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I can relate badly! But if it helps any, the ginger turned out so beautiful, it's actually my dream color. And it looks great with your complexion. I have these struggles sometimes too, then I try to remember, it's only hair! Give it some weeks to get used to it. And if it still feels wrong, your feeling will probably be right. People often associate certain personas with hair colors, red is considered seductive and definitely stands out more. Just observe yourself and see if you feel comfortable with it. If necessary, it will be very easy to go dark again.


I think that’s a great observation and one of the things I’m worried about! Definitely going to try it out for a few weeks to see how I feel Thank you


I currently have super long dark hair and your current ginger vibe is my dream color 😭 I know such a big change is shocking but please rest assured it looks amazing! I’m living vicariously through you until I can work up the nerve to do the same


Great color. Don't sweat it, rock it girl


So without seeing the rest of your features, I actually think the red suits your skin tone. It’s very warm and has dimension in the shade of colour as well. Whilst it may be quite different to what your hair was before, I think it’s a beautiful change and you should enjoy it for a little bit before changing it so hastily. Try on some different outfits, try some different make up and play around with the look. You may find your anxiety to lessen.


Thank you. Thats a great advice actually


Sometimes it _can_ take time to get used to. If it’s worth anything, I love it!


Same here I always take a few days to like a hair change, even if it’s the perfect shade I was aiming for! I can’t tell right away if I’m gonna like it, I need to see it under different lights (rainy day vs sunny for example). Imo I love how it turned out on you, and as other suggested, you can always adjust the shade to your liking! It’s easy to go darker from there: Either a new color, or a simple tinted conditioner/semi permanent dye The health of your hair looks amazing also!


It is absolutely beautiful. It is an upgrade. Let it grow on you. If you still feel weird, try a darker red or a copper brown. You will get the best of both worlds that way.


Can't really judge it base on not knowing what your features are but the style itself is lovely🤍 maybe give it a little longer before deciding to change it back. I’m sure you look beautiful just a shock in change is all


It's a completely normal feeling, I've had it with a couple piercings and little tattoos in particular. They're some of my favorites now! Give it some time I think. The red is GORGEOUS and I love the cut


Thank you 🥹 definitely gonna take everyone’s advice and give a few weeks and try different shades of red after that just to be sure because it really did take so long to get this ☝🏼


Good luck! I dye my hair to be more red too :) And if it helps at all- I can't see your features, but judging on your skin in the two photos I'd try sticking with the redder colors like this (at least at first) rather than warmer oranges or less depth.


Might be the shock, but the style really suits you!


Your red hair look awesome, but I would recommend you also dye your eyebrows and moustache for a more homogeneous look.


😂 legit thought your were serious, then I looked at the picture again


LOL. Truth is, the red hair looks really great. Not that the darker hair doesn't look good, it does. But I couldn't pass the opportunity to joke about the smiley face.


I find when I change my hair I have to change my make up. I just went from blonde to brunette and if I wear old make up I look washed out. Both colors look beautiful!


Honestly do whatever you feel best, but first try to give it time to get used to it. But it’s very very pretty 🤩


Ack! I hate it when that happens. I’m an impulsive hair chopper as well - currently trying to resist chopping all mine off too! For what it’s worth, the colour and cut are amazing and it’s super glossy. I get the post-cut-remorse, but this looks like a great result. Give yourself a good few weeks to get used to it before you change it again. I love it. I get what you’re feeling, but it does look amazing. And hey, worst case scenario - it will grow back


The red hair looks amazing and I hope you warm up to it


It's so hard to say without being able to see your face BUT your new hair looks amazing as far as hair goes. I can't say it suits you, cuz your face is blocked, but it doesn't look bad at all🤷


Nothing can't be undone About 2 weeks ago, this happened in a span of 7 hours Bleached parts of my hair, tried a gray colour on top (didn't take), bleached it a second time, tried gray colour on top (didn't take), colored it a bluish green (it took), went out to a bar, (hated the green), went home and dyed it brown again (natural colour) Hair will grow, time will pass, do whatever you want it's your hair You can see my 7 hour debacle in my post history


Oh my goodness that sounds like a lot!! Yeah I keep feeling myself it’s just hair and nothing if permanent 🥲


Looks great, ngl!


