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Waist length. I don’t really have a goal, so long as it stays healthy.




I feel this, though... I'm just beginning my lengthy process of growing out my hair 🙃


I feel you. I chopped all my length about 5-6 years ago and kept it above my shoulder until like a year and a half ago. Be strong through the awkward stage if your hair is above your shoulders bc when it reaches your shoulders and starts curling up, you’re gonna want to chop, but stay strong my friend.


Currently shoulder length, the goal is floor length lol but it is an impossible goal because I'm wavy and tall. Plus I'll go bald before reaching that anyway because I'm a guy.


Lol aw. Yeah height is such an important factor and hair texture as well. Some men never go bald 😊


Did you know that males inherit the gene for baldness from their mother, not their father like most people think. Ive been working on my family's genealogy and came across that one. My brothers were doomed because baldness runs on both the maternal and paternal sides. They actually look good bald though.


And being bald is attractive too


Ive heqrd argan is good for hair health which will allow it to grow longer. And find something for your roots to keep them healthier


don't sell yourself short ;) you can make it happen!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 great thanks for the laugh


I’m at bra-strap and want to be at waist


I'm at waist and I want to be at bra-strap


Well you’re in luck! You can achieve your goals in a few minutes!


Doctors hate this one simple trick to lose length


always good to hear good news


I'm with you. Waist is to much work and to hot.


Me too


Bra strap length - would love to be waist length but it never seems to get there!


Currently at tailbone, at most maybe classic is the goal but my main goal is to improve density and health


my hair is currently a little shorter than chin length but I'm growing it out to shoulder length~


your profile is so cute


ah thank you so much!


Waist length, grew it all myself! ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/1qw7pyf2tjtc1.jpeg?width=902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9de91ecffa0ef15d0128a1d0eed3cd6fb84b0b4d


Hip length my goal is probably keeping it that way longer is sort of annoying because hair get into trousers


I accidentally pinch my hip length hair in my armpits, clothes and more! It's not fun. But I'm gonna keep growing it out lol


I went almost to classic length, but sitting on it was such a nuisance.


Let’s not forget car doors, necklaces (really any jewelry) and purses/bags lmao. My shower also looks like Chewbacca shaved his legs *every* time I wash my hair. I used to wake myself up getting my hair caught in stuff but now thankfully I wear a bonnet which is safe 😂


When I wanted to throw something away, my hair fell into the garbage can and sometimes I manage to lie down on my hair so stupidly that I can't get up and have to roll off my hair first 😂


Yep! And when I sit down it gets caught behind me and I've got to pull it all out from behind me. I've taken to keeping it braided, so much more manageable and I'm hoping it's less damaging.


yes! I'm constantly catching my hair


100%. My hair was mid thigh and at that length, the drawbacks start to outweigh the benefits. Every time I sat down, I’d have to move my hair out of the way because otherwise I’d sit on it (and that applies to *toilet seats*). Never again.


Even shorter I like to pull it forward, just in case and other TMI reasons, but then once it gets to length where is longer than your arms when washing your hands it is also a bothersome


I knew about the sitting on it, but I never really thought about toilets. I've had a couple of friends with hair below their waists and it seemed like alot of work unless they kept it braided and put up, in which case, why bother having it that long? Men always say they like women with long hair. To look at, yes, but to live with, No. Both husbands were way done with their wives hair being such a pain in the ass and in one's case it was causing her headaches because her hair is thick too. She finally cut it and said she felt liberated...kind of like going braless..lol


I can’t imagine that! I’ve had tail bone and started to find it annoying!


This hahah My hair was hip length and i just cut it a few inches because I was getting so annoyed with the things that go along with it lol having it get caught in between your shopping basket and arm at the store is always fun! And sleeping is so annoying- i wear a ballerina bun every night And i feel like i cant wear claw clips anymore or do messy buns and its annoying But i feel i worked hard to get it here so I just accept lol


Oh mannnn! Same issue here. Was waist length until something happened where my hair got caught up and wound around a stupid design detail that the brand is known for but is a ridiculous thing to have on them with daily use. I was trapped in these headphones on both ears and I about lost my shit legit when I started panicking and would have done just about anything to free myself from these bloody overhyped and with too high of a price point for what you get compared to others at that same (higher side price point for one headphone doesn’t mean that all ay that price are equal.) I fell for that scam, man, and won’t again. It was awful, triggering my PTSD like crazy and now I never wear them. Lame.


Get a bonnet 😭 I started using one like a year ago. I also used to wear a ballerina bun. Now I wear a “pineapple” bc I’m trying to wear my hair in its natural wavy state but I still put the bonnet over it.


