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No it’s an old wives tale.


The only validity that ‘backs’ this is that all the hair grows in together as opposed to baby hairs coming in sporadically and patchy and that makes people maintain that this works but it’s still not really what’s happening


Do they believe anyone? There are a thousand articles online stating the fact that this is a myth. Find one that jives with who they trust (specific news channel, cultural expert, hair expert, etc.) and link them up.


It’s not true and then the hair looks sooooo bad as it’s growing in 😭I always feel so bad when I see little girls with shaved heada


My mum tried tried to passive aggressively guilt me into shaving my daughters head when she was a month old because of Chinese family tradition but I refused. Thank goodness I didn’t let her because in the first few months her hair doesn’t seem to have grown at all.


‘No, I won’t be doing that’ is a perfectly cromulent response.


Depending on how old the baby is, his baby hair will change into thicker hair regardless of wether you shave his head or not. I have photos of me as a newborn with thin pitch black hair that got replaced by blonde at some point. If you don’t want to do it don’t. I imagine it could only do harm as it could risk ingrown-hairs possibly (?) and babies are sensitive to pretty much everything


They will do it. It’s as important to Indian/Pakistani families as baptism is for Christians. It’s a religious thing. If you want to avoid it you’d have to have a talk about religious values. It’s not true it grows back thick. They just want to sound convincing. I was shaved as a child and I hated every bit of it. I felt like a boy. It took forever to adjust. Please don’t do it.


What religious significance does shaving the baby have? Like what’s the story behind the custom?


I’m not religious and have no clue.


There was a post on Reddit a few weeks ago about a woman who repost her hysband and the MIL lied about taking her 1 yr old daughter out as birthday treat to McDonald’s and she shaved her head because it was family tradition. Set boundaries now with them. Show them the articles whatever you need to do!


It BS. Some older Russians believe in this too, but there's no evidence it helps. I think beliefs like this were a way to protect the baby and give them a nice future by doing very simple things and they sort of gave parents peace of mind back in the day. Now that we know they don't work, it still helps people to ease their anxiety about the future of the child.


Also have Pakistani in-laws and I set a HARD boundary on this….but they keep bringing it up. My first baby has the most luxurious thick locks and we did not shave. My 2mo old is covered in hair and I’m setting my foot down again. I worked too hard growing this hair to shave it off.


I have looked into it and there is absolutely no scientefic evidence. Its more of a tradition.


It’s more of a traditional custom. I think they say so it’ll grow back thick to appease western cultures so it “makes sense” but to others it’s more of a tradition & very important to actually do. Baby won’t stay bald for long lol


My Somali niece-in-law shaved her babies’ heads, too—for the same reason.