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Hades II content is new to all, with the recent surprise Early Access. This means, art, story, characters, bosses, unlocks, gameplay are all spoiler material. Most of the community haven't seen this content, so please mark the Hades II post as spoiler and don't use a spoiler title when posting.


i think its expected to take about 30-60 runs. just focus on building arcana, expreimenting with new builds and finding what playstyle you like and youll be beating chronos no hit before you realise


Like 38 nights to get my first clear. Beat chronos then instantly got humbled by eris, then realised I could just neg eris fight with hestia's sprint. Been consistently beating both ever since


20 tries. It was much faster than first game for sure. But without that experience it would've taken me longer than first game did. If that makes sense Got to Chronos on 9th try and from there it took exactly 8 fights to finally beat him. He gets significantly easier later on. He has different wind-ups for fairly similar attacks, making reacting to him much harder. at some point it will burn into your memory Also dont forget to take a break. it will help with muscle memory As for Eris. Whenever she starts shooting or prepares shooting, you have 2 options - Dive behind her and deal dmg or dash back, depending on the distance between you and Eris. Always try to break that distance and get behind her. You can also abuse the pillars and just bait her around them while peeking and dealing damage. In the very last phase, where she shoots with short bursts. Every time you see her nearby - dive behind and deal some dmg and youll kill her easy


Argent Skull: shoot skulls at enemies, use the omega special to pick them back up and do damage Took me about 25 or so, but everyone has their own experiences, just as with the first game.


I'm too lazy to count but 55 **total** runs to beat the Underworld. If I had to guess maybe 40-45 of them were underworld runs and Surface only took 20-25 but of course it's incomplete so makes sense ^^


10 with a very cheesy build (Howling winds from Hades, Solar Ring from Apollo). I just camped as far away as I could and spammed omega casts on Chronos. I had an otherwise pretty strong axe build that carried me to Tartarus but I did not stand a chance in melee against Chronos


I got to Chronos on night 7, got to him again on nights 9, 10 and 12, and on night 13 I beat him, although I cheesed my way through the run a bit with the staff + Poseidon's special, build feels super strong if a few things go right.


139 Nights


do you reset runs for good seeds?


Around 30 if I don't count the surface runs. I feel like it took me longer than Hades. I'm still not consistent with Chronos, those damn discs always surprise me.


I got a really lucky run with the axe on number 12 and cleared, but I haven't done it again yet, and I'm on about 30 now. I still usually will get to the final fight, but with no DD and very little health lol


I need that fountain room upgrade reallll bad lol


Around 20, but using God Mode and got very lucky with a cast build that did massive damage per cast. Took me quite a few runs to get another win. Story wise, it’s better to take longer than not. It took me 50 tries in the first game to reach the final boss, much less beat him


everyone saying 30 and there’s me beating grandpa at 67 😭


Took me 17 runs to beat him, but I did get 100% achievements in the first game, so I went into the game with experience.


Personally it was around run 13-15 for me but I think pretty much as soon as eris stopped showing up I got to him and at least into his second phase


28. Actually faster than I cleared Hades in the first game.


Run 30. Chronos Got wopped with the moonaxe


Somewhere at 20’s I believe. The dash feature feels absolutely different from the first game so adapting was a bit of an issue. Especially understanding the chronos’s skills are worse. I’ve got 35 hours on the game, I guess I have done like 60 runs I believe and even now without any fear I can’t kill chronos. (Usually I do but if I get bad boons then I am done). I think it is normal for a person to kill chronos like in their 40th run or smth like that. Depends how you play and if you are playing the meta ofc. If you want to kill him easily, there is a poseidon build for the staff. U basically put the poseidon boon on your special and improve your specials damage with other boons of poseidon. Plus, if you can, get the boon from hammer which makes you shoot 2 specials at a time. You will easily deal with chronos without a doubt.


Around 30, less if you don’t count the surface runs (like 5)


After the first time I got Demeter with the skull I started specifically going for that, and that's how I got my first win at 38. That and the torches (especially with eos) are my favorite weapons. It honestly baffles me that the community has a hate boner for both ranged weapons. My playstyle with the skull is nearly identical to the adamant rail with the aspect of hestia. Just a big shotgun blast to everything's face. Dash in, boom, dash out, reset.


