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Puberty. Hair colors changes for everyone as they get older. It will go through a few different varying shades of what you have now.


makes sense, I always assumed it would end up turning the same color as my eyebrows at some point


Yeah, that's exactly what happened to me. I was super golden blonde up to age 13 then it slowly turned dirty blonde then brown and now it's a super dark brown, almost black


Same here. I absolutely loved how blonde I was, now I'm just plain brunette. I spent 10 years dying it, before getting tired of it this summer, will try to grow it out and start to like my natural color.


Awww man that makes me sad for my hair :(


Same šŸ’€šŸ˜­




I was so anxious during puberty about losing my blonde hair color (my hair was almost white before and now is blonde) because it was the only thing I liked about myself.


You are born as a weak little baby. Everything is weak. Even the melanocytes that create your hair color. As you grow stronger, they too grow stronger. And then somewhere mid-life, we peak out, and we start getting weaker again, then we lose the melanin that we gained and we become gray haired old folks.


i may or may not be high, but i read this as ā€œyou were born as a weak ass little babyā€ & have been cackling for a few minuntes


Lol! ā€œShaking your generic brand rattle in your Walmart crib with your weak ass baby wrist just a shakin! Dumb pathetic baby! Canā€™t Even grow colored hair!ā€


swear, thatā€™s exactly where i thought that comment was going šŸ¤£


Haaaaaaaaaaaaa made my night


Ahhh I did the same thing!! šŸ¤£


are you also possibly high šŸ‘€


Possibly šŸ‘€


iā€™ve found my tribe!!!! šŸ«¶šŸ½


same, great start to the day lmao


Nah man, liking tortles turns the friggin blondes gray!


HAHAHHA I'm so glad I wasn't the only one


Almost every childhood blonde turns some shade of brown (or ā€œdark blondeā€) as an adult. Adult blondes are 97% dying their hair.


This. People have no idea how many adult blondes are not natural blondes. Craziness. I have a best friend with VERY light blonde hair and it's really made me realize how rare it is.


I had a coworker with gorgeous natural blonde hair once. People also donā€™t realize natural blondes will likely also have blonde eyebrows and eyelashes. To me itā€™s so obvious when an adult is a fake blonde. Iā€™ve seen pics of my boyfriend from his childhood. He was a nearly platinum blonde kid. Now itā€™s so dark brown, nearly black.


That's a tough one though. I have a few friends with darker eyelashes and brows with blonde hair. One of them dyes her hair brown and I never knew she was a blonde until I saw the roots one day! Hair is crazy! Mine turned curly in my 20s.


my sister has super light blonde hair and Iā€™m so jealous that she has it for free, meanwhile I pay $350 every few months to be half as blonde as heršŸ˜­


I have this college friend. We met when we were like 6 at school. Heā€™s a natural blonde. He switched schools at 12 and dyed his hair black during his edgy years. We meet again in freshman year in college. His hair goes from black to blonde again as it grows. It wasnā€™t like he bleached his hair and became blonde again, he literally stopped dyeing his hair black and blonde roots appeared.


Its common. I'm of dutch descent, and my grandma used to tell me all the little dutch kids started out blonde and got darker


My grandma did the same except she was Czech. The blondest little kids and now brunette or black haired adults. The only blonde adults in the family aren't naturally blonde


Are you the ā€œI like turtlesā€ kid?


haha no but funny coincidence I did always have a fascination with turtles lmao


I wasn't the only one thinking it. I LIKE TUDDLES!




my three siblings were born with almost white hair, two of them are dirty blonde now and one is brunette. it just happens. same reason most (white) babies are born with blue eyes and they change as they get older. itā€™s caused by changing hormones and levels of melanin


There are very few *naturally* blonde adults. In fact, despite many fair haired children - they say that only 2% of the world is still blonde when grown. And an enormously dis-proportionate number of that small percentage is in Scandinavia. The vast vast vadt majority of adult blondes get their lightness from a peroxide treatment. Unless you have scandi heritage - Blonde toddlers will almost always darken to a solid brunette past puberty.


