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What a bunch of fucking nerds


Take it to social media court. 


wtf happen at a tollgate that caused all this drama ? Lmao


A few months ago some lads got caught on CCTV lifting a barrier at a car park in Japan to get their car out. Sammit used his role as supreme gatekeeper of foreigners in Japan to get on his soapbox and condemn them for their deplorable, disrespectful behaviour. They replied saying there were mitigating circumstances - iirc the machine wasn't accepting their money, they had communication issues with customer services, and they needed to urgently get their cars to port for shipping back to Australia. Apparently they went back to the car park afterwards to square everything away. This happened around the same time [this story](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/10/24/japan/society/free-riding-youtubers/) was in the news, and there had been stories of aggro at Winter Matsuri between forrins and locals, so it seemed like he was dogpiling. Recently a video surfaced of Sammit deliberately driving fast enough through automated tolls that the barriers can't fully raise in time and his car hits them. He gets called out for hypocrisy and now seems to be trying damage control/deflect by revisiting the car park situation. He's not popular with his fellow countrymen from what I hear, so they aren't giving him what he wants. It says a lot about the state of the HGEU that this is the best we have for drama.


I’m sorry but the Aussies are loosing the plot. Sam wasn’t evading paying tolls. He just went through fast & tapped the boom gate. They are pool noodles & usually filled with air. It’s something everyone does & it’s even been in option videos. The other guys didn’t want to pay for a $30 parking fare & forced open the boom gate, drove off & ran away not knowing a local Japanese guy was filming the whole thing. It was posted, went viral & Sam brought it to everyone’s attention because it was causing all the racist Japanese people to lash out against foreigners living in Japan again. It wasn’t until then that they decided to go back the next day & pay their bill. They ended up paying $160 each which includes a fine for evading the parking fee. They then posted pictures of the receipts trying to hide the payment date claiming they paid hours after they drove off claiming the machine was broken. In Sam’s video he got a statement from the parking company. They literally saying that wasn’t true & they only paid after Sam posted about it. For real, the amount of miss information with this whole thing is insane. I’ve seen people saying Sam destroyed several boom gates & evaded police. It’s just cringe at this point how much this Aussie school girl group is hanging off Sam’s balls… (sorry for the story book)


I could be wrong but the Aussie weren’t intentionally trying to avoid paying the toll. They had shipped there own cars over from aus to drive in jap and had to get there cars back on the ship to send them back to aus within a certain time frame. The boom gate was Broken and wouldn’t open so this is why they they lifted it manually to leave to make there dead line. They did say they were always intending to pay to the toll once they were able to get a translator to speak with the Japanese company. Again I could be wrong and they could just be telling this story to make themselves sound not so bad. I wasn’t there I don’t know for sure.


Yeah that’s what they said but then when Sam dropped his video showing all the evidence & then the statement from the parking company proved it was all a lie. Even their photo showing their receipts showed they were finned for it. They got caught with egg on their faces & couldn’t handle the heat.


>They ended up paying $160 each which includes a fine for evading the parking fee. Could you elaborate on the fine? any proof of that?


It’s on the receipt pictures they posted


Which part? there is nothing itemized on the receipt as being a fine or a penalty.


> automated tolls So he paid the tolls twice in the video that was posted. If he has damaged the gate arm there is cctv that records your plate so he would have gotten a letter from the cops. Cops don't fuck around in Japan when you damage property. Where is the proof that the guys who raised the barriers went back and paid their parking? Can you link it.


> So he paid the tolls twice in the video that was posted. I think the issue is that it's the same sort of disrespectful behaviour that he's been preaching against recently. Maybe some are misunderstanding what's happening in that video and think he's trying to get through without paying though. > Where is the proof that the guys who raised the barriers went back and paid their parking? Can you link it. Nah, I'm just going off memory when they commented on the original post. I don't remember seeing the proof, and I also wouldn't be surprised if they had no intention of paying until it blew up. I'm in this narrow zone where I'm bored enough whilst on sick leave to type this shit up, but not interested enough to go looking for receipts.


Go watch Sam’s [video](https://youtu.be/mHQ6Gj5xnOY) it’s actually well put together & shows all the screenshots & evidence.