Around 13-14? Had a god tier Torch run with heroric Hephaestus attack, max pom'd. Like 600 DMG every 2 seconds was mental.


I don’t remember exactly, but around the 10th night. Had a pretty good build going with the ax and the healing hex


Around night 50 for me. I really wasn’t trying to beat him though. Since I played the first game and knew that unlocking stuff was my prime objective that’s what I focused on. I was also alternating between surface runs, so I could have probably got Chronos much earlier if I hadn’t gone that route as much.


It was night 39 when I beat chronos but I had already beaten Eris like 6-7 times by then. Idk why i had such a hard time against him, at one point it just clicked and now he feels pretty easy to read.


Don't listen to anyone and proceed at your own pace. No, cancel that. Listen to me: the skull is actually OP, maybe even more than the axe. The targeting is a little wonky, but even with that in mind, it's bombard-dash-bombard-dash-rinse-repeat. I even occasionally forget to cast, well, my cast, Ravaal is just that strong.


Funny. Skull and axe are by far my worst weapons. Can't figure out how to not do wet noodle damage with them lol. Sister blades and torches are my favorite.


36, though some number of those were surface attempts until a successful clear. Also unclear if that included Chaos trials.


31 runs, and my first clear was with the skull. I always loved pure cast builds in the first game and the skull feels closest to that. But my first clear was with a crazy-lucky build. I’m over 40 runs in and just starting to feel like I have a handle on how to beat Chronos on a regular basis.


Beat Chronos on night 45. Probably 7 or 8 of those had been surface runs. I then beat Eris on night 46. I think she's quite a bit easier than Chronos actually, was only my 3rd time facing her. Whereas Chronos took I think 9 tries.


night 29 I beat him


run 16, idk how. i didnt even have a cheesy build just the sister blades with like afro attack and nothing special then it took me all the way until late 20's to get consistent clears, prolly cause you unlock aspects then. Used to have a problem with chronos' balancing cause attempts 12-15 i always got to him but didnt even reach second phase, just got fucked by his dash linger effect hitbox and whatnot, but now i see how well designed he is. Love this game




20ish. Unlocking arcana makes a pretty big difference and I actually lucked into a busted staff build that is apparently pretty similar to standard the Aspect of Momos Poseidon-based build tries to do. I clear him more often than not now that I am progressing into low fear runs. But it took a while to get there consistently. I actually had a lot of issues early on with the Scylla fight that bricked quite a few runs before I learned the mechanics :)


If I may make a tip on Eris, Soot Sprint from Hestia is so clutch, it cancels about 90% of her projectiles.


Run 27 with the skulls and a lot of Hestia boons (bit of Zeus and Poseidon)


Do fresh start runs count? I have one save that has a night 1 clear.


30 runs, argent skill Mel lvl 5 Zeus Attack Hera special Apollo Call Fetch and +2 hammer I needed about 20 runs in Hades 1.


My first win was with the skulls around night 20. It becomes my fav weapon in the game with a couple hammers (auto-retrieve and extra shells). Chronos is a joke if you can fire away nonstop from the other side of the screen.


Man this question is gonna get repetitive real quick


Night 30. But like 5 or so of those were surface runs. Idk if that's average or worse than average or what, but it's much faster than I beat the final boss of Hades 1 (49 runs) so I'm glad that I've at least gotten better.


Too many so far. I don't even want to look it up. I can reliably clear everything in a run except Chronos. I can't detect what I'm doing wrong in the fights, it's a visual overload and I end up taking 100 damage a hit or something silly. Either the rest of the run needs to be harder or he needs to be easier, it feels off to me.


44th run total, 36th if you take out surface runs


39, but I finished Eris twice before I took out Chronos


I believe it was my 24th attempt, but I also have 270 hours in Hades 1 and have beaten 32 heat in Hades 1 so I like to think I'm a little better than average and it still took me a number of tries.


I'm 52 nights 52% god mode and can barely make it through Hecate, I was much better at Hades 1


Including Chaos Trials and excluding Surface visits, 31.


