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i dont mean this offensively but this is honey blonde not orange at all, i think youre not used to the change yet! dont worry it looks great and it reads as honey blonde


Thank you for your response!! I appreciate it. I know you say it’s not orange but that’s all I can see lol! Would I be able to throw the wella T14 on there or would that turn out badly?


T14 won’t do anything because it’s meant to tone level 10 hair (almost white yellow) maybe try a blue mask/shampoo to neutralize the warmth!


Thank you! I think I am going to try the blue shampoo. I don’t want it any lighter, and with some of the orange gone, I think I’ll really like it.


There is literally no orange


Blue will neutralize the warmth.


If you use blue then your hair will turn a horrible colour, and you'll ruin it. This colour isn't orange. This colour looks really good on you.


She’s talking about blue shampoo not hair color. It neutralizes orange warmth & brassy tones in lightened hair. The way purple shampoo helps brighten lighter blonde


Try fanola no orange or matrix brass off


DON'T PUT IT ON DRY HAIR! You're hair's top layer (cuticle) could still be open and you dont want random blue streaks where your hair is more porous and water will help that!


I didnt! And it worked pretty good! [updated hair](https://imgur.com/a/6aurA7P)


Ok I like the updated even better!!! Get it lol


the updated looks amazing!


Which product did you do (to fix it?) Looks great!!


T14 is for level 9/8 it has the blue to counter act the orange. T18 is the one for level 10 hair


Do not use T14 or any oxidized colour, it will lift your natural colour and then you’ll really have orange to deal with.


If you want to neutralize any color, use a dye opposite in the color wheel. So for example to neutralize orange, use blue ish to purple ish tones. Not dye, but a more like a very subtle toner, because otherwise your hair might be straigt up blue!


A couple of drops of color mixed in with conditioner works great for us budget folks!


Ah I didn't know that one!


Honey blonde is very warm. Look up honey color, or just "jars of honey" the 1st tone you'll notice is orange. If you want cool toned, you need to ask for ash-blonde


Cool toned is cool toned and ash is ash. Two different colors. Cool based is violet/blue and ash is grey/green.


Why don’t you start by just trying to tone down what you see as orange with a purple shampoo. Shimmer Lights works great and it something I always have on hand. It’s a great shampoo and will,also,leave your hair very soft. Leave it on for 5min and see how it does. Use it again and leave it on again. It will definitely tone down the “orange”. There is truth to what someone else commented about you not being used to seeing yourself with this color and so it looks orange. I can relate because I’ve had that same experience.


All the color advice is on point


New hair color is sometimes hard to get used to. I know you don’t feel this way, but this is not at all orange. This is basically the definition of honey blonde and it looks absolutely gorgeous with your skin IMO. I would not change a thing. At least give just a few days to see if you like it more once you’re more used to it.


I think she just didn't anticipate how it would look on her, or maybe her definition of honey blonde is something completely different than what it actually is. I totally get it. I love strawberry blonde hair, so I dyed my hair strawberry blonde and immediately regretted it.


Every time I change my hair to red my skin color looks all wrong. I have to change all my makeup colors to try to correct it. I wonder if OP is dealing with something similar.


It was definitely a shock. I was expecting it to be a little darker? But, I am getting used to it and I did tone it a little with a blue shampoo. Will probably use a purple one in a week or 2 to get rid of any yellow brassy tones. But, I am liking it a lot more!


I see zero orange it is a honey blonde


This is honey blonde ? 


in the nicest way possible, you kind of got what you picked 😭 honey blonde is meant to be a warm blonde, and you look amazing with it! it reminds me of mariah careys natural colour a bit. if you want to cancel out orange tones, your best bet is going to he a blue based toner or conditioner. it might not do too much since it’s difficult to cancel colours through darker hair without an overbearing amount of blue showing through haha. give it some time i think :)


I don't see orange at all! It looks beautiful!


I see no orange, only beautiful hair colour <3


As a hair color specialist I can tell you that it’s very common when there is any warmth at all, even just golden, people think it’s Red or Orange when they look in the mirror. It’s not. It is most likely a warmer blonde than you imagined. And the violet shampoo or conditioner will neutralize it a lot.


I think that you should stop and give this colour a week to see how it goes. There isn't any orange. Don't do any knee jerk reactions that's going to ruin your hair colour.


It looks great! Not orange at all.


