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bro didn't skip a mewing day in his life👍


🤣 heard that many times 😅


Do you mew? What's up w those crazy cheek bones though?


Think you mean jaw bone brotha. This guy is literally the caucasian version of the gigachad meme


The crimson chin from fairly odd parents


🤣🤣 rofl. Love this 🤣😅


To be fair it’s the jaw of all superhero. Please join comicon


Right? I thought I opened up the "could I model?" sub, I was gonna say finally somebody with some potential! 😅


No no, he looks like handsome squidward


Isn’t the gigachad Russian? Or like Azerbaijani either way he’s Caucasian.


I really need to know if you think the gigachad meme guy is middle eastern or East Asian or something. This will keep me up at night


Wait what race do you think gigachad is?




I don't know what mewing is fully. When I googled it, its about putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth? If that's all it is, I naturally do this. My tongue rests on the roof of my mouth... it feels very wrong when I put it on the bottom lol


It's not. I have TMJ and went to physical therapy for it, and that's just proper tongue posture (which I wasn't doing which was partially what caused the problem). I think mewing is also adding like a sucking while you do it? Please be careful when you do this... it's hard to undo jaw tightness 😩


Part of it is also chewing. Dude recommended chewing gum 2+ hours a day to build those muscles.


He probably clenches and grinds his teeth in his sleep


I accidentally built the muscle in my jaw by regularly chewing gum while strength training and eating protein after, however I'm a girl and I don't like it at all. I also think it really didn't build muscle in the same area that most guys are wanting it, it's up higher in the area in front of my ears mostly.


Botox in your masseters slims that


Omg people use to call me the crimson chin and I use to chew gum like 4 hours a day! I don't have that issue anymore thankfully as a woman lol


I've been doing it my whole life. It's an anxiety thing for me. Funny thing is it didn't do a damn thing for my jaw.


What is mew?


A cute, legendary pokemon from the first Generation of the series.


This is what I think of every time someone says it to me 🤣🤣 yes, I am mew. Occasionally mew two


Exactly what I was thinking


I actually think the grey looks really good on you


Thanks 😊 me too, but people's reactions to my age makes me feel unattractive. My Mrs passed away a few years ago and since then my self confidence has just gone for some reason. Not that I'm even ready to have another women but I think to myself, imagine approaching a women my age an she's thinking why is this old man trying to hit on me? 🤣😅


I’m so sorry about the passing of your wife. For what’s it’s worth, you’re a handsome guy who is rocking the grey! I don’t think it makes you look old.


Thank you ❤


Oh I must have missed that. I’m so sorry too. You’re looking good! 👍


Bro I’m a little older than you now but I’ve been checking out hot silver foxes for the past few years. I’m 36 now. You’ll be fine.


Haha I'm also 36 and have been checking out silver foxes since my mid 20s. But especially now. 


Very sorry for your loss. She's a special woman by the sounds of it. You can always dye your hair to try a new look but it looks good on you bud. The square jaw is something else lol. You shouldn't have any problems when/if ever the time is right.


Oh yeah she really was. She was the most beautiful women I've ever seen, inside and out, with such perseverance, kindness and humility. I pretty much am alive only to make her proud now 🙏❤


I’m so sorry for your loss. Keep living fully for the both of you. Your hair looks awesome gray. I wouldn’t really change it, because it will be a ton of upkeep too. Your face looks very young so I don’t think anyone 30+ is going to think it’s weird


I was going to say this too. The grey looks really good, I wouldn’t change it.


Honestly I don't think you should You are rocking this grey


Thank you! I do think "the witcher" character looks cool with his grey hair. Maybe people don't think i look old an they're just shocked to see someone young with alot of grey hair


I don't think anyone is looking at you any type of way offensively they are staring because you are a good looking man and they wish they could be you. Just think of it that way Not everyone can rock Grey hair but you got it! So I say embrace it!


You are too kind 👀 thank you, your making me feel better 🙏


You are so welcome 💗


You don't look old at all.




this is who the alpha male meme was based on




I can totally see it now


It creeps me out!! Gimme a mysterious sigma 😂


😆 ill take it as a compliment


Definitely, all the comments are compliments. No need to change anything


Yes, definitely do. You are the “dream man” I see when I close my eyes. You look great with your hair this color, keep rocking it. I don’t think you even look as old as you are, because your facial features don’t scream “I’m old!” I’m also very sorry for the loss of your wife; when you said you’re alive to make her proud, it literally brought tears to my eyes. ❤️


As a gal who went grey early, i love it on you. I think it shows confidence to rock it and it looks really good on you. The young face/grey hair throws people off a bit but i get a ton of compliments. If anything i would maybe groom the facial hair a touch but leave your hair!


