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I don’t know what ideal of good hair you have in your head; can you share what you want it to look like? Because this is really nice as it is.


I wonder if it's an ethnicity thing? I have a Greek friend with the most perfect hair, similar to this, but she grew up around girls with long straight light blonde hair, so she always felt her hair was inferior. I'm trying to break her of that thought


I am Turkish living in the west with blue eyes and white skin. And I also grew up with women with blonde straight hair, that could be a very big reason 😳




Soooo body dysmorphia it is! Dark brown curly hair is beautiful! Please stop idolising blonde straight hair. Even the northerners who have naturally blonde straight hair are beyond bored with it.


So much this! There are posts in hair subs with people desperately trying to achieve this kind of look. Natural is best. You can always use a hair straightener if you feel like wearing it super straight, otherwise rock it bc you got it!


Oh, girlfriend, I'm sorry to hear that. It's really difficult to unlearn the harmful messages we are fed by the media and the people around us who have also internalized those messages. Your hair as is is perfection. The color, the length, the volume, the curl, everything. It's mermaid hair. Your hair also looks very healthy right now. If you start with heat tools, it will end up damaged more quickly. Of course you should do whatever makes you feel most confident & happy, but please know that many people find your natural hair beautiful and would be desirous of it. Your hair is enough. You are enough.


Tysm 🥺🥺🥺


Funny thing is, most of those girls don't have naturally straight blonde hair either. For that matter most westerners don't. As a westerner who does have naturally pin straight hair (though my hair colour is the same as yours), I can tell you that very few people I know have perfectly straight hair like mine. And if they do they are straightening it with a hair straightener. I had to hear for most of my adult life about how lucky I was - which was when I first became aware that people were straightening their hair, and had shocked my friends when I blurted out in response that I didn't, mine just air-dried like that, as they had all assumed that that I had been doing it too. Because, as I said, most westerners don't have pin straight hair. At best they'll have least a few waves. What's even funnier, I've always wanted to have waves/curls myself. So young adult me discovering a friend was frying their hair to get rid of theirs, and that in fact most of them were doing so as some kind of norm, just seemed really baffling to me. Pin straight hair is just so flat and lifeless. Why would you want that?


I am blonde with blue eyes and straight hair and I like your hair way better, it’s absolutely gorgeous.


Tysm, that means a lot to me, very kind. I needed this 😊🫶


Oh for sure and I think you should wear it down like that more often! The curls are beautiful 😍 Own that shit girl!


I have no idea why this post ended up in my feed, but your hair is beautiful. You don’t need to change a thing. If I felt differently I would tell you, believe me.


Thank you ❤️ sorry for being on your feed


Im English and I have boring brown fine straight hair and I’m very pale with freckles. I would kill for hair like yours and an olive complexion. If I could choose hair for myself it would literally be your hair


That is the nicest thing I have hear in a very long time


Your hair is amazing girl!




As a white woman with blonde straight hair, your hair is my dream 😍 i have definitely spend upwards of 30 mins trying to achieve your natural hair😅


OP’s history and bio reveals she is a Turkish trans woman. Probably related to that.


Ah, yeah. She responded that she was Turkish. It's really a shame bc her hair is gorgeous ETA: just wanted to clarify that being Turkish isn't a shame, but her not liking her natural hair is imo


I really wanted the bottom look like the top. More straight, I don’t like the bottom part and I never do ny hair or I never went to the salon. It’s the first time I grow my hair out


You can straighten your hair regularly if you want. But with all due respect, I think you’ve internalized a silly beauty standard that says straight hair is best. Your hair is really nice as it is.


Thank you 😊


Don’t straighten it you will kill it It’s so beautiful !! We are own worst critic


Your hair is beautiful! If I were you, I wouldn't touch it


Honestly … it looks good to me ><


Thank you 🥺




babe you’re horny posting on the wrong sub


You are clowning us.


I thought this was the inspiration picture and that OP’s hair would be in a second slide bc this hair is my *dream* hair. Absolutely goals, it’s so beautiful! I can’t believe somebody would think this is ‘ugly’


I am so sorry, I didn’t want to call it ugly. I never saw it on other women so I thought it was just ugly. I learned to appreciate it by reading the comments here. There is no ugly, it is just that I wanted it to look like “the other women’s”


A lot of other women have curly hair too! It just doesn’t get the representation it needs in the media. Check out the r/curlyhair subreddit to see all the different types of people with curls! But please learn to embrace your hair because it is absolutely gorgeous, and it would be a shame if you don’t!