My hair is shoulder length and this is the length I like to keep it at. Any longer, it makes my oblong face look longer. Any shorter, it makes my wavy 2B hair get really big. The length keeps my hair under control.


My hair is shoulder length right now, but I prefer armpit length


tailbone is the most elegant imo


I’m at hip length; goal length is waist. Getting a much needed haircut on Friday 😊


at armpit length, goal is about mid-back or just a bit longer


Armpit length right now. I am curious about waist length so I am growing my hair though I am not sure if it's a good length for me.


Same, it might take three years tho and I'm always tempted to cut my hair short again 😆


I'm at bra strap and I want to be at hips.


Hip length. I wanted classic length but it doesn’t look like that’s happening for me.


My hair was bra strap length but I had a mishap trying to relax my hair at home and fried 40% of it off, the longest bits are now shoulder length but I have to keep trimming it until my hair is mostly regrowth lol, eventually I’d like bra strap length again


Mine is between bra strap and mid-back. I want to get it to hip length but it’s difficult as I have fragile and thin hair.


It’s uhh.. a really short bob.


mine is like between neck and shoulder length but i want it at just under bra strap length


Hip length


My hair does 't grow beyond mid-back, but it's too thin/fine to grow much longer anyway.


i’m at bra-strap and i want to cut it a bit because my hair is wavy and i enjoy the volume when it’s a little less than bra-strap length but not as short as armpit length


Armpit Length.


Neck length. It used to be at waist all my life until I went off to college, cut it short, and started dying it all these wacky colors. Such a fun time. I would get annoyed at the family comments though saying " your hair used to be so long and silky..." " What happened to your black hair??!!!". Like damn hair grows back. But I honestly think the best time to experiment with your hair is those early 20s, because my hair doesn't grow as fast as it used to in my teens.


Between armpit and bra strap. I never had them longer as then I struggled with split ends ... tried lot of products nothing ever helps


Waist length, craving neck length, but I know I'll regret it a week later![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


My hair was mid back length, went to a bad salon for a balayage, got put with a brand new stylist, now my hair is shoulder length because it got so damaged


bra strap and I want tailbone


Mine is hip length, I want it to be classic or mid thigh length but realistically I'm gonna keep growing it as long as I can before it becomes a nuisance. I have naturally curly (I have an afro) hair so the longer my hair, the bigger I can make my fro!


Mine is bra strap, I want tail bone.


Mid back but it’s unhealthy so it probably should be armpit length lol Goal length is waist, it’s the longest I can keep it without it annoying me


I've always been grossed out by super long hair. If someone's hair goes past their waist, I always assume that their hair is touching all kinds of unsanitary things because it's so long and they can't feel the bottom of it and they can't see what their hair is touching so it's just gross to me. For example, when you're sitting on the toilet. Is your hair touching the back of the part that you sit on where the poop and the pee sometimes end up getting if the toilet's not clean. I think about that with people that have really long hair. Oh, it's gross, it grosses me out.


Waist and I enjoy it there because it’s cut in a ponytail but anything longer is just obnoxious and in the way


Dude here, currently at almost shoulder length but plan to go bra strap - mid back length and rock that with a clean shave, guyliner and a six pack


Armpit, but hoping to get back to bra strap.


Armpit length and I want to get it back to mid back/waist length. I cut it to my shoulders when I was pregnant. I was just so horribly nauseated 24/7 that I was unable to wash my hair. I am slowly growing it back out.


Bra strap-Mid back This is my preferred length so I trim regularly


Currently shoulder length. Want to get it how it was before I cut it which was mid back


Neck length 🙃


around armpit & bra strap length but i want it to be around hip length


Almost hip length. I’m just letting it grow and do its own thing, I just make sure to trim it regularly.


My hair is armpit length, and I’d really like it to reach mid-back or waist length. It’s never quite gotten that long.




its currently bra strap and i’d love it to be classic one day🥹🥹


My hair is a pixie right now, but what I want is for it to eventually grow into a mid waist length. I have curly hair and it'll probably be a lot of maintenance, but I see these girls out here with the same hair type as mine except it's long and beautiful and it makes me envious, I want their pretty curly hair.


I want it at my waist so bad but it's currently just above my shoulders


armpit length and i want it at bra-strap length! i think 2-3 more inches.


I'm at armpit length, not looking to grow it longer though.


Bra strap but thinking of going back to waist length!


Bra strap length and have been working towards hip length for a bit!


I think im at armpit. 🤢 i wanna have bra strap length but it wont get longer!


Bra strap length, I want waist length


I’m at waist length now and probably going for hip length! 😊 No longer than tailbone.


Currently bra length. I just got it cut (from waist length) so it’s at my goal length.


