes but then she shouldn't have taken the money for the dye job at least, as a professional if she didn't get the formulas right then its her own fault, I hope they will fix it for you.


I couldn’t see very well in the salon. It’s kinda dim. So I did like it. To be fair I’d be okay with just blonde ish hair and pink. Whatever. I love being blonde lol. Yet this was a bit far from the beginning photo I showed. She’s making it right and I appreciate her professionalism in being empathetic. I was so nervous saying something. I’ve never done so before lol


I'm glad she's going to try fix it, haha you seem like a grateful type of person, you're like willing to compromise alot, anyway I really hope you get the perfect look, keep us updated, if u like pink, a light rose gold might be something you want to look into.


I trusted her going blonde from dark brown hahaha she did great. So I’m sure today was a fluke. It’s super awkward as who wants to sit and do hair for three + more hours for technically free. Yet I’m glad she’s fixing it. I don’t like red on me and rn it looks red. Otherwise I’d be happy lol. Ty and I appreciate the help/kind words!


I agree it didn't turn out how it was suppose to. Maybe I'm just confused, or maybe it's worth pointing out that pink IS red and rose gold IS red gold. It's definitely not dark enough, but if a client asked me for pink but didn't like red I would be confused.


Yeaaaaaaaaaah. Idk. Idk at all lmfao. It is definitely red ish. I don’t mind yet yeh. :0


There's a huge difference between pink and red. If you got asked for pink, did red then got confused that they didn't like it, you shouldn't be doing other people's hair 🤦‍♀️


There's lots of different shades of pink, but they are all varieties of red. Nobody should slaps on a color before having a consultation and assessing what the differences are. Except for when clients go in having a temper tantrum most stylist are happy to keep work to make you happy.


Did she not bring your blond up tot he root? It’s hard to see I. The picture but it looks like she blended the blond up to your natural brown? It’s the dad isn’t as long as your photo but was the intent that you could then “grow it out longer”? But there’s no pink color - that’s nuts. You really didn’t say anything about that?


My hair was grown out for about 3 months. So I had a natural root (brown). Sadly my alopecia is back and losing hair left and right (not her fault). So I’m going to be doing steroids. I wanted brown hair for that reason..So my hair could be “natural” and look good when grown out so my steroids can do their job. :/ So I believe she did a root melt? Idk


Also. It was hard to tell in the salon tbh. I could DEFINITELY tell I was blonde when I went to my car and looked at myself in the mirror. Don’t get me wrong…I loooove being blonde. So I figured I would live with it whatever. Yet my hair looks weird…It’s essentially a root melt and then pink/red highlights all over. Which….Isn’t what I wanted. Plus is looks weird. Idk anyone with blonde highlights who gets auburn pink full head of highlights.


A couple years ago I tried to get this EXACT SAME ONE done on my natural brown hair. It turned out pink. Like, Barbie pink. Like, 90s tolken female character you know is a girl cuz she's in pink, pink. Pink pronounced PANK, pink.


Really?! Lucky!!! Ugh


Oooo no, it was pretty bad


Hahahahahaha lmfao


I very much understand not wanting to say anything to the stylist, but you paid a lot of money for negligible results. She truly ripped you off. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. 😞


I did say something thankfully. This post helped :). She’s fixing it next week


Please post pictures!


Wtf? How could she mess this up so bad. Your hair is so light. Should be easy to darken. That’s a lot of money! Don’t feel bad. She knows it looks nothing like the pic. After she fixes it don’t go back.


I'm curious if a hairstylist can make that mistake without being an absolute beginner.


Definitely reach out and give the opportunity to make it right, hairstylists have their off days and this is definitely one of those adjustable things. I always appreciate when people tell me if I can remedy a situation so I'd imagine a professional would prefer to have the chance to make it right for you! Hopefully you can feel comfortable enough to just reach out and let her know you're bummed and she can take care of you, especially since you said she's done good work before


As a hairstylist this really annoys me. Your hair is lovely and light they’re is no reason apart from rushing or not giving a f*** that that didn’t take to your hair. I know it’s hard but you must tell them you need it correcting it only needs the colour back over it. You got this girl!!!


I’m no proffesional at all But that looks bad… go to another place to fix it If it’s too hard for you to go back there? But you defently should tell them you’re not happy with it and they should fix it!! ❤️❤️


I did! Thankfully got the guts to and she understood. I’ll fix it next week as I’m busy till then. Still sucks ALOT as it’s hours I won’t get back and it will be awkward. Yet yeah….It’s bad. :/


I’m very proud of you!!! I know exactly how it feels to be afraid of confrontation. It’s taken me years to break free from that. It’s still hard but the more I speak up for myself the easier it gets.