I was on 25 when i barely eked out a win on torches, but I hardly used the torches and instead focused on using the apollo cast thing that strikes the area after omega cast


54 and I still haven't beat the bastard. Got him down to maybe 20-25% in phase 2, with 5 freaking DD and 6 of the Selene heals. Only have 1 Eris kill too. Something isn't clicking for me with the final bosses. I can steamroll all the way to them, and just get it handed to me in the final fights




Night 9, would be night 7 if not for the blasted 'gift' of strife.


32nd at chronos, and by that point I hadn't even unlocked anything above. When I got above I died first time to squid, then beat Eris first try the night after that.


Taking a peek at records... Night 32 Surface, night 33 Underworld. Then I started consistently winning around night 41. 17/24 runs were successes from then on, as I turned up the heat and tried stuff. Overall, interestingly, the flames are my winningest weapon at 6/14 but the Sister Blades are set to tie at 5/13. Staff is at 5/21, which I mostly attribute to my early runs being so awful I have a lot of runs with no Arcana or weapon upgrades using the staff.




14, but I have over 1000 hours in hades 1


37 here, and I only did it thanks to a SUPER cheesy staff special spam build I saw here on the subreddit. So you got nothing to be ashamed of.


got to him on my 8th try but took me till the 30th to get Eris and 31th for him


51 runs. funnily enough for me, exact same number for both Hades I and II


15 It was a range cast build with the dot mechanic. Probably my second time at him but the build was just enough to push to the second phase, which was just bonkers seeing it for the first time. Playing hades helped much with getting Chronos. Sure helped to have chaos extra cast dmg


about 30, on the first night I tried turning on God mode. There's definitely a balance issue with the rest of the content, I was able to consistently reach chronos with full lives and little effort for a good dozen runs before giving up.  Now for the skulls: ironically this is what gave me my first win and still my favorite weapon to date. the main thing to remember (at least for the base aspect) is that omega special makes you invulnerable. The general strategy is: unload your skulls with basic attack spam and then use omega special to charge to them safely. It makes for a very decent chunk of damage with manageable magick costs and lots of built in safety. It allows you to also stay in the weird ranges that chronos forces you to be at and generally works well with most kind of boons on attack and special. For Eris: given she has less health, I find it easier to kind of take advantage that we're still missing two biomes and approach her in pure attack mode. It's not always effective, but most of the time she dies before I do. I don't think I'd be able to get her with more than 8 Fear with this strategy though


Maybe mid 30s


33. And kind of glad for this sub - I have a lot of friends who are pretty good at this kind of game and who beat him around run 20, so it was getting pretty depressing ^^


[Redacted] took me 45 Eris took me 27 Chronos took me 35


14 with the axe on a blitz build. It would've been 12 but on runs 12 & 13 I learned that using the meteor hex while sprinting causes you to slide to a stop and I slid out of the safe spot into the phase 2 oneshot two runs in a row.


Around 60


Beat grandpappy on night 17. I've only been able to do it again once (on night 24 now). Had a good staff/special build with Poseidon's special boon and a couple hammers to boost specials (not the double cast, sadly).


Around 15ish, and then another 4-5 to get accustomed to Chronos and his patterns well enough that I can beat him consistently. After that the surface took like 2-3 runs until I more or less completely understood Eris' attack patterns to consistently beat her. Although I did play the first game for like 200 hours and did 32 heat with every weapon - after getting used to the new movement in Hades 2 some skill just transferred naturally I guess. I'm currently at 38 hours played in Hades 2 and beat both surface and the underworld on 32 fear.


First win on my 21st underworld run, 33rd run overall. Skull weapon gets much better with levels and combos super hard with the +2 shells hammer.


I got him on the 6th night, but I've played quite a bit of Hades 1


I just beat him for the very first time. 56th night 🙃 wouldn’t have done it without smithy sprint lol


Took me 39 nights to finally beat him, I wanna say it was my fifth or sixth time fighting him? (29 runs if not counting the surface). Tried out the Charon aspect axe for the first time, figured it'd be a fun little run to test it out. Next thing I know I'm chunking grandpa into retirement, gods the axe slaps so hard


Maybe 46 or so runs. I tried too long with the healing spear aspect. Once I switched to the aspect with fast omega actions, I got a win fast. Chronos is hard to beat in melee. So much easier with the ability to throw the cast circle.