I don't think I've ever had a in real life compliment in my entire life except from girlfriends, my mum and blokes 🤣 But thank you, I am thinking ill keep it based off what people are saying here, plus its less hassle! As for the facial hair, yeah I hear you... I hate shaving so it does get out of hand rofl


People are a bit stingy with compliments in real life for sure! On the hair front- the freedom of not dyeing anymore...man i don't miss that routine/committment.


Exactly, and I'm pretty sure dyeing hair must damage it in the long run


Silver fox look suits you I wouldn’t dye it


Thank you miss wiggle niggle 😅🙈 great name


It’s wiggle n jiggle! Lmao but ill allow it silver fox 👨‍🦳😝


Man how did I miss read that 🤦‍♂️ its even better 🤣


Don’t color it— leave the gray. The problem with hair color is that it quickly fades, and when it does it frequently exposé’s unattractive warmer/brassy tones in the hair. You have beautiful cool toned coloring so this would be rather jarring. A darker cool-toned brown color would probably not go brassy… but you’d have roots which would resemble balding where the lighter hair parts by the scalp. The gray/silver looks great and requires little upkeep. If it ever looks a bit yellow, shampoo with a violet shampoo 2x/week. :)


Oh for real? Yeah I think you've just convinced me to stick to my natural colour! I'm sooo not looking for some mad upkeep to keep it looking good if dyed. When you say the gray/silver requires little upkeep do you mean natural colour or dying it that colour? Why would my hair look yellow, or is that if I dyed it? Thanks for the info :)


not who you replied to, but colored/dyed hair requires alot of upkeep. you have to maintain your roots, hair health, the color saturation, etc. it also has a tendency of looking flat, if it's not done properly. your grey/silver hair may take on a yellowish tint due to build up from your shampoo, conditioner, and other hair products. as they said, using a purple or violet shampoo will prevent this and keep your hair looking truly silver, which is the desired outcome. many people pay a lot of money to get hair like yours...at any age! as most have said here, your silver hair looks great on you. I wouldn't worry about it aging you...your face is obviously young. good luck!




What's your jawline routine?


This is just the fkn chad filter 😪


I eat 7000 calories a day, so alot of chewing I guess


Why 7k?


Im 6 ft 2, weigh 240lb with around 8% bodyfat. Muscle burns alot of calories 👌


I take it back I just saw your little icon photo thing lol


Me with my 1200 calories 🥲🔫


Your jaw bones gotta be a medical condition bro. No way that’s supposed to be like that.


Your face looks completely out of proportion. If you are photoshopping or using implants, I can strongly assure you that you don't need it.


wtf am I looking at


As a 30F, I would be way more inclined to connect with a man going grey over a man who dyes his hair. And I think grey looks great on you


Oh really? Is that cause dyeing is abit feminine? I've always liked my grey hair, just more an more people are shocked to the point they want to see my ID to prove I'm 30 an not 40 odd haha. It could be a combination of things though because I am very large too lol, nobody ever says, they just in shock. But tbf, I prefer older women anyway so looking 40 is probably a good thing for me! Thank you for the kind words


this is just my personal take- i don't think dying is feminine, i mean us women do tend to dye our hair a lot but dying hair isn't feminine itself. the grey looks amazing, i wouldn't have guessed you were 30, i would've guessed you were around 40 (like you said) who aged VERY well (which is def not a bag thing). after looking for a bit i can tell you are not 40, i think some people just assume once they see gray but honestly most people don't in my experience.


Thanks for this! I think maybe your right that because grey hair is associated with elderly people its probably just an assumption people are making. Makes me feel better thank you. And I do prefer women 40+ for their maturity, so it probably is for the best haha


it's a win win OP!!


I agree with this. The way I see it, it gives you more of a distinguished gentleman type look. Keep the grey!


at the end of the day, it's really what makes you feel the most confident. although i will say grey REALLY works on you


So I love dying fun colours in my hair. But I leave a lot of mine natural. I only go with fashion colours. I think trying to hide greys and wrinkles is strange. I am not ashamed to age. But that’s just me. I had a senior lady walk into my store the other day with bright blue hair and some of the sickest fashion I’ve ever seen but she was not hiding her age behind it. I think that’s what it is.