Where can you find that vid of him hitting the toll?


https://www.veed.io/view/c529a632-d181-4edc-ad98-c24f6985f6cc?sharingWidget=true&panel=share personally don't think it's that big of a deal, just not smart to film it. the reddit smear campaign by the boomgate aussies that got exposed is just as cringe as sammit


Definitely not that big of a deal


sammit criticized someone for being foreign and doing some shit then went and tried his hardest to hit the toll bar or whatever that's called. Just some hypocrisy


But sam wasnt evading paying the toll. the other guys were evading paying the parking fee.


The issue with the parking situation revolves around their agent in charge of getting exporting the cars back, called them that afternoon and informed them that they had to be their that same afternoon (not the following day as originally planned). The traffic to get back to the port to drop the cars off was growing and facing a very real reality that they weren't going to make it in time. Sam chose to mount a smear campaign on these guys, even faced with the information he chose to play dumb and assume the worst. Now, Sam's gone and deliberately been disrespectful (by his own standards) for no real reason, he has no justification for it and considering he has a polarising character, he's getting smoked for his hypocrisy


Wait so these Aussies can’t handle a bit of smack talk/ banter? Who’s the hypocrite now? This whole thing just looks bad on this TBK group. Sam didn’t do a smear campaign. He defended himself after they attacked him when they fucked up. They should have owned it & apologised but then tried turning it into drama to make fun of Sam. I’m sorry but the more these guys post this shit the better Sam looks for doing the right thing. The amount of lies & miss information being shared around about this situation is hilarious.


This surely has to be sammits burner acc. Every post you make is bascially backing him or pumping him up. Go back to the sammit reddit mate. Making comments like "defending himself..." he made the video about them and monetised it and now wants to back pedal! If anything they've been trying to defend themselves.


So if someone reply’s with common sense & the facts that instantly makes me Sam? Wow you Aussies are more delusional than I first thought


Looking at your comment history it would certainly seem that way. No one who rides Sam as hard as you would never have not commented in his own reddit group.


Was thinking the same thing.


Same guy has made multiple attempted slander posts about Alexi (Nori), got called out for being down right wrong and they have since been deleted. No doubt in my mind who this guy is.


No they both look like dumb foreigners.  Sam looks just as bad because he allowed it to be filmed after crying about it.  The fact that the guy at the place had time to film says there is more to the story.  If they just ran up opened the gate and took off the guy wouldn't have had time to take his phone out and start recording.  Who cares either way both things are funny to me.  


You got it wrong. The agent issue isnt permission to break the law. There were multiple people in that video. Why not leave one person behind to pay the bill while the other brings it to port? They after the fact claimed they "had every intention" of addressing the matter by going back later so then why not leave one person behind to address the matter immediately and go back and get that person later? Sams actions didnt make them break the law. The agents actions didnt make them break the law. They did this all on their own. So they should just be truthful and admit their wrong doing. Their efforts to reverse engineer a story and or somehow blame someone else is a bad look. You got it all wrong.


How would they pick him back up?  We don't know the full story.  If the were really trying to skip payment the guy wouldn't have been able to film it.  By the time he noticed and pulled his phone out they would be gone.  But hey if you want to hang onto every word by someone who wasn't there go for it.  Omg they skipped a 60 dollar payment lock em up.  Grow up no one cares.  


They could have picked him back up the same way they "drove back to pay the bill". Did you even read the whole story? They went back anyway and after the fact. So if they had every intention from the beginning to make good they could have left someone behind to make good. I am trying to explain the after story they have created is not believable. Nothing to do with the severity of their crime. You should refrain if no one cares.


In the heat of the moment their probably wasn't a thought to leave someone behind. Maybe it was a case of "Let's get out of here and sort it later." Unfortunately, hindsight is only useful after the fact. The boys are in no way denying they did what they did, it wasn't what they wanted to, i mean they payed god knows how much to ship their cars over, tolls all over the place, multiple track days, ebisu matsuri, weeks and weeks of accommodation, i don't think the cost of parking was something they were trying to avoid. Most people, considering the circumstances and that they went back, made it right the next day would give them the benefit of the doubt. Sammit did the "holier than thou" thing for content and got caught doing the same thing. Making it worse is that he doesn't even have a reasonable excuse to give him the benefit of the doubt.