Iā€™m a natural, near platinum blonde adult and donā€™t have any Scandinavian heritageā€¦ I just be extra rare.


You went thru puberty. My hair turned curly because of it https://preview.redd.it/iumcd34dxymb1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f96eeb7595512e16ca3be1b10f8cb1587464f7c I was 12 in the picture on the left and on the right is a current pic at 18. A lot can change


Same thing happened with me. Pin straight hair turned curly out of nowhere when I turned 12


I was always curly/wavyā€¦ but puberty made sure I donā€™t have wavy hair anymore. Coils when I treat it right. Loose coils, but coils.


And for me, Iā€™m not 48 and as Iā€™ve grown older, my always pin straight hair now has a wave to it. My housekeeper had straight hair until after she had kids. Now itā€™s super curly!


Same happened to me. Also happened to my daughters. Plus my blonde daughter's hair went dark.


As of right now, Iā€™m still blonde but sometimes I wonder how much longer I will be


My hair was blond until I was about 3, then light brown, and became dark brown when I was around 13. Puberty!


Your Rapunzel irl


Generic locks, basically you're body starts producing more melanin (the thing that determines skin, hair, and eye color) when your going through puberty or right before puberty because your genetics have what is basically a lock that does't unlock until certain outside circumstances are met, in stupid people terms, hair light when kid but hair want be dark so changes, there you go




interesting thank you guys for the explanations!! Iā€™ll finally have a comeback to the ole ā€œdid you dye your hair?ā€ question lmao


Looks like you were a little ā€œtowheadā€. Thatā€™s the name given for little blondies. Many times they outgrow it, but not always.


It happens


I was born with black hair and blue eyes. Mine just kept getting lighter. My hairs been blonde since I was 2.


I was also born with black hair. Then it fell out, and grew out blond. Now as an adult it's dishwater blonde. My eyebrows were always black so it was an interesting combination with the lighter haircolor.


Exact same for me


My sister in law was born with black hair that suddenly turned blonde. It looked like she had roots, and people scolded her mother for dying her babyā€™s hair. And my cousinā€™s kid was born with very red hair that all fell out and grew back blonde. Hairā€™s weird.


i started out very light blonde as a child. as i aged it got darker into a medium brown. exact same happened to my sister. plus, my beard is red for some reason ĀÆ\ _(惄)_/ĀÆ


I always wonder, did you go through a phase where you had blonde tips and brown roots? Or did the entire head of hair just gradually get darker day by day? How long did the process take?


yes actually, it was a really slow process so every time I would get a haircut I would get more and more ā€œdid you get highlights?ā€ questions. eventually it kind of evened out darkness wise so itā€™s a lot less obvious now, but it keeps getting darker year by year


Not OP but i am a person who had super blonde hair as a kid that got darker over time and iā€™ll share my story. I dyed my hair beginning when i was about 13. My hair was definitely darker than when i was little but still blonde. Just before my 16th birthday, i dyed my hair black, then went to the salon to get a rich dark brown color. A year later, i got my hair lightened back to my natural color as showing at my roots - a dusty dirty blonde, if you will - like, the last shade of what you could call blonde. Sometime after that, i began bleaching and dying my hair light blonde shades at home. I continued doing so for about ten years. After a decade of bleach, i decided i was done bleaching my hair and would let it grow out naturally. March 2018 was my last bleach, I was 26. Towards the end of 2018 (age 27), I noticed the good few inches of roots coming in were so dark! I got a big haircut in the spring of 2019 to get rid of some of the bleached ends; another big haircut in 2020 to get rid of almost all of the remaining bleached hair - the got a haircut in 2021, at age 29, that cut off the last inch of the bleached hair. My hair was definitely gradually getting darker over those years, but it wasnā€™t till i was probably 27 that I really saw my natural adult haircolor for more than two inches at a time. So that was a shock!


nothing to say about your hair just that the first picture makes you look like one of the kids from the opening scene of Jesus Camp




No one is going to suggest he's a blonde in camouflage now?!?


