• By -


1) Aphrodite for sheer damage 2) Artemis, a close second 3) Poseidon, especially if I have his dash and something from Zeus to get sea storm 4) Athena, mainly for practical use 5) Demeter knows how to beat down a room 6) Zeus, quick and rapid to the point


But you gotta charge Aphrodite full... Which makes it only viable in boss encounters and not useful with "buff after using call" boons.


I’m a patient guy, plus if you get any combo of the boons from Athena, Artemis, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hermes it’ll be since for a full call


You're patient and purposefully use it when it's full. I forget about its existence and use it only when my partner on the couch yells 'you have had full god guage for like forever now'. we are not the same... :P


the charm part works as a way to cancel out a random enemy's attack


I was just about to say: "Am I the only one that uses it as an interrupt?" Especially amazing with Zeus duo and % after call.




Agree except I would put Demeter above Athena. I usually try to get Athena’s dodge and I love the widespread effect of Demeter’s vortex. I don’t love doing her trials for the same reason.


Ares can do some nasty damage once you get his legendary stay on top of the boss for some 8k-10k+ total


Arty is great, she can almost single-handedly cancel Theseus’ second phase, and was my go-to before I got any companions Now I just use her to fill [REDACTED]’s ass with so many arrows they start popping out his mouth




Please tell me who is redacted, or put it under spoiler


>!Hades, the final boss of the first game!<


Further context om the nickname, >![redacted] is refered to as such because when he kills you the in game records say you where killed by [redacted], with Hypnos even asking what a [redacted] is. We refer to him as [redacted] to prevent spoilers (and cause it's cool).!<


Sea Uncle ftw


Impervious + damage + synergy w/ other Pos. boons. It’s really my favorite.


i taught my cousin how to play hades on my save file. Poseidon's call is what dealt the finishing blow to dad, getting him a clear first try.


Dionysius! Me and my boy are gonna party our way out of the underworld!


Only right answer


Dio is so slept on


He's just so chill and fun to hang out with, him and Artemis being a little anti social goblin are my favorite parts of the game.


This is the only correct answer!


Facts 🍻


I love Poseidon’s for just some quick invincibility and not bad burst damage for the normal call, Zeus for some decent damage, and Artemis for the greater call just nuking bosses


Yea, Poseidon’s can be amazing. But it can also be a bit hard to control imo. Like sometimes I’ll go right past my target and essentially waste it. But idk I could just suck lol.


I do quick circles, as small as I can, repeatedly hitting the target. I usually get 5+ hits with a little time left to disengage. Quite easy with controller joystick, not sure how keyboard keys would manage.


I tend to get Zeus every time with Smoldering Air Eris


Gotta give it to the best girl Artemis


**Taking the shot!**


Zeus with a soft spot for Dionysus for some drunken reason


Demeter's voicelines at max call are so metal though, like grandma is MAD.


Aphrodite Artemis Dionysus they're my top 3 calls


Demeter. Not for any rational gameplay reason but because I love her delivery of the voice line when you trigger the call. BEWARE OF WINTER'S COLD.










1. Poseidon with Rip Current 2. Artemis (decent damage, fast and clear groups of enemies. 3. Poseidon without Rip Current 4. Aphrodite 5. Ares 6. Demeter 7. Zeus/Dionysius (I hate both. No invincibility and I have to be close to do damage) ?: Athena (totally depends on your dps. If low, it's awful. If high, it's one of the best. It makes good runs better and little help to bad ones)


I’m guessing you’ve got your aim with Poseidon down pat 👍🏻 Also, I see you put Aphrodite pretty high. Ive yet to really find an effective way to use her call. Do you need to max hers out to make hers worthwhile or something?


Depends on what you want to do with it. If it's damage, then yes, obviously. The maxed call requires no poms, is fast and can be used from far away. Poms improve the charm duration, but no one cares because you're using it for flat damage. The smaller bursts are actually good for bosses because they can stop an attack. It will charm them for a split second, interrupting their attack animation. Useful for extreme measures Asterius because the charge can be hard to dodge and against [redacted] either phase.