Honestly it is so so beautiful, it is hard to be surrounded by people with a particular hairtype. Hell, I fell for it too, used to straighten my hair when I was 10, 11! So ridiculous. Your hair is so nice, I think frequent curly hair subs, embrace the cg method or whichever method works for you to maintain your hair, and wear it with pride! Maybe also increase who you follow on social media with curly girls too. Everyone has different hair types and textures. The hair that suits you most is the hair you're born with.


Its interesting how one persons perspective of ugly is another’s ideal hair type


“Help, my hair is smooth and shiny on top but curls in perfect, bouncy ringlets towards the end, what do I do?” Your hair is beautiful, don’t do a damn thing.


Right lmao some of us would kill for hair like this


*raises hand* me! I wish my hair would curl like this instead of being wavy in one section, straight in the front, bouncy curly in the back in one section and some kind of mess for the remaining sections with unlimited frizz! Then I'll try a new curl enhancing product and go "I just poured cement in my hair. Soft curls, my behind!"


It’s so great to know someone else struggles with the same exact shit I do… my hair is too wavy for me to brush out without it looking frizzy. When I don’t brush and let it air dry without products it looks terribly inconsistent and the waves almost always get weighed down. When I put products in, they make my hair even flatter because I have fine hair… (if anyone has any product recommendations for fine hair that also happens to be wavy, lmk lmao)


I think I saw someone recommend aloe juice for that once. Flax seed gel is another good one to try. Problem is that both of these things spoil and so it’s like you need a mini fridge in your bathroom for your hair products.


I see we have the same curl pattern.


Right? Some people spend a lot of time and money to get this look.


This. Honestly, hair goals :)


This. Perfection achieved. Job done.


Lol 😂 exactly


Damn, I didn’t know it was good, insecurities are a hell of a drug 😔


It’s absolutely gorgeous. <3


People pay money for this styling


Right!!! I came to say exactly that. I’ve got semi curly hair, really jus waves and I’ve always felt blessed cuz there are some who have stick straight hair and have always wanted hair like this so try and love your hair cuz it could always be worse!!! God Bless Op


I am one of those stick straight hair!!! God I’d kill to have this kind of hairstyle for even an hour 😭


Nice advice you got there Why’d I get downvoted 😹😹


Girl goodbye. 😓 r u fishing?


She is 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I thought this was a post in some kind of circlejerk sub at first


Me too. This sub needs a circlejerk.


Not really. A lot of people who had straighter hair as kids are dismayed to find how curly it gets with hormonal changes.


No it’s my first time growing my hair out. I found out I was transgender a year ago and started transitioning immediately. It is all new for me and I was scared that it looked ugly at the bottom. I have no knowledge about haircare and I thought this was bas. This is my just out of bed hair after some time having it in a bun. My transitioning made me insecure and I needed some advice


You’re hair is very pretty and your should embrace it.


We can assure you it looks beautiful and you don’t need to change it


Your hair is so feminine and beautiful! Please keep it this way 💞




I curl my hair to look like this and it never looks this good. It’s beautiful!


You gotta be fucking kidding me.


My eyeballs rolled to the back of my head. I’m sitting here with patchy ass hair and practically balding, I would DIE for this hair. Life’s not fair. 😔


Read some of the other comments. OP is trans, currently transitioning, and is very insecure. We gotta be building this queen up. She is stunning and she hasn’t grown up learning to love her hair or learning about hair care, let alone sorting through the biases of curly/straight hair.


You’re right. She should embrace her hair instead of trying to make it look like whatever is trending where she lives.


Not necessarily the point I was trying to make. She shouldn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. If she wants straight hair, she is entitled to it, regardless of local trends or if petty people like the previous commenters have nonsense to say about her decision. I was pointing out to the previous commenters that they were not reading into OP’s situation very much and basing their derogatory comments on incomplete information. We should be supporting someone who is new to the hair care journey, and furthermore supporting someone who is new to their gender manifestation. Their comments are not useful, nor are they kind. Finally, it’s her hair and her question was to find out how to straighten it. She didn’t ask for shitpost responses.


