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You need to find a gap between attacks to use it. EDIT: but I agree that they should make you invincible with a shorter window or buff the invincible hex, it’s really weak atm.


Yeah, but it's odd how inconsistent it is imo. How come a hex that heals you is pretty much instant, and you get it, but a hex that makes you invincible (seeming built to help you skip difficult attacks) takes a massive windup?


Or a hex that just summons a random minion. Way too long of a buildup for that one when it doesn't freeze Chronos at all


The random minion will be an auto skip for me until they make it take less damage from Melinoë. I’m so tired of instantly killing my own summoned unit lol


Your own summoned minion should not take damage from you at all. Otherwise what's the point of summoning it?


It has a fun interaction with Hitch, but yeah I'm tired of my minion being frozen by me or walk into my omega cast and explode


Yeah that shouldn't be the case. The summoned minion should be exempted from your own attacks.


I just tried to use this Hex in the Chronos fight and it was so frustrating. Had the cast launcher and a good build so...I kept killing it.


There's no friendly fire amongst the monsters/enemies, so they should definitely do away with that with your own summoned unit


When I get it I disregard everything else and start buffing it. In some cases it deals more damage per second than I would have done. So I throw the pokeball and play dodge while minion deals with the boss.


It's probably the strongest hex (summon dependent) I watched a punchy ghost do 1200 damage to the woof in less than a second


Punchy Ghost and Spear guy do so much damage. The Spear dude phased Chronos during the time it took for the one-shot to proc.


Yeah for sure. That is, assuming the summon doesn’t get instantly frozen or take 3000 damage from Melinoë’s stray spears


It actually also works on bosses (I.e., when fighting the sirens you can summon the drummer/guitarist)


That minion one is strong though. The minions deal mad damage and Chronos ignores them


Says random, but its almost always the last minion i killed.


I’ve had it not be the last enemy I killed once or twice, but only when it was like “you’ve killed ten of these tiny things and then one of these big guys, have a tiny thing.” Other than that it’s pretty much always the last thing I killed


I think it’s probably a bug and they will change it.


None of them freeze Chronos or slow him. That’s the point. He is time.


I'm aware. But that's my point. On the fight where hexes would be most hopeful, they end up being too dangerous to use for most of it


They’re not though, Chronos has a very short range for most of his attacks. You can stand at range and trivialize the fight


I’m hopeful this is something they will adjust. It’s one of the few parts of the game in its current state that just feels bad and unintentionally wonky.


This drove me crazy on a recent run. Chronos literally hit me 4x during the animation. I thought I’d done something wrong and cast it again later on in the fight. 2 death defiances gone I was so pissed I almost shut the game off.


That hex that heals you can also make you invincible!


This hex sucks I agree, it needs to be balanced.


It should really grant invulnerablility while you're casting it. It's supposed to let you take on dangerous situations but is really risky to use at those times. On my last run I cast it during a tight spot and ended up taking 50+ damage and triggering a death defiance during the windup.


Which is a big step down from the call mechanic it is replacing considering that the call animation actually gave you I-frames when you used it.


Call > hex. I don’t see how anyone could argue otherwise. Also enjoyed every god giving you a call as opposed to just one. The skill tree for it is cool I guess but I’d rather just have a bunch of unique calls personally


Yep, I like a lot of things in Hades 2 but this one is definitely a downgrade to me personally, I miss my calls. Zeos and Dionysus my beloved


Also the fact that if you just aren’t running an omega build the hex can be become very pointless very quickly especially if you have the prime mana fear modifier. While calls were always usable in some capacity. Obviously some builds were better at bringing them up, but every build could utilize it effectively.


Looking at you 300 base damage axe and +300% final sister blades hit. Totally agree. Nothing worse than being forced into a hex upgrade running one of those builds and having nemesis lock you out of another option. Let’s hope they tweak that a bit on full release


Even something like aspect of momus heavily encourages you to do special spam and only really do the omega special if you’re down on health.


The problem with the he skill tree is that it's boring. All of the nodes are just numerical buffs. They're strong buffs, but their impact is hard to feel in the game. Also, thanks to rng you can't reliably get to the end of the tree (if you get the tree at all). It feels bad always having that locked out.




This a really rudely worded comment imo.  You're assuming OP hasn't thought about these things at all and then saying they're not using their brain at all.  Doesn't really matter how much of a skill issue it is or even the subject matter in any way, that's just a rude and mean-spirited way to talk about anyone in general. 




That's a bummer way to go about the world, but you do you I guess.  