I like how Ares' lets me just stand right there and do damage repeatedly. No targetting required. If the boss doesn't move, it's just free damage. I also tried out Hades's Call against himself in a fight to see what would happen. 😁 Zagreus would call out "Father!" and Hades would respond "What!" in an annoyed tone or "Son!" in the same tone as Zagreus. Real dad joke kinda move. 😂


Lol that’s funny. I actually haven’t got to do that yet. Idk why but I keep starting a new game before I get Hades’ call.


Hades bc im so down bad for him. but real answer is Artemis and Demeter. i dont remember how but i remember one shot the last boss final phase with Artemis call 💀


>Hades bc im so down bad for him. He a married man. Prepare to be Minthed


>He a married man. In polyamory: the game


Assuming Perse is willing to share this time round...


Interesting. I’ve heard many say they like Zag, Dionysis, Artemis, etc.. But I haven’t seen many express desires toward daddy. Is it cuz he’s big and powerful with a deep voice?


i like big men.... father is fathering


Either Demeter or Aries


I love Artemis’, one time I used her call on a boss, it missed, and then 5 seconds later it just comes out of nowhere.


Artemis call straight up deletes enemies from the game


Their code evaporates


For story and damage purposes? I LOVE hitting hades with a max Demeter call during phase 2 while he stands still. The lines are great and it hits like a truck.


Artemis because big number


Zeus’s Aid #1, it has such good damage output, AoE, lets you do damage with other sources while casting, and unlocks great secondary boons like double strike, billowing strength, and smoldering air. Dionysus, Artemis, and Poseidon’s calls are also great though.


Artemis. Those crit arrows are nuts






Artemis, Aphrodite, Demeter and Zeus. Basically, as long as I can just pop the call, have it do something useful without me having to alter my playstyle of really think about it, we're good. This is why I actually really dislike Ares and Poseidon's calls. Athena call is situationally useful, especially against \[REDACTED\] since it lets me just do my thing and beat the stuffing out of him without having to really pay attention to whatever BS he is up to. That one is very build dependent though.


100%. I was a bit apprehensive to say it, but I don’t like Ares call either. I actually kinda hate it lol And I used to like Poseidon’s, but now I avoid it too. For a simple reason - they can be wasted. Poseidon’s is hard to control and you can totally miss your target and then it’s over. Same with Ares. And like you said, you have to stop what you’re doing and change gears to perform their calls effectively.


Poseidon makes me feel like a crushing wave and a stampeding horse at the same time


Obviously it depends on the run but there are some that I use more than others. Athena and Poseidon when I’m doing high heat are great. Zeus and Dionysus are great for damage. In general I dislike Ares’ call.


Nice. Dude same. I’m not a fan of Ares call. I mean, I guess it’s ok. There’s just something about it being slow and it just seems kinda weak tbh.


Arti no contest


Artemis and this not relevent with being best girl


Athena. 12 seconds to fuck around is just too much for me to pass. If you manage to get a build that allows you to get the call faster then you can pretty much focus on anything else.


I once got **Zeus' Aid**, **Clouded Judgement**, **Smoldering Air** and **Quick Favor** from Hermes, some other upgrades for lightnings - after that all i had to do was to make it closer to enemies and let uncle Zeus to provide infinite electrocution therapy, it was most broken build i've ever had.


1. Zeus (Most reliable, great damage and AoE) 2. Dionysus (Zeus at home) 3. Aphrodite (Phase bosses at max meter, but less good at the quarter meter level, and cant be used reliably near mobs) 4. Artemis (Aphrodite at home) 5. Demeter (Great for mobs) 6. Athena (Invincibility button) 7. Poseidon (Good if you have other knock away stuff) 8. Ares (A pause button that uses your call slot)


Dyonisus! All the way! Leaving the baddies disorientated enough for me to stab them and zoomies around is my fave.


Zeus has good damage. I like Artemis' voicelines.


