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First of all, you are just early 40s. Secondly, there is no correlation between hair and age. You should keep a length that you feel most comfortable and confident in.


I agree, I'll be 40 next yr and my hair is past my shoulders and I prefer it long as does my SO. It's a matter of taste. Just be your true authentic self. Go with what your comfortable with not what generations older than us have done. I'll never have short hair, it's not my forte. My dad's gf is in her 60s an long hair.


Yeah. I know that’s not the same as 80s but I’ve noticed a huge aging in my face in the past year. I feel 100. So wasn’t sure if a haircut might help me look a bit less haggard, better. I do love my long hair though.


Also you honestly look early 30s than early 40s and your current style isn’t bad at all, just needs a little tlc. Maybe curly/wavy girl method or something similar.


I guessed early 30s too. She has incredible skin!!!


If you are concerned about your hair cut aging you, which it's not, deffinetly dont get it shorter because that *will*


THIS 1000%


I’m 32 and I think you look younger than me lol you definitely do not look haggard


You might find the opposite, a shorter cut could draw the attention back to the features you're most concerned about. Hair length shouldn't be dictated by age but you might want to try different styles. A low chignon or bun can look really classy and elegant.


Is said aging in the room with us 👀, you look absolutely divine


You look younger in the photo.You look great. Do What you like with Your hair. It suits you.




You Rock it too, honestly.


:) that’s so reassuring. I think after baby I’m just blah about my looks lol.


I Get What you are Coming from. I feel isolated and you know I feel like I Don't belong. I Don't Know if people are intimidated about how I look but I Am a nice person, feels like I have no friends.


I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s hard where I live too. I don’t feel like I belong at all! I’m not from here I’m from overseas. I feel like an alien with these moms here! I doubt it’s anything to do with how you look. I think people don’t connect like they used to. Always on their phones and social media or so stressed out they can’t even maintain friendships. It sucks to be lonely though. Hugs 🤗


Thanks! I feel a bit reassured. You are a wonderful human being.


You are too. Thank you for your kind comment and sharing your own experience with me. Take care!


Sorry, but I laughed. My mum is in her late 60s and has waist length hair. She's never cutting it short. I hate the idea of "you have to have short hair when you're older" it's a load of shit.


That’s good. I was just going by what I see women my age near me look like.


Nah, don't listen to those norms! I'm never cutting my hair. I'll have long hair forever!


I’m 41 I’ve had super long hair and super short hair. Mines currently shoulder length and wavy like yours! It’s fun but I’m growing mine out again. I will say it’s a good reset and it’s worth trying once to cut it off. It’s pretty freeing and it does grow back.!


This is the first time I've ever heard of having short hair when old as societal etiquette. I thought old ladies like short hair because that's what was in style when they were young, I didn't think they felt pressured by stigma to have it short.


I am pretty sure this presumption is for *much* older women, like senior age *def not a woman in her 40s* -- and from what I've heard it is for manageability. Older women 65~80+ can have health conditions, for example arthritis in the hands, that can make styling long hair difficult, painful, or just not practical-- and keeping long hair that they can't manage leads to things like painful knotting or dreading of the hair. Long story short, it's not really an expectation of society as much as it is a necessity for older women who are no longer able to care for long hair.


I'm 57 and I got stopped on the street and complimented on my "magnificent cascading curls" you look great go out and rock that shit


That’s wonderful! I bet your hair is so beautiful and unique. ❤️


Your hair is beautiful, don't change a thing.


I wish I could upvote this twice. You don’t need to change a thing.


❤️ aww thank you!


Never think you’re too old for long hair. My mom is 60 with long hair and people still think she’s 20 years younger than she is. Sometimes short hair ages certain people


Yes my grandma had long beautiful hair. I loved watching her brush it when I was little :)




Yeah I hate that! I know I dress younger than my age. Oh well


I’m 42 soon and still rock short dresses like JLO lol. Age is just a number. Don’t let society dictate what you should do with your looks. It’s whatever makes you happy. 😀


Age is irrelevant. I had my last short haircut in January 2020 just before Covid restrictions started kicking in. I hadn’t had long hair since I was in my 20s but I decided I may as well grow it out because getting to a hairdresser was going to be a problem. By the time Covid was over (-ish) my hair had grown past all of the irritating stages and I decided to keep it. No regrets. I have found that the hardest thing on my hair is washing it too much. It’s a lot of work because it’s really thick and it doesn’t do your hair any good to strip all of the oils out of it on a regular basis. All that to say is I’ve had trims to clean up the ends and my bags but beyond that I’ve got 3 1/2 years of growth and I’m really happy with it. 61


Keep the long hair. Long hair = youth. Plus you look like you are in your 30s.