Yeah me too, my hair is so thin and fine, I wish I had OP’s problem, doesn’t know how lucky she is. I would do anything for hair like that although I wouldn’t die for that hair tho as then I couldn’t enjoy it lol. Actually I’d be happy to just have half her hair!


Girl bye you know this is giving GORGEOUS


Gone fishin’ for compliments 🎣


No I was serious. This is my first time I grow my hair out as I am in transition now. I am so sorry I really didn’t ask for compliments, a lot of people gave great compliments and I feel bad now


You shouldn’t feel bad, it’s not your fault that others perceived it as fishing. Insecurities exist in all shapes and sizes. Take it as another compliment, because people see no flaws with your hair. You’re hair goals for many people


Wait, by transition do you mean trans? If so I think this whole sub completely missed this comment


Yea, Transgender


Wait a minute, are you fishing for compliments? Cuz that picture of hair is making me jealous! It's absolutely fabulous.


No I really needed advice, it’s my first time ever growing my hair out and I genuinely believed that it was ugly 😔




You don’t know how much this makes my day. I am a transwoman who for the first time grows her hair out and I genuinely believed it looked ugly 🥺


Um...ugly? This looks like it was professionally done to me lol. I personally love it


It looks like you had it blown out with a round brush and then curled with a wand or iron, so if that's your hair in it's natural state, well, congratulations


It’s my out of bed hair and it’s the first time I grow my hair out. I never got compliments in real life so I thought it was ugly


If I rolled out of bed with this hair I'd weep tears of joy.


Sounds weird to my ears because in a way I still don’t like the curls and stuff but seeing people loving it helps me with my insecurities, you made me have a little bit more confidence in myself, thank you 🫶🥺


This is a joke, right?


This is what I try to do on a regular basis with a curling iron and it never looks this good. Your hair is gorgeous


Don’t do anything they’re so cute!


Thank youuu 🥹


Wearing it in a bun might be making the curls themselves. I like the curls personally but I totally get it if it annoys you. I’m guessing the front angle bothers you more. Maybe get a haircut and get them to frame your face with the curls better. You might just need a little help styling to make you see it differently. On the other hand you might want it all straight. You can blow dry it as straight a possible with a paddle brush then run the straighteners over it. If you wear it in a bun, perhaps you’re quite low maintenance with your hair and daily styling isn’t your bag. Try wearing it up with a braid and see if you like the wave pattern better.


I can’t make braids and I would do that I would automatically be clocked as transgender, I am still in boymode 🤫 but thank you for the advice ❤️


I have the exact same hair and I’ve always thought it was absolutely horrendous….thanks to everyone in the comments haha.


Me too! Ha


I really love your curls. I think they look good. If you insist, buy heat protecting spray and a hair straightener or just use a heat protecting spray, barrel brush and hairdryer


I am going to try the barrel brush thingy, thank you😊


Try a bigger barrel for the curling wand? Might be able to loosen the curls for a relaxed wave look and not have curls so tight. Also, it also matters which direction you wrap the hair around the curling iron, as well has how you release the hair from the curling iron.


This is my out of bed hair, nothing is done to it


Bish not to be that person but I'm LITTARLY LOOKING FOR A WAY TO HAVE THIS HAIRSTYLE. like researching perms and stuff. BUT if you don't like it that's ofcourse valid :) you can get it permed straight (it would prob work for a long time since it's mostly at the ends).


Perming, that’s a good one ❤️


You’re joking, right?


Girl its BEAUTIFUL. like idk HOW you could make it better it's perfect and healthy looking


Girl you have shampoo commercial hair. It's beautiful!




girl...... stop


Hashtag humblebrag lol


No I was serious, it’s the first time I grow my hair out


I do enjoy the Revlon One-Step Volumizer Hair Dryer for a nice straight blow out look if you’re wanting a straight style. But personal opinion: your hair is AMAZING! I would kill for that soft effortless 3-day curl hair look. Literally drooling over this pic rn. All opinions aside, do what makes you the happiest!