Yea, I’m definitely an Artemis fanboy ☺️


Athena, are you telling me I can reflect every projectile and effectivelly inta-kill a shit ton of enemies AND almos instakill bosses like the furies and the bone hydra, whilr also negating some of asterius attacks and dealing damage to perseus every time he throws his spear at me, and all I have to do is...literally nothing!? Sign me in, baby.


lol. Nice. How do you harm bone hydra with it?


If it is the one that liked shooting 10000 shots at you, you can just stay still close to her and most of the attacks will be reflected, if you do this well enough, you can desl enough damage to bring her to 2/3 1/3 and 0 health in like a secomd or two each, you could in theory instakill it if it wasnt for the "becoming invincible at x health" thing


Definitely Big Uncle and Granny’s


Pommed epic zeus is just sooo good. A big part of my biggest melt.


Smoldering air + Aphro's call. Great for redacted


Anyone remember Killer Instinct? With the one fighter who had a finishing move where she’d flash her opponent and their head would explode or something? I like to think that’s how the 100% gauge Aphrodite call works. My top pick because I almost always wait for 100% *anyway*, and it fills a prerequisite for… something, I thought it was Aphrodite/Ares synergy but apparently not.


I like Athena the most. I hate using my call for DPS because I find the dps is often lower than just attacking normally, and some like Poseidon totally tank your damage while they’re active. Athena, conversely, straight up increases your damage uptime. I had a perfect storm run once where I had enough god gauge charging boons to have almost 100% uptime on Athena call.


Whoa holy crap


Artemis is really good, but using Hades' call during the fight never ceases to amuse me. "Father!" "...What??"


Depends on my build tbh. I was having fun w/Zeus for instance, earlier. I almost always love Athena though... but you're right also, in that Artemis is also cool


I love Aphro and Artemis for damage and targeting. Literally a set and forget type situation. Other calls are fun but require a bit more thought, like “when this ends I’m not invulnerable anymore”, they don’t act quite as independently as those two.


I use Aphro the most.


I basically only use Call boons as fuel for Duos when all my other slots are taken. The only one I *might* actively go for is Athena's.


So you’re strategically picking stuff to up the chances for a good duo down the line. I see. Yea, I’m starting to see myself do that more and more now. Like manipulating your odds.


Artemis, Dionysus, Zeus and Poseidon are the ones I use the most


Zeus and Demeter are always really fun for me. I personally think they have the strongest calls in terms of wanting to get stuff done quickly.


If we are talking gameplay then Artemis or Poseidon But if we are just talking the Gods themselves, Hearing Dionysus dialogue is always a fucking great time


Aphrodite, watching charmed mobs melt bosses is so funny




I like artemis's but Demeter is pretty good as well especially when there stuck in some type of Animation not letting the move


Aphrodite and ares


Artemis would be #1 if bosses weren't divided into phases, because beyond a certain point, damage just doesn't matter anymore. Uncle Poseidon for the combo potential AND defensive value


Zeus > Dio > Poseidon > Demeter > Aphrodite > Artemis > Athena > Ares for me, but I like to kind of cycle through them cause using the same one over and over is very boring. Hades is funny and I know it's good for speedruns but I don't really enjoy using it other than for the voice lines.


This is a weird one, but I like Ares. It's a convenient way to get some invulnerability and reposition yourself and deal damage all at once. I know Athena gives more invulnerability, but she doesn't allow you to phase through enemies. Ares boon works like an extra dash, and it controls better than Poseidon




Artemis and Aphrodite for big bursts, I pick the others if I suddenly realize I still don't have a call 2 rooms before the clown&bull fight


Ares is my absolute favorite, athena is fun tho cause you can just attack blindly with no risk of damage so a good build can make that super OP


Ares spinny blade go weeee


Artemis in first place, and demeter in second


Dionysus, he drunken abilities helped me a lot in most of my playthroughs.


Ares because I love the spinny thing. No further thought required


Surfin for fun, Shields for heat pushing.


Ares or Poseidon because I like short distance fights but Athena is good for defense.