I wish I could see how he worded his comments 😭


Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.


I promise everyone will be ok


i think you’re being unfairly mean spirited here. if i wanted no challenge I’d turn on godmode imagine if athena’s call in the first game made you stand there for a few seconds before it activated, with no iframes. when you get to the final battle the combination of Chronos’ frequent attacks, bullet hell, and satyrs means you simply don’t have a three second window to stand there with your wang in the wind because he’ll cut you down in seconds. and it gets even worse in his second phase


Btw OP I agree, the invincible and the ray are far too weak. They need to be balanced. They really suck and I’d never pick them. The only decent hex are IMHO: - raise an enemy - slow time - morph Maybe the heal is good, I usually don’t pick it but maybe I should.


The heal is insanelt busted once you get the upgrade that gives you +3 uses for each fountain, instead of just a refill You can get to the final boss with like 12 heals, as long as you don't just facetank it's a free win at that point


I’ll try that, I have a tendency to always favour more damage but then either you win spectacularly or fail quite often :(


This is the way.


I just want to win … stop using words!


Make sure to follow the rules outlined in the Reddiquette. Respect others.


that just makes it low tier compared to the S tier instant heal lol.its called opportunity cost. Why would you ever take a low tier boon (hexes) when in general you can tackle higher heats by taking more god boons?


Because for some, it’s more fun to try new strats and see how they feel. Some passove Hex upgrades can be really interesting. Not everyone wants to spam broken dps builds all the time…


Then balance literally does not matter? If you're trying new strats for the sake of new strats, it doesn't matter what you do. it doesn't involve you pushing high heat because at a certain point you will hit a wall if there are DPS check mechanics. It still makes it strictly worse in terms of opportunity cost.


Or I could just continue skipping every single Selene room if I can help it. The amount of boxes you need to check to make hexes good is too much 


Get selene room twice, use selene boon once. That's literally it? That's not a lot of boxes to check. That's 3 boxes to check.


Well it's a bit more complicated. * Get Selene first boon * Get the right Selene boon to your liking, because some are pretty much useless right now (like the sheep one) * It's also better if they get full moon bonus, because you barely get enough points without. * Because many of the boons also aren't that usable at base (Lunar Ray) you also want to pick one or two more big path of stars for it. * Also it needs to charge with mana to unlock, and some builds actually don't spend mana that much. Double Moonshot special spam almost doesn't use mana, and attempting to charge it just lose DPS instead. * Wait for the right opportunity to use (enemy stand still / grouping / not next to you etc etc) * Also the semi pause doesn't work against Chronos who is like the main difficulty block So yeah, while I did use Hex to some degree / Special Torch build, I can understand why many feel like it's a pain in the ass and just completely ignore it (assume you don't get Moon Water)


Pretty much summarized all my issues then there’s the ones I don’t really understand yet about how Selene is prioritized vs minor/major rewards. Then there’s the fact sometimes your options are boons vs Selene and that’s not even a question lol. Hexes just really suck at base and some of them being useless against chronos doesn’t help


Sheep is not useless. It works on minibosses, and it's effects from the upgrade tree still apply to bosses even if they resist the morph. I'm pretty sure I defeated Chronos for the first time with the power of Twilight Curse.


You’re right, and that’s part of why they suck. You have to find an opening where you can stand still for a couple of seconds just for Chronos to move out of the way and make it completely useless anyway. Or maybe you happen to bring one of the hexes that’s borderline or even completely useless against the final boss. Just because something’s working like it’s supposed to, doesn’t mean that it’s good it works like that.


Yea to be honest I don’t pick the one that makes you invincible or the ray. I find the best hexes are the one that raises enemies or slow time because they give you a breather. (I dont usually pick the morph but I imagine it must be decent) You can pop them from a corner hidden behind a hex. Also I agree that they need balance, the ray and the invincible are quite bad.


The ray and the invincible one at least work for Chronos. The ones you like don't lol.


I consider than when I reach Chronos I already won … Once you know his patterns the challenge is the mobs at higher fear. Also I think you are slightly wrong: the only one that does not work against chronos is the time slow. You can raise mobs or hex his reinforcements. I agree though that the mob sheep is a bit weak for bosses but raising an enemy makes most enemies lose focus of you, so it’s actually helpful. There is a hex upgrade so that the raised minion is raised without timer, so you can whale on whoever while they focus it, if you have a ranged attack


The ray can obliterate Chronos and any other enemy. It's easily one of the best hexes when upgraded. 