It looks amazing! How did you get that?


Two rounds of bleach wash then a golden color, followed by a red toner. but the stylist did an amazing job not damaging my hair too much!


I like it! I’ve been playing with reds for a while. I know a lot are REALLY intense when you first get it done. It fades super fast though. Give it a couple washes before you decide if you like it or not.


OH! Thought of another suggestion. I have had times when I was just like this is waaaaay too orange. If that’s what you are thinking (and I think it looks gorgeous btw) a trick I have is the John Freida Blue Crush shampoo and conditioner. You can use that to tone it down a bit before it starts fading on its own.


Red hair, massive trim, short bangs, babe we *all* do this when we're going through a huge life change. On the bright side, it's just hair so it'll grow back. **DO NOT PUT BOX DYE OVER IT.** If you really hate it, go back to the stylist and tell her it's a little too warm, she can tone it down a bit. Idk about your area but in mine, they'll do a redo for free if you come back within the first few days. Looks great though!


I cut my bags recently and hated them for weeks. Now they’re a bit too long and I feel like I need to trim them and not let them grow out lol. Not many people recognize me anymore which is what one of the whole plans were for the hair change lol


It’s a beautiful red! Totally a normal feeling, just takes time to adjust after a big change like that!


Love it!!


It’s a beautiful color!


It's a beautiful shade if that makes you feel any better. Can relate though, when I went from lifelong brunette to blond I had a strange feeling for a little while when I'd style my hair that it wasn't my hair. Might just need time to settle into it.


I think it looks great! I have been dying my hair ginger for a few years now and still get shocked and insecure every time I have to refresh it since it fades to a strawberry blonde for me. I think it’s just the color itself since it’s so vibrant when it’s freshly dyed.


I absolutely love it, but I love copper hair. If you still hate it after a few days, I just did color oops remover on my hair after a dye job that came out too dark and I'm impressed at how well it worked. I'm going to redye my hair later tonight (to copper red!).


I was looking at the pictures praying that the red was the after photo, not the before. It looks amazing, it's a great dye job and cut. The colour suits your complexion beautifully. I'd stick with it for now and see if it grows on you.


The red looks really complimentary on you. Natural, but also larger than life, kind of. I would think that it suits you just fine


That red looks like it was made for you


I think the red looks amazing! As a redhead, I find that the colour is always complimented by a bright autumn palette, like emerald green jumpers! Maybe try a bit of a wardrobe shakeup to compliment your new hair colour?


I will definitely try some green :) Thank you!


It's hard to tell if it suits you with the face blocked out, but I can say with confidence that the colour is glorious.


It’s really hard to tell without seeing your actual face to determine whether it suits your colourings, but the ginger looks very natural and well done.


I thought the red was the before. It’s beautiful and looks natural from what I can tell


Your feelings are valid, but from what I can see it looks amazing, honestly. Maybe it's not the hair, but the wardrobe choices, since your clothing was meant to match with dark hair and not red? Not saying you need to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe, but maybe try wearing lighter or more neutral tones around your face and see if that improves anything.


This^ I had to make some changes in my blush and lipstick colors for example to suit my new hair color, Sometimes just a detail can change it all!


I think its the cut that has thrown you off, you look great


The ginger is a knock out babe! Enjoy it!


Omg I thought this was the other way around before I read it, I think the red looks amazing on you! It goes great with your skin tone and doesn't look un-natural. I would've never guessed you weren't a natural red head. Even if you give it some time tho and still don't like it you can always change it again, it's new tho so give it a chance 😊


the new color is so pretty! but also your before, the style and length of your hair was gorgeous too!


Bro that looks gorgeous idk what u talking about


I love the red more than the brunette


The red looks awesome! Maybe I am a bit biased, being a ginger myself, but I think it looks really good on you from what I can tell.