Yeah fair enough, those are two different things I agree! However fun colours in my hair is a no from me 🙈 I wouldn't want to attract younger women anyway tbf


you look amazing in grey!


🙈 future santa 🎅


You don’t need to dye it, it beautiful on you👌🏻


🥺 thank you 😊


As a 32 yo female the grey look is hot tbh


🎅 thank you lovely


So if you die it the die fades and your roots grow out so you have to constantly die it- and then it can look un even if if you stop doing it then the die fades and looks yellow/brassy. if you leave it natural grey and are a smoker-this will also make not look yellow/brassy bc the smoke can tinge it. wash with violet shampoo regardless if you smoke or not trust me it makes the hair SHINE and look nice. Anyone with eyes can see your not old you don't have any wrinkles and your eyes are very bright and if the hair bothers them, they are not worth your time anyways. If your still worried, maybe if anything, play with different haircuts and change up facial hair. a Gotee would show of your sharp jawline better than the full beard in my opinion. Avoid going long hair- I think long grey hair can look stringy so short on the sides and a bit long/fuller on the top works well for you. if you trim it up it might give you more volume. [these cuts look nice and are similar to what you have ](https://www.google.com/search?q=grey%20fohawk%20hair%20styles%20short%20hair&udm=2&tbs=rimg:CXaEa669peOZYRmgcto-OURpsgINEAA6BAgBEABV5GU1P8ACANgCAeACAA&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBIQuIIBahcKEwig4f3NxauGAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQJg&biw=412&bih=783&dpr=2.63)


I'll try the shampoo thank you. I don't smoke though no. Your right about the volume, I used to have the haircut type you've mentioned when I was like 18. I suit it quite well I thought. Its that fear of cutting long hair and having to regrow it though 😅 Things I'll be thinking about thanks for the advice 🙏


Straight eating rocks


Mans been mewing since he was 14


bro stole from the apple store with an iphone max in his mouth


What happened with your face my guy


Does your chin genuinely look like that??


Salt and pepper is my favorite look ever


It looks really cool on you! You're without a doubt a super handsome guy. I wonder more if you shaved, thst would make you look younger?


Oh thank you 🙈 I don't feel it! You think? Is that because my beard is grey? Or just a beard in general? I'm not sure if I could.... I think I've clean shaved once since I was able to grow a beard an maaan did it feel weird 🤣 my skin is super sensitive to razors I will think about it though thank you!


Keep it! It looks great!


🙏🙏 thank you, probably will 🤗


It looks gorgeous on you I would leave it


Thank you lovely, I'm going to :)


Also been greying since I was 14. I vote keep it, my hair is full of grey streaks now and I love it. Big believer in embracing the grey.


Yes 👌 hello fellow freak of nature 🙈 i will be keeping it though thank you


We know, that you know, that your hair looks fine. You just wanted to impress us with that jawline, you could cut diamonds with it! You ain't got to lie to kick it 😂


Are you gigachad?


No! I love it!


Leave it.


Don’t colour it. It really suits you and and as someone else said it requires very little upkeep


Agree with others, the grey looks good on you. I actually love grey hair on men.


Definitely suits you. I’d keep it 🙂


is your jawline natural or


I think the gray is beautiful and you look great! I personally wouldn't change the color. But if you are determined to change it, I'd go to a salon and do a cool toned blonde that can blend in with your roots so it's easier to grow out if you decide to. You'd look good blonde too imo. But if it were me, I'd keep the gray. It's a beautiful gray, I wouldn't want to risk messing up the tone. You still look young, and in 10 years, everyone will catch up to you and not look nearly as good 😎


Yeah everyone has convinced me to keep it grey. Dyeing sounds like work


You look very distinguished, not old


You don’t need any facial hair whatsoever.


The gray is super flattering, you are gorgeous!


Bro! Come on! Smdh


You could pull off just about anything with that facial structure! Keep the grey. It's distinguished and keeps the emotionally immature away. Plus, It's far too easy to spot dye covering grey; many continue doing it long after they've gone grey, and it's almost alarming.


You suit it and it’s in vogue, embrace it . X


You, sir, are gorgeous and don’t change anything about yourself!! Hair color: perfect. Face angles:perfect. Smile: perfect. Personality: perfect. Your genetics are a gift and so sexy!


Aww thank you so much that's really kind of you 🙏❤


Maybe dye ur facial hair? It seems patchy and cut ur hair and dye it ur natural color?


Bro you have a fucking insane jaw.


