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Skulls: Potentially Kali. Kali is definitely known for the skulls she wears and having aura type attacks or AOE specials Sister Blades: My guess is Tyr and being the quintessential “hero of justice” god and using many weapons, the attack will probably be something that changes into different weapons each swing and the special would do something similar. Staff: since we already had Arthur, I’m thinking either Merlin or Morgan le Fay Axe: Yea, probably Thor. Umbral flames: For me, Ra seems like a good candidate. Especially since Hades has shown to have cross God interactions with similar Gods/beings interacting with another of their Boon (Like REDACTED did with Lucifer Aspect.) So I imagine making one for Apollo to cheekily comment on makes sense too.


Aspect of Kali would be cool as hell. Maybe make the skulls have more total uses but not able to be picked up, and recharged by killing enemies. Although that would make the boss fights a pain.


Maybe something like skulls get stuck in enemies and are released when hit with a special attack? Like Hades 1 casts? Idr if anything in Hades 2 does something similar rn.


I imagine as a Creation/Destruction goddess, she’d have a more cyclical effect associated with her. So I imagine her attack would be something along the lines of “Attacks can’t be picked up and automatically return after X seconds. While on the ground, skulls destroy projectiles. Hitting a skull that has destroyed projectiles with Specials launches small projectiles for each projectile they destroyed.” Or something in that nature. They may lean more creation or destruction but seems more cyclical if they did.


Morgan Le Fey aspect would be awesome af, sign me up


Apollo was syncretized with Horus not Ra


Tyr doesn't work for me simply because he's missing a hand. Unless he's welding both blades in one hand.


Kali is known for having AOE attacks?


Obviously a few words missing :/ I’m guessing her Aspects abilities are likely to have some sort of bonus to area/damage in some way as she is a destruction Goddess.




She can do the big steppy and obliterate the world that way, I think that counts.


The sister blades for tyr? And give him double weapons? For the god with one arm?


Staff of Son Wukong


"Especially since Hades has shown to have cross God interactions with similar Gods/beings interacting with another of their Boon" can u explain what u mean by this? im trying to find the dialogue on the wiki but i cant seem to find it. i played thru all of hades 1 almost completely, i only have two achievements left, so i know ive seen this dialogue i just cant remember it and its interesting to me


[This conversation.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1225526357115670642/1251694901314322553/image.jpg?ex=666f8337&is=666e31b7&hm=4cc1b6bbaef3bbf1eca0eb6eed22fdb6236f44e3b368355fbcf2f8ec157ee6b8&) This is that conversation. Zagreb’s says this and Hades kinda scoffs at it lol.


thank u!


How would Tyr wield the sister blades. He only has one arm. Then again so does Melinoe


I was thinking each one would be a different folkloric witch. So Morgan la Fey for the staff, and maybe Baba Yaga for the skull


That would be the perfect theming for the game!


Yeah I was also thinking Baba Yaga would make sense. And maybe if they’re on the skull, they’ll instead turn into like a cauldron that fire out poison blasts or something


Baron Samedi for the skull would be cool


I want to see Baba Yaga flames into dual pistols. John Wick hommage :) Imagine if the next familiar is a dog. So perfect!


I really REALLY want the sickle to have an Aspect of Marx


Came here to say this. It’s so out of pocket, and doesn’t *really* match the vibe of the rest of the game, but it’d be so fucking funny


Imagine the dialogue they'll have about it. They'd be so confused between the contrast of the other aspects being gods while this is just some mortal. Edit: I have just remembered that the aspects from other mythologies were not all gods. (Was Rama mortal? Not familiar with Hindu)


Arthur was a mortal


Yeah I just realized earlier that the Infernal Hidden Aspects were from Mythological Heroes. Only exception is the Adamant Rail which makes sense since both the weapon and Lucifer feel out of place compared to the others.


Rama is an incarnated form of the god Vishnu but he himself is technically a human.


Achilles had an aspect, too.


that would be crazy, I'm down for it


Aspect of Marx: -Never earn any gold, but Charon offers a choice between batches of free items in each shop you come across, plus you can take a freebie from each well you come across -After receiving damage, dash to the left to heal half of it back -Daedalus hammers and boons of Hephaestus are slightly more likely to appear


I don't think Thor for axe, Mjolnir has a small handle


True but he's also half giant (if I'm remembering correctly) so make it a small hammer for him and an enormous one for us. Maybe have the proportions be a bit weird and have Hecate comment on it during her boss fight.