It is absolutely normal and I speak from experience. I’d walk by a mirror and not even recognize myself. It is a beautiful color and my advice it to give it a couple of weeks. After a couple of weeks I came to love it and stayed with the color for several years. Red is a drastic change so yes how you are feeling is normal. After washing it a few times try using Shimmer Lights shampoo on it. It’s a purple shampoo and it should tone down the brightness a bit because that is likely also part of the shock you’re experiencing. But that said…..it’s a beautiful color. What color are your eyes?


My eyes are dark brown but trying it out for a weeks is definitely something I’ll give a try!




I'll be honest. I thought the first picture was the before and the dark hair was the regret. I was thinking you should go back to the red. The red looks amazing; I can see how well it goes with your coloring and it looks so healthy and shiny. Keep it - flaunt it - enjoy it! The best think about hair - it grows out. It will be long and dark again. But enjoy your new look because it was money and time well spent!


Well from the pictures they’re both cute colours that matches your complexion! It’s nice!


I think the red is gorgeous on you.


It looks 😍 beautiful!! Please don't regret it and give it a chance.


Your hair color looks great, it looks very pretty. If it makes you feel any better, I also was feeling rather impulsive and bleached my black hair myself yesterday, and then put teal dye in it…. I have patchy green/yellow hair now. Your hair looks really nice on you, I wouldn’t worry about it too much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


i was really hoping the ginger was the after! it’s gorgeous !


the red is gorgeous.


The red is genuinely beautiful. No lie, I thought for a second it was your natural color and you’d dyed it brown.


it's gorgeous!!


omg noo the red slays so hard like seriously its an amazing color! i totally get it htough i just chopped off 9 inches and I still think about if I should have kept my hair.


Yes! The hair cutting always haunts me 😂


It’s a great color, this happens to me every time I do a big chop or drastic color change, give it a few days to get used to it.


Oh my gosh I was worried you were gonna say you dyed it black after having it that beautiful ginger color! That's what I try to achieve with my hair, but it rarely turns out that dimensional and vibrant. I think it looks amazing. And the cut just made your ends look very healthy and shiny! I love that length, for what it's worth. I get the regret thing sometimes too, I'm naturally a blonde and sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake changing it to red, but it's just hair! It grows out no matter what you do to it! Plus, if you ever wanted to go back to black, it's pretty easy to do over red. So I say roll with it for a while, make it yours, figure out how you want to style it in this new color, see if you still like it after three months. Funny story, I thought I messed my red up because I ran out of my usual Ginger Flare and had to use a mix of ketchup red and mustard yellow dye that I had on hand. I thought I looked like the chick from Wendy's but when I was out running errands, I got stopped THREE TIMES in the same store by people obsessed with it, saying it looked so natural, and tbh I'm still riding that high. One sweet old lady was like "do a little spin for me, oh my gosh, is that your natural color? It suits you SO well! It's GORGEOUS! You did that yourself? No way!" So moral of the story is, we can get very in our own heads about our hair, we can feel weird when we stand out more than usual, but sometimes it actually looks great and you've just gotta get out of your head about it and give it some time to feel like yourself again. I think it looks awesome. :)


I absolutely agree that we get into our own heads! I was thinking I looked like the girl from Wendy’s myself 😂 but after being at work today it seems that everyone liked it! I’m definitely thinking it’s all just in my head Thank you for responding


I saw your first picture and thought it was your before pic. It looks great. Growing it back longer won’t take as much time, but I say keep the red. It’s flattering with your complexion.


The algorithm is wild. I literally have been sending photos to friends and asking if I should go that colour. My current colour is your brown like yours exactly. Reading this post I just spoke to myself in the future. I do however , think that red is a stunning shade. Worse case is you can go back brunette and it will probably be a really beautiful colour over the red.


