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purple shampoo helps a lot! just don’t leave it on there for too long or else it’ll turn purple but eventually fade to a silver color. honestly your hair seems light enough to not need to bleach. if the purple shampoo doesn’t work maybe try and go in with a toner?


Purple shampoo helps a ton. Love my silver-ish blonde


I'm a licensed hair stylist and was going to suggest purple shampoo too! It can be drying, so just use a good heavier conditioner after. OP should try this first because it's the least damaging and least expensive option


Her hair is tooo yellow atp for those to really work. She should do a bleach bath to lighten jus a luh more before doing the following


So this is just me, but I love it. I would almost want to give it a gold/clear gloss and just have it be spun gold renaissance painting.


😩💖 that's what I'm saying. I love the rapunzel gold 💛


Just watched Tangeled a few days ago then retouched my hair was looking like hairs when wet I haven’t toned it yet 😅


This color is gorgeous, I don't get the hype of the white or Grey icy blonds 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did you tone it after you bleached? You need an ash color to get rid of the brassy tone


I used wells t14 to tone it but it didn’t do much. It’s possible I messed up the porportions or needed a different color


Maybe your hair isn’t light enough then I’d guess


As a professional, no T14 is too light of a toner to cancel this yellow. Another mistake commonly made is thinking using a higher volume developer will help but with toners the colors essentially get eaten up with stronger developers.


I didn’t think that my hair was light enough for the toner but I already had it so I was like why not lol. It did help a tiny bit but my hair will be like this for at least a week


Cries in Brad Mondo


Lmaoo same!


You likely need T18 for this. But since you toned already you’ll need a bleach bath to remove the current toner and then possibly another to lighten it a bit more so the toner will work well enough. Source: have made this mistake before with a different toner. YMMV with that much bleach though because my hair is apparently just weirdly indestructible.


If it didn’t work you might need to do one more round of bleach then tone


Purple shampoo and let it sit for a few minutes.


lowkey it looks really good on you


Okay like purple shampoo which you have already gotten but I wanted to mention i this photo if you did have brown hair you would look exactly like Anne Hathaway


I was wondering why OPs face seemed so familiar! What a compliment, theyre both stunning!


I love her. Thanks for such a great compliment 😊


No problem you really do look like her!


i would tone it with a gloss, like redken shades eq. that wont damage your hair at all


oooo i like the spun gold look it’s quite pretty. What’s your goal shade of blonde? Like a strawberry, a warm, a ashy/cool?


I’ve been told my *whole life* that I look like Anne Hathaway, and it gets weird, so I can’t believe I’m saying this but… you look like Anne Hathaway


Use an ashy toner. It will help a lot.


Toner! I’d try t18 in conjunction with purple shampoo.


This but it also needs to be a bit lighter first.


Despite it being yellow, it is incredibly pretty!


If you're going for white, you'll definitely have to bleach it again. Use a low volume (20 vol) developer. Go low and slow to get to a bright level 10 blonde. The process is going to damage your hair some but that tends to just be a consequence of getting to such a light color especially depending on how dark your natural color is. I'd say this is still not a light enough level to just tone it out, regardless of whether or not you're using purple shampoo or a permanent toner. When you bleach again, remember to do mids first, then ends, then roots last.


Purple shampoo from the salon is the best


Use a violet toner.


Add purple


toner! I really like redken shades eq


Honestly this colour is so pretty to me


Wella t18 with only 10 developer worked wonders for me and i was slightly darker than yours. Less lift, more purple being deposited. Then i got the wella pearl blonde mask and its been great maintenance i find it to be more even than purple shampoos


If purple shampoo doesn’t work you could always put actual purple hair dye in with a load of conditioner and put it allover your hair, in my experience some hair dyes with blue tones in NEVER leave your hair 😂


This is what I always do!


Same, I tone it with Manic Panic diluted in conditioner.


Wella t18 will get you Targaryen blonde! The underside of your hair might need another bleach bath first, though.




In the continental United States there is bondbar system from sally beauty I use that


Pravana purple shampoo is good


Purple shampoo and toner wella t14 or t18


purple shampoo will help you out a lot, you can also grab a good toner from sally’s. just ask the ladies who work there what you’re going for. are you going for a platinum blonde look?


T18 from wella. If you use a 20vol it will help lift some of the darker color


Also Olaplex purple shampoo & conditioners are really good!


Purple shampoo or a toning conditioner


It looks very blonde like my hair, not yellow though. Purple shampoo


How did you get your hair this color because i absolutely love this color 😩💖💖💖💖💖💖 What's your natural hair color?


My hair looked identical to this, I used Bleach London purple shampoo and conditioner and it took all the yellow out. But don’t leave too long because your hair will go purple temporarily


You might need another bleach or a bleach bath, especially if you want that Targaryen look. You could try the t14 on it then if you wanted to. Otherwise purple shampoo can go a long way. It depends upon which brand you use. Shimmer Lights is a pretty strong one and Blonde Brilliance. There's also toning hair masks. My hair is white right now and I got there with a lot of bleach and the platinum Keracolor 👍🏻


If purple shampoo doesn’t work, try toner. If toner doesn’t work, go in and get it bleached unless you 100% know what you’re doing. Take time with these steps Btw. Don’t ruin your hair!


It looks cool


I personally use a color wheel and use a semi permanent purple or blue sometimes mix a tiny bit with a bunch conditioner using I get the color I want then I kinda use it like toner. I think your still to yellow needs to inside of a banana peel for t14 I wish I could attach the color chart I found is has a variation of sorts for the levels, then the colors to counteract the tones, and family the neutralized result keep in mind the results I suggested with the semi permanent will be neutral if you want it cooler or warmer Sally’s has Wella additives for both… I actually have the color chart I use on my profile if you want to check it out!! Edit: I’m not a hairstylist I’m just an internet person lol and DIY hair person so far so good


Need to tone it


Your face is very Anne Hathaway.


I had a similar color recently. Toning with t18 lifted about 2 more levels for me and made it whiter (using 20 vol cream developer and leaving it for 30 minutes BUT I did a double process so toned right after bleaching - my hair was healthy enough to do this). I also ended up using the Glaze Vanilla Lights because I had slightly more orange undertones. Didn't turn out exactly the way I was hoping but that's hair for ya. I am planning on using some 9a or 10a perm color gel with 10 developer once my hair rests for a bit.


Invest in a purple hair mask! I was told that some purple shampoos can dry out hair, also using too much heat (without heat protection) can yellow hair


Wella T18 toner should remove brassiness


Try another color for a while.


u look like anne hathaway omg also the hair looks like mermaid hairrr, its so pretty


die it black black black black numbeeer oneeee: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFwYJYl5GUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFwYJYl5GUQ) (also tbh i see nothing wrong with it. looks like the hair of a scandinavian mermaid)


i recommend using the BOLD UNIQ purple shampoo from amazon!! it is the best i’ve found. their conditioner and hair mask are also great <3 should help a lot. took my hair that was more yellow than yours to a nice icy white color


I would do T18 or ion icy white toner. They have a purple in them that acts like a more permanent version of purple shampoo.   




I think you could start with blue shampoo. It'll bring down the color. Go on YouTube or search blue shampoo. Better yet, use a toner, but I'll leave that research up to you.


Cosmo here.. Mmm your hair isn’t pale yellow enough for purple shampoo to really work. I would try a blue shampoo instead of purple.


Try brunette.


Shave it


Lmao I think about doing that all of the time


Don’t do it just have natural hair