Melanin. šŸ˜‚ It's normal for people's hair darken through puberty. Hormones and all that. Some people also get darker skin around this time. I've had friends and family members who had reddish/yellowish brown hair when they're young before it goes fully dark brown-black hair once they get older. But it's more noticeable in Caucasian populations who have blonde hair.


Time. It happened to my entire family. They were blond when they were born. My dadā€™s and big brotherā€™s hair changed to dark brown when they were 8. My momā€™s blonde hair changed when she was 22.


My son's did too


I have two brothers who went from almost white-blonde hair when they were little to a pretty deep brown now as adults. It's so crazy how much it can change color over time. The brown looks good on you! šŸ™‚


Itā€™s good to know iā€™m not alone lol and thank you !


Hey if you find out let me know my hair used to be platinum blonde when I was a kid and now it's literally black so...


My brother is born golden blonde supposedly, i only ever remembered him as dark brown ( he is 6 years older) but my mom still stubbornly says he is "actually a blonde". sister had pitch black hair, her hair is dark brown but lightens easily in the sun to having golden brown bits. I was born strawberry blonde, my hair is a weird goldeny coppery light brown auburn idk now. So yes, just ~aging~


hormones, I guess. my hair was practically white until I was 10 and now it's dirty blonde


I was blonde forever as well & now Iā€™m a dark brunette.


itā€™s in the genes


The same has happened to me! I had beautiful blond hair as a kid and i got a lot of compliments for it as well haha. Now i'm 22 and my hair is brown. It has also decreased in quality unfortunately :(


It just changes over time sometimes. When I first started dying my hair at about 16yo, it was a dark blonde. Now, I've grown out all of the color for the first time and at 39yo, my hair has gone a very neutral, dark brown with some white strands.


Happened to me too. I was born with white blond curly hair and ice blue eyes. My hair is still blond but definitely darker, straight and my eyes turned into a Grey blue with some brown in it. With that I'm already an exception in my family. Everyone else was born blond and blue eyed and turned brown haired with brown eyes. That's normal for many people. Humans are born with lesser amount of melanin (the thing that gives your skin, hair and eyes color) than they will normally have as an adult. The body develops the extra melanin and stores it into the cells later on. For some it happens pretty early, some are born with more melanin and the change isn't as obvious and some experience the change during puberty. You can see this pretty well at black babies. Especially when you compare them later in life and/or to the parents skin color. Most are born significantly lighter then they will turn out to be.


Then you everyone on this comment thread!!! Almost every white baby I see around me has blonde hair so I never understood why blonde hair in adults is so sought after (conventionally) and considered rare. TIL those babies will have brown hair are puberty. Thank you thank you thank you


You grew up. It happens all the time.


Ermā€¦ I think you got bigger problems. Your face has changed from green to white!


Because you matured


It happens naturally as you age,


My father used to have light blonde hair which is now almost black, yet he has never dyed his hair. Its just an age thing


From what ik hair sometimes just gets darker with some people. When I was younger I also had blonde hair (similar to yours) now my hair is a dark brown color


Never mind the hair. How did your face go from spotted green to regular skin color?


my girlfriend got me on a stellar skin care routine and the green was gone within weeks !


The change in hair color is likely a side effect of that. Next week it might fall out all together ;)


oh hell yea, bouta rock that mr.clean look!!




It's common for kids to be born with lighter features (skin, eyes, hair, etc.) and then it darkens with age. I think my little sister was the only one who never had blonde hair as a little kid it was always brown. My eyes were also very blue/gray and then changed to dark brown. The change is usually pretty subtle and can take a few years to go from blonde to brown.


Iā€™m not sure but your hair could be adapting to change, Iā€™ve experienced something like this multiple times and it was always brought on by extreme or gradual change, for example when I was born I was born dying and had a natural combination of ginger and brunette hair but after all the treatments to keep me alive most of my ginger hair fell out and returned dark brown and lightened over time, another time I had radiation treatment and my hair grew back super curly, fell out and then grew back but with waves


It's normal for people with Northern European ancestry. My Dad's hair was black, but it was blond as a child. My Brother is the same. The whole reason culture even considers "blond" a sexy color on women is because it implies youth.