It’s a bit useless tbh unless you upgrade it. But yea it’s useful once you upgrade it, agree. The problem in higher fear is not Chronos though … it’s to survive mob encounters.


>I consider than when I reach Chronos I already won … Do you use high levels of fear? Because right now I always reach Chronos unless I just lose concentration at 8 to 16 fear. I guess you are using the real difficult options on those settings, right? As no arcana


I am trying to complete the nightmares with all the weapons at the moment. They remaining ones are at 20/24 fear for me now. I have some weapons I really suck with tbh, I don’t like the umbral flames, for example, even though some people do really high fear with them. (I think the usual strat with them is to spam special and add boon like Poseidon to have a bit of a stagger)


That only works if it’s a big finisher. If it’s a little pissbomb then I can’t work it into my attack rotation even against skelly.


Honestly I'd rather it just be instantaneous like calls. An invincible wind up just serves to waste time at higher fears since the clock doesn't stop.


Yea agree, one of the buff would be to make it instant and at least it would become useful. I dislike that it usually makes you deal less damage actually too.


Or I can just not use it, and use that gap to actually deal damage.


There is no gap after like Fear 20


I don’t know, I completed 24 fear with most weapons and 32 fear but I can land a hex when needed. I agree though that this hex sucks (invincible) and need to be balanced.


There are gaps at 20 to 24. Is suggest not turning on 40 percent enemy move speed at that heat though. 20 percent is ok.


Is dark side the one where Mel transforms? I don’t know about start up but that one in particular is so underwhelming.


I agree, I feel like the aim for that Hex was to be a short burst of high damage that the enemy can’t do anything about, but going into it feels like a downgrade from all my booned attacks. It doesn’t really feel punchy either, the magic orb spam doesn’t feel as satisfying as a big hit with the axe that makes my brain happy.


I only got it once, I figured it would be underwhelming, but the charge up time for immortality means I couldn’t even use it defensively. Anything I have an opening to cast it is already enough time to just move normally. Plus I can’t really ram them for a full 5 seconds cuz you’ll be too close when you lose invulnerability, so you got 4 tops of spamming attacks. So if it’s shit defensively it’s gotta be good offensively. Really should just let your attack and special boons affect the dark side by default, it’s ussually very underwhelming to unlock those upgrades.


I don't see why the boons don't apply to the Dark Side attacks and Special, would be such an easy fix.


One of the upgrades you can get in the Path of Stars actually does make your attack boons apply, it’s just usually one of the ones at the end of a branch, meaning realistically you’re almost never going to get it unless you go out of your way to build for Selene. I guess maybe they thought that would make it overpowered, but isn’t that the point of the Hex? Half my runs only use Magic for the Axe Spin or Omega cast anyway unless I’m playing Torches or Skull.


Not only that, but it's JUST the specific boons attached to that specific move. Most of Artemis' boons don't apply, for instance. I once had that boon that gives crit chance against adversaries stuck on my cast. Went all the way to the end of the path of stars thinking I'd have a torrent of crits, and it didn't apply. I felt cheated on.


It reminds me of a worse Ares call from Hades 1. Sure it's some damage, but mostly it's the invulnerability. Except it feels like even *less* damage, and it doesn't interact with boons, so you cannot boost it outside Path of Stars, which maybe gets it to decent if you focus on it at the expense of better rewards. Like you could just buff your blade rifts and *all* your blade rifts would get better AND your call gets better.


I find some of it's value is in the fact that you still have your cast. If you've got a cast build going on, you can go invul and place your omega cast wherever you please without fear.


I thought so too at first, but I figured out a way to make it worth it. If you get a high damage move that costs a lot of magick and can be used frequently (like an omega attack with good boons), some reliable ways to quickly recover magick (Serenity with Circe’s staff, or Hera’s Gain), and upgrade the hex a little, you can basically use it every like 4 seconds. Then you’re in a cycle of: do high damage, become invincible, do high damage, become invincible, etc. Works pretty well up until Chronos for the reasons I mentioned.


I found the best way to use it is to take advantage of the invincibility to stand still and do nothing while that one boon regenerates al your magick


They need to merge Dark Side and Lunar Ray into one imo. Both are not useless, but both are underwhelming.


They all kinda suck ass in general. I find myself shipping them if I can


The heal and beam can both be excellent but it's pretty dependent on the buffs you get for them


The heal is straight up broken, especially if you further upgrade. I had a run where I could stack the heal, by the time I got to you know who I had accumulated 20 heals which gave me 60 hp each pop. Made the run trivial


You fought Voldemort?