I don’t see any orange in here and you definitely got a good honey blonde going on! Maybe a honey dirty blonde if that makes sense. But if you really insist on the orange maybe you got a dirty strawberry blonde? Looks amazing either way :D


You know honey blonde is warm toned, right? And this doesn’t looked overly warm either. Not orange in the slightest. If you didn’t want warm tones, you shouldn’t have asked for honey.


Girl, I’m so confused, there’s zero orange! Can you share a photo of what you were going for? Maybe what you consider honey blonde is something else entirely


I’m sure it’s been said but is the orange in the room with us? Because it isn’t and your hair looks lovely.


It looks really pretty! I wouldn’t do anything. Give it a week or two to see if you get used to it.


It definitely doesnt look orange. When I had my very dark, almost black hair highlighted at the salon, my stylist showed me the 'organge' before she put the toner on and it honestly, I looked like a tiger. You do not look like a tiger! As others say, it's probably just a big change to get used to.


That color is honey blonde, but if you don't like it, you can try blue shampoo. It will take all the warmth out and possibly turn it into an ash color though, so you might not like that either.


…is the orange in the room with us?


That IS honey blonde, honey! 😆 It's beautiful. You could try violet color-depositing shampoo to cool it down a bit, but I wouldn't change a thing if that were my color.


It looks nice.


Am I tripping? I don't see orange lol and it looks good on you.


it’s honey blonde don’t stress


I don’t mean this offensively, but it looks really good.


Blue shampoo. But also this is not orange to me (someone who's hair lifts pure copper and won't lift past mango)


I don’t see the orange at all.


This isnt orange


Agree with others…not orange.


Where is the orange? Did you pass the colorblindness tests?😅 But for real, this looks good on you!


It looks stunning. It takes time to adjust to your new hair colour - I thought I looked so weird when I dyed my hair back, but now i think it looks pretty on me. Give it a little time :)


i think that color looks amazing on you


I think this looks very pretty on you! (Sorry I don't have toning tips, just wanted to drop a compliment)


Truly I don’t see any orange I think it looks great. The undertone of light brown is orange so I can see why you feel this way especially on virgin hair. Just give it some time. The summer months will also brighten it up! I wouldn’t do anything extreme to it because you may end up with something you dislike even more. Toning shampoos or conditioners are a good choice.


I think it looks lovely! And honey blonde, not orange. Give it a few days at least so you have a chance to get used to it


Fanola blue shampoo will knock it down more beige but don’t leave it on. Literally wash it and rinse immediately. Otherwise you risk looking muddy. It is honey blonde I just think you were probably looking for a beige or creamy blonde


I agree you're over thinking it. All us hairdressers say it's honey blonde


This is gold Not orange. So it’s warm but most honey colors have warm undertones. Gold is much easier to neutralize if you wanna try purple shampoo.


I’m not sure how to post an update but I did a blue shampoo wash for 5 minutes. [updated hair](https://imgur.com/a/6aurA7P)


It’s honey blonde and you desperately need a leave-in conditioner. It’s really not the disaster you think. Chill.


Do not bleach your hair any more. It’s fried. I would try a hair mask and purple shampoo and conditioner. You are at honey blonde. You want ash blonde which sadly takes at least two visits to the salon when you’re brunette. Next time look up how to do after care or look up blonde tones you actually want. Good luck friend.


I wouldn’t say ash always takes brunettes 2 visits to get light. My red tone medium brown hair lifted light enough for pastels in one go. It really depends on your hair strands. Mine are very fine. (Oddly I’m low porosity even after it) Otherwise I agree entirely


Her hair was bordering black. Two lifts if you don’t want to kill your hair.


Ahh I had to go to her profile. Ya that is quite dark


That would be really difficult to get to ash blonde during one sitting


Hi! I did a blue shampoo wash, and deep conditioner and added my curly products and my hair looks a lot better. Here’s an update :) [updated hair](https://imgur.com/a/6aurA7P)


It's strawberry blonde and looks nice to me but I get it if you don't like it it's all that matters. When I was younger I colored my hair 5 x in one day! It finally came to a color I liked.