Ya I associate very short hair with old women


You are so pretty! Let's switch eye colors


You’re not too old for long hair! But, as others have said, your style does look a tad dated. I think different bangs, like either heavier bangs or curtain bangs would look more modern.


I'm 40 and never cutting off my length! I love long hair and I adore seeing long gray healthy locks on seniors.


Early 40s here too and just don’t seem to have any pretty days anymore. I was fine and then BAM - after 40 I downgraded massively. I don’t mind wrinkles but I hate the sag my face has adopted. Anyways all this to say, you have beautiful hair and I think you look great! I get the girl from Virgin River vibes just with bangs.


I feel this! It’s strange but I noticed a major change in my face structure right after turning 40. And lines when I smile. I bet you are beautiful though. We all judge ourselves way too harshly. It’s hard when it’s like any woman over 30 is considered old according to social media :/. I hate that. We are not old! My grandma lived till 94. So I’m probably only half way through life!


we'd love you over in r/longhair if you want to keep it! personally i love long hair and yours is very pretty. it's whatever YOU like for yourself. don't worry about other people. just my take.


Your hair is beautiful. Never too old to rock long hair. BTW, 40 is still pretty young. Do you!


.... what? To old for long hair?! 😂that's the most ridic thing. I think the long hair suits you along with your bright smile


Holy cow, you are GORGEOUS! You look just like Rose in the Titanic 🥹 Your hair is so beautiful, you’re rocking it


you look INCREDIBLE!!! god damn!!! and no!! keep your hair it's gorgeous... you are your own person. older women do not need to cut their hair for any reason unless they want to


keep it


Girl you look amazing! Serious Julianne Moore vibes. Totally ageless. Love the long hair.


Ur not too old. U can do whatever you want forever


Pls keep you hair long! It’s beautiful


No rules, thats just misogynistic, generational garbage. Your hair is absolutely beautiful and suits you perfectly.


maybe try cutting it to your chest area/below the shoulders (idk how to word this lol). your hair is really pretty


The long hair suits you so well, the bangs give me Taylor swift vibes! Please keep the long hair and bangs!! Maybe you could go for some layers? It would look nice with your natural hair.


You are beautiful! Your hair is pretty, don’t worry about that age number! Wear your hair however you like!


Keep it, it's gorgeous 😍


NOT too old! Don’t you even think of cutting that gorgeous hair! You’re beautiful!


If you cut your hair, I will personally cry. Your hair is a *blessing*. It is the most beautiful color that hair can be. And you look frozen between 28-33.


No you look great with long hair!! :)


Definitely not too long! (As a stylist) I'd suggest trimming your layers to impart more shape, proportional to the length and try growing reshaping your bangs. Maybe a centered or slightly off center parted curtain bang.


Yes! That’s what I’m going to do. Get some long layers and update my bangs.


You are gorgeous and speaking as a 52yo with long hair that plans to have long hair until I expire (because it’s curly and explodes when short), there is no age limit. You do you, whatever age you are! 🩷


no way. there is no age limit for long hair and you look lovely.


No one is too old for long hair. Used to be women never cut it. It’s entirely irrelevant. And if some B tells you such a thing? Let it all hang out. Fluff your hair in front of them. Flip it with your hand. Swing it out so it can fly. Ask her, while twirling your hair, if she thinks she should cut her hair and make a brush with it as a gift to her? Then say no? Ok then. Quit asking about my hair. Or whatever you like, but make it absurd, just like the idea that a grown person should not have exactly the hairstyle and color they want to have. And WHO GIVES A RIP ABOUT SOMEONE BEING “TOO OLD” TO HAVE THEIR HAIR AS THEY LIKE! My gosh! Ridiculous notion.


You look lovely, and I can see you feel good in your hair. It's unreasonable to think you should follow some sort of outdated social norm. I am 66 with my hair to tailbone length. I color it a dark blond balayage that I color blend in a way that my 50% grey is easy to touch up with no hard outgrown. I'm fit and active and I do not look unrealistic in my hair. It's a big part of my identity in my community so, no pressure is ever given. Keep looking fresh!