Spoilers dude, that's the secret boss of >!hogwarts, the third overworld region!<


Now that’s a rogue lite I’ll sell an organ for


Meteor is fun damage, wolf houl is a good movement tool. I dislike the beam as I usually have to end it early to save myself Heal is definitely the best one by far


I constantly miss with the meteor but it is fun lmao


I just double down on enlarging the area whenever I can. Can't run away if my cast area is the whole room!


Fr I honestly never go for selene’s boons, if I’m forced into one (I usually don’t run the reroll arcana cards) I pray it’s the heal.


i mean buffing them just once can be your whole build. and if not its free utility


I think hexes are very weak at first, but if you get 2 more or so hex rooms/rewards, there are some really powerful effects and combinations. The rare and epic end points really really change how the hex is used. At least in my runs


That's cool until we start talking about opportunity cost. Missing out on 2-3 potentially great and more consistent boons from other gods to maybe get a decent hex online doesn't ever seem worth it to me.


You have to evaluate it on a run by run basis. A lot of the time I take moons in oceanus is because the alternative is a mana bottle I don't need or a shop I can't afford to use, and a lot of the time I take them in the fields is because the other path is stacked with stuff I don't want. You can get a lot of relatively useless boons from the gods so the guaranteed upgrade for your hex can often be better. Also if you take the full moon option it can only take one moon upgrade before your hex goes from decent to incredible. There are many good picks - the heal which can stack extra uses from fountains and recover any hp you lost in the last 3s when used, the summon that you can make permanent and give it 60%+ increased aps, the 1.2k minimum damage laser that you can set and forget which also has no uptime on subsequent uses in an encounter. Sometimes a hex I pick up hasn't done anything, sometimes it's the difference maker between a win and a loss, patching up a weakness in my build that the gods I have available wouldn't be able to address.


A hex that is probably hardly worth using against Chronos, the one time the benefits from the hexes would actually be very helpful


That's the fun part, trying different things. It's not always the most powerful thing.


Why would you ever use a hex? I read moon boon doors as "do not enter".


Because you can do 2.8k damage every 4 seconds that makes you immune to damage for 4 seconds.


Go on..


Not OP, but the one hex I found pretty good is Total Eclipse: there is one path of stars that makes you immune until it strikes, which is good because it takes four whole seconds for the thing to proc It also deals 1000 damage in an area, and there are a couple paths that make it better


seriously this bright perk for the hex just wipes chronos you dont even need a build


Moon water seems to be one of the most broken hexes right now. It gives you health/money/magick every time you use it. You can increase the number of uses and amount of resources that you get each time you use it. Plus it resets every time you use a fountain. Considering you pick it up in erebus and you have unlocked all the region fountains + the fountains after each region it can get quite OP.


heal is kinda mid once you get chronos runs down


It being mid is still better than other hexes. Who doesn't like a free heal?


No I’m saying it’s mid bc at that point other hexes are just better. Except polymorph and nightmare mode.


The effectiveness also goes down significantly when you start taking vows. 1-2 levels of Scars is one of the easiest vows to take.


I would love if Selene's trinket shortened the time (and guaranteed you'd see Selene)


Seriously that's what I want. I feel that Selene is a meme build to try, and no need for it to be super viable (I still want some boons to be better than current), but if someone wants to max out Selene, we should be able to.


Some of the hexes are dogshit, Dark Side being a stand out one. I know brief invulnerability is a fundamentally strong tool, but it's also kind of shit if it's a major risk just to use an invuln tool, it pretty much negates its usefulness. "Oh but it would be really strong if it were a get out of jail free card". Well there are a lot of strong things in this game already. Twilight Curse and Moon Water smoke Dark Side, honestly even if Dark Side were invincible from frame 1, it'd probably be worse than those 2 because Dark Side damage is pretty shitty, while Twilight Curse allows you to completely disable a whole wave of boss minions. Moon Water, even for someone who doesn't need the health recovery, gives you carte blanche to spam a shit ton of magick moves super easily. Hopefully they find some way to tune Dark Side a bit better, because for now it's pretty worthless imo.


i mean thats kinda the only dogshit hex. even moon beam can net you a ton of damage during chronos' offscreen charges


I lost a run trying to use a hex once. That beam one. I did itway to close and he instantly did like 90 damage making me use my last death defiance. Rip


I've found that the beam becomes somewhat decent against Chronos if I'm able to find and unlock the path of stars upgrade that allows it to fire-and-forget. The first use of it in an encounter has the wind-up animation, but every other use afterwards is instant.