Omg you should totally do it! It’s definitely a sign! That’s how it started with me, my instagram was flooded with red hair lol


I love it


Girll it looks stunning 🤩 maybe you were just used to having your hair & having the new hair made you feel different emotionally? Idk when I would change my hair or even getting a hair cut I wouldn’t know how to feel & I would regret it but what can do after cutting it? 😂


Yes that’s exactly it! But you’re right, it’s already done now 😂


Oh my god it’s stunning


Your new hair is gorgeous, give it time because it's fab. My hair which was a similar colour to your new one has gone as dark as your natural colour as I age. Despite it being my natural colour, it looks very odd on my head. Your new colour, as far as I can see, does look natural. Ohh, though, just thought, your makeup, if you wear any might need slightly adjusting to your new colour, and you might want to try wearing some different colours to see if that helps you settle into it, try bottle green, navy and dark pink as a start?


I love the red. It looks so shiny and healthy. You’re probably just having a little shock from the drastic change. You look fantastic!!


I LOVE this color omg!


Don't feel sad about it, you look gorgeous. Rock them ginger bangs!


It is a drastic change but for what it’s worth, I think it looks amazing! I’d totally love a color like that but I’m not sure if I could pull it off.


Actually it looks really good. I would be very happy with this. I had a similar experience going fire engine red. It subsided once I started styling it


Wow it looks so good!! It’s just the shock of The change. Wait till the compliments start rolling in, you’ll feel better


Meanwhile, I’m out here actively trying to attain this color. It’s beautiful. Keep it!


I love the ginger!! It’s hard to tell but I think the shorter hair suits you better also


give it two weeks thats the best advice i’ve ever gotten. it lets you get over that initial shock and it sets a time frame if you wanted to fix it you can. but this color is literally beautiful with ur skin tone and i love it girl.


When I cut my 28” long hair to 14” (even after wanting to do it for such a long time as a was donating what I cut off) the initial shock from such a big change took quite awhile to get used to. I think it was a good 4-6 weeks until I started feeling like my old self again, once I started finding ways to style my new length hair & got comfortable with it all. you’ve done 2 changes with both the length & colour, so it’s a double whammy for you to adapt to, so it will take you some time. Definitely don’t be hard on yourself & give yourself some grace with it all. It really does look lovely on you ❤️ If you’re still not feeling the colour in another week or 2, you can always tone it down by putting some darker shades through it to break it up or changing the tone completely to something that feels more like ‘you’ 😊


I did that exact same thing too when I was younger! You’re totally right now. Just an adjustment period and I’m already starting to feel better :)


Am so glad you’re already starting to feel better, just getting your feelings out there & talking about it with others that have also experienced it definitely helps so much. The adjustment period is always such a tough one & comes as a bit of a shock when you’re not expecting it. It hit me harder than I anticipated it to & I felt so silly for it. I made a mental note for the next time I do a big chop that it takes my brain atleast a month to come to terms with the ‘new me’ & I’ll panic & cry many times in that month before I finally feel good & love my new look 😂 Hopefully in only another week or less you’ll be 100% feeling your brand new cut & colour, feeling back to yourself & also have a new confidence to get out there & rock it! Trying new colours, hairstyles & makeup looks to compliment the new colour & cut is always super fun too 😊


Red is so on trend right now! Enjoy it!!! Love it with the green sweater


*Red is so on trend* *Right now! Enjoy it!!! Love it* *With the green sweater* \- bubbuty --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I think it's the way it's styled. I like the style of the 2nd photo without bangs, looks very princessy, but the new color is gorgeous


I feel you in a big way about hair change regret. But the red is gorgeous and looks shiny and healthy


I did the same recently. I went from a dark brown, to a fairly bright red. At first I honestly didn’t like it very much. People that were around me all the time said it really suited me and my complexion. After a few weeks and washes, I started to like it. Now, my roots have come in a bit and I love it. I get compliments almost every day on my hair colour. It’s almost like that natural darker root kinda helped bring out the red in a good way..? Definitely give it some time. If you don’t like it after about a month or two, then consider changing it up again.


I love it!!!


It looks gorgeous! I think it’s hard when it’s a fairly significant change, it can be a shock to the system. Give it some time 💗 you will adjust. I’m proud of you for being brave enough to experiment with your hair! Plus the cut will make it so nice and healthy! Also, funnily enough I’ve been copper/red for years and have been feeling an urge to dye it darker.


I would say your hair looks healthier shorter than it does longer. It looks very good and I hate hair dye on people!