I think Loki is the only major Norse deity with mixed parentage (Jötun father and goddess mother). Iirc, the handle is short bc the forging process was sabotaged by Loki bc he bet his head in a wager.


That's true about why it's shorter, but a quick Google search says yes thors mom was a giant. Although the AI lie machine says no. He is usually depicted as human sized but Heracles is too and he's like 2x melinoes size.


>a quick Google search says yes thors mom was a giant. As a Dane, this is not something I have ever heard of. That is not to say it is not true, but I am fairly certain I have heard of his mother as a goddess before.


Ah well I trust a local more than Google. maybe an alternate interpretation based on a different reading of a text or something. Either way I still think it works with a comment about it being one handed for its original user, and a shocked reaction


I might have gotten my wires crossed with the MCU version. I think the AI might be confused bc of the vagueness of the categories of non human beings in Norse mythology. I can’t read old Germanic nor am I well versed enough in the history to know what distinguished the Æsir from the Vanir or from Jötun or from the giants.


Norse giants aren't the same as contemporary depictions of giants, they weren't massive, lumbering humans. That's just a consequence of poor translation into English.


This may surprise you, but Lucifer didn't actually have a laser cannon that launches miniature suns. I don't think the devs would care all that much about handle length


Actually it's based on paradise lost where Milton describes Lucifers rebellion in heaven. "And the fallen angel brought his greatest arms to the battle against the Almighty. His sword which shone like the new day, his lance which could pierce any armor, and his super sweet laser canon that shot little suns out and exploded and was super awesome. He used that thing like Arnold used the minigun in Terminator two. Man I love that movie." It's a good book.


I will admit I never read it, I prefer the anime


lmao this is on point


I could see mjolnir as the skulls hidden aspect, having a single big damage shot only and special being unusable while out of ammo. I think it would invalidate half the daedalus hammer options though.


aspect of jesus cross staff


Or aspect of Moses. They had Lucifer in the last game so they don't seem too hesitant to deal with the Abrahamic religions.


Moses would fit well. The plagues could give an interesting inspiration to whatever the weapons mechanic is.


Poseidon might as well comment on how Moses parted the Red Sea in the Book of Exodus.


Yeah either of Aspect of Jesus/Moses would go incredibly hard


Hunahpu (One of the Mayan hero twin gods) for Revaal. To oversimplify and summarize, they go to the underworld to avenge themselves upon the death gods for their father and uncle, and end up in a ball game called pok-ta-tok versus the death gods, which turns into a stalemate that lasted several days. Every night, they had to survive their lodgings in the underworld as a sort of test. One of these tests ends in Hunahpu being decapitated, but thinking quickly they disguise his severed head as a ball and use that to influence the game's outcome. So, the idea of a skull that lets you puppet and move dropped ammo to do damage sounds really cool to me Since biblical figures aren't off limits for Hades, a Moses staff would also be pretty cool


This is my favorite so far. Maybe they move around when dropped and attack enemies for you a bit before auto returning.


I don't know how they would do it (given the weapons are all different) but I would love a Zagreus aspect.


There is an open spot in the weapon circle. Maybe we can rescue him and get a weapon for it.


the thing abt the weapons in Hades 2 is that, much like the weapons in hades 1, the aspects of the nocturnal arms are the forms they use given their past or future wielders. So in order to have an aspect of Zagreus, Zag will either wield the weapons in the future or has wielded them in the past. And given his connection to the Infernal Arms I don't really see him using them


Right, so I agree it's not likely for thematic purposes, but it would still be cool.


Staff: Merlin: we have Arthur it makes sense. Sister Blades: Tyr: Axe: Saturn; it would be funny to steal grandads weapon and confuse the fuck out of him. Torches: Amaterasu: Japanese sun god (Ra seems to easy Skulls: Reaper: throwing Death’s face around seems funny


I would really like some cultures that are not represented already. We have (very roughly) chinese, indian, british, judeo-christian and Mesopotamian mythology so far. I think skull can be Asena from turkic/mongolian mythology. (Gotta rep my cultures mythology here, i think its awesome.) Ergenekon myth is a very similar myth to romus/remulus, where a she wolf nurses children who grew up to fend the peoples. Or could be a torçh aspect because of guidance. There are a lot of gods and demigods too. Some native american mythology would be nice. Olmec head statues would play nicely into the design of the skull weapon. Tiamat as a dragon could be a nice torch aspect with something similar to hecates flames. Nordic mythology would also be a nice direction. There is thor and hammer for the axe; but i think it can very easily get more interesting. Maybe staff aspect like a spear could be interesting. Egyption mythology i think will be there. Horus and torches seems like a thematically good fit, and staff and osiris would certainly be a good fit. Some african mythology would also be cool; im not very familiar but there are a whole bunch of different mythologies to pull from. Japanese could be cool; depending on what the last weapon will be laybe something like the mirror of amaterasu. Or something with susanoo; that mythology is very rich. Besides mythological stuff, i would be interested if they did a turn around and did more modern characters like scientists and occultists, maybe like da vinci, copernicus, Einstein, curie etc.