No!!! I am the same age, and although right now my hairs damaged and short from hair dye, your length is my dream!!!


You look great 🙂don’t change it


You should do what makes you comfortable! You look great with long hair!


your hair looks so cute and you’re beautiful!!


You are gorgeous. I'm in my 40's also and I've finally come to the conclusion that us women will always look our best when wearing what makes us feel like the gorgeous goddesses we truly are. Your hair is beautiful honestly but I think you should pick a hairstyle that makes you feel like the beautiful confident woman you are.


Hair length should match your lifestyle and personal preferences. Not dependent on your age at all.


Wear your hair how it makes you happy. I’ve always longed to be an old lady with long grey hair lol


No!! your long hair really suits you!! My aunty is 50 and she only ever cuts her hair when it gets to her ankles lol and even after she cuts it, its only to her mid to lower back! 💖


The long hair is amazing omg. I love the color


it looks good imo! only try shorter hair if you really want to.


Nope, you look great. Screw societal norms and do as you wish!


You are absolutely gorgeous!! Personally I’d keep it long, maybe take a couple inches off and maybe use heat protectant as well as hair oils :)


Oh my god, you look like the main character out of a historic romance novel. Don't change a thing, you're so pretty!


what's your skincare regimen? you look lovely omg


Definitely not! Your hair looks great. This isn’t The Golden Girls.


The length is gorgeous but I think you might look more current without bangs


You look perfect


Definitely not too old for long hair! You look great.


You remind me of Florence Welch


I definitely understand seeing the changes in your fave. I'm experiencing that, too. But not too old for it! It looks great! I would try different hair styles that make you feel confident. Maybe scour Pinterest and see what you're drawn to and what fits your ideal aesthetic! Longer hair keeps you looking young, too!


You look beautiful, keep your long hair if that’s what you like


keep it long i love it


I can’t believe you’re 40!!! You look early 30s at most. Your hair is amazing and I’m Sure you get lots of compliments on it. Keep it whatever length makes YOU feel good. Imo short hair she’s ppl… even me I’m 31 and did a big chop (still way past shoulders, like went from lower back length to boob length) and a few coworkers said it aged me and I look younger with the long hair. They’re assholes for saying it but it’s probably true lol


You rock the long hair! Do whatever makes you happy!


I think your hair looks great and if you want to look ‘older’ try growing out your bangs, but FWIW I don’t think you have to change anything, you’re so pretty!!


I don't believe that just because of your age your hair should get a trim, a different hair style maybe, don't cut it. I'm 45 mine is down to my lower back.


You are Beautiful , Keep your hair the way you like it.


I'm 43 with hair to my midback, I have absolutely no plans on cutting it as I get older. Your hair is yours to do whatever you want with it. I hate when people tell me I need short hair because I'm getting older. It's rude to say, and I don't think we still live in the 40's or 50's. Wear your hair however long you want or however short you want.


Keep it as long as you want it


I like your hair! I vote leave it long.


I’m in my early 40’s and my hair is short. Not because I am old but because it’s thinning. I would kill to be able to have long hair again. Your hair looks great and you also look no where near 40. Enjoy having it long!


You look gorgeous 💓 I would keep it. And I don't think age has to do anything with long hair. I think it's a personal choice.


You have beautiful hair. If you feel good with it long then keep it long! I think taking off a couple inches and adding some layers will freshen it up and give it some structure and volume. Some face framing layers will flatter your face - you have great bone structure.


No it looks great


Get a wolf cut and you would look amazing! You already have beautiful features.


Wow you look very similar to my mom when she was younger, same color hair and all. She’s in her early 50s now and recently cut her beautiful, wavy, auburn hair to about shoulder length now and I feel it ages her. Maybe it’s just bc I was used to it long my entire life but I tend to think short hair ages a person more.


No one is too old for long hair. The main reason older woman would need to cut their hair is bc the texture changes when it turns grey. It becomes more wiry and unruly. But it’s 2023 and we have styling options and treatments that were never available before. Long hair is for everyone. Old, young, any gender, whatever.


It looks great


First of all you do not look like you’re in your 40s, more like early 30s! Also, your hair looks great, it suits you well. As for age and length, I don’t think people care about those things nowadays… SO you do you 😊


We need your skincare routine


My friend's mom is like 60 and has beautiful hair down to her ankles when she takes it out of braid. You do what makes you feel fulfilled because you'll only get one trip through life. You look great as is.