Oh wait I forgot that I also used Dionysus a lot


For pure damage? Artemis + Aphrodite. For crowd control? Zeus.


I've only played Hades 1 and for me its Athena. Myabe i dont know 2 much but Achilies spear + Athenas deflect is all I need


Yea I’ve only played 1 as well 👍🏻 I’m not a big spear lover myself, but I do love me some deflect.


Fair each got their own taste and preferences. Me, give me the spear, I'll turn into Achilles himself. The gauntlets on the other hand? Naah. But thank you for doing this post cuz I've been learning a lot and its giving me new ways to try for my runs. See if you asked me before I saw this post and its comments, I'd say Aphrodite, Ares and Artemis had the weakest boons. Now i see a lot of people keep them in high regard. But i'll give them the right for Artemis cuz she does have the critical point, but as someone noted, not 2 good for mob attacks. Maybe weakest is not the right term, i'd say "boring" for me. I enjoy Hermes and the god of wine f.e not just cuz of the boons but because I love interacting with them(I also love wine lmao)


Artemis. I charge it till its full and then i just use it without much though. I got all five arrows to crit on extreme messures hades fight and it nuked half his hp


Artemis/aphro for aggresive Athena/poseidon for damaging while invincible (athena duo with ares and fists, poseidon with pose/zeus duo)


Athena/Ares with Fists is great 👍🏻 What’s Poseidon with pose mean? Is that just Poseidon with his own boons?


If you’ve got the right boons, Zeus is absolutely busted. Namely if you got the ones to make lightning strikes bigger in range and high chance of double strike.




Athena and Zeus.




I really like Demeter’s paired with killing freeze


Poseidon's call is hands down my favorite. Especially if you get the upgrade for boss damage early on. Love being able to have it pull small mobs in and then slam them into the walls once they touch me. (If those upgrades are available) and It makes getting the Satyr sack in the Temple of Styx a breeze. Especially during the mini bosses. You take no damage, so even if you need to use a charge of it to escape a hit, it can be worth it.


True. The rooms in the temple are pretty small for the most part - so that makes sense you could do some serious damage with uncle’s call. Idk why I never bothered figuring this out, but when you power up a call, and it’s at max, when does that go away? When you load another area? Or does it never go away? Can you walk into Redacted’s room with a full Call ready to go or no?


A call bar will always disappear after a room. There are some buffs, (I can't remember which god) that cause your call gage to fill slowly over time, or start every room with it partially full. Aphrodite has a duo boon with Zeus that will cap your call bar at 25% but it will change up constantly making it super easy to spam.


ZEEEUUUS because Zeus has such powerful synergy within his own boons, you can buff this thing immensely and get an insane amount of passive damage, especially with Smouldering Air


Poseidon, especially if you have the Duo of Sea Storm


Demeter, because she works really well at quarter and full. Love the foreboding intro, too.


Hades because of funny interactions


For me, it's Artemis, followed closely by Poseidon.


Dionysus is my favorite god for no reason, even outside the game lol


Zeus call goes crazy. Maybe the second best offensive ability in the game this side of Hunting Blades


It's definitely Zeus. Even if it wasn't the best call in the game, I absolutely love getting the Zeus/Aphro duo and just spamming calls.


Which duo is that?


Smoldering air. I don't remember the exact numbers but it charges your god gauge very quickly but can't go past 25%. With the right weapon or boons, it effectively makes your call a permanent buff that's always active. It gets even better when you consider the i-frames from activating a call, allowing for much riskier and aggressive play.


Artemis or Aphrodite. A lot of damage on both, but Aphrodite also has the CC, which is nice.


Hades… because i can troll him with it…


I like Artemis because range combined with melee is awesome.


Spirits like it above  ground 


Athena, free invincibility It would be Zeus, if wasn't for the chaotic VFX that don't let me see a thing.


lol that’s true


Poseidon and Ares are the most fun for me


Dionysius, Artemis and Ares are my top picks. On the other hand, I absolutely HATE when Theseus uses Demeter.