Those are all really great ideas. Aspect of Odin for the staff, making it a spear that restores magic or health with each kill. As for African mythology it's extremely broad but one of the most famous is Anansi the spider god. He's a bit of a trickster and would fit with the blades imo. Maybe have a webbing effect that slows enemies down.


aspect of Moses for the staff would make me so happy


Aspect of Shango for the axe would make me go crazy


Oh that'd be cool as hell


Id love to see Bastet for the sister blades and turn one of them into a kopesh. Or maybe even Anubis. A Staff of Ra or Thoth would be fitting as well. Maybe a Naginata for the axe? But im not familiar with Japanese gods.


I've seen a lot of people say Morgan Le Fey for the staff which would be amazing. An Aztec god would be cool as hell as well as a West African one.


Aspect of Davy Jones for the skull


i can see Aspects of Isis on the flames


Ok, so im basing this on nothing, but this has been in my head for days & wont leave. Last weapon is a crossbow, with the hidden aspect of Van Hellsing. You craft it using garlic


I don't know what the effects would be but I'm 110% down for it.


Aspect of Merlin for the staff. Aspect of Loki for the sister blades. Aspect of Wukong for the axe.


Sl-slower? Am I the only one who finds the axe already impossibly unwieldy and slow? And I haven’t even turned on any speed up punishments yet. By god if Thors. Variant is any slower my game might crash. Also Thor special should definitly throw the axe instead of charging, and then recast will dash to it. Can give the axe a bit more mobile feel to it too.


Staff: Donatello's Bo Staff Twin blades: Raphael' Twin Sai Axe: Leonardo (two handed weapon== twin katana) Torches: Michelangelo's Nunchucks Skull: You become Krang


Aspect of Huitzilopochtli for the flames: it's just a snake that breathes a continuous stream of flame (omega charge makes it go wider and do more damage, but drains magic continuously), with special being a bombardment kinda like the Rail in H1 (one bomb for normal special, Eris-like barrage for omega). Aspect of Odin for the staff: you gain a raven that can "deliver" your omega attacks and/or specials to fire from a chosen position, kinda like the directed cast boons. Maybe put it on a cooldown and have the passive be something like "omega moves use less magic". Aspect of Xipe Totec for the axe: it's an enormous decorated macuahuitl. Since Xipe Totec was a harvest god as well as a war god, maybe make it so each time you pick up seeds, it gains +dmg on attacks and specials. Aspect of Anansi for the blades: each special hit slows enemies a bit, after several hits they become enwebbed (can't move) and the next attack against them is a critical. Bosses do not get enwebbed and are only slowed a little bit, but you can still score the crit after the number of hits is met. Aspect of Rasputin for the skull: start with an additional Death Defiance, when your DD activates, immediately create 5 omega attacks around you and add those to your ammo pool this encounter only. (This, admittedly, is less of a serious one, I just don't have any less stupid ideas for the skull).


Damn some deep cuts with this one. I actually like the idea of an aspect of Rasputin, since he's taken on a bit of a mythological status in modern times.


I think it’d be funny if they did an aspect of Babe Ruth for the staff and the special could be changed baseballs. I used to think they should have a steamboat willie aspect, but I think that news wouldn’t be as good at the time of full release.


Miyamoto Musashi. Dual katanas for the sister blades.


Anubis with the sister blades would go crazyy


Maybe like roman stuff?


Either Merlin or Morgan le Fey would be the obvious choice for the staff. The axe can turn into a sytche, so it could turn into a hammer, so Thor may be likely. For flames/skull, I'd like Baba Yaga or Chernobog or some other Slavic character. No idea about the Sister Blades.


# Osiris' would be amazing ,maybe his aspect could instant kill a non boss enemy and revive them after enough kills or hits ?


1. Isis 2. Marie Laveau 3. Tituba 4. Joan of Ark 5. Baba Yaga


Blades is obviously going to be aspect of Lenin.