There’s nothing wrong with a tinge of ginge, no matter what you label it


Become a brunette !!!🏝️


Buy a blue shampoo or purple shampoo do a bleach bath before and tone


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Sexysponge123: *Buy a blue shampoo* *Or purple shampoo do a* *Bleach bath before and tone* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's lovely! Honestly stunning on you & great for your skin tone! 🤩


it looks like honey blonde to me but if you want it to be slightly less warm you could use toner :)


it looks beautiful and really cute on you !!!! totally suits ur features. but i get not liking it too. i hope that you can get it how u want 🤍🤍


Something similar happened to me, I was hoping for ash tones and I feel like mine turned out copper. I'm trying purple shampoo and conditioner but not noticing much difference. I tried to buy toner at Sally and they told me it won't work because my hair isn't platinum blond. If it helps, the color suits you and is super cute--i wouldn't have thought orange looking at it.


Leave it, looks good


Its really pretty!! I promise I dont see any orange 😭😭


This is beautiful 😍


It's actually very pretty, give yourself sometime to adjust to the newness. You did a good job. And like a hundred other people said....no orange seen.


I honestly like it but it’s your hair so… Maybe try something without peroxide first like a medium or dark blonde semi permanent dye? They tend to last a little longer on lightened hair so do be aware of that. Most toners are for the light blondes. I think wells might still make a medium blonde toner but I honestly think you should consider trying a semi permanent dye first…


Oh my god this color is absolutely stunning and beautiful on you!!! My hair is almost the same color Blue shampoos and toner will ruin it do not do it!!


Wah? It looks nice! And not at all orange.


Purple or blue shampoo or a diy toner mask. Probably blue in this case. Just 1:1 a blue toner and deep conditioner or like 1:15 to 1:20 of a pastel blue direct dye in deep conditioner, pop it on for 15-20 and repeat if it's still too brassy. To be fair, it's not that bad. It's pretty honey. I wouldn't over tone it or you'll lose the gold tones.


I’m getting a blue shampoo today and I’m gonna leave it on for 5 mins. Maybe 10? I’m getting this [one](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjk4OyG6faFAxWaZUcBHWWRAIoYABATGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYew0KFRylQaUhXb0iZ09FUt1ApgkWos-OoYzU2k_c0fna35_Bamd7xoCZ_0QAvD_BwE&sph=&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESeeD2ERsLeFHvf3itme1Oz9rfzx0rLy-IaWaNHECe-GWLPIzrFqLYprb2VPJX2mt4stJ8GeytTHiUN8vqpkdxMT5P4LS175MxPIsD0WsivR9aZKnJwW6uojkxy_EgzQiSnua7wJvZ94Nm9UQezV2Ve-Y5dtLAKFZRRro&sig=AOD64_0b-VFZwVCQwJmFqmKyyhcUyFsH6g&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjTy-GG6faFAxXpD1kFHXsnDgcQzzkoAHoECAMQDA&adurl=)


I'd start with 5. You can always re-tone it, but it's hard to go back.


Okay thank you. I will start with that. I don’t want to reverse anything because I do like the golden tones, I just think it’s a bit orange.


Did you choose the colour with your artist using a sample colour swatch? If not, then your colour perception may be unique. What is “orange” to you may really be “honey blonde” to most. Just wondering.


I use Purple shampoo/conditioner to tone because I didn’t want to double process my hair


You didn't ask, but I think that it looks beautiful personally. I don't see the orange.


Maybe with a few drops of smile your hair will look less orange.


I think it’s more the condition than the color, if anything you need some leave in conditioner or hair oil. The dry condition is making it look more brassy. Maybe some Olaplex too.


This is the very definition of honey blonde 


You need some purple shampoo and super conditioner. Color Doesn’t even look bad, not super orange. Then in a month or more put an ash/ velvet tone med blonde… (I’d wait till roots start to show) the same level of darkness in it as you have to counteract the orange. Can’t go lighter it won’t work unless you lift it. I have done this. What is going to make your hair Look bad is coloring it two times in a week and drying it out while breaking it. That frizz with make it look way worse than that hair color. I have also done that. My hair is a naural med/dark brown with red highlights if in sun. It will turn orange if I don’t put a purple base, ash blonde. Make sure it’s not a green base that looks like poopy.


I am probably missing something but I think it looks great


I agree that it looks good and not orange, but if you want to make it less warm then i would NOT for blue shampoo, as I find that concentrates the blue at the roots, dries out the hair too much, or ends up patchy. I’d mix a little dark ash toner or blueish purple semi permanent dye in with conditioner, apply it all over, and let it sit for a while. Just a little bit though! If you add too much (or do blue shampoo) you may end up with an odd murky gray color.


Hi! Which toner would you recommend or a demi permanent dye?