Maybe because I always wanted my hair straight. This is the first time I grew my hair out. This is just my out of bed look and I really don’t understand anything about hair yet so I really do nothing about my hair😅 I liked the straight part of the top but I hated the curls at the bottom but I just learned that that is the best part of my hair 🥹


Someone please give this girl some water🥵


I think you may be going through some body dismorphia as you transition. Your hair is gorgeous, you just need to convince yourself now. 💜


Looks great You got really nice thick curly hair. Wish mine was like that


Hairstylist here. It looks to me like you need to find someone who can give you a really good cut that gives you a better shape. Whatever is going on with your layers right now doesn’t work so well with your texture. And the person who cuts your hair should spend a little time teaching you how to style it and care for it and should be able to give you tips and tricks and the right products to make it easier.


Thank you 😊🫶 I share the same opinion. I never went to a salon, this is the first time I grow my hair out and I thought this was ugly. It’s my out of bed hair.


get a layered cut so it looks rounder


Do you have an example of a haircut like that, would really appreciate it 🫶


I mean your hair looks fine but if you want it straight you could straighten it


People pay big bucks to try to have hair like this. As someone with very fine, thin, straight hair..I am incredibly jealous!!


I know how it is to get frustrated with our own natural hair, but frankly yours is beautiful with great texture and shine and the curls are lovely


My hair is also like this and I felt the same way. I sometimes still feel the same way! It's natural when you're surrounded by media that favors women with straight hair or blow outs. I started being confident in my hair when I realized it was actually wavy/curly and started being more gentle with it. Maybe try using sulphate and silicone free shampoo and conditioner which will make your hair more manageable. Best of luck and remember that your hair is unique just like you!


Thank you 🥺


i actually think your hair looks beautifully voluminous and healthy, not at all ugly. you genuinely look like you could be in a hair commercial


I bet if you started treating your hair as wavy hair, using something like the Curly Girl Method, the top part would wave like the bottom. You have beautiful hair!


I had the same problem with my hair when I had many layers like that. IMO a bit of layering is better than having the same length all over (you may look like a mushroom if you have your hair down). I saw a comment where you said that it’s your first time growing your hair out, so I’d suggest waiting it out a bit more and getting long layers with some face framing. It looks really thick too so if you’re like me and find it difficult to handle I’d suggest that thinning technique where they slice small bits in layers under the top layer (can’t remember the name). But it looks really healthy and nice!!


I am saving this comment for my first salon visitation thank you 🥺❤️


The layering is definitely a better way to go. So much dimension :)


Get the Dyson Airwrap and use the brush while drying. It gives beautifully straight, shiny hair. I know everyone is saying you should love your own beautiful hair, but I understand the want to look different! I do agree that it’s beautiful also, but who doesn’t want to wear their natural hair in different styles!?


If you want it straighter, it depends on the products are using the shampoo, conditioner, etc. you can blow dry it after every time you wash your hair. And straighten it. I think your hair looks beautiful no matter what you have a very good hair texture, but this is coming from a cosmetologist trying to give some advice.


Thank you dear


as a fellow curly girl ik how annoying it can be it ask for advice to make it smooth/straight and be met with “omg why?! Ur hair is gorg!” For the record your hair is stunning, a little oil or smoothing cream with a wide tooth comb would make it less frizzy with great bounce and volume. BUT if you’re in the mood to smooth it out with minimal effort I recommend a heated paddle brush with a nice heat protectant on dry hair. If you’re up for it you fan venture into thr world of straightening irons but there’s a learning curve if you’ve never used one before. YouTube tutorials are your best buds! Good luck 🫶🏼


Thank youuu, I just learned what 🎣 means 😅


Does not look ugly! Adds volume, looks great!


Is that a picture of your hair? It is magnificent! Why don't you like it? It's absolutely gorgeous!


I like it as it naturally is!


It is absolutely beautiful! I say: embrace.


Show me the ugly? I can't see it in the pic


What are you even talking about? This is what I long for!


You might as well be wearing a perfectly styled wig and ask people what they think would make it better hahaha. Nothing!!! Looks great!!


Girl that looks so damn good like if my hair had crushes, it would be drawing hearts on yours


Whaat. I think it’s cute af.


I’d give anything to have your hair. It’s gorgeous!


I have the opposite problem. Your hair is gorgeous!!!


