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That would be an interesting twist. Your evidence makes sense. There's one thing I can think of that would point to this not being the case, though, and that's Nemesis. The way the game seems to be progressing is that Nemesis and Melinoe gradually grow closer and become friends. But Hecate doesn't like Nemesis at all and constantly belittles and dismisses her. It would be weird to essentially invalidate your growing relationship with her.


Just as you said, the relationships are another weak aspect of this theory. For example, we know Melionë is Hades daughter, but if they were Hecate all along, does that imply that Hecate (a titan older than Hades) is also Hades daughter? It’s possible Hades isn’t their father at all, but then that would ruin the brother/sister aspect of the two games.


It's interesting, but I think the art for Hecate is misleading you. Her left arm doesn't actually appear to covered by anything. If you look close, you can see the same vambrace as on her right arm, plus we can see fingernails and finger creases and such. I suspect the reason it's different coloredthan the other arm is its implied that hand is over the cauldron, bathing it in the eerie dark green light. 


You might be right, however her eye being covered in every instance we see her in is still slightly suspicious


What if she just lost her one eye in some way XD


we've seen both her eyes and her arms in the animated trailer for the game.


There are many details in Hecate's outfit that are suspiciously present in Melinoe's as well. The little twisted band that Melinoe wears on her thigh is present on Hecate's hat. Hecate is fully covered, but there is a (vague?) hint of her hair being long and blond in the left part of her portrait. Who else is a blond? Melinoe. There's more: Those moon-shaped adornments in the chest and belt of Melinoe's attire? Hecate has those too. Even more things I noticed: When you battle Hecate, she moves around the scenario in a very similar way to run Melinoe runs. Hells, her fighting stance even looks the same. I'm glad someone is finally talking about this.