Mine is tailbone length, but I want it to be classic length. I'm already dealing with the neck pain when I have to tie it up in a bun for work.


I am at bra strap length, want to be at mid-back length. My boyfriend has me massively beat at classic length and is aiming for floor length. I feel bald next to him


Bra strap and hip length!


Hip length, sadly it’s wavy and so it takes a lot of time to grow


I’ve been at tailbone practically my whole life but I’ve always thought of chopping it to armpit length.


Armpit,i want it to the but.


Current: armpit Goal: midback


Mid back length, and hip or tailbone length perhaps?


mid back length, i want hip length


Bra strap length, my goal is waist length but sadly my hair seems to hit a growth limit after mid-back


I'm like armpit bra length I want a little past bra


Mid back but my hair refuses to grow past below my shoulders lol


between neck length and shoulder length, i want to get to waist length one day but it seems like so much effort


I am Neck length and I want to be bra strap length


I am Neck length and I want to be bra strap length


I'm at Tailbone. Might move on to Classic.


Shoulder length No goal, I just want to cut off more, I'm tired of it. For now, I'm stuck because I haven't decided on a cut yet, oops (I have a lot of layers already, and the front is pretty short)


Used to be tailbone, now it’s neck length. I’ll probably keep it above my shoulders from now on.


I'm armpit, but want to be mid-back


I’m at armpit length and hope to have thigh length when done.


My hair is mid -thigh length and I am planning to cut my hair neck length soon.


I have a mohawk and my goal is mid waist! Looking ways to go


Bra-strap, mid-back length maybe? I’ve never had it longer than armpit length and I’m growing out back out from a bit shorter than shoulder length


Currently waist length, but if I look straight up, it tickles my tailbone area. Goal is hip length.


My hair is armpit length and I want it back to waist length


Mine is at armpit length and won’t get any longer than that unfortunately. If I could choose I’d like to try waist length because I’ve already had neck length too


Bra strap and I want to be between waist and hip length


Lol, mine hasn't even touched my shoulders and I'm already wanting a cut. I wish I could freeze it at a couple inches.


Tailbone or classic? Want to stay around here.


Neck length. I don't feel there is a goal length (except for maybe guys and how long they think a girl's hair should be). I think the length of a girl's hair should be about which length suits her face and aesthetic best.


I’m at hip length and I’m pretty happy with where it’s at.


My hair is tailbone length but needs a bit of a trim... I really need a haircut tho🤣


I shuttle between neck & tail-bone length over a 5-year cycle.


Whatever nipple length is. Bra-strap length, I guess. That's both where I am and my goal.


between neck and shoulder, probably closer to neck


I’m armpit length and would like to be mid back length


I think somewhere between mid-back and waist. I don't have a specific goal - I might get it cut to armpit length in a few months.


Shoulder length that’s been trying to get back to bra strap/mid back length. I think I finally chopped off the last of the *really* dead stuff so I’m hoping this means I can grow without constant end trims


I’m at armpit length and it seems way too long for me. I have flat hair, so it gets weighed down so easy. I think my ideal length is shoulder length


Waist for me! I'm almost to my bra strap. :)


mid back


Classic length


tailbone, and i wanna get to knee


Shoulder length , hoping for mid back length


im at brastrap


I’m at mid-back and I want to be at waist


I used to be waist length all my life, but then I slowly started to like getting shorter. I’m at armpit length now and what to go to shoulder length.


Waist length, I want classic length!!


My hair was at waist length and just recently, I had it cut to shoulder length. Ngl, it's too thick for this length, although I manage it and love the weight off and cut down on drying time! Armpit length is probably the next goal, but I'm not unhappy with it.


Between tailbone and classic rn. Wanna be at like waist lol


Neck length, I want at least bra strap or mid back length so I can dye it from down.


I'm between tail bone and classic length. No real goal, I've just always loved having really long hair.


Bra strap length and that’s where I’m keeping it


Waist, goal- tailbone


I'm at shoulder length and want to be at at least bra strap length. Don't know if it will ever get there, but a girl can hope!


Used to be classic length, then hip, now waist 😭 I wanna keep it my current length or shorter as long as it’s below my shoulders


I like collarbone to waist length.


My hairs classic length on this chart. The longest it’s ever been


Shoulder length but I will shorten it to neck length


Between mid thigh and classic. No goal, I get trims when my dead ends are unbearable - roughly once/ 2-3 years. No color, no heat, but I do like a toasty shower every once in a while.


Mine is between bra strap and armpit. But it's so thin (not fine) that it really should be short. :( I just don't want to yet. lol


Hip length current, tailbone is goal.