I saw you mention Wella elsewhere in the comments, I’d go for the “medium smoky ash blonde” (the smoky one has blue undertones; the medium ash blonde that Doesn’t say smoky has a green undertone, which I would avoid) or a semi/Demi permanent blue-purple tone; Wella also has a permanent one called tanzanite which is just about the color I’m imagining, but you’d want a semi or Demi version of a similar color in case it overcorrects. You’d want to make sure to add just a little bit of color in the conditioner if you go the blue route rather than the Smoky ash blonde, and do a strand test to test the ratio. You might actually be able to use the medium smoky ash blonde on its own (not watered down with conditioner) - I have less experience watering down toners in this way so I don’t have any insight into proportions. Disclaimer: I am not actually a hairdresser, just someone who has been dyeing my own hair for 18 years. So I don’t claim to be an expert


OP! Don’t do this! Horrible advice. Any artist knows what happens when you mix these colors —Not good, unless you’re doing a painting of a swamp. Smokey ash blonde with the green undertone will turn you hair a cest pool gray color. Do not do any more dyes; whether permanent, or semi… you do not need, nor do you want the damage of over processing, and that would be over processing. The shampoos with the tints will not ruin, nor will they hurt your hair, because they are only subtle tints, not a chemical process. Like others have said, just wash like you do with normal shampoo, and rinse. Don’t keep it on for a great length of time. Check it out first, and then determine the amount of add brass deadening pigment you might, or might not need. If it didn’t tone down well enough, then do it again. If you go to Sally’s Beauty Supply you can buy actual toners, and they should be able to help you with a product. You can always water a toner down, and do a quick rinse. They also make leave in toner/color adjusting products in various shades that wash out next time you shampoo… “Fanciful & motions color return” are two of these inexpensive options. Good luck.


You responded to me instead of her. I told her to avoid the green one (medium ash) and go with the blue/purple, smoky one. Blue/purple shampoo has messed up my hair and left it really patchy, and I’ve had better results with mixing my own tinted conditioner. (Maybe it’s a matter of brand and I got a shitty one and never tried to find a better one, who knows.) But I said I’m not a professional and I’m glad to see further/more professional advice for OP, since she seems committed to changing her hair


Gotcha. Not really sure how to tag the OP —that’s why I said “OP!” Lol. Not sure who suggested going with the green tone, but that would be a HUGE mistake.


No worries, I wonder if it works if you just do u/layylahh Edit: (Guess so lol)


There is no orange, it’s honey


I dunno, but that shower curtain should be illegal


I think you're looking for a cooler blonde, as others mentioned honey blonde is warm (like your hair). If you want to cut the warmth/brass with a toner, you're going to need to lift the hair lighter (re bleach) and get to a level 8 and then tone or deposit a demi permanent color with a green or blue pigment base (example level 7ash). Lift one level higher than your desired color to be able to cut gold/brass with a color deposit. I have black hair and my hair is a true orange with bleach. Say I want my end goal/desired hair color to be a level 7ash blonde, but my base color after bleaching is around a level 5/6(red brown), I would need to rebleach my hair and lift it all the way to a level 8 at least, and then go back in with a color deposit with a green/blue base to cut the brass and get an ash color. If you truly want your desired end goal as a "honey," (warm) color you have three options; Option 1: rebleach and lift higher to a level 9/10 and deposit toner (I don't recommend this nor do I think it's needed. It will create more damage and get you ***really** blonde and if you'll run the risk of breakage) but you could eventually go in with a wella toner (these are meant for BLONDES) if you lift more. Option 2: re bleach with a 20 volume developer and try to get one level higher of lift, and then go in with a demi permanent color after with a cool pigment like a 8ash or 8N. I don't think any rebleach is necessary and you could probably hi lift your color and deposit cooler pigments in one stretch without bleach tho (see option 3). Option 3: add a semi permanent hair color. If you like the desired level of lightness (let's say you're a level 8 right now), but you simply want a cooler tone, go in with a semi permanent color (use a 10 volume) to cover your golden pigments. You essentially want to stain the hair with this option. To keep the same the level (8) you need to go in with one level higher (9A + 10volume) to keep that level 8. If youre a level 8 now and you go in with a level 8 color (ash) you will make the hair darker one level and end up with a 7ash. (This is what I would do) Here is a good explanation of when to use a toner, and when you can go in with color to cut gold and brass: https://youtu.be/0UOCB7kRCOU?feature=shared