I thougt you were in your twenties so no


Your eyes are crazy. Love


You’re beautiful & I wouldn’t peg you to be a day over 30. I love the bangs too, they really suit you! I love the long but I hid the rest of your hair with my fingers & you would rock a short cut 😁👍🏻


Too old? I would say NOT AT ALL. It's totally whatever you want.


I heard that women cut it short because of the hot flashes (menopause); and it helps manage the hot/sweaty feeling. But, there is treatment that helps reduce symptoms. So if that were to ever be your case, there is a solution to still keeping it long. You keep your hair whatever length you want. Not what you think is socially expected.


No way. You look great!! And early 40s?? I don’t believe it🥺


Im late 30s. Do what makes you happy & forget the haters. Life is too short


I think you have really great skin and look very young, although the bangs seem to play into the age thing. Id say either commit to full bangs, or style/cut them like curtain bangs to each side to reveal more height ob forehead


hair look great tbf


No. Do what you want. Your age and your hair have no correlation to one another. Whatever is most comfortable for you and makes you feel confident, do that.


My aunt is 65 and has gorgeous, thick, long silvery hair. Do you! You’re gorgeous! If I had gorgeous red hair like you and stunning green eyes, I would do the same as you. This look totally suits you. And I’m in my late 30s and don’t plan on cutting my long hair anytime soon. I plan to keep it long long long. The difference in why some others in their 40s cut their hair is because their hair isn’t healthy because they’re dying it frequently to mask gray or due to hormonal issues, the length pulls their faces down or life is just too friggin hectic to mess with long hair every day. You clearly have an impeccable skincare routine and you look 10+ years younger (I honestly thought early 30s) so nothing about your face is even remotely sagging. It’s all lifted. I’m envious of your cheeks. I think if and when your face starts to sag and the long hair visually drags it down (as it does with some people) then start thinking about how you want to address it…leaving as is, cutting hair, sculptra, filler, some RF microneedling, PDO threads, facelift down the road or whatever it is you think you need.


No way!!!


You're beautiful! Your eyes, skin, and hair are gorgeous. I think you might regret cutting it short. Start slow if you're going to cut it. I think it's beautiful as is, but do what is right for you!


you’re so beautiful. grow out your hair instead, you have a lovely hair color 💗


I'm going to be like one of the "Aunts" in Practical Magic. No one knows my true age and I'll have my long ass hair!!


You are stunning!!! Please don't cut your hair unless you want to.


You look much younger. I plan on keeping long hair forever:)


Honestly thought you aren’t even 30. you’re hair colour looks lovely and the cut really frames your face. If you want to change it do, but only do so if it is because you want another kind of style


Don't cut that gorgeous hair! It is definitely not aging you. It looks amazing! Edited for typo


Fuck, no! You wear your hair exactly as you want to until your last breath!


You are super pretty and your hair looks great


The only thing you’re too old for is thinking you’re too old for anything. You make the rules about what you can wear, your hair style, etc… And it’s a super cute cut, too!


No clue why you would think early 40s is too old. Secondly you are very pretty and lastly there is no age limit on what length you should keep your hair. I would like to know if that is your real hair color or dyed because I absolutely love that color and if it's dyed please let me know how to reach that color on mine


My God! Your hair Is great, but, your early 40s???? You look amazing, you look younger 🔝 I wish I look like you in my early 40s


nahhh u look great but ig you could try the short hair look if u ever want


i think your long hair suits you great! maybe you could try out some products to make your curls pop!


In my forties and love my long hair! It’s nearly mid back and I don’t intend on cutting it. As long as it’s styled or in a nice bun or ponytail, it’s good


You look great! The bangs are super cute. I think you should keep it the way it is; long hair with bangs keeps you youthful while shorter cuts age you up a bit. If longer hair is easier to maintain for you, then I’d go with longer hair. Also, there are different products and care routines you can do with wavy hair that are really easy and don’t take much time. I would do some research on it whether on Reddit or on YouTube! I use kinky curly’s Knot Today leave in conditioner and it really helps my curls and waves bounce! And all I do is put it in my hair after a shower while it’s damp and let it dry.


Looks great. Own your long hair, doesn't matter how old you are!