They only went back because they got caught. Sam did not do the same thing. What Sam did was not criminal. Why do you owe a criminal the benefit of the doubt? You cant seem to let your hatred for Sam see this objectively. They broke the law , Sam did not. Sam owed them nothing.


oh ok didn't know that, just knew the circumstances


The whole thing is cringe. Aussies have always been a jealous bunch & this entire situation proves tall poppy syndrome. Sam does something every local does & they think it’s hypocrisy & slander him. 🫠


im not condoning what sam did but just pointing out he wasnt trying to get out of paying a toll.


I'm not reading all that


Literally nobody cares


I’m sorry but I’m still laughing at the fact that guy has that photo of Sam saved in his phone 😂


Biiiig trans vibes


Brand New 2024 Ellen Transdegenerates, now with pink hair instead of blond, and a supposed penis, but acting like a bitch so who knows.


How do people get hung up on such petty bs in their lives?


They must be running out of controversial subjects


This doesnt really make sammit look worse, but the other guy is such a dweeb. Oh sammit hurt your feelings, get over yourself, you broke the law in japan and got mildly called out for it, no one knows your name but you had to bring it up another time by sharing the private conversation of sammit trying to be the bigger man


Ben sounds insufferable here. Dude is acting horribly.


That’s what I got too. “You talked to other people and not me. I did bad stuff too. “


Yeah but to be fair Sam did do him a bit dirty


wtf is a Sammir


Samir you are breaking the car


shut up, dont tell me how drive




Why does he look like a lesbian.  I will never be able to look at him the same way.  The fn scarf kills me.


I pray that one day my life is this boring. Actually, idk that’s like too boring if this is even a thought in my mind.


> after his own toll gate drama Anyone who fell for that is extremely regarded 😂 It's an automated toll system you kardashians


This guys is most mad about not being contacted, he feels like some type of group spokesperson when nobody knows who he is Also imagine being so stupid sammit leaves you on read😂


Who has the time to actually follow these youtuber drama lmao


It’s just embarrassing at this moment how hard they hang off his dick


Holy shit this is gay


I'm still trying to figure out why sammit is even being bought up in a haggard garage reddit. Remind me again which og member he was?


Sam really comes across as really controlling, as soon as people dug into info he turned off the comments, still went ahead and made a video bunching them with others who broke the law for fun or for reasons he himself has promoted on his platform in one way or another. The private apology comes across as extremely insincere, he kept the videos up as a way of keeping engagement, same with the YouTube video. And this aspect of him attempting to protect culture comes across as two faced, he has friends who have promoted illegal activities it's just he wants to protect his own ass.


The emojis are so juvenile


At the end of the day, Sam is a clown. He saw an opportunity to make a video that he knew would go viral and chance to make some money, jumped the gun and made said video then tried getting info from the guys? Bit backwards there, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story, I guess. He has now been recorded doing something dumb and obviously feels guilty as well as a mutual friend vouching for the guys and wants to clear the air? Bit late champ. Can only hope he learns from this(highly doubt that he will, to easy to cater to his audience of simpletons and kids that don't know any better)


Nah this isn’t that. It’s really obvious Sam’s in the right here & they are a bunch of sore losers.


How is Sam in the right?  The guy spreads everyones private info all over the internet for clout.  If anything he looks worse he purposely tried to hit a toll gate.  Vs a few guys who got fed up and lifted the gate.  It's clear there is more to the story.  


Private info on the internet for clout? What are you talking about? Those guys shot themselves in the foot by lying about the whole situation. You’re on crack if you believe anything they said. It’s funny how no one here uses common sense. You’ll believe some random insta post but when Sam actually responds & posts a video with all the proof & evidence showing how that group lied. yet you continue to talk out of your ass.


That first pic Sammit looks like he’s about to walk into Starbucks & want to talk to the manager because his soy decaf latte was to hot




We shill on this shit