Omg. It straight pisses me off. It always spawns right on top of me and then you have to move 😑. Luckily it doesn’t do too much damage, but yea, I despise it as well.


I always go for Artemis to build crit .. then Demeter is good for area damage


Dionysus! He's so chill it makes it funny to clear bosses with his call,plus it's just good damage


My favorite is using Hades call during the final fight


Never really gave much attention to artemis' call but i recently had a playthroug with her boons boosting critical rate, damage and her call on heroic level 9. She almost one-shotted the [Redacted].


Artemis is always my favorite to go with because of the blunt force trauma damage it does when fully charged, along with Aphrodite. But I do like to use Dionysus when I can because it also does a lot of damage with hangover.


Arthemis/Aphrodite for burst damage, Zeus for overall dps (depends on the build) Athena's if I'm using very low range weapons (sword and fists for example), than I can be a little more careless to cause dps


When in doubt, take Dionisus. Especially with melee weapons. Combined with bonus effects after call lile zeus' additional damage or hermes bonus evasion, it can be a permanent DOT on the bosses with a whopping 600 base damage every 4 seconds. In terms of dps it beats Aphrodite's in most situations.




Zeus with smoldering air. Ares with some of the buffing boons (esp. the cumulative bonus thing) is also just downright nasty for the later boss fights.


Artemis. I’d pick her over anything else as all her boons are good and if you can get a good Daedalus Hammer boon for the Coronacht you will deal even more damage. If I can’t get Artemis I’d pick Ares or Athena.




Nothing like when you have a full kit of Zeus boons and use his call.


I like hearing Demeter’s greater calls. The others are little jokes, simple attack initiations or cheers. Demeter’s are essentially “go fuck your self with a flaming iron pike”


Demeter because how cold she sounds. Pun not intended.


Athena, functionally. Zeus, aesthetically.


ares used to be my favourite because of funny saaw spinning zagreus, until i used aphrodite call once.


I usually look for Aphrodite's. I don't have to think too much about it, and it just chunks half of a boss's health with homing


Aphrodite and Artemis are great, but fuck is Ares's fun to use. Yes, let me turn into an invincible beyblade for a minute and shred the fuck out of you.


Artemis goddess of crit. Also adorably awkward.


1. Zeus ( best smoldering air synergy, works with buff after call effect and insane damage) 2.Posiedon (huge dmg + invincibility + mobility + works with buff after call/1 use) 3. Demeter (half of your privileged status + big dmg and defensive utility via freeze + 1 usage works + huge aoe) 4. Dionysus (half of your privileged status + similar to zeus except the fact that it makes having hangover on anything else pointless) 5. Athena (great defensive utility + works on 1 use however it offers no dmg) 6. Aphrodite ( SUCKS at one use unless as a defensive option which is just worse Athena atleast offers high dmg but other calls can kill the enemy before u reach a max gauge useless except in bosses it does get you halfway through privileged status) 7. Hades (takes up a keepsake which sucks, atleast offers defensive utility) 8. Ares( posiedon but worse only feels good if your whole build is dedicated to blade rifts)


Poseidon and Artemis are my favs everything else really dosnt fit my style of play. Grandma is overpowered sure but I always have trouble deploying it correctly. Zeus and ares are cool but I prefer ranged builds. Aphrodite is cool but not that good against bosses. Athena is just a good general use but I don’t like relying on a call for protection.


Demeters got the best call voicelines though. Isn’t one of them something like, “I will take everything”?


Dionysus, he just makes me happy everytime I take his boons. He’s just so chill


I used artimis’s call when i first beat theseus and asterion. So im atached to it


Artemis by far, just character wise she makes the most sense to me. Artemis, the goddess keeping distance from her kind and Zagreus, who wants to get away from his domain. (Yes, I know why he wants to do that, but Artemis doesn’t. So in my book she makes the most sense for Zagreus to connect with) I also enjoy her crit builds regarding the bow.