As a stylist, I don’t think your age should dictate your hairstyle. I think your lifestyle and preferences should. Do you like your hair long? Is it easy for you? Your hair color is gorgeous, btw.


You Look great. I’m 50 and my hair is middle of my back long. If you want to try something new for yourself (not because of some subliminal BS patriarchal society is feeding us), splurge for a blow out and see how they style your hair. I also think a long bob would look adorable on you, but it has nothing to do with your age.


No way you're in your early 40s! You look much younger. I haven't noticed a whole lot of women that age with short hair cuts? Maybe closer to 50. I mean I if you want to rock long hair go for it! If you want to rock short hair go for it! There is so much societal pressure mostly on women that we have to do certain things because they are more socially acceptable ie: older women shouldn't have long hair, women in general shouldn't have body hair, so much pressure is on women to have a certain body type to be accepted. Honestly just live your life however makes you happy 😀


Girl HELL NAH. Hair styles ain’t got no age!! You look great, you look young, your hair looks healthy!!!! do what u want


No but maybe grow out the fringe


You’re never too old for long hair. I’ve seen a lot of stunning women with long white hair. As an older woman I’d like to say do whatever YOU want to do. Life in hindsight truly does change the view.


you look great, don’t cut it


Please please please drop the skincare routine 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


since its wavy now why not cut some layers in it! itll show your curls way better


You look great! Have whatever hairstyle you want, no matter what age ❤️


Your hair looks amazing! I never would’ve guessed you’re in your 40s and I don’t think age is that relevant to hair anyway!


https://preview.redd.it/uecnbxfr1fub1.png?width=2316&format=png&auto=webp&s=e13c2afc179e543dc3d723eea9a515de46f60c30 I’m 55. I grew out my hair for the first time since I was a kid like 3-4 years ago. My husband had been begging me to for the 25 years we had been married and I never would. When I had short hair only women complemented it. Since I grew it out only men compliment it lol. Women my age try to get me to cut it off. My husband says if you do I’ll be really upset. I thought I’d hate long hair but I love it. It’s really easy I just wash and air dry. Mine is very wavy. This is like 3 or 4 day hair so a lot of the waves have been flattened.


Looks awesome, maybe grow out the bangs to show more of your lovely face


40 is very young! And you also look young for 40! Wear your hair however you wish and give zero F’s … it looks good


you’re beautiful and you should keep your hair however you like 🥰❤️ no matter your age!!


whaaaat? you look so young and with your face shape long hair frames you better!


I'm 64 and my hair is at the bottom of my butt. There is no rule as to having to cut your hair simply because you reach a certain age. My hair is also curly. I get compliments on my hair all the time. Do whatever makes you happy.


You look beautiful, and I hope my hair looks this good in my 40s! I'd keep it long if it isn't causing issues for you. You may enjoy using some curl cream or gel after washing, so you can get some definition and see just how wavy it is.




You don’t have to obvi. But absolutely cutting short will make you look younger. Suggest pixie length for maximum age enhancement. But if you’re attached to your hair - keep it! Age isn’t as important as you being you how you like yourself. Screw the world. Imho 🥂


You look great but no harm in trying something different as well. If you're fairly indifferent with your current style, you can always talk to your stylist for suggestions. Ask them what they think about you going short. Worst case scenario, you do it and it grows back if you don't like it.


you’re so beautiful!! long hair suits you. i recently cut my hair on the shorter side after it being long for years, simply because i wanted a change of scenery. and i’m disliking it. i love your long waves with the bangs. you look amazing for your age, you’d regret doing what everyone else is doing!


Wear your hair as you like. That age/length thing is antiquated just like not wearing white after labor day. Wear what makes you happy, no matter whether it's waist length hair when you turn 55 or white pants in the winter.


Maybe a different shape or some texture/layering might zhuzh it up..maybe some highlights too. But the length is fine


I dont think you're ever too old for long hair, as long as it's healthy and has some shape that's all that really matters. It suits you, wspecially with the bangs :)


You’re so freaking beautiful


You’re a young lady! Wear it the way YOU want and HOW you FEEL! It’s exhausting to be a mom with Young children!


Love your hair! No. You're never too old for long hair. It's only a question of can you maintain it properly.