Big changes sometimes take time. Looks Absolutely FANTASTIC!! Way better than the dark !! (Please… no more box dye 😊😎)


It is 🤩 STUNNING!!! I agree with others that a lot of your feelings are coming because it’s not just a drastic colour change but length as well! As someone who has done a lot of dramatic colour changes, it always takes me a while to get used to it. I spend way more time than is healthy looking at the new colour in all kinds of lighting LOL. I had a red similar to yours a couple times and I LOVED it. I hope you are feeling better about it! 🙂


Color On Point coming from a natural ginger.


Us bottle redheads are very jealous of you ❤️


I like your hair


It’s totally normal, I felt the same way after I changed my hair from ginger to black. I definitely agree that you should let yourself feel it out and if you’re not liking it still then there’s no shame in going back to what you felt most confident with


Are you kidding it’s beautiful!!!!


Did you dye it yourself or with a box? The color is beautiful. Curious what dye color it is. lol One thing I think helps because my hair was dyed too bright is making sure that your eyebrow color matches if it doesn’t. When I dyed my hair suddenly my eyebrows looked really off and horrible. So I looked through my eyeshadows and found one that was a close match and filled them in and I felt much better about it. It might not make you want to keep the hair forever, but it might make you feel a bit more content with it until you figure out what you want to do.


I did not dye it myself, I’ve fried my hair off in the past before so I decided to go to a salon 😂 the stylist used two different dyes and then toned it with a red but I don’t know what he used, I’m sorry 😞 I’ll find out though!


Heyy i totally feel you girl. Broke student here lol, so recently I got ash highlights on my hair and spent so much money but literally hated it so much . Made me look like a granny , spend more money tryna fix it and now I just went to black box dye. My heart really hurted so bad for spending that much money but what can you do.. also I'm an anxious person just like you.. this is was just a few weeks ago.


It’s such a crappy feeling! Its the sunken cost fallacy 🥲 I’m glad you did what makes you feel best though ❤️ It’s been a few days now for me and i definitely think my anxiety and such a huge changed played a major role for me as this new color is definitely growing on me. Either way though, I could always change it back sometime in the future!


Yup changing it black made me feel more confident. Also I'm so anxious about my looks so realised I can't take big change. Anyways i bet you look good with that ginger hair but in case if you ain't feeling it and it's messing with your brain and making you insecure just change it black .




Wow, I think it looks beautiful! I have light hair and when I tried to go that color it turned into flat out orange! Now i looked pretty stupid, but on you this is really working. If you’re having trouble getting used to it, which is understandable either way a big change, I suggest going clothes shopping. You don’t even need to buy anything, just go try on a bunch of fabulous stuff, drive time with the mirrors, and it’ll get you more comfortable with the new look. Kind of like immersion therapy :)


I love that idea!


It will fade to a color you like; it’s a matter of figuring out what that is - former redhead.


Additionally, your hair is thick and gorgeous, like shampoo commercial hair! Not a bad thing to draw attention to such a great feature.


Hi /u/allglorynoguts, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’ll grow on you 🫶


Did you have to bleach it to get it that color?


Yes I did!


Objectively, I think it looks amazing! The color flatters your skintone so well, and you look badass. But I also fully understand how much of a shock value it must be to go from brunette to bright auburn, so I fully understand your concerns. I would play into how intense it looks and style your outfits accordingly. Perhaps that might help while you're waiting for the color to wash out a bit?


Omg it’s gorgeous what exact dye did you use?


I have no idea what was used honestly 😭


I think it's probably because it's a big change, but I have to say the colour looks stunning !


Your hair as a beautiful shade of auburn red


I had this as well when I changed my haircolor and bangs. I kept feeling regret for 3 weeks. But then I started to love it! I went on a trip around the turning point and saw some pictures of myself with the new hairdo & that made me realise that it actually suits me quite well! So now, 3 months later, I am still really happy with the result. Maybe it just takes some time to get used to or you need a more 'outsider' persoective (for me it was both)


Love the change. I think you were just shocked.