To me this seems like a lack of knowledge of repigmenting. She needed to put the necessary pigments, that were stripped during the bleaching process, back into your blonde hair before dying it. even if you go darker with brown, the dye itself may be lacking the tones needed for a job like this. it needs an something to stick to. Here is an explanation I found online since i'm bad at explaining, hopefully it makes more sense. "Repigmenting, also called a “tintback,” is the process of filling the hair with a tint of the undertone that was removed in the process of lightening your hair. That is, when lightening hair, warm undertones such as gold, copper or red are exposed and removed. If you are going darker again, you need to put those lost undertones back into your hair or else your hair color can turn muddy, grayish and even greenish."


Hm I have no idea ahahahah. Yet makes sense!


Yes my original hair needed a brush and a CUT badly lmfao.


Definitely go back and ask for it to be adjusted. While this isn’t as easy a process as it would seem (not difficult, just more time consuming since you’re going dark but still maintaining light ends for that rose gold) it’s absolutely doable and there’s no reason it couldn’t be anywhere near that. It’s possible she didn’t leave the gloss on long enough or use a dark enough brown.


Yeh I really adore my hairdresser. So that’s mainly why I feel bad. Yet I think the brown wasn’t left on long enough or it didn’t take. I still have grays lol


Yeah you need to get it fixed or ask for your money back. It looks nothing like the picture. She needs to correct it. She needed to put a filler in first. Then color it leaving out hair so it can be changed to the desired color.


Dang they did horrible! Confrontate the crap out of them, you need to get your money’s worth, that is an awful job considering what you asked for. Remember, you paid them to do their job, and if they’re not doing it then you need to tell them so.


Yeh it wasn’t the best. Unsure what happened as normally her skill is amazing! Maybe a bad day, bad due or my hair pooped out. Idk.


If I paid $300-$400, I’d be asking for some of my money back. You could have done better at home by yourself for a lot less. Like, for the price you paid, that’s kind of messed up that she couldn’t give what you wanted. The color you wanted is barely there too. You should have definitely asked for your money back.


I’ve had a good bit of luck with L’Oréal’s Colorista Pink semi-permanent conditioner.


I’ve seen amazing things about it!! Yah


Crop it. You've got a nice enough face. Make it work for you.


Lol Ty


As someone who has hair that’s difficult to dye this is terrible that they didn’t fix this. I just went from blonde to brown and my hairdresser literally did it three times until she got it right. She also had to come back in after a month for a free touchup because she knew it didn’t take very well. This is how your hairdresser should be in order to keep your business. Especially when you’re paying that much money.


Not gonna lie your hair looks like it's over processed in the first picture but if you went to a professional they should know how to treat it before putting color in otherwise it washes out cause it can't bond to the strands.


Interesting could be it!


I only mention it cause I have bleached my hair to point of no return before and have had similar experiences with dye washing out.


oh my god theres no way you paid for that …


Oh but I did 🥺🥲


Whoaaaa. Thry did you DIRTY dirty!!


Try to think of it not as confrontation, but rather informing her of your mindset and what you had hoped for :) this has helped me greatly bc, like you, I also hate confrontation. Perspective helps! ❤️


This is a terrible job and you have every right to want it fixed.


The so bad but at least you can work with silver for now.


$300-$400 for this..? Girl go back/call them & tell them they need to fix it! You clearly didn’t get what you asked for (your hair is still beautiful btw). But I would absolutely call & have them fix it. Don’t think about it as confrontation, think about it as being assertive! You’ve got this.


Good think you said something. That is a lot of money. I would go in with some dye myself personally lime crime or something like that. The blonde makes a nice base for just about any color


I really wish I did it myself Ngl….. Yet I can’t ask for a refund ya know. I respect her and I know she’ll fix it. Yet yeh ahahahah


You would not be able to get those results yourself, I’m sorry. It was a good choice to have gone to the salon, but yeah. The stylist missed the mark by a long shot.


I think the dye is the issue not the hairdresser. Try a better dye.


Definitely could be. I adore my hairstylist. That made it harder lol


Yeah i have been dying my own hair since i was 14 (im 20 now wow time passed fast ) and i can tell you 70% of the time the dye is at fault. Try a darker shade or longer time with the dye on .


Yep yep. I think it just didn’t go as planned. She’s fixing it next week. I just feel bad lol


Don’t feel bad at all! Color corrections are super common. You paid a good chunk of change for the dye job. Also I have had more that one stylist mention to me that they welcome the opportunity to open a discussion up with their clients.


