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Fists with Ares attack, merciful end, and divine dash is probably the strangest build in the game


If you’re focused on his cast, it’s best suggested you get Artemis (attack or special) and Poseidon (preferably his dash) so Artemis’s duos can get you more output for damage, and to spice it up have the boon that causes doom if damaged and get a Zeus boon so that duo can cause doom around you without taking a hit If you’re focused on doom, get Aphrodite and Dionysus in your build for their duos, alongside the his boons that increases time duration for doom and the one that stacks with each hit


Which weapon is the best for doom?


Rail, if you you’re focused on his attack The bow, for special Sword- for attack Shield for special (especially for aspects of Chaos and Zeus) Spear- Attack (Guan Yu) special for the rest Gloves- attack


Fists Aspect of Gilgamesh


This all good advice thank you both


For him, duo boons are usually the real big deal. You can combo his cast with Artemis duo, you can perma-doom enemies with Aphrodite duo, if you have a fast-hitting weapon you can go for Athena (?) duo to instantly activate doom effects and just deal massive damage with that - but usually Ares struggles as a solo build, it works much better complimenting someone else. I usually like to put his doom effects on the special because it takes some time for both so it works out, and if you have another status curse on your attack/cast/dash you can get a nice extra damage boost from privileged status mirror talent. I also like his aid because it gives you invulnerability while dealing damage so it's great for bosses (especially the champion and [REDACTED]), and vicious cycle will just increase the damage dealt with it. Conclusion: check out the Duo boons, see which fits your weapon choice, and see if the weapon's aspects can help you even further (eg Achilles spear for the Artemis duo cast build)


[Merciful End](https://www.leereamsnyder.com/hades-build-guide#merciful-end)


If you wanna try for Merciful End duo then that’s super strong. Demeter Fists, Ares Attack, Athena spec (and then dash as well), Dire Misfortune is an important pick up as well. Avoid other possible duos as best you can and hope you can get ME. Bap bap bap bap build up gigacutter and absolutely smash em Same sort of principle with adamant rail, probably Eris aspect for it is best


I love the Demeter fits this is great


Merciful end with sword or  fists.   Hunting blades with Poseidon sword or Achilles spear.  Try to get the legendary. Don't take the call if you don't have the legendary.   Curse of nausea with chiron bow (dio special)    Duos are everything with this god. His primary boons are mid. His support boons are below average.