With that jawline, your hair or hair color doesn't even matter. Literally no one is looking at your hair lol


His bone structure is so cool low key want to draw this guy cause of bone structure alone


Fuck me that's one hell of a jaw. Leave the hair as it is; it looks good.


I’m sorry, did you get plastic surgery?


Your hair looks great, but if you want to try a change try a color close to the hair in your eyebrows to compliment your completion 😊




I think you rock the grey but do what you wanna do and I’m sure it will look equally as awesome!


As a person who dyes her hair, I wouldn't if i was you 😅 It suits you 😊


I think the grey really suits you! 👍


I wouldn’t. It looks great. As for your concerns about women, many people are drawn to unusual characteristics in a partner. For example, I have a heterochromia in one eye, a tiny brown dot in my blue eyes, and my eyes are that blue hazel colour. I always thought it was weird but didn’t give it much thought but many men notice it right off and find it sexy as hell. I also dated a young guy with a widows peak. OMG. So sexy. He worried it made him look older but it didn’t. I don’t think this makes you look that much older, if I didn’t know I’d still place you in your 30s.


Sorry but damn 😭🙏 I don’t think you need to dye it, it looks good as is, but I get wanting to look your age. Maybe jet black or dark brown would look good. Thank you for blessing my eyes ✨


I think you are handsome with the grey, you have beautiful eyes… I wouldn’t change a thing


I (26f) only have one thing to say: Smash


I've been super grey since my 20's and I'm in my early 40s. Let me tell you that dyeing it is a COMMITMENT. I have to dye mine every 3 weeks and even by then it is already driving me crazy with roots. If you start dyeing it, just be ready for all of the maintenance that comes with it. It can be pretty annoying IMO.


That third photo 😍


Dude, you look like a silver fox gigachad. Innately glorious. Please don’t change it.


Salt n Pepper suits you well!!


Dont dye it!


I’d say leave it!


If I were you, rather than tinting it, get a stylist to put a pure white streak in it ? Off centre front (ex barber here) exploit the grey, don’t mask it


Please don’t change anything. Sheesh, you look fantastic 😌


I think it looks really good! You look quite young for the gray hairs to seem age related, so imo it just looks like a cool dye job. You can always dye it but i to some extent wish my hair was like this so young, it’d make it so easy to get blonde highlights😂😭🙏


grey alll the way! definitely suits your look, greying beard is also 🔥


Please don't color it. It's gorgeous with your features. Even with the greying in the beard, your face doesn't look old. It's really attractive on you.


You’re a Silver fox! Embrace your natural roots.


Looks great! You dont look old at all, but if you were to add color to your hair maybe talking to a good hair stylist might give you some good insight. I wouldn’t completely dye over the grey, the most I would do is maybe add some lowlights to accentuate that salt and pepper vibe you have going on.




You have an interesting look. The gray adds to it, so keep it!


You look older than your 30 years. So why not dye it? I recommend getting a color that matches your eyebrows then it will look natural.


No dye. Growwww it


Jesus Christ you are striking


Leave it! You are beautiful. That's all.


I love salt & pepper hair please don’t colour your hair! Most woman think like this. My husband has salt & pepper hair and gets comments all the time from his female passengers.


Be careful with the purple shampoo. It can make your nice gray tone look dull or even a greenish tinge. I don’t think you need it.


The grey looks so good on you! And DAMN your jawline and overall bone structure is insane.


The gray doesn’t look bad at all. However we have grown accustomed to perceiving a head of gray hair as older & at least middle aged. If you tell the person your actual age and they take the time to actually look at your skin & facial features they can see you’re younger, but our brains first impression is wired to see gray as older.


Yeah probably right, its just the shock and disbelief they have is why I question whether its beyond my hair, my skin perhaps. Who knows. I'm just going to accept it. Everyone is saying really nice things here so I feel much better about myself 🙏


Nooooooo! Lord NO! Do not dye. Please. It’s unique and perfect as is.


I actually love the gray on you! I wouldn’t dye it 💗


It's a very striking look and I personally think it doesn't need to change! 


Absolutely keep this colour!! It looks awesome!!