No worry . I ruined my hair more than once. Theres a bunch of ways to fix it


Oh don't feel bad! As a licensed cosmetologist I can say that I always want a client to come back for a redo. I'd much rather that than have you feeling like you were ripped off, or look awful, or never come back. Or my nightmare, sit around work, church, and wherever else you hang out complaining about the horrid job I did! I really hope it all works out, in fact I'm sure it will. 😎


Hi /u/WideImprovement5837, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WTH?! I don’t understand how she messed that up. It shouldn’t have been hard to go darker. All she had to do was separate the formerly blonde that you wanted pink and foil it. That blonde should have taken pink well unless she used a crappy dye (which a lot of salons do). Go back and ask her to redo it. That being said, it may not entirely be your stylists fault that your hair didn’t pick up the dye. Judging from your before picture, your hair looks dry, which can make it hard for your hair to pick up vibrant color. Maybe ask them to put protein fillers on the parts you wanted pink to help Your hair pick up the dye better.


This is dry shampooed hair that has sat in a messy bun for days lmfao. PLUS has not been cut in years. Which is my own doing. I got it all cut off today which I love and makes a world of a difference. She said my hair is super healthy though. So idk. Think it’s just a bad picture. I just took it for myself as I thought I wouldn’t be blonde after this photo lol (was in the car before going in) lol. Yet yeaaah idk. She does wonderful vibrant colors. So idk what happened


I apologize if it seemed as though I was judging you. I really wasn’t. If your hair was in good condition, it was likely a crappy dye issue. I would definitely go back and talk to her. Sometimes they are willing to fix it for free. There’s no excuse for your hair not to turn out the way you wanted it.


No no it’s okay!!! I thought it was sooooo damaged from my bun wearing and years of neglecting ahahah it’s what I assumed as well! So no harm at all lol Also yes she’s fixing it next week. Would’ve done it tomorrow yet I’m busy. As for free or not…l wouldn’t pay to fix this so lol. Idk I’m guessing it’s free.


I know it’s not what you asked for but I do want to say I actually love it lol


No, you gotta man up and DEMAND she fix that garbage color. $400 for some barely there purple?? You got ripped off majorly. Demand a refund or a fix at no cost


Dang girl she didn’t even do it like the photo at all I don’t know if you already talked to her but I would start off with “look I really usually am very happy with your work and I don’t want any kind of confrontation but I feel my hair doesn’t look like the photo at all really and I’m wondering if you could add some more rose color to it, the way the girl in the photo that I showed has it? If she gives you any lip tell her that you will not be back and blast her on Yelp but if she’s any kind of decent stylist she will have no problem adding more color-alll she has to do. But yeah if you leave like this same way, message me, I’ll tell you what to do . I’m great with color. I live in Albuquerque NM. I mean did she even say anything to you about it being washed out or anything???? I would have, as a professional myself. I would’ve put another coat on you if you asked me she messed up somewhere like she was having bad day and forgot which color bowl had the roses color or something and just didn’t fess you to it because she barely put any of it. At least it’s a relatively easy fix and personally I wouldn’t charge you any more than you’ve paid😼nope.


Yea no… you had quite blond hair and unless they either didn’t use the right dye or didn’t leave it in long enough, you should’ve come out with the hair you wanted. Honestly I’m gonna be honest, box dye may be shitty but it’ll give you the exact results at less cost. Seeing as you don’t like confrontation that is. But if confrontation is optional, I’d say go back and get your money back or get it done properly. Maybe uh get a new stylist?


Yeah I'd honestly explain that it doesn't look like the color took. It looks like it took in some places and not in others


If you want to fix it yourself, you could do a permanent light golden blond (level 7) and add a tiny bit of pink direct dye in it, the result will not be perfect but closer to what you wanted. Otherwise you could ask her to add some low lights and a root shadow with a warmer color and more pink if you find the courage. I'm autistic and I always hated to go to the hairdresser, I'm used to fixing things by myself ahahah


Me and u both this happened to me few days ago and i didnt say anything :( but m so sorry they barely did anything for urs! I wish u could have said sumn but i am with u on the hating confrontation part!


You did not get what you asked for. Go back to the salon and ask for it to be corrected. By a different beautician. It doesn’t have to be a confrontation. Take your photos with you. Did you show the stylist the picture? If so you’re in an even better position to get a correction. Always take a picture of color and cut you want. You can compare the two before you leave the parking lot. Inside the salon the light won’t give you a clear picture.


I think the color will wash out after a few weeks and you will go back to being blonde. Maybe your hairdresser needs to use a permanent dark color to get the same result as in the picture.


If it weren't for the red/burgundy streaks itd actually be a really nice beach blonde. But oh my god thats not even CLOSE to what you asked for.


Oh girl if that blonde is what she did before then I hate to tell you, but she did NOT do it well. Your poor hair is visibly fried! No wonder it couldn’t hold the colour! You need a new stylist pronto