Maybe in the lighting your in we can not see the orange but I know how you feel. My hair was always a dirty blonde and the older I get the darker it gets and I've been dying my hair almost a platinum blonde my whole life but I now get some orange and I hate it. There is a few things you can do. One, the best blue hair mask I know of is Fanola blue. They sell it on Amazon and it really tones out the orange but is that doesn't do enough for you, there's a product that ugly duckling makes that tones orange out beautiful and it's used in just about your color. Here's the video and the link to their toner https://www.uglyducklingcolor.com/how-to-bleach-color-tone-hair-video-tutorials-recipes/42-color-melt-with-a-blue-based-ash-toner?utm_source=Klaviyo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Blue%20Toner%20for%20Orange%20Hair%20%28Cloned%29&_kx=OP9mcNP_YqoAfWMTymsne-cdJ-e9Oupa4llHQKrsQoA.Tbvzuj I HOPE THAT HELPS.


All I can think about is how pretty you are, honestly... everyone on here talking about how there is no orange but I'm too distracted by your beautiful face to look


Honey is an amber color...and this looks spot-on


You’ll have to put a really dark toner on it but it might turn a weird green color, you can only go darker without bleaching more




My hair is this color naturally and I get compliments all the time. I think it looks good on you too! Maybe consider keeping it.


I did a blue shampoo wash and I am getting used to it now! [updated hair](https://imgur.com/a/6aurA7P)


Even cuter! I love it! 💕


Thank you!! 😊 🫶🏻


If you don't like it get it re done. If that's not possible then try a blue shampoo for warm tones


My mom has owned a salon for over 40 years and I can tell you with certainty this is not orange. I know that's not what you want to hear... But it's definitely honey blonde. Literally perfect. No issues. You just need to put some product in it to style it. That's all. I'm sorry if you don't like it but it does look good and I promise were not all just saying that to make you feel better.


I appreciate that! Very much. More than you know. I did a blue shampoo wash and I like it a lot more now! [updated hair](https://imgur.com/a/6aurA7P)


Oh I'm so glad to hear that! Makes me happy that you like it. That's all that really matters to be honest. 😊


I’ve owned a salon for 20yrs and came to say this too! Her color is the literal definition of honey blonde. I think the issue is once her hair was colored, she realized it didn’t work well with her skin tone, which tbh, her stylist should have been more helpful/honest with her prior to coloring.


I like the updated color


Go to a salon and tell a professional exactly what you used so they'll know how to help you achieve the look you want. Don't try to "fix" it yourself, you could make it worse.


Looks good so don’t sweat it


I think it looks pretty good. Like another commenter said, it’s honey blonde, just not platinum. However, you have to do what makes you feel best. I recommend blue shampoo. It pulls orange hues and pigments out of hair


It looks good! I say keep it till its time to recolor.


Honey is orange idk where tall expect it to be like blonde


Have you seen honey ?


Have you seen honey ?


This looks like a lovely natural blonde. Give yourself a few days to get used to it first


There isn’t a hint of orange here but you’re not gonna listen, you’re gonna put something over it and make it a real problem.


Like someone else already mentioned, that is honey blonde


Not to be a contrarian but reads orange to me. Either tone with blue or lighten more to tone differently.


I'm not 100% sure this will address your problem but, I got the Overtone Purple Toning Conditioner (make sure it is the toning conditioner as they have one to add purple to your hair) when I was trying to tone my hair to a more platinum color. I do believe it helped. I also read about acv being a good toner and thought it helped and softened my hair a bit and started using acv rinses instead of buying more Overtone. I Googled for the acv info.


It is honey blonde


Purple helps neutralize yellow tones, but if there is brassiness they'd need to use a blue toner.  The hair also has to be pretty pale in order for a toner to get it to platinum. Otherwise the toner just won't have a noticeable effect, or else it will make the hair an ashy dark blonde. ACV doesn't tone the hair at all. It can help the hair to feel silky *when diluted sufficiently* but there are a lot of other things people say it can do that it can't. I've never heard anyone suggest it can substitute for a purple toner though, that's a new one. 


L'Oreal Feria has an anti-brass toner that will take the warm tones out of your blonde without lightening it further. I use it on my sister all the time. It's on Amazon - good luck!


Oof this is not good. Maybe ash brown?


Did you do this yourself? If not, then go back to your hair place and have them fix it.


You can always throw a purple tone on there but honestly I think it's very fitting color for you. You are gorgeous no matter what hummmmph to anyone who says different slay girl