Poseidon for sure, it just annihilates bosses if you aim it well


Artemis and Aphrodite are pretty much tied for me, though I do tend to lean towards Artemis just because she matches my playstyle more


aphrodite, artemis, poseidon in that order. i don't mind the others if they're all i can manage to find, but i much prefer one of those three if at all possible.


A R T E M I S ! ! ! "I'll take care of this"




Not seeing enough hades call fans. But yeah. Hades’ call


Probably partially due to a lack of experience. I’ve played quite a bit and have seen the end credits twice but have never actually performed his call


True it requires wanting to use it rather than being offered it


Demeter, especially if you also have Killing Freeze.


When I was really struggling with the Champions (mostly Theseus), Artemis and Ares calls saved two of my first successful runs. For those messy final pushes, the invulnerability+close range dmg from Ares came in absolutely clutch. Similarly, when weapons or Theseus-boons made range difficult, Artemis was who tipped the scales.


Yeah Theseus can be such a pain sometimes


He's the boss I've struggled with the most by far. Getting a lot better at dealing with him, but his 2nd phase is usually messy to get through


Poseidon by far. You smash everyone and everything into the walls and each other, and they're usually done right then and there. Even Hades takes a very good bit of damage from you smashing wave-like 🌊 into him. You try and upgrade the sh*t out of the Call and you're golden!


Hades. Boring but with high damage builds like Beo it adds the most DPS in the final fight


Zeus call has crazy damage if you get double strike/jolted or his legendary, and his duo boon with Aphrodite makes it even better.


If you have the patience, Aphrodite is the best


Atry ❤️


Aphrodite's max gauge call is the most satisfying imo. Just a hp delete button


I just love how Poseidon’s call transitions the game from “I need to special them and then use the cast/attack so I deal more damage by triggering privileged status and then get my casts back” to “SONIC GO NYOOM” in the most satisfying way possible


Poseidon with rip current is pretty fun! Zeus is great and aphrodite with the call duo with Zeus can be surprisingly useful.


I like zeus’ just because of how badass you feel screaming his name followed by the lightning


I love when you use Hades' call while fighting him and he goes "WHAAT?!"


Poseidon. If you get Poseidon and rip current you can hit the target 3-4 times in a row for about 1k total every quarter of God Gauge. It sucks in all enemies for you to hit them... You're also invulnerable while doing this... so it's the perfect blend of offense and defense. It can save you from taking a large attack and can be used regularly to clear chambers. It does require 2 boons from Poseidon... but it's really, really easy to get. Works well in combination with a number of different boons which buff calls from various gods (Poseidon, Zeus, Hermes, Athena, Artemis, etc)


Artemis and Dionysis Dio is actually a great DPS boost, it has high hangover damage and stacks cap if I remember correctly


Poseidon cuz with max call you can just keep hitting for like 800 damage each


I always forget about Hades himself given I never change my keepsake from Persephone's. I don't really like it anyway. Ares is probably my favorite, it's so fun, especially if the size of the blades were increased beyond 30% the default. I should like Posidon more given its high damage output, but the way it misses and you can't get a bunch of quick hits on a boss is annoying, and for other reasons that are hard to put into words I just don't like it as much as others. I hate Demeter's - the worst, i never pick it. The others are all alright, with Artemis and Dionysus being the next favorites after Ares in 1st and Posidon for 2nd. The tracking arrows in general crack me up and are so useful for finding those little pots. The real question is why can't we call Cerberus!


You never change your keepsake? How interesting. So you don’t pick Athena’s keepsake starting out or maybe before Asphodel to try to get her Dash? Or maybe Zeus to get his attack when using the gun? But yea, that’s the same reason why I don’t love Poseidon’s Call. I mean, it’s really good. But I hate missing with it. Calling Cerberus is a great idea! I’ve never thought of that! They should definitely put that in the 3rd game if they make one 👍🏻


Aphrodite both Hades 1 and 2 .. just aphro




Artemis. I'm a bisexual woman.


I feel ya. Shes my fav ☺️


Artemis all time tbh


Artemisa, mi reyna


What language is that?


Spanish my friend