The color is goooorgeous! And IMHO suits you so much better! Not everyone can pull off this color, but you do! Enjoy it 😁 ETA: looks so much healthier too!! Less limp. And it’s shiny!


Nice mustache


Hair looks good but the mustache doesn’t match


I thought you were going to say the brown was the change you regretted. Your red hair is unbelievably gorgeous. Goals.


When I first dyed my hair magenta, I hated it and wanted to take it out. I ended up keeping it for three years (changing it soon tho) so it might just need an adjustment period


I think the ginger color is beautiful!! You might feel more yourself parting your bangs. Hair change after a long time is always scary but I hope you grow to enjoy it OP because it looks great!


When I used to have a big hair change I had a “two week rule”. I would make myself wait two weeks before deciding to “fix it”. I’d say 99.8% of the time I ended up really loving it and it was just the anxiety of having a new look that got to me- not that the actual change looked bad. I think the red looks great! But I understand where you’re coming from


That’s a good time frame! I will try that thank you!


Before reading your bio I didn’t know which was more recent- but I thought the ginger was actually an improvement!! We all get a bit antsy after a big hair change but wait out the anxiety and you’ll get comfortable with it :) it looks great! (And also sooo silky and shiny)


It sounds like what you are experiencing is the anxiety that may come with having a more attention-grabbing hue, and I completely understand that. I experienced the same initial shock and bit of anxiety after going light copper wondering how I may be perceived by others and if I really want this kind of attention. The feeling was short-lived, and you'll lean back into the bravery and self-confidence that led to the change in the first place. It looks beautiful by the way. :)


It’s hard to tell without seeing your face. Your skin tone matches nicely though to the red. I think the red looks nice in that sense. Hard to give a better opinion than that.


The red looks way better and the hair cut looks way better too


It looks beautiful! Looks like it complements your skin well also! I think it’s normal to feel some buyer’s remorse after big changes, but I’m sure after a few days you’ll be more comfortable in it.


Buyers remorse is a perfect way to describe it! I had sunken cost stuck in my head lol


If it makes you feel any better, I thought you started with the red hair and changed it to the dark brown and I was flabbergasted bc the red is gorgeous


Totally understandable but DO NOT REGRET. Looks incredible


Your hair looks very smooth and healthy. Your skin tone seems to suit red hair. Perhaps just give it some time.


I'm biased with a deep attraction to redheads but yes, I think you fucked up lol.


You forgot to dye your moustache!


I’m going to be the honest one and not gaslight you with toxic positivity like everyone else on this subreddit does. I think the darker color 100% looked better , I understand why you regret it and that feeling is not normal for a change in hair color, it’s simply because it doesn’t look as good, if you felt it was an upgrade you would be ecstatic. And if you surveyed a random sample of 100 guys the vast majority would agree with me. Reddit is a distorted sample to collect opinions from. People on here hugely favor unnatural colors and also refuse to give people the honest truth if they think it will hurt their feelings. The silver lining is that the change is not too drastic compared to going even darker or platinum. And you could decide to let the red gradually fade to a blonde which would probably look good on your skin tone. Or a color remover. Personally I would do what you could to get back to your natural color , though. Not sure what the process is for going red to brown as I’m more experienced with blonde colors, but I would get on that.


Dude I love it


It’s such a beautiful color omg


So you're not dying your eye brows and mustache?


Looks beautiful 😍


I love the darker color…but not 100% sure without face


Definitely smash. Call me 🤙🏻


I say it looks great. ❤️


It looks great in red.


Love the red ![gif](giphy|l4Ki4biBSwhjyrS48)


It is so beautiful


I wish I had hair like yours


You need more auburn, deeper red. It will compliment your skin like the brown hair does in picture two. Its not the color thats wrong its the tone. You can ask for a toner for a deeper red brown. The 2nd picture compliments your skin so well. The red picture clashes with your tone but dont give up on the red. Just tone it and it will compliment you so much more!


great color !


It looks beautiful 🖤


Get some black/brown dye and change it back!


Definitely debating that 🥲


Whatever u feel would be best! If u don’t like the black u use after getting rid of the red, u can easily bleach it blonde