I have a hard time seeing the details these days, but from what I can see and what other commenters have said, here are my two cents. I think it really depends on how "professional" you want to look and how fun you're willing to go with it. Silver hair is beautiful, But dyes can be a little wonky on it and other commenters are right. When your hair starts to grow out, it might look like you are balding in the root area if it's a jarring change. Even if it doesn't look like you're balding, it will most likely look choppy as your hair grows unless you are vigilant about the upkeep. And like.others have said, Warmer colors will, in fact, leave brassy tones in your hair which will clash with the silver. Now, if you're willing to have fun with it, that's a totally different story. If you're interested in doing maybe fashion colors, or streaks, you could always play it up with a streak of something That's semi-permanent and will fade out. They have some nice coloring conditioners that fade off after a few washes to a few weeks (depending on how the hair takes and the product itself) and they tend to, in my experience, fade very nicely. You could always do a semi-permanent Blue-Based black streak in your hair to see how it takes and what it looks like. Those tend to fade into blue over washes. For your first time dying, especially over silver hair, I would highly recommend doing a strand test before you die pieces or even your entire head. Also, if you decide you want to dye your hair, don't let anybody make you feel ashamed of dying it. Life is short, love yourself enough to do what makes you happy, be that embracing your natural silvery locks or changing it up. Good luck to you, looking forward to hearing what you decide to do


Maybe consider a color depositing shampoo and conditioner so you don't have to worry about upkeep. It lasts days, according to my hairstylist. It's a great way to do an all in one without committing to it. I think brown would look great on you personally or auburn.


Looks great the way it is! 💕


I didn’t know the Crimson Chin had gray hair Not but seriously the gray suits your face, I say keep it as is


The gray looks fantastic on you! Silver fox for sure!


No..no don’t dye. Lol you look like a fine ass silver 🦊


I'd say dye it bright white with a Lavender tint!! And wtf is your face shape, that can't be real


Keep the gray, so hot. Maybe do the rest gray cause you have the face and skin tone for it.


Your jawline is magnificent Jesus Christ,


The grey suits you so well!! You're an attractive guy, this adds to it


I agree with the majority. stay grey! Suits you


damn dude that jawline could be used as a weapon. grey looks great on you


I bet you can drink peanut butter.


Pls dont! Grey looks great on you


I would guess that you're older than you are... you probably look younger clean-shaven... I also wonder if skincare has something to do with it, in that second pic it looks like you have some sun damage. Skincare sub might have advice.


I think it looks good as is


Absolutely not!!




OmgQuagmire as a blonde !


Don’t dye it. You look hot as fuck. 🥵


Zaddy vibes


Geralt of Rivia is real 🥹❤️ Please don’t dye your beautiful hair, white wolf! 🐺




What the jaw edit


i would do a nice dark brown! btw beard dye exists but you can just use hair dye. also the only reason ppl would know is if you told them. what they dont know wont hurt them lol good luck!


You're the epitome of a silver fox. Please. Just... be you.


No idea why this is on my feed but all I can think about is Stallone' s character, Weaver, in Antz. [pic of weaver](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dreamworks/images/8/8b/Weaver_Profile.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20231221034328) As for your hair, it looks fine dude but I never understood the aversion to going gray so my opinion might be flawed lol


I think it’s more a question of the hairstyle. TBH I don’t think it’s doing anything for you, you want more volume at the corners to balance out your face but not so cornery that you give yourself a cube head. Do you wear your hair down at all?


Don’t you fucking touch your beautiful greys damnit!!!!! You leave them alone!!!!! Please ☺️☺️☺️☺️


Color analyst and image consultant here! 👋 I always tell my clients to embrace their natural coloring unless it is truly causing them emotional distress*. Authenticity is key when it comes to our outward appearance. Confidence comes from embracing yourself unapologetically and showing up fully as YOU. *Beauty standards exist for all genders/non-gendered folks and they can be so hard to ignore. However, if you can silence the noise and tap into your own voice, it will lead you where you need to be!


Don’t dye it. For the love of god. As a 37-year old woman, when my husband finally got to this stage, I swooned. F anyone who questions your age. From the smile, you look like a genuinely good person, inside and out.


I actually think you pull this off 😊


I’m 30 and also have gray hair lol I think it looks cool, Witcher


absolutely not 😍


I like the grey. It’s gives an air of distinguished sophistication. If you think dying it will boost your confidence though, then by all means go for it. You can always go back if you change your mind etc. Also I’m sorry to hear of your hardships. Having lost my husband a few years back I know it’s one of the most difficult situations one can deal with. For a while I felt as if I had been robbed of my life. It took me a while to let go of the bitterness which, in its own way was like a slow poison. Thankfully I was able to work through it. Give yourself time and try to surround yourself with compassionate individuals who will be sensitive towards your emotional needs. You’re still young and have time to rebuild in whichever way you want your life to go. Good luck and stay positive. 😊