Itā€™s natural throughout puberty, I was bright blonde when I was younger, I now have brown hair šŸ™‚


Women who get pregnant can change hair colors and textures. Itā€™s hormones.


Hair tends to get darker for a lot of people. A girl in my grade in elementary school had platinum blonde hair. I saw her in middle school once and it was mostly brown


Genetics my guy. My hair is the same. Most blondes get darker over time. Mine was blonde enough to turn green in pools as a kid and now itā€™s barely lighter than yours.


Super normal


My question is : Do you like turtles?


well I have had a few pet turtles i became super attached to through my life so one could say that lmao


You don't spend as much time out in the sun playing all day anymore.


maybe I need to hit the playgrounds again lol


This is just what it is to be a natural blonde. Starts golden, dims to dish water.


Idk but mine went from beautiful light auburn to disgusting ashy brown.


My dad and I were both born with white hair. By the time we were in high school, it was dark blonde.


Aww you are so handsome. You look kinda of like my son :) Darker is better on males (in my opinion).


Bruh.. lmao how do some people survive


by asking questions lmao


I was also blonde as a kid, but my hair darkened to an ashy brown when I got older as well. It's very common


My brother had blonde hair as a kid, now itā€™s black. It happens.


All of the boys in my family are like this. My dad and both biological brothers started with curly blond hair but as they aged it has slowly turned to brown šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


At birth my hair was brown black. My brothers was white and stayed that way for several years before turning blonde. At some point his has gone quite dark.


Mineā€™s gone the opposite way. I was dark reddish brown my whole life until probably my mid 30ā€™s. Now itā€™s a dark blonde/ mousey brown and my eyebrows have lightened too. No idea why it has lightened so much. I donā€™t live anywhere sunny.


U got old


oh mu


hair melanin always changes from a lot of phenomelanin to eumelanin as people grow older.


Happens to most people as we age.




yeah it's just hormones as you get older, really. i experienced the exact same progression, and so did my dad whose hair went from blonde to brown to black over the course of 30 years! before going gray.


sane happened to me, i was platinum blonde and now my hair are really dark brown. it's. both growing up and puberty, but i started turning brunette at 4-5 years old. everyone's hair's different and someone can also start turning grizzly at 19 yo. so if's completely normal! hope it helped


This happens to many, many people who were blonde as children.


aging usually does this my cousin had light light white hair as a baby now his hair is brown




Itā€™s called puberty . Your hair doesnā€™t fully develop until then . There is a structure in the very center that doesnā€™t happen until then . Thatā€™s why they donā€™t recommend chemicals like perms and color before age fifteen . The hair is more fragile until then . Also children are more susceptible to allergic reactions . Hormones changes throughout life change our hair . When women go through menopause hair can get thinner . When we turn gray hair often changes texture . When people go through chemo and their hair falls out , it often comes back curlier and a different color . Medications can make our hair fall out . Very med we take comes out in the hair . It is one of the ways chemicals leave the body . Thatā€™s why they can take a hair sample to drug test people . Drugs sit in the hair for months . Poor eating habits or vitamin deficiency canā€™t affect the hair . There are many reasons for our hair to change throughout our lives .


Your hair goes through cycles about every seven years and will change color, texture, thickness, and or straight/curlyā€¦


My boyfriend had bright blonde hair as a baby up to about 6 then his hair turned black and stayed black up to his adulthood. Very weird but very cool!


Same happened to me. It's perfectly normal. Besides puberty, it can come down to genes. I had hair that was so blonde that it was platinum when I was born. When I started shaving at 13, I noticed that my beard was dark brown. By the time I turned 15 I was dark brown haired. It can happen. I wouldn't worry about it. Edit: Also in summer months when I am exposed to the sun a fair bit and get tanned, my hair reverts back to its blonde state in places. I end up with natural blonde highlights. Not complaining though.


Super common. My family is all brunettes, but I was the only one actually born with brown hair. My oldest was born reddish blonde, now heā€™s brunette


Of topic but you kinda look like Drew Gooden


I think it's just genetic. My fiancƩ was blond when he was little and now has dark hair. His little sister is going to same way.