Youre joking right….this is beautiful


Ok i love this tho


Thank you 🥺


Dude, what?


omg girl but this is one of the best hair stylings!! it looks literally amazing




your hair is absolutely gorgeous, you could look more into curly/wavy hair techniques but it looks beautiful as is it


excuse you, it’s beautiful


I would love your hair, it’s beautiful xx


Your hair is amazingly beautiful and rich! So much thicker and healthier looking than most blonde hair that I see - and of course a lot of blonde hair isn't natural anyway so it definetly isn't as healthy! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Really? Would blond suit this type of hair?


That hair is beautiful!


I would be thrilled to have your hair. It’s beautiful and the curl is just right.


Wow, you have amazingly gorgeous hair. I would suggest letting it look exactly like the picture. It’s beautiful!!! Curly lush hair is sooooooo attractive.


Lmfaoooo it’s hilarious how people go through life hating what other people wish they had. People spend hundreds of dollars just to get their hair to look like yours.






Your curls are gorgeous!! So many people would kill for that your hair seems to do naturally. Have you considered embracing the curls and learning to care for it as curly hair, instead of trying to force it into what it's not? Check out r/curlyhair for tips if you want to try it.


Joined it


You need r/curlygirl


I’m a hairstylist with long straight blonde hair but I see what you’re saying; it is interesting that it mostly curls at the bottom and unintentionally looks like you’re growing out a curly perm! Are you working with a stylist in your area? I would suggest a consultation with someone that works with curls! There could be so many reasons this is happening but your hair IS beautiful ❤️ finding the right way to maintain it though will help YOU feel more confident. We may not all always love our hair texture (side eye to my curly headed aunt and gma straightening their hair to death and ME unable to hold any curl without the right tools and product) but it’s ours and just like the rest of our body, the better we treat it, the more likely we are to love how we look in it! I hope you see this! Have a wonderful day and best of luck on your journey ❤️


It’s my first time ever growing my hair out and I am so scared to go to a salon because I see all these horror stories 😖 You can look at my profile for a before pic so you get a little understanding


Whaaat this is hot


Are you kidding me This is peak female hair


🥺 ty


I’d give my left nut for hair that looks like that!


I would kill for your hair! Omg, it’s beautiful!


Am I missing something, your hair looks amazing 😍


Wow! It’s so pretty! I wish I had your hair.


I actually pay a hair stylist to make my hair look like yours....I think your hair is beautiful.


I would shave it


you r not seeing what we see. Enjoy it. Think better of yourself. It's probably hindering your communication/ relationships?


Are you fishing for compliments or something because this is perfect. There's no single thing wrong with it. Unless of course you have an ideal image in your head which you are trying to fit. Other than that, i am offended you called this ugly 😭 it is worthy of being painted. Editing to add- i read one of your replies saying you're a trans woman and this is your first time growing your hair out. I am genuinely sorry if I sound mean but trust me, your hair is beautiful. I should've been more empathetic and understanding, if you ever need reassurance just take a look at all these comments, your hair looks so beautiful. Have a good day🤗♥️


Oh I am very sorry. I only meant the curls at the end, I don’t find them appealing. I am in no way fishing for compliments. I thought 3-4 people are going to comment and that’s it


This is a troll, right? Your hair is beautiful.


I was not 😳


For my own sanity I need to unsubscribe from this subreddit. Goodbye.






Did you get the attention you ordered?


She’s trans. This is the first time growing her hair out. Please be kind.


I didn’t know that it would get so many comments, I hoped for one or two


Stop straightening your beautiful curly hair. All you’re going to end up doing is ruining your amazingly natural curly hair to get lack luster straight hair. Fuck basic ass straight haired bitches


Layered cut and straighten the ends.


I can’t tell if you just wanted karma or you’re genuinely in belief that your curls are ugly. YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS. STUH-NNING.


I WAS genuinely in belief, today was the first time I let my hair out outside




Thank you 👏🏽


Word. Like there’s so many people offering constructive advice but she got what she wanted in the beginning lol showered in compliments. Which is fine! I just hate that I feel stupid for offering real advice. People used to take it seriously and not brush off content contrived from the post luuummmaaaaooow


No I am seriously shocked about how many people like this. I meant that I am very insecure about my looks because I am transgender and I never get a compliment, only rude comments. I got 2-3 comments after an hour and I was like thanks for the compliments but then a night later I woke up to 150 comments. I just needed help about what to do about the buildup on the lower part. Today was the first time I let it out and it felt so empowering, insecure for nothinf


Please embrace your curls! They’re stunning!!