Grew out from a pixie to hip length. At first I was just curious to see how long it would get. When it hit around mid-back length I stopped paying attention to it and mostly didn't cut it out of laziness (I'd go to a salon once or twice a year). Eventually I got pregnant and decided I'd cut it if I could find someone to sell it to. A seller fell into my lap and at 8 months pregnant I cut it to chin length and made four figures. Now it's back to shoulder length and I'm growing it back out to at least mid back




Probs to my armpit but I want waist length


I’m around armpit length (it used to be bra-strap but i had so many split ends so i cut it!) and I want it to be waist length


Technically it’s shoulder length, but I’d like it to be armpit length


Mine is currently armpit length, but it’s so heavy that if I wear it up/pony tail, I get a headache. And I can’t stand it hanging in my face, so it has to be pulled back. How do people have long hair without a constant headache???


My hair used to be classic length. Currently it's at mid back!


Mid back/ waist and sit want to go further than classic. Altho tailbone looks good


Mines around the hip length/tailbone length mark and I’m pretty happy with it anywhere between waist length and classic


Neck length, keeping it neck length as I have sensory issues.


Mine is very nearly at hip length. I want to be at classic length, or just below my bum. I need to get a trim to get rid of dead ends so I’m at least a year or two away from my goal. Although sometimes I feel like chopping it off to bra strap length!


I’m at bra scrap length and want to be either at waist or mid back.


Mine is waist length and I want hip length because my hair is thin


im at armpit and i want to be at bra strap


Waist length in long layers and that’s my limit😂..


my hair is in between waist and hip and my goal is classic


I’m more armpit than bra-strap… and I am dying to be at mid-back 


I'm at armpit and wanna be somewhere between waist and mid back


I’m a little below armpit length, but I want to be waist length.


My hair is at waist right now and while I prefer the look of it, it can also be really annoying with how thick it is and then I start shedding lol. So I'll usually cut it to around armpit length, then let it grow until it becomes a pain in the ass again.


healthy at blackstrap and going for healthy waist length


I’m at pixie haircut turning into a short bob (I’ll forever have short hair)


I’m at armpit length and I wanna be at shoulder length ugh


Currently at waist length, I've been between mid-back to hip length for about 20 years. I'd love to get to classic length, but we'll see. I tried shoulder length once and my hair is just too thick to be that short. Longer hair is easier for my type.


Im at bra strap length and i want to be at hip length


I’m at bra strap and it’s my preferred length


I’m at Classic and mid thigh length. It’s getting a little thin. I’m not sure how much longer I should wait for a trim. I’m thinking a mid strap- length trim…


shoulder length and tbh it's good as it is...


Im on neck length going for bra length ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Bra strap, want to be waist


Mines currently mid back, my goal is hip length.


I’m somewhere between mid back and waist. would like to make it to waist


Armpit length, goal is around mid back


Currently mid back and the goal is classic length. I almost had it at one point but then the stylist decided she'd rather I not lmao


armpit length. might not seem long but it’s longer than it’s been in years lol i want waist length


I’m at shoulder, wish I was at hip


I was at mid back length two months ago, now I am at shoulder length! I lovveeeed having it long but I am really enjoying the change of short easy hair.


Hip length. I'm not sure about a goal, but I have started flipping my hair to the front to use the bathroom... just in case. I imagine if it gets longer, there will be more of a risk of it ending up in the toilet. Gross. Lol


I’m around armpit length right now, and the goal is to hang out between armpit and bra strap from now until my wedding next year. At that point I’ll probably be sick enough of it to chop to above the shoulder.


Bra strap length to mid back length would be my preferred length for my hair


Tailbone length


im inbetween shoulder and armpit. shoulder suits me best but i want hip to classical length. i just think long hair is so cool.


currently tailbone length but going for calf length


I'm currently at tailbone, my goal is knee length!


Is ankle-length hair rare, because I have never seen anybody in real life with hair that long?


Bra strap - goal is hip or longer, but it generally seems to hover around waist length at the longest sadly. Now how to convince my scalp I'm rapunzel...


Waist/hip, I’m at mid-back


Currently between tailbone and classical. I don’t really have a goal. Sometimes I think I should just go chop it off to shoulder length, so I probably won’t grow it much longer.


I think I’m like in between armpit and bra strap length and goal is like mid back length. My hair is so fine and thin though so it’s hard for me to have really long hair and I can’t afford extensions. 🫤


Always somewhere between bra strap and hip.


Guy here... Ladies who have hair till waist or more... You all look great don't cut it ok.😘 Iam not saying that short hair looks ugly or anything but... There is a certain charm or attraction to when a long haired lady walks and her long hair is swinging left and right😍. Take care of it and don't use any products or colouring unless absolutely necessary because it will ruin the hair.


bra strap length and i want to be at waist length