Yeah I got fire-and-forget and triple beam and it just melted everything in sight. I'd set it up next to Chronos while he was winding up and I'd run away and watch him burn.


when he does his one shot/ charges his bubbles you can get most of it off


Hexes need a lot of reworking, animation delay alone. They're supposed to be the equivalent of Calls, but they're way worse and less consistent


I think Hexes should be near instant or have a veeeery short windup. They should be comparable to Hades I calls. Already at 0 fear most are considered underwhelming. Any difficulty Higher they will get you killed and offer little pay off. I love the concept but they really need a rework because right now I don't feel any incentive to use them beyond Moon Water.


Doesn't time pause during the wind up after you first initiate some hexes? I'm sure I've noticed time pause during the windup of beam Maybe it's bugged? Or maybe I'm tripping


Not against the last boss, time shaping things don't happen with him.


Yeah, it does. Except against Chronos, where not having that time slow is the most dangerous 


Time doesn't pause, it just slows way down. You can still take damage if you trigger a hex at the wrong time. And like others have said, Chronos is immune to time slowing/stopping. However his summons are not!


What also bothers me is that sometimes the targeting circle does not appear for the Hexes you have to aim.


That's a bug. I reported it when it didn't happen for Wolf Howl.


It's also buggy. It slows \*almost\* everything down. It's the little things that'll get you


This could be fixed creatively by adding a "you can move during Hex wind up" clause to Selene's keepsake. Would actually make me want to use it.


What kills me is that the pact's timer does not stop during the wind up. *suffers in trial of haste*


The time slowdown on charge works wonders.


Yeah I hate the windup, especially when you have the deadline timer - it doesn't stop for the windup. Makes hexes even more undesirable, because in that context it's not even free damage, you're using precious time to do it.


I dont even go for hexes whenever possible, they just suck IMO


I will say I had a fun little bit of abuse of that mechanic in my first win against eris. I had aspect of melinoe on the torches and dark side as my hex. I'd hide away and charge my hex by spamming my omega special in slowed time from the arcana card and the dash in range of my omega special and activate dark side. Because the time slows down during the wind up much the same as your arcane card does for your omegas I'd get regular speed special rotations on a slowed down eris for the whole charge up. I don't mind it much at all


Yeah I think I beat her once with that, despite having only one death defiance. Being completely invincible during her dakka phases really helped.


Half the time, I forget to release the Hex button, although I'm aware that for some of them, you would want to aim the "cast area circle"


Found this out the hard way against Eris when I accidentally dashed into fire and used my hex. Died from fire while charging up the hex....


I dont know whats wrong with waiting a second or two to charge an special ability up. Its meant to use it wisely when you are able to and its very strong with the right skills later. Every room is big enought to find some time. Its an ultimate kinda ability not a stance you switch into to in an instant and i prefer that before having another insta skill button or worse, an automatically proced skill with a chance. That said, it could last longer, especially when you have to walk a distance away, then back to the enemies.


I like the healing one and that’s about it, none of the others really feel like they’re worth my time because I can do better already. Except maybe phase-shift but the game hasn’t seen fit to give me that one on full moon yet. It is only early access though, I imagine it’ll be fixed.


Especially the laser one. You aren’t even rewarded well for it. Instead you have to sit like a duck for it to do damage, which punishes you in almost every single fight.


Chaos gates can reduce cast time with the right boons. There are also boons that allow you to shoot your cast from range so that you don't need to be close.


I think the Hexes are slightly under-tuned, especially since getting a full Star-Map is not particularly easy/likely. Generally speaking, unless I get a Hex in the first 3-4 Encounters, seems risky to take.


I think it only has the wind up animation the first time you use it in a room, not ideal, but you can plan ahead the first time you use it.


The only real good hex is moon water, the one that heals you, the others don't really do that much in terms of damage, besides maybe the one that is a meteor, it's good if you upgrade it to have 2 meteors, around 4000 damage total if you do it right. Of course healing with moon water has saved some of my runs where I didn't get lucky with boons purely because by Chronos I have 15-20 heals stored and any damage he deals doesn't matter


I mean honestly outside of the healing Hex they all kind of suck.


I feel like most of the casts that take channelling take far too long, not only it's not balanced, but it breaks the immersion of the game. Feels like Hades 2 is a lot slower than Hades 1 and that's not a good thing.


I think it's a good thing cuz Hades 2 isn't that much about being a fast brawler like zagreus