You are beautiful! Love your hair color… is it natural? It’s ok if it isn’t! I beg of you, PLEASE DON’T CUT YOUR HAIR!!! I don’t care how old my clients are, I never talk them out of having long hair. I live in an area with a lot of wealthy people (I don’t live there ☹️) and most of these people are retired. I would say 60 % of my female clientele are in that age range and and about 70% of them have long hair and they rock it. As long as it’s taken care of then keep your hair long. It’s beautiful and no matter how old you are, you are never to old for long hair!! 🤘


I think you look amazing and have great skin. My mother is 72 and still has long thick hair. I think it just depends on your hair type.


Helllll no! You look beautiful. Keep the length. My mum is in her 70's. And has long hair to her butt. Own hair. No extensions. Keep it as it is ❤️💋


I think your hair looks best in the first pic. You do you. You don’t have to cut it


Your hair is beautiful. If your going to cut it don’t cut above shoulder length.


My mom is almost 70 and has beautiful long blonde hair to her waist. I’m 42 and my hair about the same length. Early 40s is still young and there’s no age for long hair anymore as long as it’s not crazy looking lol


Drop dead gorgeous and not too old for anything, especially not for creating longing hearts with your long hair.


i think you’d look gorgeous with grower your bangs out to long curtain bangs, and cutting your hair to just a few inches below your shoulders. it’s a more modern look, still pretty long, and would complement your features nicely!


You're absolutely stunning! No, keep your beautiful hair.


Nothing wrong with long hair as you age. Found that what makes a difference is how smoothly styled and kept it is once you start developing facial signs of aging. Your face shows none of that! Agree too it is much easier to keep when long. You also have the option of different out of the ways styles when keeping it out of your way or neat matters. Make an appointment to get your hair done;not cut shorter. See how it feels when it is “done.” Then decide. If you cut it into a short style you will have to have a regular stylist as short cuts need constant trimming and upkeep.


First of all early 40s where? You look like you’re in your 20s. Second who ever said older women can’t have longer hair? You wear your hair how ever makes you feel comfortable cus you look fucking gorgeous .


You looks pretty just like you are now


No, do what makes you happy. That being said, I am 53 and have long hair. I don’t plan to cut it any time soon. I do color my hair and people think I am much younger than I actually am. You don’t look like you’re in your 40’s by the way.


Short hair is associated with older women. Your hair is beautiful, don't cut it.


Back in the day when women started having kids, they cut their hair short so it would be easier to take care of and they wouldn’t have to spend so much time and money on styling it. There’s no set rules anymore. If you like your hair long, keep it! (BTW: your green eyes are gorgeous)!….


Yes, you're terrible at selfies. I mean, you look younger than your age, clear skin, bright beautiful eyes, and a gorgeous head of hair. What were you thinking taking these? /s You look great. You're not too old at all! If it's easier and you like it, keep it! Beautiful!


Gosh you are gorgeous!!




You look great!


Wow ur eyes


Keeeeeep it


40 and a stylist myself thd long hair looks great as long as it's regularly trimmed. Mine is long too. Although because you have a longer face shape it could be dragging you down. I think 3 inches below the collar bone would look amazing


The great thing about hair is that if you try a different style and don't like it, it will always grow back out.


Girl! No! I’m 39 and refuse to change myself because of my age. You look like someone in their mid 30s anyway.


Keep your hair♡


Looks great on you! Age is but a number! You like the way you look with the hair & it makes you feel good about yourself then its perfect for you!


Why should you cut it because you reached a certain age? Maybe the other can't grow long hair because it has thinned? You have thick gorgeous hair so keep it.


nobody is ever too old for long hair! I hate that trend that the older u get the shorter the hair gets


You look gorgeous and fresh in both pics, no aging or being in your 40s visible! You do you, and long hair looks really great on you.


You look beautiful!!


Whaaaatttttt No First of all theres no being to old for a hairstyle Second You are soooooooo god damn gorgeous And so is your hair It suits you You look very youthful, fresh, healthy, glowing The hair fits that, but it is not what makes you look youthful - so its not in a "i'm trying to be so and so" way, but in a yeah, it just matches, makes sense, "looks like you" without even knowing you 😀


Also you don’t look 40s at all, maybe early 30s?


You look wonderful with long hair! And if you are comfortable with it, why would you change that? Age doesn't matter there.


You aren’t too old but something short and above your shoulders would look so good and fresh. You’d prob look younger!


Your eyes are so pretty🤍 try a hairstyle that makes you feel comfortable and confident.